
Colorless Euphoria [Han Jisung]

A story where the world is only black and white till you meet your soulmate.

May_Younji · Celebrities
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25 Chs

"Beat his ass."

Joy's POV

"Hey Yugyeom."

I said smiling and waving at the boys.

"What's with the hands..?"

Jinyoung stayed raising an eyebrow at my hand intertwined with Jisung's.

"Guys me and Hyunjin broke up."

"What what?!?!"

They all yelled and Yugyeom walked up to me with a smirk and our one hand on my shoulder leaning in towards my ear but between mine and Jisung's head.

"See I told you, you saw color with the squirrel not the whore."

I laughed a bit and looked at Jisung who was blushing, I guess he heard. Whoops.

"So did you really break up with him?"

Jay asked and a small smile as I nod my head.

"Hey, can I ask y'all a question.?"

I never let go of Jisung's hand through this, he tried to get away but I didn't let him.


Hanbin asked with eyes that were sparkling with a proud look.

"What if I finally lost my virginity?"

"Wait what?!?!"

Everyone looked at me in shock and I started to blush but then my brothers eyes started to trace to Jisung.

"No not with him."

I laughed and he just blushed but then his face turned serious.

"Was it-"

"No it wasn't Hyunjin! It was just a genuine question."

I interrupted Jisung and he smiled a bit to himself when he heard the answer.


"Hyunjin just fuck me already."

We went on with a hot make out session and he slowly slipped hi shirt off sitting over me for a minute letting me admire his body.

"Do you like it?"

I nodded a bit and he just smirked bringing his way back down attacking my sweet spot on my neck. I moan quietly and yet again I feel another smirk.

"I want you to moan louder okay baby?"


I spoke breathlessly as he started to kid down my neck making it to my collar bone licking and sucking on it. I could feel each mark become darker and it made my body shake in pleasure. He slowly made his way from my collar bone to my chest making hickeys down it as well leaving mo place unmarked. He got to my hips and started to kiss slowly around my waist line. The only thing in the way that stopped him for continuing any further was my moans of pleasure from his teasing but also my school girl skirt me had me put on.


"Yeah baby?"

He said before planting another kiss on my waist slowly making his way back up going over each mark again.

"Are you gonna keep teasing?"

I asked and he just looked at me with a small smirk.

"You want me to stop..?"

His breath now being felt in my ear as he slowly licks and nibbles at it.

"N-not really."

I said and he just smirk slowly tracing his fingers up and down my upper body giving me goosebumps as he kissed deeper into my neck. He slowly lifts both of my legs up to where I'm in a sit up position. He picks me up and sets me in his lap and starts to go over my chest slowly slipping the skirt of my hips to we're I'm now only in my underwear. Then I feel a bare hand slap my ass.

"H-Hyunjin that hurt."

I said and he just smiled.

"But it felt good too, didn't it."

"Yeah a littl-"

I moan louder as slaps my inner thighs making pain shoot through me but finding pleasure in it all.

"Since this is your first time I'll go easy but next time I won't promise anything, ok?"

I wrap my arms around his neck attacking him in a kiss to where his back hits the bed, our tongues fight for dominance but as soon as I almost made another move he squeezed my ass and sucked on my tongue causing a muffled moan to skip out.

"See, you can't win baby girl, now. Come here."

He turned us over to where he was on top and I was on bottom and he held my wrist at a daring grip above my head and started to kiss my chest sucking right in the middle making me moan softly.

"Louder baby I can't hear you."

He said and slowly made his way to my pantie waist line kissing it making me arch my back and squirm a bit from pleasure.


"I think your ready baby girl."

And those words made me snap, 'your ready.' No I wasn't, he wasn't the right person. Of course I had fallen for him but I know he's not the right person.

"Hyunjin I'm not."

I said pushing him off of me.

"Wait what?"

"Hyunjin I'm not ready...please just leave, I'm sorry about this."

"It's fine baby girl when ever your ready."


Huh...lying bastard.

(Flashback over)

"Do you want to..?"

June asked and I kinda smiled...

"To the squirrel maybe but will you allow it?"

I asked and they all smiled.

"Of course."

Jinyoung steps ahead and smiles holding his hand out for Jisung to shake.

"Welcome to the family kid."

Jinyoung said when Jisung took his hand.

"Wait really?!?!"

Me and Bobby screamed at the same time.

"Of course."

Jinyoung said and I quickly run and jump into his arms.

"Thank you Jinyoung."

"Of course."


"I can't believe Jinyoung just let that happen!"

I said and Jisung just giggled.

"I can."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah I'm not Hyunjin"

He said and I just giggle, true your better.

"Should we tell the others??"

I asked and he just smirked

"Not yet but definitely Jeongin and Felix. They helped a lot."

I just smiled.

"Ok. Should we tell the boys what actually happened?"

I asked and he just stood there.

"I don't know that's your choice really."

He responded with a small shrug with his shoulders and a smile and I smile back.

"Then we will do that."

I smiled and he just pecked my nose and quickly blsuhed. I just sat there in shock of course, I kinda didn't expect it.

"S-Sorry I've been wanting to do that for a minute now."

He said with a small smile with blush still causing a crimson red to lay across his face. I smile and peck his lips quickly and he becomes darker and just looks at me with wide eyes.

"Pay back."

I said with a smile and he just laughed a bit causing the redness to go away. He's so cute.


"Guys I have some thing to tell y'all."

I said bringing all seven brothers down onto a their couch in their new apartment.

"What is it?"

Yugyeom asked with a sweet smile which made my heart hit the floor. Before I spoke Jisung squeezed my hand and looked at me with a reassuring smile making me nod and take a breathe.

"The reason me and Hyunjin broke up was because he cheated on me and I didn't see color the last time I saw him but then Jisung came to my house after I told him and he was the source of color. I hope you guys will except him."

I said and they kinda smiled but Bobby stayed straight faced.

"Hey guys I gotta go."

He said with his jaw locked and started to walk but I quickly grab his arm and interrogate him.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't know yet."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Beat his ass."

And with that I let go of his arm out of shock but Mark quickly tackled him. He's never done that before why did he care now.

"Call bully man!"

Bobby screeched as Mark held him to the wall.

"Bobby no! You need to calm down!"

"Call bully man or imma run off myself!"

He screeched again, but....what does he want with JB?

"I'll call him..."

I said and everyone went quite as the phone began to ring.


His voice rang and I just smile sadly as I speak.

"Yah, can you meet Bobby at the park?"

"Yeah what's going on?"

"I don't know but he just said to call you and while I was at it I think you can help him get some air and help cool him off."

"Oh yeah ok."

And with that he hung up.

"Bobby park now JB will be there."

I snapped and they let him up.


He said running out the door and slamming it behind him.

What did he want with JB anyway???