

Chapter 80 - Concept Builds, Repel Intent

Athan added the name of all intents he had comprehended but the result made him smile wryly.

[ None has been able to incorporate this many elemental intents into one concept. ]

He then removed all other Elemental intents and kept Space Intent.

[ 7502 Concepts with Space intent in them is found. ]

Right after that, The list in grid view appeared once again and this time all of the concepts had Space Intent in them.

[ Concept of Spatial Flame Archery ]- C Rank

- Elemental Intent: Space Intent, Fire Intent.

- Mystic Intent: Bow Intent, Penetration Intent, Speed Intent.


[ Concept of Voilet Spatial Lightning ]- A Rank

- Elemental Intent: Space Intent, Lightning Intent, Fire Intent, Water Intent.

- Mystic Intent: Vibration Intent, Speed Intent, Mireser Intent.


" Mireser Intent? " Athan touched that word and information about it appeared.

[ Mireser Intent, It can erase Mind Energy ( Psychic Energy, Mystic Energy, Mystic Force, etc ]

" So this the Mystic Intent that Tiana needs to comprehend. "

He then continued to look below and found an S Rank intent.


[ Concept of Spatial Ruination Sword King ( By Sword King of Death, Telian ]- S Rank

- Elemental Intent: Space Intent, Metal Intent, Death Intent, Shadow Intent, Dark Intent.

- Mystic Intent: Speed Intent, Gravity Intent, Bleed Intent, Mireser Intent, Penetrate Intent, Attract Intent.


[ Concept of Space Shattering Hammer ]- C Rank

- Elemental Intent: Space Intent, Earth Intent, Metal Intent.

- Mystic Intent: Shatter Intent, Hammer Intent, Heavy Intent.


[ Concept of Spatial illusional Blood Mist ]- A Rank

- Elemental Intent: Blood Intent, Space Intent, Mist Intent.

- Mystic Intent: Illusion Intent, Bleed Intent, Pleasure Intent, Penetrate Intent.


[ Concept of Space Mirage Destructive Fists ]- A Rank

- Elemental Intent: Space Intent, Dark Intent, Water intent.

- Mystic Intent: Boxing Intent, Speed Intent, Illusion Intent, Shatter Intent, Heavy Intent.


He then looked at the tab on the side of this list and pressed on [ Defensive ].

Previously, He was watching [ Offensive ] Concepts but now he started looking through defensive concepts which had Space in them.

Athan continued to read for sometime before stopping and took a deep breath.

" Fuck!! "

Tiana was startled hearing that and turned to him before asking, " What happened? "

Athan sighed and said while shaking his head, " Nothings, It's just I found many new elements and just too many Mystic Intents. "

Tiana nodded and smiled as she said, " Yeah but we have just started and the road is long. Let's not be overwhelmed and train step by step. "

" Indeed, But I'm not settling for anything less than S rank concepts. " Athan said resolutely.

Tiana looked at Athan and said in a way that shows how confident she was in him, " Knowing your Ability and Talent, You can definitely realize S Rank concepts. Just a month ago, You didn't have any Intents but now, You have reached Intermediate Level in 9 Elemental Intents. Those real teachers should already take you as their students if they knew about it. "

Athan shook his head and said, " Didn't Professor Lom said that Before reaching Master Level in Intents, Everything is useless? There should be many people reaching the Intermediate level in more Elements like me, But our real worth will only show if we can reach the Master level in this many Intents. "

While they were talking, Something was happening in another place that just proved what Athan said was right.


A man in his forties was sitting crossed while floating in the sky, His upper body had no clothes and showed explosive muscles.

His long dark blue hair was fluttering due to wind. But the most shocking thing was the environment around him.

It was normal yet abnormal.

There were no trees and only rocks and other landscapes with zero greenery.

Suddenly, A man was teleported to this from somewhere, But right after appeared, His knees bend down before he was slammed to the ground with his face eating the dirt.

A groan escaped his mouth as he barely said, " Mas-Master..."

The man who just appeared was none other than the Captain Leyhar of the spaceship in which Athan and Tiana travelled to Myriad Stars Academy.

The man who was floating spoke while his eyes still closed, " Stay under my Ruler Domain for 10 minutes, I am not using any powers as it's just simple pressure. You should be able to resist that much with your Profound Domain Cultivation. "

The captain was speechless but there was no other choice, He activated his Profound Domain but...

A small outline of green and red lit up around him before it was dissolved in a second.

' Sigh, I can't resist. I'll have to stay like this for 10 minutes. Looks like someone informed Master about my defeat yesterday. ' Thinking of this, He felt like beating the person who ratted out on him.

He then thought angrily, ' I just arrived from picking up kids from Sorca galaxy and was intentionally challenged by that bastard right after that, But still, He became a step ahead of me and reached peak Profound Domain while I was away. Looks like I'll have to focus hard on training as I'm also just a step away from reaching there. '

10 minutes passed...as a Sigh escaped from the mouth of the long blue-haired man who was floating.

" Focus on training from now on, You will not go outside before reaching the peak of Profound Domain Plane. "

Leyhar could move but instead of directly standing up he kowtowed and said voice filled with respect., " Master, I will not fail next time and will definitely defeat that son of a bi...I mean I will defeat him. "

The person who defeated him also had a Master and Their Masters were rivals from long ago, Now their rivalry shifted to their disciples too.

" Now speak, Any promising Kids you found in the examinations ?"

He thought for a moment and said, " There were some who comprehended Master Level Intent in my Origin Intent plane batch but Even the No.1 person had only mastered 3 Elemental Intents and 2 Mystic Intents, 3 of them realized a concept after arriving here but they were C rank concepts. "

Afterward, He shook his head before continuing, " Energy Plane batch was as disappointing as always, Those idiotic rich clans buy Affinity pills for their younger generations so they had lots of Affinities but only a few comprehended Intents. "

He then remembered a case and said, " But there was a kid, I think he has terrifying comprehension power because when he just registered, He had comprehended 0 intents but in a few days he comprehended 8 Intents at Intermediate Level and after a few more days he also comprehended Space Intent at Intermediate Level, "

The man who was floating in the sky shook his head and said, "If he really has that terrifying comprehension that you said, Then he should reach Master Level in those intents too but for now, It doesn't prove anything. "

" Alright, now go and start practicing, If you lose to that old fogey's disciple again then I'll send you to train on Sterline Continent. "

Hearing " Sterline Continent " Leyhar's face paled a bit before hurriedly saying, " Don't worry master, I will definitely challenge him after I reach peak Profound Domain Plane and defeat him. "



After Athan and Tiana look through Concept builds for some time, They started a fierce battle in their bedroom.

Athan had lifted up Tiana as his hands were grabbing her mellow bottom and were fiercely sending his dragon inside as it hit Tiana's deepest part with every thrust.


Tiana had an extremely blissful but perverted face as she wrapped her hands around Athan's neck and enjoyed the pounding.



After battling for 2 hours in a few standing positions, Tiana was limp while Athan with his still erect meat rod looked inside his Mystic Realm.

' Hmmm...Looks like we have to dual cultivate every day and gather more of this energy as I need to test something. '

He then walked towards the Tiana and carried her in a princess carry pose before putting her on the bed which for now was just a wood bed formed by Athan But on it were two big leaves of a tree they found nearby.

These leaves are fat and bouncy and proved to be a good material to fight a passionate battle on them.


After a few hours...

Both Tiana and Athan were sitting crossed legs with their eyes closed.

Athan was just this close to comprehending Repel Intent, While Tiana was increasing her comprehension of Dark Intent to elevate it to Intermediate Level.

After It reaches Intermediate Level, Her first Main Test would be completed successfully.

After exactly an hour, Athan opened his eyes as a smile formed on his mouth.

" Repel Intent...successfully comprehended and it's indeed magical. " Athan murmured with a smile, He spoke a low voice so as to not disturb Tiana who had finally entered deep meditation after 2 hours of trying.

' But why is the mission not completed yet? ' Athan thought with some confusion as he looked at the details on his Digiband.

< Athan >

- Credits: 97

< Virtual World >

Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.

[ Missions ]: None currently. ( In 4 hours. )

[ Main Tests ]: Comprehend a Mystic Intent at Elementry Level--->Reward: 20 Credits. ( Time limit: 1 year )

{-Concept Builds-}


' The mission will also be revealed after 4 hours...wait. I think Digiband can't probably sense that I have comprehended the repel mystic intent...Looks like I have to use it first. '

He then flew out from the tree and floated in the sky before creating a small repel field in front of him.

The field had no color but he had created a small 1 square meter field in front of him.

After he was done creating the field using his Mystic Force, He cast a small fireball towards it.

Athan looked on as the fireball reached the repelling field but when it hit the field, its direction changed to side.

[The main test (2) completed ]

-Reward: 30 Credits. ( Extra 50% credits for finishing the test in less than 50% of given time. )

Chapter 81 - Consciousness Carrier

[ Please check the content of the new Main Test ]


< Athan >

- Credits: 97

< Virtual World >

Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.

[ Missions ]: None currently. ( In 1 hour. )

[ Main Tests ]: Comprehend two Mystic Intents at Intermediate level----> Reward: 60 Credits ( Time Limit: 3 years )

{-Concept Builds-}


An hour passed by as Athan and Tiana heard the notification of the mission.

[ A joint mission has been issued to you and your partner ]

[ Defeat an Origin Grade 3 beast, Cloud Lightning Deer ]

---> Total Reward: 2 Relax Incense and 20 Credits. ( time limit: 1 Month. )

OR [ Defeat an Origin grade 4 beast, Nefar Diamond Bull ]

---> Total Reward: 4 Relax Incense and 40 Credits. ( Time Limit: 1 Month. )


Origin Intent Plane has 4 stages, Elementry, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master which correlates to the Level of intents. But Magical beasts' grading is different.

They instead have round cores inside their bodies. Grade 1 & 2 magical beasts can be defeated by Elementry Origin Stage students, while Grade 3 & 4 magical beasts can be defeated by Intermediate Origin Stage students and so on.

Athan smiled seeing the mission and said, " Let's finish this and start practicing. The next missions will become harder gradually. and the Relax Incense will be helpful to you, They cost 30 Credits each and we are getting 4 for this easy mission. "

Tiana nodded as they both started the mission.


Athan could defeat this Bull alone but Tiana wouldn't be able to defeat it even though they are both intermediate Origin Stage Because Athan had comprehended more Intents at Intermediate Level while Tiana only comprehended one Intent at the intermediate level so her Overall Combat Ability was quite lower than Athan's.

The bull had a very hard defense and it attacked with the sound element.

But with Athan's high offensive power and agility, The bull was defeated easily in a few minutes, while Tiana didn't even have to move.

[ Joint Mission completed. Rewards split: Athan--> 2 Relax Incense, 20 Credits. Tiana--> 2 Relax Incense, 20 Credits. ]

After receiving rewards, Athan directly transfers 2 Relax Incense to Tiana as he didn't need those things.

He then looked at the mission and saw that the next mission will take not 1 day but 1 whole month.

Tiana said, " I think the next mission will be harder so they are giving us more time to practice as they also gave us Relax Incense for training. "

Athan then said to Tiana while Activating his Digiband.

" You stay here to comprehend your 2nd intent at Intermediate level after lighting a Relax Incense while I go visit the Virtual World to check out some things. "

After saying this, He entered the virtual World.

He directly went towards the Academy store area and found what he was looking for after a minute.

[ Intent Store ]

Many students were also entering this exact store which had wide-open doors.

Of course, you can't buy intents from here. But you can buy similar things like Intent Slates which were sold in Point shop previously.

The use of Intent Slates was such that, They might open a door for you towards that intent but comprehending it to Master Level is entirely on one's ability.

Athan thought while he entered the store, ' I just need to buy the cheapest thing because comprehending intent inside the black whirlpool can increase my comprehension ability to a height which even I'm unaware of. '

But after he entered the store, He was dumbfounded because it was a small store and there was no one besides him.

' What the heck is going on? '

" Please put your left on the table to initiate the Intent Store. "

A voiced sound inside the store as Athan did as instructed and after that, A hologram lit up in front of him.

Athan saw that the big hologram had lists of Elemental and Mystic Intents.

' But where did other students go? Could it be that...All of the students enter their personal small store like this? ' Athan thought that this should be the case as this is a virtual world.

He first activated his Digiband and filtered S Rank Concepts.

" I'll first realize an S rank concept from this because it would be easier and after I achieve the Genesis Conceptual Plane I will try to realize my own concept. "

The reason he decided this was because the faster he completes his main missions and steps into Genesis conceptual Plane, The more rewards he will get and also more opportunities as told by both Yegan and Professor Lom.

He then began taking look at those S rank concepts.

After looking for a while, He found an S rank concept that matched his current comprehended Elemental Intents and only required for him to comprehend Mystic Intents.

[ Concept of Destructive Orbs ]- S Rank

- Elemental Intents: Fire Intent, Water Intent, Lightning Intent, Air Intent, Dark Intent.

- Mystic Intents: Vibration Intent, Repel Intent, Attract Intent, Speed Intent, Gravity Intent.

[ Purchase Detailed information about this concept for 50 Credits. ]

Athan chose to buy the detailed information for 50 credits but instead of receiving Detailed information, he received a lecture.

[ Student Athan, You can only buy detailed information about concepts when you have at least mastered one intent or after attending the 2nd lecture which will happen after exact 5 months, 3 days, and 14 hours. ]

[ For now, Just focus on Mastering the Intents because without mastering intents, You can only dream about realizing S rank concepts. Good luck. ]

Athan was speechless...

' Screw you, It's not like I will be overwhelmed by the new information. ' Shaking his head, He pressed his hand on the mystic Intent Listed in this Concepts to buy them.

[ Intent Slate - 10 Credits. ]

[ Intent Slab - 50 Credits. ]

[ Intent Inscribe Tablet - 100 Credits. ]

" looks like there are better versions but I only need Slates. "

He then bought Intent Slates of Vibration Intent, Attract Intent, Speed Intent, and Gravity Intent before leaving the shop.

But instead of going back, he entered another building which had [ Help & Queries ] written.

There were also many students entering but the situation was similar to Intent Store.

In the small room...

[ Please ask your question ]

" Is there any artifact that can let a person's consciousness enter another person's body? "

[ There is, and It is known as Consciousness Carrier. But After one enters Soul Altar Plane, They can move the consciousness out of the body so it is not recommended to waste Credits on buying such items and instead buy resources to progress faster. ]

" How much it costs? "

[ Please look into Artifact Store for such information. ]

After leaving this store, He walked a bit more before finding the Artifact Store and entered.

After entering, He didn't waste time looking through the list and directly wrote Consciousness Carrier on the search bar which was on top of the filter.

[ Consciousness Carrier ]

- Price: 200 Credits.

" 200 credits...But it's worth it if Tiana can also enter inside the black whirlpool and comprehend Intents there. otherwise, with how things are, I will keep getting stronger while she will remain weak. " Athan murmured as he looked at the Artifact.

' Currently, I have 77 Credits while Tiana must have around 70 credits. ' Thinking of this, he nodded as they would be able to buy it after completing the new mission after a month.

He then left the shop and returned to the real world.

Seeing that Tiana was comprehending the Intents with a Relax Incense by her side, Athan also sat crossed-legged before sending his consciousness towards the depth of the Black whirlpool while bringing Attracter Intent Slate with him.

He then found his Mystic Force seemed to have increased in quantity.

Looking at his stats he was surprised to find that his Mind stat had been increased by 10.


Strength: 100

Constitution: 100

Mind: 30 ( Mystic Force )

' Could it be...because I successfully comprehended Elementry Level of Repel Intent? Hmm...this must be the case, So we have to comprehend Mystic Intents to increase our mind stat. '

He then focused on comprehending the Attract Intent with his consciousness in a very focused mode.


After 2 days, He had successfully comprehended the Elementry Level of Attract Intent.

The principal of Repel and Attract Intent was similar yet opposite.

Repel is to Push away while Attract is to pull in.

Opening his eyes, He saw that Tiana was still in deep meditation so he continued to comprehend These two mystic Intents to reach the Intermediate level in them.


After 3 days, He successfully comprehended the Intermediate Level of Repel Intent but seeing that Tiana was still in meditation, He also continued and after another 3 days, He reached the Intermediate Level of Attract Intent.

Just as he opened his eyes, He heard Tiana's voice.

" So you finally woke up. " Tiana was coming towards him with a big plate.

Athan's nose twitched as he smelled good food.

Tiana put the plate before him and saying with a smile, " I finished my Meditation and now I just need one more session of deep meditation to reach Intermediate Level in Dark Intent. I also bought some seasonings from Public Market to make these fishes tastier. "

" What about your progress? " She asked after sitting down in front of Athan while serving the grilled fishes.

Athan answered with a grin, " Let's first eat, I'm too hungry and I also have good news for you. "

" What good news? "

" I'll tell you later, Let's eat first. The smell is too good. It's been a long time since I'll eat something tasty. "


After they were done eating, Athan said with a grin, " I have reached Intermediate Level in two mystic Intents in these 8 days. "

Tiana's hands twitched a bit hearing that as she felt anxious feelings welling up inside her heart.

Athan noticed this and hugged her before caressing her back and said, " Don't worry, The good news is that, I also have a way to increase your progression in Intents. The thing you are fearing...I will not let that happen. Remove those thoughts like you are not worthy of me because you are and even right now you are not and won't be a burden to me...Ever. "

Tears started to fall from her eyes as Tiana started crying, Not because she was sad but because she was happy.


Afterward, Inside their newly created bed with bouncing leaves, A passionate battle filled with pleasure started.

Chapter 82 - Accident

After Athan used Attract and Repel Intent the next day, His current Main test was successfully cleared and received 60 Credits.

[ New Main Test ]: Comprehend 2 Elemental Intent at Advance Level---> Reward:- 150 Credits. ( Time Limit: 3 years )

' Since I got 60 points now, Then we should be able to buy the consciousness carrier artifact. ' Thinking about it, He turned towards Tiana who was sitting beside him, and asked.

" How many points you currently have? "

Tiana answered after a second, " 54 Credits. I initially had 74 Credits, but I bought those seasonings which cost me 20 Credits to buy 5 types of different seasonings. "

" I see...We are short of just 9 Credits to buy a thing that will help increase your comprehension speed with the way that I'm doing. Anyway, You are just a bit away from comprehending Dark Intermediate Intent so after you achieve that and complete your main test, We can go buy that thing. "

Tiana nodded with a smile as she felt happy.

Afterward, Both of them once again started comprehending intents. Tiana also lit up the 2nd incense as the first incense was long gone. Their duration is only 4 hours.

But that much time is enough for it to help clear one's mind and let them enter the deep meditation.


After 4 days, Athan comprehended Advanced Level Fire Intent before Tiana could comprehend her Intermediate Dark intent which she was very close to achieving.

But Just as he comprehended the Advance level of fire Intent, Something started to happen inside his Energy Realm.

The Fire Crystal turned into strange glowing red energy before it left his Energy Realm and started to refine his body.

Athan was shocked as this process was similar to how his body was refined for the first time.

His body twitched a bit as the energy was refining his body.

' Feeling this pain after a long time....'

He could already tolerate the pain of his body being refined by one energy so he just sat there and let the Crystal energy do its work while he fell into thought.

' Why did the fire crystal refined my body after I reached the Advance level in Fire Intent? And why didn't refine my body when I comprehended Elementry Level and Intermediate Level Elemental Intents? '

After thinking for a second, He easily guessed the reason, ' It should be because of the absence of the Origin Energy at that time. hmmm...I should also buy some Blood Energy Pill so that my black whirlpool can give me blood affinity. That Bloody Threads flowing method is a good defense Flowing Method. '

After 20 minutes, The Crystal Fire energy returned to his Energy Realm before once again becoming solid Fire Crystal and started spinning to absorb the Fire Origin Energy.

His other Crystals were not spinning because they had hit the limit but since his Fire Intent reached Advance Level, He could now absorb more Fire Energy.

Seeing that Tiana wasn't done yet, He continued and started to comprehend Water Intent.

But After a day, Tiana comprehended the Intermediate Level of Dark Intent as a smile formed on her face.

[ Main Test, Comprehend Two Elemental Intent at Intermediate Level cleared---> Reward: 20 Credits.]

[ New Main Test, Comprehend a Mystic Intent at Elementry Level---Reward: 20 Credits ] ( Time Limit: 1 year )


' Until Athan wakes up, Let me decorate our home. ' With a happy smile, She flew away and started to gather flowers and other such things before also designing the wood.

In two days, She visited various nearby habitats and brought things to decorate the house. She even coloured the wood with the use of colourful plants.

" Let's bring some more fishes and veggies. When Athan wakes up, I'll make some tasty dishes. "


After another two days, Athan opened his eyes and threw a small ball of water energy.

[ Main Test, Comprehend Two Elemental Intent at Advanced Level cleared---> Reward: 150 Credits received. ]

[ New Main Test, Comprehend a Mystic Intent at Advanced Level---> Reward: 60 Credits ] ( Time Limit: 1.5 Years )


' These many Credits are more than enough to buy Consciousness Carrier and quite a few Elemental pills, Guess I'll awaken a few more affinities for my future concepts. ' Thought Athan with some excitement.

Looking around, He didn't spot Tiana but he could smell a good aroma.

Standing up, He turned around only to get surprised. Their Plain wooden house was now painted with various color designs and there were also various plants with flowers neatly arranged inside many pots.

He entered the house and it was also decorated beautifully, He then entered the kitchen where Tiana was cooking food.

Noticing Athan coming in, Tiana smiled excitedly and said, " Oh you woke up! Perfect timing, I Just finished this dish. This grilled fish has a special kind of fruit paste inside, Just try it. "

Athan took a bite and was surprised as his eyes lit up, " Damn it's so tasty. "

" Hehe, of course. I was trying many things for the last two days and managed to create a few good dishes. The Ingredients alone are also delicious like those fruits and fishes but once created into a dish, It becomes even tastier. "

Athan nodded a smile as he licked his lips, " Indeed, That fruit paste was spicy and sweet both and mixed very well with the taste of fish and the seasonings on it. "


After Tiana cooked a few dishes, Both of them ate them before entering the virtual world.

First, They bought The Consciousness Carrier Artifact which was a silver thread with a small white stone at each end.

[ Consciousness carrier ]

- Put the small white stone on two people's forehead and inject a small amount of Mystic Force to create a connection. When it is done, The two connected people's Consciousness can travel to another person's body through the white stone and silver thread.


" Let's go to Pill shop, I want to buy some pills with my remaining Credits. "

The reason he bought pills instead of Origin Crystals was because pills had more concentrated Origin energy in them. These energy pills are usually used to refill energies during fights.

Even after buying the Consciousness Carrier, Athan still had over 80 Credits so he bought 8 Origin Pills which cost 10 Credits each, They are considered the highest tier refilling pills for Origin Intent Plane users as they can fill up entire Energy seas at Master Level.

( Energy Sea cap increases when the user comprehends the next level of intents in elements as mentioned previously. So Advanced Level Intent = Advanced Level Energy Sea. Master Level Intent = Master Level Energy Sea )


The 8 pills Athan bought were namely: Blood Origin Pill, Ice Origin Pill, Mist Origin Pill, Sound Origin Pill, Metal Origin Pill, Magma Origin Pill, Magnet Origin Pill, Shadow Origin Pill.

After coming to the store He also found additional information.

The price of all Origin Pills was not the same and he also found out how these elements came to be.

The Elements like Magma, Mist, Ice, Magnet, Shadow, etc were a mixture of Basic elements.

It was known that Long ago, People could only practice Basic Elements like Fire, Water, Light, Dark, Space, Time, etc with single nature but When they reached higher planes, They started combing Energies to create new energies, and whenever new energy was created, It felt like the world was undergoing subtle change and sources of these energies would be birthed.

" Although it's said that there is no proof to this theory, It's pretty reasonable. " Athan said after reading the information.

There were also some details about the combination of these elements like:

Fire + Earth = Magma.

Water + Air = Ice.

Lightning + Metal = Magnet.

Earth + water + fire = Diamond.

Light + Dark = Shadow.

etc...Each of these Basic elements, When combined create new elements according to theory.

But now there are already lots of Elemental sources found of all kinds of elements, Especially on Superior Sectors and the only one Legendary Sector.



After buying the pills, Both of them returned to the real world.

Athan first wanted to try out the Consciousness Carrier Artifact so after putting everything else aside, He stuck one white stone on his forehead while another on Tiana's forehead as they both sat across each other.

" Add a small amount of Mystic Force. "

Tiana nodded before closing her eyes together with Athan as both of them activated the Artifact.

Afterward, A silver path appeared inside her Mystic Realm in which she sent her consciousness.

There was also a silver path in Athan's Mystic Realm.

After a while, He felt and sensed something.

From the silver path, A white blurry silhouette appeared which was Tiana's consciousness.

But suddenly, something happened he didn't expect.

Just as Tiana exited the silver path and stepped foot in Athan's Mystic Realm, The black whirlpool's pulling power suddenly appeared and forcefully dragged Tiana's consciousness inside.

Athan's face changed as He grabbed Her consciousness and used all of his Mystic Force to drag Tiana back which stopped her from being dragged in.

But After not even a second, an even more powerful pulling force appeared and dragged Tiana's consciousness towards the black whirlpool along with Athan's consciousness.

" STOPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! "

Athan tried his hardest but there was no stopping as they reached the depth of the black whirlpool and...

Tiana's consciousness disappeared inside the so-called door he always felt while he was kept outside.

" NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! "

He used all of his Mystic Force and even consciousness as hit the door of the black whirlpool but no matter what, He couldn't enter and couldn't open it.


He tried to calm himself down but all kinds of feelings inside him were preventing him.

Right then, He heard a voice.

" A-....."

" Athan...." " Can you hear me? "

Athan was shocked as he hurriedly said, " I can, I can hear you. What is going on? What happened to you? "

" i-I don't know but I am in this strange place, There are Trees, white lake and other--....."

Athan panicked when he couldn't hear her voice but soon it was heard again.

" But there is a little girl sleeping here...She--...."


" What? What girl? TIANA...can you hear me? I can't hear anything. " Athan shouted but there was no more response.

Athan controlled his consciousness and opened his eyes which were now red.

His heartbeat was also abnormally fast...

He then took deep breaths to calm himself before thinking.

' Tiana is...alive. Only her consciousness is separated from her body...'

Thinking about it, He checked the Heart of Tiana's body and sighed a relief when he felt that it was still beating.

" But...It won't beat for long. I need to seal her body in Ice. "

He then took out Ice Origin Pill and ate it to awaken his ice affinity and seal her body in ice.

" That black whirlpool.....What the actual fuck is that? Also, Tiana should be safe considering her voice which didn't indicate that there was any danger and what was she said about a little girl sleeping?....."

Shaking his head, He clenched his fists and thought, ' Looks like I'll have to uncover the mystery about this black whirlpool and the nearest bet would be to step into Soul Altar Plane and unlock my Soul Realm. I feel like that Black whirlpool is related to my soul and soul realm. '

Chapter 83 - Stella

It didn't take long before the black whirlpool absorbed all of the origin energy of the pill and returned the strange energy to him before it started to refine his body.

After his body was refined, The energy turned into An ice crystal the same size as his other crystal and started spinning to absorb the ice energy from the atmosphere.

Athan noticed that he didn't feel any Ice energy before while staying in this place but after he got Ice affinity he could feel ice energy in the atmosphere just like all other energies he currently had.

" It's Magical. There should be a lot of other elemental energies but the only ones I can gather are the ones whose affinity I have. "

Afterward, He used Ice energy to Freeze Tiana.

" But where should I put her? It's not safe to let her body stay here while I am away. " Athan murmured.

' Let's see if I can put her in the mystic realm. if I succeed then I won't have to worry about her body's safety. '

He controlled his mystic force and covered Tiana's whole body with it before trying to get her inside his Mystic Realm.

But just as he tried, His Mystic Energy consumption increased dramatically.

Athan was surprised, ' If consumption increased then it means it's possible. '

After comprehending two Mystic Intents at Intermediate level, His Mind was now at 60 which increased his Mystic Force's reserve a lot.

After depleting 70% of his Mystic Force, Tiana's Frozen body was finally moved to the Mystic Realm.

But right after that, Her Frozen body was absorbed by the black whirlpool, making Athan dumbfounded.

" This...Does it mean that Tiana got her body...back to her? "

Athan sat with a dumbfounded look and thought, ' Damnit, I want to know what the fuck is that black whirlpool, but I can't talk about it to other people....'

Just then, He felt a dreadful pressure descend upon him that made him involuntary tremble, and a woman appeared in front of him.

She was the same person who told them this was their outer Academy, The pretty girl with blond wavy hair. At that time, Only her face was revealed but now her body was also gorgeous, Her two melons were no less impressive than Tiana and she was as tall as Athan with her perfect body and slimy waist.

She had a frown on her face as she walked step by step towards his direction while looking around before setting her sight on Athan and said grim face, " My name is Stella and I am in charge of supervising this Outer Academy Continent for 2 years, which means I am in charge of all Origin Intent Plane student's management for 2 years. And just a minute ago, the Life sign of a student disappeared from here, Her registered name was Tiana. "

Athan's trembling calm to halt as he spoke with a grim expression, " She is my wife, But an Accident happened just now and she disappeared. I am also baffled and all I know that she is alive which is somewhat of good news. "

" How do you know that she is alive? " Stella asked as her frown deepened.

Athan took a deep breath and said, " Because she told me to not worry about her before she left. "

Stella looked deeply at Athan and said, " You are either not telling me the truth or not telling everything. You know that penalty for killing someone is harsher than death. "

Athan trembled a bit not because he was scared but angry, and then he shouted, " I TOLD YOU THAT SHE IS ALIVE NOT DEAD!!! "

Stella was startled for a second by Athan's outburst but then she snorted which pushed Athan to the ground with his face flat.

She then walked towards Athan as a smile formed on her mouth and said, " Fine, I'll believe that she is alive but you have to tell me what exactly happened here. "

Athan was currently feeling like an unknown amount of weight was upon him as he could not move at all while constantly feeling pressured as a dreadful thought surfaced in his mind, ' She can probably kill me with a snap of her finger. '

Stella on the other hand bent down and stretched her hand towards Athan's head before saying, " You will tell me what happened here whether you like it or not. "

As she finished speaking, A pink-colored fog-like thing or whatever it was went inside Athan before trying to enter inside his consciousness.

Athan was panicking When he saw the pink fog-like thing which had sparks in it trying to enter his consciousness.

But no matter what he did, He could not resist it as it entered inside before he felt like sleeping.

But not even a second later, he regained his consciousness and saw that the pink fog was still inside his consciousness but additionally there was black cloudy energy that wrapped his consciousness inside it.

Nevertheless, He didn't act like he regained his control back and kept a blank look in his eyes.

Stella deactivated her outline of profound Domain and spoke with a smile, " Stand up. "

Hearing that, Athan stood up while still having that blank look in his eyes.

" Now tell me what exactly happened here? "

Hearing her, Athan had no time to waste as he directly started speaking with a blank look, " A warp gate suddenly appeared beside her and sucked her inside, I was also going to jump inside but before I could do that, I heard Tiana's voice as she told me to not come in and that she will be fine and told me to not look for her and focus on training. She seemed to want to speak more but her voice was cut off as the warp gate suddenly disappeared. "

Hearing him, Stella had disbelief written on her face as she murmured, " Impossible, there is no way something like could happen here...unless...."

She didn't speak out loud anymore but thought, ' Could it be that she was a spy like me? But Among other races, only Disions can open warp gates like this inside a powerful formation without being noticed. But They are more powerful than the human race overall so why they need to spy like this? '

After thinking for a while she remembered that this guy said that she was his wife, ' Could it be that She was called back because she fell in love with this human? hmmm...That must be the case; Spies aren't supposed to fall in love while doing their mission. '

She then looked at Athan and thought while giggling softly, ' Now Let's see if this guy has some secrets. After all, controlling people is My specialty. '

While thinking this, She asked, " Now tell me what secrets do you have, Or if you have any strange power. "

He didn't have any time to waste so he first said, " I..." but then he mistakenly paused as he didn't have time to think about the answer.

' Wait, I can just say that I don't have any. '

He only paused for less than a second but Stella noticed it as she frowned before stretching her hand forward and sending more pink sparkly fog towards his consciousness.

"He almost broke free of my constraint, looks like he indeed has some secrets or unique power based on how he almost regained his consciousness hearing this question. "

Stella was muttering this as she sent more of her pink sparkly fog inside him while Athan panicked.

' Shit, If her pink fog got obstructed by the black cloudy energy then she will notice that something is wrong. '

But what he feared didn't happen as the black cloudy energy created a space to let pink fog inside before closing up that space after all the new pink fog got inside.

Athan was dumbfounded seeing this and thought, ' This black cloudy energy is either being controlled by someone or it is sentinent and I'm sure as hell that it's connected to that black whirlpool. '

While he was thinking, He heard Stella's voice again.

" Tell me what is the secret or unique power you have. "

Athan was also hearing her muttering so he knew that he has to reveal something and that too without wasting time so he spoke while maintaining the blank gaze, " I have unique power inside me which produces white-gold energy that can do a lot of miraculous things, I'm also not fully aware of all of its uses but it can repair energy realms and heal deadliest wounds. I speculate that there are also other uses of it but I don't know yet as it was only recently produced when I had sex with my wife for the first time and afterward, it was produced every time we do it. She also receives this energy from me while we do it and it had once restored her destroyed Energy Realm, That's how I know that it repairs the energy realm. "

He didn't hold back and spoke about this white-gold energy because that was the only unique power has. If he said something bull shit and could not produce its proof afterward then he would likely be found and even die or suffer a fate worse than death because Stella can simply turn Tiana's disappearance into death and put blame on Athan.

Stella was surprised first and then shocked when she heard that it could restore the energy realm because it was not a small matter to restore someone's energy realm.

" Do you have that energy right now? "

Athan blankly nodded.

People are practically crippled if their energy realm is destroyed and to restore it requires a very rare natural treasure that can only be found in very small amounts in Superior Sectors and Legendary Sectors.

Stella got excited hearing about such miraculous energy as she didn't any waste time and spoke in a very small voice, " Power binding contract. "

As she said this, A small gold and light red colored page materialized in front of her before she cut a small slit on her finger as a drop of blood fell onto the page.

After she was done, She looked at Athan and said hurriedly, " Hurry up and put a drop of your blood on this page. "

' Fuck.....' Athan cursed but he had no choice as he used Air blade to create a small slit on his thump before dropping his blood on the page.

Just as he finished, Stella waved her hand as the contract disappear and the pink fog also left from his consciousness.

With a pretty smile on her face, Stella said, " Well, that was exhausting. " She then looked at Athan and continued, " So Athan, How do you feel? "

Athan's face was very dark as he asked, " What did you do to me? what was that contract about? "

Stella giggled and waved her hand as a barrier of some strange energy formed around them before she said, " You must feel like your life is not in your control right? but don't worry, It's not like I can command you to do whatever you want using this contract, This power binding contract's specialty is only one and that is to kill you whenever I feel like it. "

Pausing for a bit she smiled even brightly before saying, " Now shall we talk about your so-called unique power that produces the golden-energy? First, it would be best if show me some of it. "

Chapter 84 - Mimi & Tiana, Inside The Black Whirlpool.

Athan calmed down and took out a drop of white-gold energy from his psychic realm before passing it towards Stella using his mystic force.

She looked at the drop carefully but after a while shook her head and looked at Athan before saying, " Stretch your hand forward. "

Gritting his teeth, He stretched his hand forward, he thought, ' I can't stay like this, I need to do something about it. But since that black whirlpool did something like negating the power of that pink fog then why didn't it help me do something about the contract? '

His thoughts abruptly cut off as a sudden pain assaulted him but he had experienced a more painful process so he didn't let out a sound and just looked at the bitch who cut his hand with cold eyes.

" Tough guy aren't you? to think that you didn't let you a sound even after your hand was cut off. " Stella spoke with a surprised expression before she smiled and continued, " Now heal your hand using this energy, You must have more of it right? after all, A drop should not be enough to heal a wound like this. "

Athan currently had approx two cups of white-gold energy so he used that energy as it traveled to his hand before healing it.

The process was itchy as new bones, tissues and other things started to grow out.

Stella watched as her eyes shined and thought, ' Looks like it does have powerful healing properties but I still want to check if it can restore the Energy Realm. Looks like I'll have to find some human slave to test this. '

" Hehe, How does your new hand feel Athan? " Stella asked while giggling.

Athan didn't speak anything and just glared at her.

" Stop glaring now, It's not like you can do anything. " She then took out a comfortable chair and sat on it before continuing, " Do you know that you unlucky? I am not always supervising Outer Academy you know! The supervisors change every 2 years. The first time I supervised Outer Academy was 14 years ago. At that time I had 8 students under my control hehehe...and they are all dead now. "

" I specifically requested to become a supervisor for this new batch and you are my first prey. " Stella giggled after saying this.

" Ahh it's so good to talk openly like this, I'm always tired of acting like a meek woman in front of those seniors and teachers. I'm gonna kill them when I get a chance. "

Athan frowned hearing that and thought, ' Damn it, This bitch is insane. If I can't find a way to solve this contract soon then I'm done for. '

" Why are you frowning? " Saying this, She waved her hand in pulling motions and pulled Athan towards her before smacking him on the ground and stepping on him with her leg.

" Do you think I'm cruel? no no no, I am not. It's perfectly fine for me to kill humans because...hehehe I'm not one. Ahh and let me tell you, Your darling wife was also not human, She was likely a Disions Race member. "

Anger was erupting inside Athan when he was stepped upon but he cooled down after hearing about what she said, ' She is not human? and what bullshit is she talking about Disions race? Wait, since she is not human...'

He suddenly heard Tiana's voice once again as his eyes lit up and a plan formed in his mind. But new troubles might crop up after he succeeded in getting rid of this bitch.

' Fuck it, I'll think about future troubles later. First, I need to get rid of this non-human bitch. '


Let's go back to when Tiana's body was absorbed inside the Black whirlpool.

Inside the Black whirlpool.

The most shocking things inside this place were, A white-colored Lake that looked like milk, A small little girl who was sleeping on a small bed, and A 50-meter tall white giant shadow that looked like Athan, This Shadow was floating in the sky with its eyes closed so she didn't notice it at first.

The little girl had human features and looked about 8 years old but she had a crimson gemstone on her forehead and had crimson hairs.

In 5 minutes after Tiana arrived here, The Little girl woke up. She started calling Tiana big sister and after talking to the little girl, Tiana found some shocking information. Later she got her body back when it was absorbed by the black whirlpool.

After a while, The little girl suddenly waved her hands and some clouds appeared before they showed what was happening outside.

Tiana and the little girl watched as Stella first asked about Tiana's disappearance but then things took turn for worse as many things happened.

Tiana looked pleadingly at Mimi and asked, " Mimi, Can you please save your guardian brother? You said that he is your guardian brother right? So you should save him, right? "

" Mimi can't save guardian brother directly, But guardian brother will have to save Mimi in the future. That's why my mama and papa choose him to become my guardian brother. " Mimi's face turned sad after that and said, " Mimi think that mama and papa are in danger, I can't remember much about what happened but we were attacked and had to leave. While we were leaving, Papa suddenly found Guardian brother's soul and he did something which Mimi doesn't understand but I know that papa became weak considerably after that even though he was super strong. "

Tiana panicked after that and said, " Then what should we do? If things go like this, then Athan will likely die. "

Mimi's big eyes looked at Tiana and said, " Don't worry, Guardian brother will not die even if he is killed, But He will have to find a new body and it will be troublesome to help him from the start. I have helped Guardian brother from start by activating this Black Ball that mama gave me. "

Tiana asked confusedly, " What do you mean? "

Mimi pointed at the giant shadow in the sky and said, " That is the soul of big brother and he can only die if someone destroys his soul. And His soul is not truly awakened yet. It was only the size of a small ball before but after papa did something, It became this big and I appeared in this place after mama gave me this black ball. This black ball can absorb various energies and then give back stronger ones to make him stronger, It can also other things but not now. "

" I see, But isn't there anything we can do right now? " Tiana asked helplessly.

Mimi thought for a while and said, " If guardian brother can somehow bring that bad sister here just like you, then Mimi can defeat it but Mimi can't interfere directly outside. "

" Can you let me talk to Athan for a bit? "

" It hurts when Mimi tries to do that But I'll do it once. "

Tiana patted Mimi's head and said, " Don't worry, Big sister will not let you hurt much. "

Mimi nodded and said, " Ok when Mimi gives the signal, you can speak and it will be heard by Guardian Brother. "

After getting the signal, Tiana only said 3 things, " Bring her here. "


After hearing Tiana's voice and forming a plan, he didn't waste time and started.

He gritted his teeth and showed anger, He was actually angry so there was no problem in showing it and said, " If you remove this power binding contract then I can tell you a great secret of mine. "

With an intriguing expression, Stella lifted Athan up and asked, " What great secret? You can tell me if you want to but I'm not removing the Power Binding contract. "

Athan's face turned dark as he said, " If you are not willing then I'll not say anything. "

" Tsk, You think you can hide anything from me? " Saying this, She waved her hand a pink fog once again traveled inside Athan's consciousness.

But similar situation happened as the black cloudy energy helped him regain his consciousness back.


" Now tell me that great secret of yours. " With a wicked smile, Stella asked.

Athan had regained control but just like before, He spoke with a blank gaze, " I can get any affinity I want and can even comprehend intents easily, All because of a mysterious black stone embedded in my Mystic Real--"

In the end, He pretended to struggle and make it seem like he forcefully regained his consciousness.

With a frightened face, He spoke, " Wh-what did you do to me? "

Stella seemed like she was exhausted a bit but she thought with excitement, ' Looks like I need to rest a bit but A mysterious stone that can give any affinity and help him comprehend intent easily? I've never heard of such a mysterious treasure. '

She then looked at Athan and said with a smile, " Alright, Now show me how do you get affinity and comprehend intents easily. I already know your secret of black stone so you don't need to feign ignorance about it. "

" Y-you...How did you know? "

Stella's face turned irritated as she said, " Stop wasting time and show me, I can't stay here all day and if you don't hurry up then after I leave, I will destroy your heart using the Power binding contract. "

Afterward, With a helpless and scared face, Athan took out a shadow Origin pill and ate it.

Seeing this, Stella frowned and said, " Why did you eat the Shadow origin pill? "

With a confused expression, Athan said, " Didn't you say that you know about the black stone? "

" Humph, I know but not in detail. Now tell me. "

" The black stone absorbs energy and in exchange, it will produce a strange kind of energy that can grant me the affinity of the energy that the black stone absorbed. I didn't have Shadow affinity but I after I eat this pill, I will have it. "

Stella was surprised as she said, " Oh, Let's see if it works then. "

After a while, Shadow Origin Energy was absorbed by the black whirlpool, but from there it went into the black ball on Mimi's hand. After a while, The black ball produced the strange energy which then left through the black whirlpool and the usual process followed.

When The energy was refining his body, Stella asked, " What is happening? "

" M-my body is being refined by the energy. After it is refined, My body will become stronger considerably and I will also get Shadow affinity. "

Stella nodded as she watched the process and after 10 minutes, The process was done and Athan successfully controlled the Shadow energy in front of her which surprised Stella.

" Now show me how you comprehend Intent with fast speed. " This was what she wanted to know the most.

Athan sat inside the black whirlpool as he started comprehending shadow Intent.

Inside, Tiana said with a smile, " So that's why Athan wanted my consciousness to enter inside his mystic realm. "

Mimi nodded and said, " Yes, But now that you are here. Your speed of comprehension will be fast too. But the Black ball is connected to Guardian Brother only, So I can't help you much using it. The Black ball has other uses too but the guardian brother is still weak and not qualified for them. "


After not even an hour, He comprehended the elementary Level of Shadow Intent, and right after he comprehended that, He was surprised to find that his body was once again automatically refined.

Stella was shocked to the core after witnessing everything as her breathing quickened.

She looked at Athan while putting the pressure of her Profound domain on him and said with a cold smile " Obediently give me that Black stone and I will remove this contract. Otherwise, you will die. "

Athan pretended to tremble and said, " I can't give you even if I want to, I've tried to move but it has never worked and practically embedded into my Mystic Realm. "

" Is that so? " With a wicked smile, She said coldly, " Then I'll take it myself, Your Puny Mystic Realm and consciousness can't block my soul anyway. "

Saying this, She pulled Athan towards her before grabbing his head with both of her hands as Her soul forcefully entered inside his Mystic Realm but before she could look around, She felt a tremendous pulling power as she was sucked into the black whirlpool.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! " With a scream, her soul disappeared as her body fell down lifelessly outside.

Chapter 85 - Senior Rishen

Athan walked to her body and saw that her heart had stopped beating.


Inside the Black whirlpool, Mimi also dispersed the cloud and said, " Mimi feels very weak now so I will sleep, Big sister you can continue to practice here. I will later help you get strong like guardian brother. " Saying this, She waved her little left hand towards the lake as some of the water from it arrived towards Mimi which she drank and slept on her bed.

Tiana's mouth was agape as she clearly saw Mimi obliterating Stella's soul with a wave of her hand.


Outside, just as Stella died, Several people were alarmed inside the Academy.

Stella's Master and The Teacher who watched over Soul plates of Profound Domain students were the first ones to be alarmed as they disappeared from where they were and arrived right at Athan's house.

Here, Just as Athan had sighed a relief, He was smacked to the ground by even more forceful pressure and started to bleed everywhere.

But it only lasted for two seconds before A voice sounded and the pressure disappears.

" Stop it, Segan. "

Afterward, Two men could be seen descending from the sky. One looked to be in his forties with short purple hair and a burly body and another one looked like an old man in his sixties and had white hair and beard.

The burly man with purple hair glared at Athan before dashing towards Stella's body. While the white-haired old man sighed before looking at Athan and said, " That student, I would like to hear about everything that happened here. "

Athan's feelings currently were only one and that was Anger. First, he was beaten by Stella and went through a lot in the short time frame, and now this fuker burly man smacked without saying anything.

' They can treat me like shit because I'm weak. '

" What are you getting angry for little bastard? The one who is dead is not you but my disciple. " The burly man said to Athan with some anger before he looked at the white-haired old man and said, " Senior Rishen...."

Senior Rishen interrupted him and said, " He is just an Origin Plane student and there is no way he can kill her, also her cause of death is unnatural, Her soul had left her body before it was destroyed. "

He then looked at Athan and said, " Speak what you have to say, If you say any falsehood, I will know right away. "

Athan took a deep breath to calm himself before he spoke, " First, can you thoroughly check her body? Because she is not a human. "

" BRAT!! Don't outstep your bou--"

" Shut up!! "

The burly man was just about to speak but he was cut off by Senior Rishen who waved his hand to bring Stella's body towards him and check it as his eyes shined with golden light.

After a few seconds, Senior Rishen's face darkened as Stella's body started to change.

Segan on the other hand had a shocked expression on his face as he muttered, " Amarphy...."

Stella's body had changed into a different form.

Her skin color became light pink and a small tail emerged from behind her, Her ears turned a bit long and two slim pink antennas appeared on her head.

Senior Rishen snorted before looking at Segan and said with a darkened face, " So this Amarphy is your student? "

Segan snapped out of the daze and said with a pale face, " No no, Of course not. If I knew she was an Amarphy I would have killed her myself. "

" Go and tell Head Teacher about it, and also tell him and I'll handle this. "

Segan nodded before he flew away and was out of sight in two seconds.

Senior Rishen on other hand stored the body of Stella somewhere as it suddenly disappeared and looked at Athan.

" You will have to come with me as I have to ask more things. "

After hearing this, Athan felt like he was bound by something and a small portal appeared in front of Senior Rishen in which Athan was forced to go in before Senior Rishen went inside it too.


In a big room somewhere, Athan appeared out of a similar portal.

The room was not fancy but there were some plants which made Athan feel very comfortable just by looking at them.

The atmosphere of the room and smell was also relaxing.

" Stay here for a while, I'm going to check something before coming here to ask you some questions. "

Athan heard the voice from behind him but when he turned around, He saw no one but a warm energy current enveloped his body as the injuries inflicted on him by Segan started to heal.

After a minute, His injuries were healed and he also heard footsteps from behind him.

Looking back, He saw Senior Rishen walking towards him with a faint smile.

" Let's take a seat first. "

Saying this, A chair appeared behind Athan on which he sat down before Senior Rishen also sat down on a chair in front of him.

" Let's start from the beginning, What happened to your partner or where is your partner? "

Athan looked at Senior Rishen with a serious expression and said, " Senior, Do you have any means to check whether whatever I'm saying true or false. "

" If you are talking about technique or ability, Then I don't have one. But I have confidence in myself that I can see through whether an 18-year-old is telling truth or not. "

Athan took a deep breath and started speaking, " First, I would never harm Tiana and second, I...can't tell you where is she. But she is safe and will return after I step into Soul Altar Plane. "

Senior Rishen nodded with a faint smile and said, " Continue, What happened after Stella appeared there? "

" When she arrived at first, She asked about Tiana disappearance though I didn't tell her the truth and made up a random excuse. But after that, She suddenly released a pink fog that invaded my consciousness, and what happened afterward, I don't know because I don't remember but She then forcefully invaded into my Mystic Realm with her soul before being killed. "

" How did she die? "

Taking a breath, Athan said with a serious expression, " I can't say exactly, but It seems whoever enters inside my mystic Realm dies. Senior, I am telling the truth so don't try to do that otherwise if you also die then a mountain of troubles would crop upon me. "

" Hahahaha..."

Hearing what Athan said, Senior Rishen started to laugh out loud.

After laughing for a bit, He looked at Athan and said with a smile, " What you said contains truth and false both. "

Athan started to sweat as he knew that the person in front of him was by far the most powerful being he met.

" Don't be scared, Since you did not say everything truthfully, I'll give you two choices. " Saying this, A small table appeared in the middle of them before he pointed his hand towards the table and a square box appeared on it.

" The First choice is to be under surveillance every second until you tell me the truth and in case you showed suspicious behavior you will be interrogated. I would not recommend this choice as it is tiring for both you and me along with the security department. "

" The Second choice is this box, This box contains my personal Soul Artifact. What you have to do is to place your left hand on it and swear that I will never have thoughts of harming the human race as a whole. "

Athan was startled but then he asked, " You mean I can't even fight other humans? "

Senior Rishen smiled and said, " You can fight other humans and can even kill if they are your enemies, But you can't have thoughts of harming the human race as a whole. The moment you produce those thoughts, This Artifact will sever your soul and you will die a true death. "

Athan thought, ' Obviously I will never have thoughts of harming the human race as a whole. So this choice is quite easy for me. '

But he suddenly thought of something and asked, " If you have this kind of artifact then can't you use it on everyone? Then other races will not be able to infiltrate into the Academy. "

Senior Rishen shook his head and said, " If it was possible, Then we would have long done it. The natural materials needed to create this artifact are quite precious and it's also hard to create so we can only use them on the selected important individuals, You must know that to be able to kill a person from afar just because he broke the oath is something incredible. Normally I shouldn't be using this on you. "

" Then why do you want to use it on me? I'm just a measly Origin Plane Student. " Athan asked confusedly.

Senior Rishen smiled and said, " Because I study Fate $%&# and I can feel that you have tremendous potential in you. Your future self might propel humanity forward in this cruel world but if you become an enemy of humanity and it might similarly damage us, That's why I'm willing to use this artifact. "

Athan had a confused expression as he asked, " Fate what? I couldn't hear it. "

" You don't need to bother with that for now, Your plane of existence is too low to know about such things. So tell me, Which one is your choice. "

Athan didn't hesitate and said, " The second choice. "

Hearing it, a Smile formed on Senior Rishen's mouth as he spoke, " Good choice, Now put your hand on the box and recite what I told you. "

Athan did as told and after taking the oath, The box shined with white light for a few seconds before it subsided.

Senior Rishen then waved his hand as the table and box both disappeared.

" Alright, I wasted a previous spot of this Artifact on you and saved you a lot of troubles so perform well in the Newbie competition that will be held after 9 months. If you can show me your potential then I will take you in as my personal student. "

Athan grinned and said, " Since you know that I hold great potential by using fate something, Then why don't you take me as your personal student now? "

Senior Rishen smiled and waved his hand which caused a portal to appear under Athan's feet as He fell down into the portal and disappeared.

After Athan disappeared, Senior Rishen shook his head before he sighed and muttered, " Brat, Your Fate's direction and potential even scares me but I'm willing to take this risk. I hope you do not disappoint me. "

Chapter 86 - Silver Leaf Academy, Joint Mission.

After returning to his home, He first ate the Blood Origin Pill to gain the Blood Affinity which took him around 30 minutes.

Afterward, He started comprehending Ice and Blood Intent.

After 5 hours, He was done comprehending Both Ice and Blood Intent at Elementry Level which triggered another round of body refining by their crystals.

Now his body became quite powerful after all the body refinings that were done by the crystals recently.


<Athan >

-> Intermediate Stage of Origin Intent Plane. ( Needs Mystic Intent and Elemental Intent at Advanced Level to be considered as Advanced Stage of Origin Intent Plane. )


Strength: 100+( 20+20+10+10+10) => 170

Constitution: 100+( 20+20+10+10+10) => 170

Mind: 20+( 10+10+15+15 ) => 70 ( Mystic Force )


<~Elemental Intent~>

-Elementry Level:------>[ Ice, Blood, Shadow ]

-Intermediate Level:--->[ Lightning, Earth, Wood, Air, Dark, Light, Space.]

-Advanced Level:------>[ Fire, Water ]


<~Mystic Intent~>

-Elementary Level--->[ ~ ]

-Intermediate Level->[ Repel Intent, Attract Intent ]


Digiband Status

< Athan >

- Credits: 7

[ Missions ]: None currently. ( In 14 days. )

[ Main Tests ]: Comprehend A Mystic Intent at Advanced Level--->Reward: 60 Credits. ( Time Limit: 1.5 years )

{ Concept Builds }

< Virtual World >

Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.


' First, I'll bring My Attract and Repel Intent at Advanced Level and finish the Test before deciding what to do. '

Closing his eyes, He entered Depth of the black whirlpool and started to comprehend the Mystic Intent.

After a day, Athan opened his eyes with a surprised expression and thought, ' Why does it feel like my comprehending power has increased? '

He then stops comprehending Repel Intent and started comprehending Blood Intent, But after a few hours he was once again confused because his comprehending power returned to normal when he was comprehending blood intent.

Putting this situation aside, He continued with Repel Intent and in a total of two and a half-day, he finished comprehending Repel Intent at Advanced Level.

Similar to Repel Intent, He only took two and a half-day to reach Advanced Level in Attract Intent.

Afterward, He formed a Repel field using his Mystic Force to complete the main test.

[ Main Test Cleared---> Reward: 120 Credits received. ]

[ New Main Test ]: Comprehend Two Elemental Intent at Master Level---> Reward: 250 Credits ( Time Limit: 6 years. )


After checking the new test, Athan didn't start comprehending Elemental Intents but instead, he started practicing Bloody Thread Flowing Method.

The Bloody thread flowing method's flowing path was both hands, both legs, and chest.

The Blood Active Flowing Energy would flow in two threaded rope patterns in those body parts and it had only two spells, Both defensive.

One was the Blood Threading Barrier which can be used at the Beginner stage and another was Blood Armour which can be used after mastering the Advanced stage of the flowing method.

The Blood Threading Barrier forms a Barrier that has threads woven into each other to form a powerful defensive while Blood Armor is a more complex armor of blood that covered Athan's whole body Except the head and increases his various physical aspects.

After Athan finished looking at information and method, He started practicing it, and in one and a half-day, he had finished Mastering the beginner stage of Bloody Threads Flowing Method and could easily use the Blood Threading Barrier.

But he didn't continue to practice this and started practicing Broken Impact Flowing Method to master the...Master stage. ( CHANGE!! instead of the Master stage, it will be Peak Stage. )

So Athan started to practice the Peak stage of the Broken Impact Flowing Method.

His current Body stats easily allowed him to use the Broken Impact Flowing Method, Space Ripple, and Bloody Threads Flowing method simultaneously.

After reading about the Peak Stage information of the Broken Impact Flowing Method, Athan immersed himself in practice.

To start practicing Peak Stage of This method, One needs 80 Strength and 80 Constitution but since Athan was going to use other Flowing Method and spells too, He needed 160 Strenth and 160 Constitution that he already had so there was no problem practicing it.


After 2 days he could run the Flowing Method while sitting so he started to master the Peak-Stage by using it while flying, running, and doing various Combat moves.

After spending 4 days, He had finally mastered the Peak-stage of the Broken Impact Flowing method.

His Impact Spells became more than twofold powerful and when he used Fire or Water Active Energy to use Broken Impact Spells, They would become even more powerful as He had comprehended Advanced Level of Fire and Water Intent.

After he was done, He looked at his Digiband.

< Athan >

- Credits: 67

[ Missions ]: None currently. ( In 7 days. )

[ Main Tests ]: Comprehend two Elemental Intent at Master Level--->Reward: 250 Credits. ( Time Limit: 6 years )

{ Concept Builds }

< Virtual World >

Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.


" I still have 7 days until the next mission. Hmm... I'll comprehend a new Mystic Intent, But which one? "

Athan thought for a while decided to comprehend Gravity Intent but he had one question gnawing, " Gravity means pulling force and Attract is also pulling, so why both have different Intents? "

He was from earth and he knew about the theory of Gravity, ' the universal force of attraction acting between all matter...wait...matter? I see....'

Seemingly reaching an epiphany, He understood the difference between Attract Intent and gravity Intent.

Gravity only works on Matter, The things that have Mass. But Attract is broader, It can attract Non-matter and ethereal things too, ' it could affect Mystic Force, ethereal energies like a shadow and soul and other things that are weaker against gravity force. '


Athan only took three days from no Gravity Intent to Comprehending Advance Level of Gravity Intent.

After he was done with it, He still had 4 days.

" Guess I'll just comprehend Blood Intent to Intermediate level to make the Blood Threading Barrier a bit more powerful, As it's the only good defensive spell I have. "

And so He started...


After two and a half days he finished comprehending Blood Intent at Intermediate Level and stood up before going inside his house.

" Sigh, If Tiana was here she could make me a good meal. " Sighing, Athan walked towards the kitchen and simply grilled some fishes with seasoning before eating them.

While he was eating fruit, A portal appeared under him as he fell down with his eyes opened wide and fruit inside his mouth.

When he appeared, He fell down on his butt at Senior Rishen Place.

" Haha sorry for calling you like this but there was a small matter I wanted to say about your next mission. "

Athan turned around and saw that Senior Rishen was sitting on the chair with a smile.

After eating the fruit, He stood up and sat on the chair before speaking respectfully, " What about the next mission? "

" The next mission you are going to receive is a bit tricky. The reason it took 1 month for the mission was that it is a joint mission between a new batch of Origin Intent Plane students of Myriad Stars Academy and Silver Leaf Academy. By Tricky, I mean that there are some hidden rewards that will not be mentioned and only be given to students who perform exceptionally so it's best if you do your best in it. "

Athan nodded and asked with some confusion, " But how will the joint mission be held? will we have to leave the Academy? "

Senior Rishen shook his head and said, " No, It will be held in Virtual World. A new Area will be temporarily accessible to you all and on Mission's day, You will have to pair up with a student of Silver Leaf Academy to finish the various small tasks for 3 days. The result will be decided by many factors such as combat, decisions, etc. "

" But why they want to hold this kind of mission? "

Athan didn't know why they would hold this kind of event like mission.

Senior Rishen smiled and said, " There are many reasons such as taking a look at the ability of this new batch of Origin Intent Plane students and how they work together with a complete stranger fellow human. in the future, You will have to form your Team of 5 to explore the regions of space that are not explored so these types of joint missions will be frequent in the future. Of course, It's a long way before you are eligible to form your own team to explore but we let students practice from the early stages so they can be prepared in the future. "

Afterward, Senior Rishen face turned serious as he said, " This time's mission is the only pair but during the mission, You have to take lead and show your leadership and other qualities more and if you don't have such qualities then start practicing from this joint mission. "

Athan had a thoughtful expression on the outside but inside he frowned a bit and thought, ' Leader huh? Looks like Senior Rishen has some plans for me. '

Chapter 87 - First Task, Avelia Zenford

Senior Rishen smiled and said, " You will spend your next two days here, In these two days I will help you increase your comprehension of an Intent. "

Athan was a bit shocked to hear that and asked, " Is it possible to increase someone else's comprehension of Intent? "

Nodding his head, Senior Rishen said with a faint smile, " Those who have reached Master level in Intents can preach others to increase their understanding of that Intent. "

" I see..."

Senior Rishen then swiped his hand horizontally which brought a hologram there and said with a smile, " Let me check your current comprehended Intents. "

He then turned his attention to the hologram and started mumbling, " Hmm, Fire and Water Intent at Advance Level already? On top of that, you have reached Intermediate Level in Lightning, Earth, Wood, Air, Dark, Blood, Light, Space Intents and the only Elementry Level Intent is Shadow Intent. "

He then looked at Athan and said with a smile " Looks like your comprehension speed is very fast. nine Intents at Intermediate level and Two at Advanced Level. You are already strongest in this batch hahaha. "

He didn't mention Shadow Intent here as it was just at Elementry level.

Afterward, He once again looked at the screen and said, " As for Mystic Intents, You've already comprehended two and one of them is already at Advanced Level while another is at Intermediate Level..."

He couldn't hide the shock as he thought, ' This much in just one month? No wonder his Fate looked so chaotic and far-reaching to me. '

But Athan was a bit confused, ' I recently comprehended Blood Intent at Intermediate Level while Ice and Shadow Intent at Elementry level. What's more, I comprehended 3 mystic Intents and all of them are at the Advanced level....hmm Looks like not everything is recorded through the Digiband. '

He thought for a second as he arrived at the conclusion, ' So far, The only Intents that Digiband recorded are the intents that I used....I see. '

" Senior Rishen, Is it possible to hide one's progress from the Digiband? " Athan asked as it was crucial for him.

Hearing Athan's question, Senior Rishen laughed and said, " You are afraid that you will encounter trouble if other teachers see your fast progress right? "

Athan smiled awkwardly and nodded.

" Don't worry, Although I am shocked by your progress I'm not worried since you took that oath. Also in this whole Academy, only three people can check details of students stored in their Digiband and The Tests, Missions, and rewards by AI. "

" Also this Digiband is only capable of sensing the Intents so when you reach Genesis conceptual Planes and further planes, There will no Main Tests but only various kinds of Missions. "

Athan nodded hearing that as he signed an internal relief before saying, " So which Intent you're going to preach me about? "

" Let's go with Lightning Intent..."



When There were only two hours left until the mission, Athan comprehended Lightning Intent to Advanced Level while successfully shocking Senior Rishen.

' With my preaching, He just took two days to get Intermediate Lightning Intent to Advanced Level? Phew, Glad that this monster is a human. '

He also got a bit excitement despite his status as he could see a better future.

" Alright, Now just wait for the Mission notification and do your best after entering. "

Athan nodded as he was also surprised that his Lightning Intent went from Intermediate to Advanced in just two days.


It didn't long as two hours passed by in the blink of an eye as Athan received a notification.

[ New Mission ]

[ A joint Mission held by Myriad Stars Academy and Silver leaf Academy. ]

- Duration: 3 days.

- Reward: From 200 Credits to 1000 Credits.

[ If you do not accept this Mission in an hour, It will be forfeited automatically. ]

Athan accepted the mission as he saw Senior Rishen nodding his head to him.


Afterward, He arrived at an unfamiliar place inside the Virtual World. The ground was barren and it seems to be noon.

The place was filled with people of his age as more and more students were arriving each second.

A loud sound reverberated after 5 minutes.

[ All the registered Origin Plane Students have arrived. The Pairings will be finished in one minute. ]

[ 0:59 ]

[ 0:58 ]

[ 0:57 ]


One minute passed as Athan saw a small hologram appearing in front of him.

[ Your Partner is Avelia Zenford ]

[ You will be transported to your temporary dorm in 3 seconds. ]

[ 3 ]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

[ 0 ]

As the countdown hit 0, Athan arrived in a medium-sized empty room.

" So you are my partner for this joint mission. "

Hearing the voice from behind him, Athan turned around as he saw a girl with long silver hair and beautiful features.

She was a bit less tall than Athan and had around E cup bust and slim waist, She had the perfect figure that made her look very beautiful.

What stood out was that her hair and eyelashes both were silver-colored and her skin had not a single spot as it was clean like moonlight.

Athan was a bit dazed seeing her beauty, But he regained his bearing after a second as he adopted an indifferent look on his face, ' No distraction allowed, I will achieve Soul Altar Plane as fast as I can to free Tiana from the black whirlpool. '

Just then a hologram appeared in front of both of them.

[ Your First Task is to save a village. ]

- The number of Death should not exceed 10.

- Reward: ??? It will be decided by your performance.

[ To commence this task, You and your partner will have to press the start button. ]

Athan saw the [ Start ] icon at the bottom and pressed it before looking at Avelia.

She also looked at Athan and asked, " Why the hurry? "

" Let's just start and finish this task. " Athan shook his head and just urged her to start.

" Alright. " Saying this, Aevilia also pressed [ Start ] icon.


The scenery around them changed as they arrived in a small village that had wooden houses.

The village was really small as it had only around 30 houses.

People of the village were shocked to see Athan and Avelia appearing out of nowhere.

But not even a second later, The ground started to vibrate slowly but it increased in intensity with each second.

Avelia frowned and said, " Looks like it's already starting. They didn't even give information on what we are facing. "

Athan directly flew up and shouted in a very loud voice using Air energy, " People of this Village, Immediately gather here if you don't want to die. "

The people of the village were already scared due to the vibration on the ground so after they heard Athan's voice, They panicked a bit but immediately gathered towards them.

After seeing this, Athan looked at Avelia and said, " Do you have any Powerful Defensive spells? "

Avelia nodded and without Athan saying what to do, She waved her hands as something started to form around the gathered villagers.

While doing it, She said to the gathered villagers with a smile, " Don't worry, I am going to use magic to make a barrier around you so don't panic and just stay there. If you come out from the barrier you will likely die so don't come out. "

Athan looked at the spell formed by Avelia and was a bit surprised because He sensed Intermediate Space, Air, and Sound Intent from it.

The barrier had only rough outlines of cyan color and Athan felt that it was not a simple barrier.

After she was finished, She looked at Athan and said with a smile, " This is my most powerful Offensive Barrier. It can protect the people inside and by chance someone attacks them, The barrier will release a shock wave of Air mixed with space and sound ripples. "

Athan nodded with a plain face before he waved his hands and created Myriad prison of Light Element on top of her Barrier.

Avelia frowned and said, " Why did you do that? "

" It doesn't hurt to make more defensive meas- "


Athan's words were cut off by a powerful roar as they saw a giant green weird beast flying towards them.

The beast looked like a Liger that had green wings.

Athan looked at it before pointing his hands towards it and released an Impact Shot of Wood Energy.

He decided to go with Wood energy first as He needed to use Fire and Air energy for Combusting Burst steps, Space energy for Space Ripple, Earth Energy for Golems, and Blood Energy for Blood Threading Barrier.

The vibration increased even more as Beasts started to appear.

3 ground and 4 Flying beasts were coming from the left side while 4 ground and 2 Flying Beasts were coming from their right side.

Seeing this, Athen said, " I'll handle the beasts on the left while you handle the right side. After I'm done I'll help you. " Saying this, He summoned 3 golems and let them stand guard around the villagers.

Avelia snorted and said, " I don't need your help, instead you can ask for my help if you feel troubled. " After saying this, She also started moving while thinking, ' What is with his eyes? Despite seeing my beauty he acts like this? Could it be that he likes boys? No no...I saw him entering into a daze for a second when he saw me for the first time....hmph whatever, I'll show him how powerful I am in this task. '

The nearest beast in front of her looked like a frog but with yellow liquid all over its body, She frowned seeing it, and brought out a silver-colored folding sensu fan and waved it towards the frog-like beast.

A Spiraling projectile made of fire and dark energy released from the fan which turned the frog-like beast into white light.

She smiled seeing this and looked back to check how Athan was doing.

But when she turned around, She saw a beast turning into white light which shocked her.

Of course, the reason for the shock was that there was no other beast besides the one she saw turning into white light.

' How is it possible? '


Not even a minute ago...At the time when Athan went to face the beasts.

He released Impact Scatter and controlled the small bullets with space energy and mystic force to accurately hit the beasts in their heads which turned them into white light instantly but one beast was a bit tough as it was a rhino-like beast with armor so Athan released an Impact shot to defeat it which was seen by Avelia.

These beasts were only Origin Grade-2 beasts so they were killed by one bullet of Impact Scatter.


The shocked Avelia heard the sound from behind her and turned around before hurridly releasing the same spiral-type projectiles to defeat the beasts.

But they had no time to rest as another wave of even more powerful beasts seemed to be arriving.


Chapter 88 - Weird Behavior & Choice Trial

While Athan and Avelia were defeating the beast waves...

Inside the Black Whirlpool.

Tiana had a happy smile on her face as she said, " Thank you soooooo much mimi..."

Mimi giggled and said, " Hehe it's nothing. Guardian Brother will be surprised when he reaches Soul Altar Plane and see you. "

Tiana's appearance at this time looked very beautiful, Her hair turned into a shining black mixed with rose-red color and her skin also became more white and smooth as she had a mysterious aura surrounding her.

The most shocking thing was that behind her back were two red and black Angel-type wings that were made up of some kind of energy.

" Big sister, You can continue to practice this Technique which will be very helpful to you. Guardian brother will get a unique technique but he will have to wait until he reaches Soul Altar Plane. "

Tiana nodded with a smile as she retracted her wings before saying, " Let's see what Athan is doing currently. "

" Ok. Mimi also wants to know. "

After saying this, Mimi brought those clouds once again which showed the scene outside.


Athan and Avelia both had finished the 2nd wave of Beasts which were Grade 3 Origin Core beasts and were prepared to fight the 3rd wave that was already coming towards them.

This beast wave was filled with Grade 4 beast which didn't prove to be troublesome to Athan but Avelia encountered trouble so Athan went to help her after solving the beasts on his side.

He could defeat those beasts in one shot and Avelia could too but she ran out of her Space energy due to using it on Barrier and also using it in the previous two rounds so she had to use another type of Attacking spell which didn't guarantee a one-hit kill against these Grade 4 beasts and the survived beasts would use deadly attack while not caring about their life on Avelia which troubled her.

But after Athan arrived, He dashed here and there with Combusting burst steps and released a few Impact shots to defeat the remaining beasts fast.

And right after that last beast was defeated, A loud cry echoed from the sky as a huge flaming bird descended right at where the villages were gathered.

The Myriad Prison of Light Element was easily melted when the bird arrived near it.

" Shit! " Athan cursed under his breath as he dashed towards the bird through the air.

Avelia, who was dumbfounded by Athan's action on how he easily defeated the beasts on her side also snapped out of her daze and looked towards the flying beast.

Although Athan was fast, The Flaming Winged beast was also fast as it released a powerful Fire Attack towards the Barrier created by Avelia.



The attack hit the barrier but it withstood the attack and released a powerful shockwave that actually pushed the beast back while damaging it.

Athan also arrived at this time and released water Impact shots from both of his hands towards the giant flaming flying beast.


After a cry, The beast turned into white light.

[ Congratulations You have finished your First Task ]

- Reward----> Athan: 50 Credits, Avelia: 50 Credits.


Both of them were transported to their temporary dorm after that.

Tiana and Mimi watched everything that happened.

Tiana muttered softly, " That girl is so beautiful...."

Mimi looked at Tiana and said cheerfully, " Hehe Big sister, You might not have been as beautiful as her previously but right now you are even more beautiful than her. "

" Mmm...." Tiana nodded but had a worried look as she thought, ' But I won't be with Athan until he reaches Soul Altar plane so he won't be able to gather white-gold energy anymore. I...I don't mind if he has more wives as long as he still loves me. Sigh, Athan is charming and strong so he'd obviously attract females. '


After Athan arrived at the dorm, He felt that Avelia's gaze was a bit weird.

She kept staring at Athan as if wanting to say something but still having some doubts.

She looked at Athan and said while moving her eyes nervously, " Y-you...how old are you? "

Athan was confused about her behavior but still answered her plainly, " 18. "

Just then another Task prompt appeared in front of them.

[ A new Task has been assigned. ]

- Complete This Choice Trial in 4 hours.

- Reward: ?? ( Depends on the performance )


Athan didn't hesitate and pressed [ Start ] and Avelica seemed like wanting to say something...

' Hmmm...Nevermind I'll confirm once again before taking that step. '

After thinking this, She also pressed [ Start ] as both of them arrived at some kind of underground chamber that only had one door.

Tiana could also see Avelia and she also found her gaze a bit peculiar.


In the underground chamber, Athan and Avelia walked through the door, and after exiting from that door, They arrived in a medium-sized hall that had 4 doors.

After looking at those doors, Athan thought for a second before saying to Avelia, " We might be able to finish this faster if we split up. "

" This..." Avelia obviously didn't want to separate as she had an important thing to check but in the end, she gave up and nodded after looking at Athan with an unwilling expression.

' What's wrong with her? She's been behaving strangely. ' Athan thought about it but he shook his head and entered the first door.

Seeing that Athan entered the first door, Avelia made a pout before entering the 2nd door.


After Athan entered the first door, He actually encountered a group of wolves that numbered 8 and were all in Grade-2 Origin core stage.

He swiftly finished them and after they turned into white light, eight small wisps of white flame remained which gathered towards Athan.

After gathering, They turned into an Arrow which pointed in the left direction.

In this small hall, There were two doors, One was situated on Athan's left side while another was situated on Athan's right side.

" This arrow is pointing at the left side but is it really the correct direction? "

After mulling over it for a bit, He didn't choose to follow the Arrow and entered the door on the right side.


The situation of Avelia was a bit different, She didn't encounter any beasts but only two doors. She also thought for a few seconds before entering the door on her left side.

After entering through the door she chose, She arrived in a large hall that had eight doors.

All of the doors had different designs and had words written on top of them.

Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, Wood, Lightning, Dark, Light.

Avelia started to mull over the choices while Athan encountered another group of beasts.


He encountered 6 Magma bulls that were in the Grade 3 Origin Core stage.

But Athan defeated them easily as well and once again Arrow formed from white flames appeared that pointed at 3 o'clock direction.

This hall had five doors and this time, Athan decided to follow the Arrow's direction and entered through the door pointed by it.

Right after he entered the door, He heard a voice.

[ Bonus Stage, Defeat the Amethyst Tiger in 1 minute. ]


The Tiger appeared out of nowhere as it howled towards Athan who just stood in front of it.

The Amethyst Tiger was a Grade-5 Origin core beast.

Athan didn't wait for the beasts to attack as he directly released an Impact Shot of Lightning Energy.

The Impact Shot was augmented with Space Ripple as it directly hit the forehead of the tiger before it turned into white light.

[ S Grade Performance- 50 Credits Granted ]

His Lightning Intent has also reached Advanced Level so the Impact Shot of Lightning Energy was also powerful enough to defeat the beasts of Grade-6 easily let alone Grade-5.

But after this Tiger turned into white light, There wasn't any white flame this time and this hall had 3 doors.

" Looks like I'll have to choose the door myself this time. "

After muttering this, He simply walked ahead and entered through the door that was in the front direction.

But after he entered...


He didn't find a foothold and fell down into a water body.


Several sounds could be heard as four shark-like water beasts appeared with fast speed while opening their jaws as they dashed towards Athan.

These Shark-like creatures had shining blade skin and a horn on top of their heads that shined with dark blue color.

Before they arrived near Athan, A beam of dark blue color mixed with lightning energy shot towards Athan.

He hurriedly put Blood Threading Barrier around him which successfully blocked the attacks but showed signs of cracking.

' Damn I should have Mastered the Advanced stage of Blood Threading Method too. ' While thinking this, He used combusting burst steps while still in the water and propelled himself upward.

Before the sharks could catch up to him, He successfully left the water body that seemed to be a pond and floated in the sky.

" Four Grade-5 Aquatic beasts...It's more powerful than the bonus stage...Looks like difficulty went up a notch. "

Athan snorted while looking at those shark-like beasts and started to form Impact Point of Fire energy.

He didn't make too many layers but just two and shot it towards the pond.

When he was in Energy Plane, He needed some time to form Impact Point but after entering Origin Intent Plane and Mastering the Peak stage of Broken Impact Flowing Method, He could use these powerful spells easily and even change Active Flowing Energy faster. Especially Fire, Water, and Lightning Energy as he had comprehended Advanced Level intent of them.

The two layers of Impact Point shot into the pond before bursting in a loud boom.


The entire pond was evaporated along with the four aquatic grade-5 beasts.

But right after that, He heard a sound.

[ You were supposed to stay together from the start, But since you separated then prepare for the consequences. ]

[ Save your Partner in 20 minutes. ]

[ Failing to save your partner in 20 minutes will result in failing this task. ]