

Chapter 70 - Wolves And Bears

[ Matching Completed ]

[ Squad ]

- Athan

- Tiana

- Jerunil

- Gaurek

The scenery changed as everyone arrived at the black ground with the red sun in the sky, The ground had varying sizes of pits as far as they could see.

[ To Finish the Howling Pit Dungeon, You have to finish 2 tasks. First, You have to survive for 10 minutes while keep moving forward. If you stop moving for even a second, 10% of your overall energy will be drained instantly. ]




[ Start ]

[ 9:59 ]

Athan and others didn't even have time to talk before the countdown started as all of them started moving forward.

" Looks like this dungeon also restricts flying. " Athan commented when he failed to cast <Lightning Arial Wings.>

Tiana smiled as Lightning Inferno energy released as she cast <Outburst Nodes> around her and Athan.

" This is the spell I talked abo-"

Tiana's voice was cut off as 2 shadows jumped out from the pit nearby them.


Two wolf-like howls sounded at the same time as two black wolves pounced towards Athan and others, Their size was around 2 meters tall and 4 meters long.

One wolf pounced towards Athan and Tiana while another wolf went for Jerunil and Gaurek.

Athan used burst movement to propel himself in the air before using <Impact Shot> to finish off the wolf while Jarunil who had a blue spear in his hand pointed it towards the pouncing wolf as a fast spinning water jet released from it which shredded the wolf into white light.

Journal had wavy blue hair and a slim body build with an oblong-shaped face while Gaurek was a 7 ft tall man who had a square-shaped face with a bald head.

Athan said to Tiana after dealing with the black wolf, " Let's be careful and pay attention to the pits around us. "

Just as he finished speaking, His face changed as he turned back but it was too late as the wolf already hit the outburst node barrier that was surrounding him.


The wolf actually got killed after it tried to bite the barrier.

Tiana who noticed later also released some Lightning Inferno Energy to repair the Outburst Nodes barrier of Athan.

Athan didn't waste time as he hurriedly spoke, " That wolf didn't make any sound and I just sensed it when it came near me...Let's spread out Mystic Energy around us to sense the presence. "

" Don't bother trying to do that, I just tried and failed to bring out any mystic energy, Stay alert, and don't get distracted. "

Athan heard Jerunil's voice when he also failed to bring out the mystic energy, He then nodded towards him before saying to Tiana, " Keep the barrier up around me and you, I will try to kill the wolves as they pounce on us. "

Tiana nodded her head hearing him as Athan was in full concentration as he stretched his senses.

Four of them were also constantly moving forward without stopping for even a second, When the wolves attacks they could jump, move backward or move forward but if they stopped moving, 10% of their total energy will be drained.

After they survived for 5 minutes, The wolves that attacked them became smaller but their speed and means of attack changed.

They now released claw-shaped dark projectile from afar before pouncing on them.

Tiana's Outburst Nodes would explode if those attacks hit the barrier, but it won't damage the wolves as they would be out of range.

But Fortunately, Athan was fully focused by now as he would deal with wolves instantly with <Impact Shots>.

Both Jerulin and Gaurek were also faring well as Jerulin had would always deal with wolves with his spear, He also had a good movement spell which he used to dodge attacks easily.

Gaurek on another hand had a thick brown Armour of Earth and Metal Energy donned on himself and to defeat the wolves, He released projectiles of magma fists towards the wolves.

He was attacked a few times by wolves but his armor withstood them and if it gets cracks, He would just repair it instantly.

After passing 8 min mark, The number of wolves increased which forced Athan to also use the spells he hadn't used for some time.

He mostly used Myriad Prisons made up of Earth energy on the wolves to restrict their movement, and since he had Intermediate earth Intent, The prisons could hold the wolves for some time.

Finally, the countdown hit 0 as all of them survived.


[ Second Task: Defeat the Giant Wolf under 1 minute to Complete the Howling Pit Dungeon. ]


A Giant wolf around 6 meters in height and 11 meters long came out from a Giant pit in front of them.

Jerunil attacked with his usual spell but the wolf unexpectedly turned into a flowing Darkness as it dodged the attack.

The wolf arrived near Gaurek as it released dark claws projectiles towards him which successfully hit him and broke his armor, Minorly Injuring him.

Athan didn't waste time a single bit when he saw the wolf attack and dashed towards it using his Combusted Burst step.

He arrived near the wolf at a very fast speed and not giving any time to the wolf to react, He pressed both of his forward and released <Impact Scatter> at point black range.



[ Congratulations! You have defeated the Giant wolf in under 1 minute thus successfully completing the Howling Pits Dungeon. ]

[ 15 points and a Normal box to Athan, Tiana, Jerunil, and Gaurek. ]

[ You have unlocked the option to play this dungeon in dual mode. If you can beat this dungeon as two people then you will receive extra 10 points. ]

Afterward, Athan and Tiana arrived in the Dungeon Plaza.

Right after arriving here, Athan spoke, " Let's finish the [ Caverns of Black Bear ] first, We'll open the boxes after that. "

" Good idea..." Tiana nodded before smiling, " It's always exciting to open those boxes while wondering what we might get. "

Athan laughed, " That's called gacha. " Saying this, He started the dungeon.

[ Matching....]

Tiana confusedly asked, " Gacha? "

Atha nodded with a smile said, " Yep, The normal box is a gacha ball that gives us something which is not known by us beforehand, That's gacha for you. Seems like you are already a bit addicted to opening these normal boxes. "

Tiana smiled and nodded, " True, If Point shop sold these boxes, I would buy it because it might also give us something that outvalues its original price...like we've got many good things that were worth many points from these boxes. "

[ Matching Completed. ]

[ Squad ]

- Athan

- Tiana

- Ragna

- Nimian

Everyone arrived in a Big cave underground which had water pools and small caverns.

Before getting time to even look around, two bears were already in front of them, and just as they arrived here, they attacked.

Both black bears were 4 meters tall with thick black fur and were filled with explosive strength.

But it wasn't difficult for the squad to finish them as Athan finished one with <Impact Shot> While Ranga who had long red hair and a muscled body finished the other bear by bitchslapping it with the broad sword that was held by him.

The broad sword shined golden light before he actually slapped the bear with it instead of piercing it which sent the big bear flying before it turned into white light.

Athan and others were dumbfounded seeing such an attack.

Ragna felt the gazes on him as he looked at them before saying with a frown, " What? I like slapping attacks with my broad sword, It feels good. "


More bears exited from the various small cavern around them, This time six bears came at the same time but they were also defeated.

But before they could take a break, More bears arrived. This time 10 bears.


After defeating them, 15 bears arrived.

" Uh, Looks like there's no end to them..." Tiana spoke as she defeated a bear with her Firebolt Spell.

Athan also used Impact Scatter constantly to defeat the bears while Ragna was just slapping bears with his broad sword and Nimian was releasing Projectile blades made up of Wind and Dark elements that cut through bears like a knife cutting through butter, Before this wave He was using another type of spell that consist of Ice elements, but started to use projectile blades in this wave as he seemed to have run out of Ice energy.

Athan had also drained his Fire energy as he started to Flow the Active Earth energy and started continued to use Impact Scatter.

After defeating this wave, Tiana was out of her Lightning Inferno Energy so she was filling it up while occasionally releasing Water shots to aid Athan.

After the 15 bears wave, 20 bears arrived.

Seeing them, Ragna spoke with a constipated expression on his face, " Oh man, it's good that the bears turn into white lights after we defeat them otherwise, there would already be rivers of blood flowing here. "

" Looks like this dungeon is about testing our reserve of energies and spells. " Athan also commented seeing this wave of bears.


All four of them started their onslaught after that and defeated 20 bears.

But another wave arrived and this time actually 30 bears arrived.


" Fuck this dungeon, it's getting annoying with all those roars but it feels good to slap them, It's been a long time since I slapped so many monsters. " Ragna cursed while also feeling good as he was prepared to bitchslap more bears.

Athan ran out of Earth energy soon and started to Flow Lightning Active Energy before he started to Impact Shots.

Another advantage of mastering the Advanced Stage of the Flowing method was that he could gather energy faster due to the increased speed of Active Flowing energy.

After they defeated this wave, Nimian who was always silent spoke, " Let's hope there are no more waves as I'm almost out of my energy. "

He also ran out of his Wind and Dark energy previous and used Metal energy spells during this wave.


A giant bear actually arrived that was 18 meters tall and actually had black steel armor on its body.

" The big guy is here, Let's finish him off and be done with this dungeon. " Saying this Ragna actually dashed towards the big bear before slapping it with his sword.

His sword shined with golden light as it actually managed to push the bear.


With this roar, Metal blades materialized around it before they shot towards Ragna who dodged them with a movement spell that used Air and space energy.

Athan was surprised as the movement spell used by Ranga seemed quite profound as it covered quite a distance.

But He was not wasting time standing when Ragna attacked as he was already preparing the 3 layer Impact Point with Dark energy.

Even though he had not mastered this spell, His proficiency had increased after using it three times so this time, It didn't take him long as he had already formed 2 layers.

Tiana and others were distracting the bear as they had also noticed the power fluctuation around Athan and the spell he was forming.

After a few seconds, He finally formed 3rd layer and pulled his hand back before powerfully impacting the Active Dark energy inside his arm towards the Hand while simultaneously pushing his hands forward in the direction of the black bear.

The Dark Impact Point shot towards the bear at supersonic speed before obliterating it.

[ Congratulations, You have completed the Caverns of Black Bear ]

Chapter 71 - Easily Cleared

" I'll open the boxes first. " Saying this, Tiana opened both of her normal boxes one by one.

[ Congratulations! You have received equipment, Icy light Vest. ]

[ Congratulations! You have received a Weapon, Bloody Chain Staff ]

"Hmmm....an armor and a staff, I can use the armor but the staff is not so compatible. "

[ Point Shop Price: 120, Trade Price: 118, Receivable Points: 110 ]

She then sold the Bloody Chain Staff which was surprisingly priced at 120 Points.

Afterward, Athan opened his two boxes.

[ Congratulations! You have received an Earth Golem Spell Manual. ]

Surprised, Athan looked at the description of the spell manual before opening the 2nd box.

[ Earth Golem ]

- Requirement: Earth Energy, Earth constitution, Intermediate Earth Intent.

- Conjures Earth Golem with a solid structure to protect the user.

Note:- If you can raise the proficiency of this spell to Master Stage after reaching Origin Intent Plane then you will have an easier time practicing an Upgraded version of this spell in Genesis Conceptual Plane.

After seeing the spell, Athan said while nodding, " I can spare Earth energy for conjuring Golems but their consumption will likely be high, Anyway They will prove to be good meatshields for us. "

He then opened his 2nd box.

[ Congratulations, You have received an Item, Repel Intent Slate. ]

" Oh..." Both athan and Tiana were surprised to receive Intent Slate and it seems to be a Mystic Intent.

[ Repel Intent Slate. ]

- Requirement: Needs Mystic Force to form the Repel Forcefield.

- After comprehending this Mystic Intent, One can consume Mystic Force to create a Repelling Forcefield to repel spells and other attacks.

Note: You may try to comprehend the Intent but it will not be much useful without Mystic Force.

Seeing the slate, Tiana said with disappointment, " Looks like These Mystic Intents require Mystic Force to use which we don't have right now. I think the so-called Mystic Force must be a thing of Origin Intent Plane. Anyway, You can try to comprehend this intent for now and use it properly after getting Mystic Force. "

Athan fell into thought, ' I was planning to buy a Mystic Intent Slate depending on the result of what I was doing since passing the examination but Now that I got this intent slate then I will try to comprehend it. '

After the examination was over, Athan was feeding his mystic energy to the black whirlpool, But so far there was no feedback from it.

' Anyway, I'll see if I can comprehend this Repel intent later but for now, I'll practice Earth Golem Spell. '

He then turned his attention to Tiana and said " I think we might be able to finish those 2-star dungeons in Dual mode now since you have a good defensive spell but still I'll go and the first master this Earth Golem spell. "

Tiana nodded before speaking with a smile, " Then I'll fight in Combat Arena to gain experience and also points if I can. "

" Alright. "

Afterward, Athan arrived in Spell Testing hall before using the spell manual.

All information about the Earth Golem spell was sent into his mind and after doing that, He sold the manual.

" Now I have 149 Points, but I'll save them for now. "

He then started to look through the Earth Golem spell's information and After a few minutes, He thought, ' Damn, This spell only uses Earth energy but the complexity of it surpasses both the Broken Impact Flowing method and Combusting Burst steps. '

' This spell also requires Intent at Intermediate level.....and on top of this complex pathways, Looks like the conjured Golems will quite powerful...And on top of that note about the upgraded version of this spell...'

Athan became a bit excited thinking about it and started to practice it.



After 3 days, Athan finally mastered the beginner stage of Earth Golem.

A 4 meter tall and 2.5 meters wide Stone golem stood in front of Athan.

He commanded Golem to attack him.

Athan didn't summon any spell to defend himself as he wanted to try the attack power of this golem first.

He just stood there while putting both of his hands in front of him in a guard stance.

The Earth Golem's thick arms came swinging towards him before its fist hit him at his hand.


Athan was sent flying and hit the wall but didn't die.

" Not bad but its main aspect is defense so let's check it out. "

After standing up, He stretched his hand forward and released Fire energy <Impact Shot> Towards the Earth Golem's Head.


The half head of the golem was blasted before cracks formed at his neck and the rest of the head area.

" Hmmm, It's somewhat expected because I mastered My Flowing Method and their spells to Advanced Stage and they never failed to kill anything in dungeons so far... Anyway, I'll practice this Earth golem spell to Advanced Stage too which will make it even more formidable. "

After deciding it, He started practicing the Advanced stage of the Earth Golem spell.


After 4 days of practicing, He finally mastered the Advanced stage of the Earth Golem Spell.

The appearance of the Earth Golem didn't change but Athan knew that this golem was more than a fold stronger than the previous one.

He then stretched his hand forward and released Fire energy <Impact Shot>


" Crap...."

Athan cursed seeing the defense of golem. His Impact shot only managed to push the golem back and created few cracks, That's all.

" Looks like It will be way easier to clear dungeons now. unlike with Barriers where I have to move out of them to release my offensive spells, These golems can be used as meatshield which are flexible. But even with the full energy reserve of Earth Energy, I will only be able to conjure 3 golems. " Athan spoke to himself after seeing the defense of the golem.

He then left the Spell training hall and met up with Tiana after waiting for 10 minutes.

" Let's go and complete those 2-star dungeons in dual modes, That Earth Golem spell is actually terrifying, Your Quadic Frost Dome spell should also be a powerful defensive spell. "

Hearing that, Tiana nodded with a smile filled with a bit of Helplessness, " Yeah, I looked through that spell and its complexity is similar to my flowing method. "


After discussing how they would proceed in each dungeon, Athan started The Lair of The Lost Eagle first.

[ Matching Completed ]

The wind that was bothering them the most in this dungeon was solved by Giant Golems that stood still like a rock as Athan and Tiana hid behind them.

Athan summoned all three golems, One in front, One in left, and one in right. Their back was covered by the tree trunk they stood on.

This way, They dealt with all enemies and even the Giant Eagle's attacks were ineffective against the golem as Athan killed it easily with his spells, Not even needing to use Impact Point.

[ Congratulations, You have finished Lair of the Lost eagle in dual mode. ]

[ 10 Points and a Normal Box to Athan and Tiana ]


After finishing this dungeon, Atha directly started The Howling Pits in dual mode.

[ Matching Completed. ]

In this dungeon, Athan used Golems as defensive meatshield while Tiana cast Outburst Nodes around the golems.

Athan positioned Golems at Back, Right, and Left, and the wolves would either be killed by golems or by Tiana's outburst nodes while the wolves that came in front of them would be dealt with by Athan.

As for the wolf boss, He told Tiana to distract the wolves along with his golems and then finished it by using his 2 layer Impact Point.

Yep, 2-Layer Impact Point was enough to defeat the wolf boss.

[ Congratulations, You have finished The Howling Pits in dual mode. ]

[ 10 Points and a Normal Box to Athan and Tiana ]


Just as they arrived at the dungeon Plaza after that, An announcement reverberated everywhere.

[ We will arrive at the Myriad Stars Academy after 10 days, The points you earned here will be converted to Credits after 10 days and with Credits, you can also buy various kinds of things at the Academy. ]

[ This virtual world is also just a small demo of a way bigger Virtual World out there which connects all major human organizations above a certain level so that they can constantly be in contact with each other. ]

' 10 days...'

Athan turned to face Tiana and said, " Let's finish all dungeons in these 10 days and earn as many points as we can. "

He then started [ Cavern of the Black Bear ] dungeon in dual mode.

[ Matching Completed. ]


Athan felt that this dungeon was actually easier than the previous two dungeons they did.

He could one-shot bears and with his reserve of energy, they easily passed this test as Tiana and Golems would occasionally attack the bears while staying defensive most of the time.

[ Congratulations, You have finished Caverns of the Black Bear in dual mode. ]

[ 10 Points and a Normal Box to Athan and Tiana ]

After arriving At the Dungeon Plaza, Tiana asked, " Should we continue with 3-star dungeons or open the boxes? "

" Let's proceed with 3-star dungeons. "

Chapter 72 - FTL Drives Stops, Exiting The Hyperspace.

[ Matching Completed ]

[ Squad ]

- Athan

- Tiana

- Raz


[ To complete Muddy Hell of the Immortal Pig dungeon, Just defeat the main boss. ]

The scenery around Athan and others changed as they arrived on a ground that was filled with brown mud.

Just as they arrived here, one of the team members cursed out loud, " Fuck the AI of this virtual world, It's always shortening my name like this. "

He had spiky brown hair, a slim build, and wore a colorful loose open robe which showed the tight suit he wore.

Another team member who wore a white robe like those kung-fu masters spoke with a baffled expression, " You are VAHTELUZE? If this is a short version then what the heck is the full form? "

VAHTELJUZE spoke after clearing his throat, "It's the name my Royal father bestowed to me. Listen carefully, My name is Van Aer Heilulio Tri El Lou Jade Urce Zii Elano. "



A giant brown pig actually fell from the sky.

It was 20 meters tall, 8 meters in length, and had brown scales on its body, The Giant Pig let out the typical pig sound and dashed towards VAHTLJUZE.

" Looks like the pig didn't like your long-ass name. " Raz commended while laughing.

Athan and Tiana held back their laughs as Athan said with a serious face, " This pig is no joke, Be careful. " He then turned to VAHTLJUZE and said, " We'll call you Elano instead of your full name. "

" So Elano, Go and distract the pig since it's coming after you. " Raz spoke right after that.

Elano was running as he spoke with an annoyed face " I am already doing it, you blind monk. "

Athan and others then started to shower attacks on the Giant Pig while Elano was running away from the pig using a movement spell that seemed to be using Air and Lightning energy.

The Giant Pig was taking loads of attacks when it suddenly let out a loud typical pig sound.


Afterward, The Mud they were standing on started to rise as before turning into small balls that shot towards everyone.

Athan and Tiana hid behind the golem while Raz conjured a cloudy barrier around him that actually rebounded the mud balls that hit it.

As for Elano, He wore a Spell armor that seemed to exclude Earth and Light energy.

After shouting, The Giant Pig continued to go after Elano who cursed, " Why the fuck it's going after me only?"

Athan and others shoot one more salvo of spell attacks, This time Athan released a 3 layer Impact Point of Fire energy.

After getting hit by this wave of Attack, The Giant Pig exploded into muddy liquid.

But before the squad could rejoice, They heard something.


From the sea of mud, Two pigs that were just a bit smaller than the previous pig came into being as one Giant pig charged towards Elano while another went after Raz.

The two pigs were around the size of 18 meters so they were still pretty big and their speed seemed to have increased.

Elano had already started running for his life, but Raz was startled to suddenly have a Giant Pig running after him and failed to execute his movement speed as he was hit by the Giant pig's nose.

[ Raz is eliminated. ]

" WTF!! "

Athan and others were dumbfounded as what they just witnessed were very confusing.

Raz was actually eliminated just as the Giant Pig's nose touched him.

Athan adopted a serious expression and said to Tiana and Elano, " Be careful, It seems that we will be Eliminated even if we are touched by The Pigs. "

" That useless guy..." Elano cursed under his breath as the Gian Pig that eliminated Raz came after him.

But Both Giant Pigs could not catch up to him as Athan and Tiana defeated the two Giant pigs with their spells.

Athan spoke right after that, " Be careful, We didn't get the announcement of completing the dungeon. "

Just as he was finished speaking, Four typical pig sounds could be heard.

This time, Four pigs around 15 meters in size came into being from the mud.

Two pigs dashed towards Elano while the other two dashed towards Athan and Tiana.

" Don't get caught and keep running Elano, We'll help after dealing with the pigs here. " Athan shouted as he used Combusting Burst steps while grabbing Tiana at her waist.

" Tiana, Create Outburst Node barrier around us. " Saying this, Athan used his Bursts to create distance between the pigs and them.

After using burst steps a few times, He stopped and started to prepare the 2 layer impact point of Lightning Energy.

But when he was halfway, The pigs arrived near him, so he used few more burst steps and made the distance before finishing the Impact Point spell and threw it towards one of the Pigs behind them which killed it.

" Their Armor has decreased while their speed is increased. " Athan spoke after seeing the weak defense.

He then stopped and let the pig hit the barrier which activated the exploding nodes and right then, Athan shot two Impact Scatter at near point-blank range towards the pig which killed it.

" Athan look..." Tiana who was put down by Athan a few movements before the pig hit the outburst nodes spoke.

Hearing her, He followed the direction where she was looking and was surprised.

Elano who was running from the pig had a sword in his hand which was shining with silver light, After a few more seconds, He suddenly stopped running and waved his sword horizontally.

An invisible wides slash seemed to carry forward as it sliced both of the pigs into two.

" That spell he released from his sword...Its Space element...Oh yeah, I also wanted to buy a Space element spell but forgot about it, Guess I'll buy one after this. "

[ Congratulations! You have completed the Muddy Hell of Immortal Pig dungeon. ]

[ 30 points and a Normal to Athan, Tiana, and Elano and nothing for Raz as he was eliminated ]


After finishing this dungeon, Athan started Crypt of the Savage Arachnid.

[ Matching....]

[ Matching completed. ]

[ Squad ]

- Athan

- Tiana

- Luinus

- Xeni

[ Kill Every spider in 10 minutes to clear this dungeon ]

Right after the announcement, Countless spider started to crawl out from everywhere in the Crypt that was filled with statues of spiders.

Nobody had time to speak as They were instantly full-handed to kill the spider and handling their fast web attacks.

Tiana used her Lightning Inferno AOE spell that wiped out large numbers of spiders and Athan summoned golem around them after Tiana created some space with her AOE spell.

After he was done conjuring Golems, Tiana used her Outburst nodes around them which also destroyed the spiders.

After 5 minutes, The horde of the spiders became more powerful in speed and attack.

[ Luinus is eliminated. ]

Athan was out of Water and Lightning energy which he used previously, He had reserved Fire and Air for Combusting Burst steps, and his Earth energy was drained due to golems.

So this time, He used Dark energy.

After 2 minutes, he was out of Dark energy, Tiana was just using her spells occasionally to kill the spiders that broke through their defense.

Xeni had a sword in her hand which she used to kill the spider surround her, She was constantly swinging her sword without a pause, One could see that she was in extreme concentration. No spider had ever stepped into 1 meter of her surrounding.

When they passed 1 minute, 5 completely white Giant Spiders with pitch-black eyes arrived from the darkness in front of them.

They cast a wide net of Spiderweb at the same time which Athan dodged while grabbing Tiana with him and Xeni cut through the spiderweb with her sword spells.

From what Athan observed so far, She only used Air, Dark, Fire, and Lightning Elemental attacks with her sword.

After dodging the wide spider web net with his Combusting Burst steps, He was defenseless as his golems were now trapped in the web.

" We'll have to finish those spiders fast. " Saying this, He started dashed towards one of the spiders before pushing both of his hands towards its body at near point-blank range and released <Impact Scatter>.

Afterwhich, He used combusting Steps to dodge the incoming web attack from another spider before once again dashing near another spider and did the same thing.

Tiana also prepared a big energy ball of Lightning Inferno Energy and shoot towards the spider that was coming towards her to kill it

Xeni on other hand had already killed one spider and was prepared to kill the last one.

Energy gathered on her sword before she released a blue wave X-shaped energy towards the spider which cut it into four pieces.

[ Congratulations! You have cleared The Crypt of Savage Arachnid ]

[ 30 points and a Normal box to Athan, Tiana, and Xeni and nothing for Luinus as he was eliminated ]


After arriving at the Dungeon Plaza, Tiana said with a bit of excitement in her voice " Let's open the boxes first, We got 5 boxes each to open. "

She then looked at her boxes in inventory and saw an additional option [ Batch open x5 ] before pressing it.

[ Congratulations!!!!! You have received Meteore Sword, Wood Pill, Condensation Gate Creation Pill, Cloud Boots, Dark Affinity Pill. ]

Tiana's eyes shined seeing the last item she received and said, " Finally I got Affinity Pill, It's just sad that the point shop doesn't sell Affinity Pills and I can only get them through Normal Boxes. "

Athan took a look at her items and nodded with a smile before he also opened his boxes in batch.

[ You have triggered a Set effect which can grant to items of the same element, It only applies when you open 5 or more Normal boxes at the same time, and the chance of trigging it is 1% ]

[ Congratulations! You have received Basic Blood Body Refining Manual, Blood Affinity Pill, Bloody chain mail, Bloody Threads Flowing Method, and you received no items from one normal box. ]

Athan and Tiana were dumbfounded seeing the list of items.

Tiana had her mouth wide opened as she spoke in a surprised tone, " This set effect is a good thing, If we had known this then we would have opened the boxes in a batch of 5 all the time. "

Athan then thought for a while and said, " Let's take a break, I want to learn a Space Element spell first and do some other thing, I will probably be done in a few days so after that we'll finish those two 3 star dungeons in dual mode. "

" Alright, I will also eat this pill and find a Dark Element spell from the point shop to practice it. "

Athan then went into the Spell Testing Hall before opening the Point shop and directly bought Space Intent Plate using 10 points before moving to Page 3 to search for a space spell.

After searching for a bit, He found a spell that he liked.

[ Space Ripples ]

- Requirements: Elementry Space Intent, Space Constitution, Space Energy.

- You can use this spell to support your offensive spells to increase their speed and attack.

- You can also create ripples of space to disrupt incoming attacks, But if the incoming spells are more powerful then they can ignore the space ripples so it's better to use against weaker attack. For instance, If you create Space Ripples while having Elementry Space Intent and try to block a Normal spell like a Fire Ball from a person who had comprehended Intermediate Fire Intent then you will have no problem disrupting that spell but if the same person uses a more powerful Fire spell then Your space ripple might not work.


Athan bought this 120 Point spell after reading the description.

" Let's first comprehend the Space intent. "


It took him two days to comprehend the Elementry Level of Space Intent but instead of continuing, He decided to learn Space Ripples first.

He used the manual as all information of Space Ripple was sent inside his head.

" So the Flowing paths of this spell is at my hands," muttered Athan after looking at the information.

He tried to practice the flowing path of this spell while his Broken Impact Flowing method was running but their energy clashed against each other.

Athan frowned and thought, ' If it is like this then won't people have limited options? '

He then chose the Guide option as he appeared in a different space before asking out loud.

" How do you practice two different flowing method or spells if their flowing paths in the same part? "

[ You can't use two different Active Flowing Energy in the same part in Energy Plane, But you can do it after reaching Origin Intent Plane. ]

Sighing, Athan thought, ' That will have to wait for now I guess. '

He then went back to the Spell testing hall and thought about some things.

' First, The Blood Affinity Pill and Basic Blood Body refining Manual are useless to me since I will be able to gain Blood affinity and its constitution with the use of the black whirlpool so will give them to Tiana after I get those things physically. '

After deciding it, He took out Bloody Threads Flowing Method and used it to receive the information about it.

After reading about it, Athan was surprised as it was not like what he expected.

This Bloody Threads Flowing method turned out to be a fully defensive Flowing method, ' Guess I will save the manual and get a hardcopy after leaving the spaceship so Tiana can practice it. '

Afterward, He took out Bloody chain mail and sold it.

[ 98 points received. ]

He then continued to comprehend the Space Intent.

After six days of deep meditating his consciousness about the Space element under the black whirlpool, He finally comprehended The Space Intent at Intermediate Level.

After opening his eyes, Athan looked at the clock he made using Mystic Energy and thought, ' It took a longer time than I expected. '

Standing up, He left the Spell testing Hall before meeting up with Tiana after waiting for a while.

Tiana walked up to Athan while grinning.

Seeing her like this, Athan asked with a smile, " Did anything good happened? "

Tiana nodded her head while smiling and said, " I feel like I will be able to comprehend Ice Intent very soon, I think I'm lacking just a final epiphany before I comprehend the Elementry Ice Intent. "

Athan was pleasantly surprised and said, " That's awesome, Do you want to buy Ice Intent slate or plate to get that final boost? "

Tiana shook her head and said, " No need. After we reach the Myriad Stars Academy I'll go into meditation once again to try. Anyway Let's do those 3-star dungeons in dual-mode, I also learned a normal Dark energy spell which although is not as powerful as Flowing Spells, But it's still a bit useful to lower the defense of enemies. "

" Alright. "


They first cleared Muddy Hell of Immortal Pig dungeon where Tiana's corrosive Darkness spell proved to be quite useful.

The first Gian pig was a bit troublesome but after running and hitting tactic they defeated it and afterward there was no need to run as Tiana would first lower their defense before Athan would finish off the Giant pigs.

As for the Crypt of Savage Arachnid, They managed to clear it although Athan was only left with Space energy by the time they finished it, So it was actually a close call.

In the Normal box they opened, Tiana got a Weapon that utilizes sound energy and A Flowing Spell Mirage movement which needed Water and Ice to practice.

Athan received another Intent slate but it was Light Intent Slate which was useless to him so he sold it and the 2nd item he received was a Normal wood spell known as Wood shield wall.

He learned the spell even though he might not use it in the future and then sold it.

After they were done with their things, Athan said with a grin, " Since we have two days left, Let's fight as much as we can in Combat Arena to earn points. "

" I agree! Let's go..."



Meanwhile, The Spaceship turned off its FTL drives as they exited the Hyperspace and a blanket of Magnificent Celestial bodies started to appear.

Chapter 73 - Arriving At The Myriad Stars Academy, Breakthrough.

Athan and Tiana were currently in grassy plains.

" We battled a lot these two days, Now I have a total of 285 points after selling things 2 days ago. How many points do you have? "

Tiana looked at her window and answered, " I have 260 points, I think we should save them because The Academy should have better things. "

Athan nodded in agreement with a thoughtful expression and said, " Yeah, It's just we don't know the conversion rate from points to credits but it shouldn't be in the loss given how prestigious this Academy is. "

While they were talking, An announcement suddenly reverberated everywhere.

[ Exiting the Virtual World in 5 seconds. ]








Inside the big hall of the spaceship, The glasses of All virtual tube opened at the same time.

Athan and Tiana stood up from their sleeping posture from the tube as they felt their newfound strength for real.

Athan noticed that he and Tiana's left hand had something on it which wasn't there before.

[ The thing around your left hand's wrist is called Digiband, It is something like your ID and if you want to do anything, you will require it. ]

[ The Digiband also contains 100 cubic meters of space inside it and all your items which you gathered in the virtual world are stored in it. ]

[ Your Points have been converted to Credits and you can see them by activating your Digiband by either touching or with your mystic energy. ]

[ We will land after 30 minutes. ]

Athan first went inside his Mystic Ream and saw that the little kitten Lucky was still sleeping.

' I wonder how long it's going to sleep? I think I'll find information about it when I reach the Academy. '

He then activated his Digiband and a small hologram appeared.

[ Athan ]

- 29 credits.

He then brought out Basic Blood Body Refining Manual, Blood Affinity Pill, and Bloody Threads Flowing Method from his Digiband before giving them to Tiana who was surprised asked, " Why are you giving them to me? wait why haven't you eaten the pill yet? You don't actually have blood affinity so it's useful to you. "

Athan smiled while shaking his head and spoke, " I have another way of getting blood affinity and I also don't need Basic Blood Body Refining Manual. As for Bloody Threads Flowing Method, I have already learned it. "

Tiana was initially hesitating but Athan forced her to accept things by insisting that he had his own way of getting stronger.

Just then, All the people on the floor shocked by something that happened.

A huge commotion occurred as people started to scream.

The reason for the commotion was what they were currently seeing.

The hall, walls, and all other things disappeared as they arrived in space.

[ Transparent Mode is on. You can now observe the magnificent Myriad Sector. ]

Athan and Tiana's eyes were wide opened seeing the current view.

In front of them was a massive Planet that was far bigger than the spaceship they were on.

Athan knew that this spaceship was half the size of a Planet Rezkiel but the planet in front of him was far bigger.

As the spaceship moved further, THey saw all kinds of planets and each of them was a massive celestial body, far bigger than Rezkiel Planet.

The smallest Planet they observed so far might be able to cover at least 20 Planets the size of Rezkiel.

But after 10 minutes, What came in front of them simply blew their mind.

They saw two giant planets far bigger than what they observed so far and they were actually connected to each other by some kind of material and sparkling energies.

[ Those two planets are a part of Formation, You all can't observe from the space ship, But there are 5 more planets like them and they are connected to each other while a giant Artificial Planet is situated at the center of the formation which is our destination. ]


Inside the Captain's office.

The Captain was currently talking with someone on the hologram that was displayed in front of him.

" Scan our ship and grant permission so that we can enter inside. "

The person on the hologram saluted and spoke, " We'll begin right away. "

The captain then laid back on his chair and spoke, " Alright, Give those Energy Plane kids their final reward and grant the final opportunity to those Origin Intent Plane kids, It will be up to them if they can step into Genesis Conceptual Plane. "

" Yes Sir. "


In all of the hall that contains Energy Plane people, An announcement echoed.

The Transparent mode turned off as the normal interior of the spaceship appeared again.

[ All energy plane students, Please step into your Virtual Tube. Do not sleep but just stand inside them. ]

Athan and Tiana along with all other people stepped into their Virtual tube and stood there.

[ After 5 seconds, All the energy you have cultivated will be saturated and you will be ready to step into Origin Intent Plane by pulling the trigger But don't pull the trigger inside the spaceship. ]

[ Repeat, Do not pull the trigger inside the spaceship. ]





Just as the countdown hit 0, Athan felt a bunch of different energy emerging below him.

' These are the energies that I have currently comprehended. ' Shocked he turned to Tiana and said, " Tiana, Hurry up and eat the blood affinity pill. "

Tiana also felt things and directly ate the blood affinity pill.

Right after she ate the pill, She also ate the condensation gate creation pill to form the Condensation gate for Blood energy.

Now she had Lightning Inferno Energy, Water energy, Ice energy, Dark energy, Fire energy, Lightning Energy, and Blood energy.

Lighting Inferno energy didn't need a condensation gate as it needs to be formed manually by Tiana using her Lightning Inferno Intent by combing energies from her Fire energy sea and Lightning energy sea.

As for Dark energy, She had formed its condensation gate inside the virtual world in the last few days.

And now that ate the Blood affinity pill and condensation gate pill, the Addition blood energy appeared from under her feet and its condensation gate was also formed as her Mystic energy started to drain.

She then started to absorb all the energy like everyone else to make them saturated.

Athan was also absorbing the energies.

After 10 minutes, All of his energy was saturated and he felt the trigger inside him.

" So this is how it feels. "

He turned his face to the side and saw that Tiana was still absorbing, Mostly Ice, Dark, and Blood energy as her other energies were saturated.

After around 6 minutes, She was also done saturating her Energies and felt the trigger inside her.

A few minutes passed as an announcement echoed.

[ Since everyone has saturated their energy, You all will be mass teleported to the Plaza on this Main Planet. After arriving there, You can pull the trigger and Advance to the Origin Intent Plane. ]






Just like how they arrived on the spaceship, They felt a pulling force as they disappeared from the hall and arrived at the Giant Plaza with a dark silver ground beneath them.

Just as they arrived there, Tremendous pressure could be felt upon them.

Everyone lost control of their energy, They felt like they lost connection with their affinities.

A loud voice of a man reverberated at this time, " Don't panic about not being able to control your energies, It's merely because of this planet's natural atmosphere. Normally it would take at least a day or more for Energy Plane kids like you to regain your control but There's no need to wait, Just pull your trigger and start your breakthrough to Origin Intent Plane. After breaking through to Origin Intent Plane, You all will be perfectly fine. "

But there was one anomaly to this phenomenon and that was Athan.

He didn't feel anything like what everyone felt and could perfectly control his energies, But he didn't want to elaborate on it as it was likely to do with how he gained his affinities and body constitution which were different than how other people gained them.

He then also pulled the trigger and instantly felt that he was being washed by gentle water.

His crystals started to spin around at a fast speed as they absorbed all of the energies while he also started losing his mystic energy.

After a few minutes, the crystals stopped spinning as they wiped cleaned his energy seas and he also lost all of his Mystic Energies.

Right after he was wiped clean though, he felt like countless ants were crawling all over him, Both inside and outside of his body.

It felt extremely weird and annoying but it only lasted for a few minutes before His Crystal started to spin one again and started releasing respective energies from them.

As for his Mystic Realm, A different type of energy started to produce in it.

Athan thought after he felt a new energy, ' This feels like Mystic energy but it also feels a bit different in nature. It should be Mystic Force. '

He then observed his Energy Realm.

' The Crystals became bigger, Previously they were the size of one finger but now they are the size of a palm, As for the energy...'

He could feel that his energies were fundamentally changed.

After a few minutes, His Energy sea once again filled up but their size considerably decreased.

Each of his energy seas was now the size of a bucket and his crystals also stopped spinning.

Athan opened his eyes and saw that Tiana was looking at him.

Seeing Athan opening his eyes, Tiana smiled and said, " Looks like you also finished with your breakthrough, Do you kn-"

Before she could finish her sentence, The previous Loud voice once again sounded but this time, Much closer.

" Now that everyone finished Breaking through, I'll conduct your first lecture right now. It is about the Plane you just achieved, Origin Intent Plane. "

Everyone looked at the sky and saw a giant projectile of a bearded man who had a faint smile on his face.

Chapter 74 - Outer Academy Is Literally Outer.

" The Origin Intent Plane. As you were stepping into this plane, you must have experienced several changes. One of them is the nature of your energy, What you were cultivating was the most common elemental energy and it is present everywhere, In every sector. But Origin energy is not present in every sector. "

" I'll say a few things about sectors, There are a total of 6 types of sectors. Gravel Sectors, Basic Sectors, Indev Sectors, Advanced Sectors, Superior Sectors, and Legendary Sectors. "

" The Myriad Stars Academy is situated in a Superior Sector and We have a total of 13 Superior Sectors, While the number of Legendary Sector we have is only....1 "

Everyone was surprised to find that in their vast human territory, There were only 13 Superior Sectors and just 1 Legendary Sector.

The bearded man did an *Ahem* before continuing.

" The gravel sectors can't produce the origin energy, Quite a few of you should be from Gravel sectors where Energy Plane is the limit and You can't find tier-2 or Origin Element Stones there. "

" But in this Superior Sector, you won't be obstructed while training in any plane. Now moving on to our main topic, Your energy is that of Origin Energy and you can do a lot with it IF you master their intents. "

The bearded man's face turned serious and spoke, " You will be able to find all kinds of Affinity Pills here but Without comprehending their Intents, It's useless to have the affinity of the said element. In Origin Intent Plane, You MUST comprehend and reach the Master Level of at least 2 Basic Elemental Intents and 1 Mystic Intent if you want to even have a chance of advancing into Genesis Conceptual Plane. "

" Putting things about how to breakthrough into Genesis Conceptual Plane aside, The things you have to do in Origin Intent Plane is to reach Master level in as many elemental Intents as you can. That's right, Having Many affinities after being born is not a big deal But having perseverance, a Sharp mind, and such qualities are A MUST if you want to become a powerhouse. "

" The Substages of Origin Intent Plane are tied to Intents. The level of Intent decided how much Origin energy of each element you can house in your Energy Realm. "

" If you have Intermediate Level in Fire intent and Elementry Level in Water Intent then you will be able to reserve more Fire energy In your energy Sea then Water Energy. "

" Another thing about your Energy Sea after reaching Origin Intent Plane is the disappearance of your Revolving Condensation Gates. There is no need to worry about it as you all don't need it anymore, You can directly Absorb the origin energy from the atmosphere or Origin Elemental Stones. "

" Now about your body. After stepping to Origin Intent Plane, You must strengthen your body with the Elemental Origin energies you have. But there is a proper way to do it. "

Everyone listened carefully as the man on the projectile continued, " Many of you must have 5, 10, or even 15 affinities but only a few intents. Now listen, IF you refine your body with energy whose Intent you haven't comprehended then it won't have any effect on your body. "

" For example, IF you refine your body with Dark energy while not having comprehended Dark intent then It won't have any effect on your body, Your body will not get stronger. "

The bearded man's voice became a bit loud as he continued, " The Proper Way to get stronger in Origin Intent Plane is simple yet requires effort and talent both. FIRST, You must comprehend an Intent, and if you comprehended an Intent of element which you don't possess then buy an Affinity pill of that element.

After reaching the elementary Level of that Intent, You must buy a Body refining Manual of that element and start refining your body. Each Body refining Manuals have 3 stages in them and after you complete all 3 stages you will successfully acquire the Constitution of that element and you will be able to practice the flowing methods related to it. "

" If you practice according to your body refining manual then your body will also get stronger along with getting the constitution at the end. "

" The sub-stages of Origin Intent plane are not that important but I'll still inform you, They are Elementry Origin Stage, Intermediate Origin Stage, Advanced Origin Stage, and Master Origin Stage...."

Pausing there, He smiled mockingly and said, " What? Did you all think they have grand names like those substages of Energy Plane? hahahaha "

After laughing he continued, " Those grand names of Energy Plane were formed when humans first started to practice to get stronger using energies and such. But as time passed we got stronger and stronger as many things changed on the way. So later those grand names now turned into the lowest level which is Energy Plane. "

" If you want grand names then get stronger, You will get true recognization when you finally achieve Profound Domain Plane, but it's not the end. There is still a long way to reach the height of our peak human powerhouses and even they are still searching for further ways to get stronger because we are..." At the end of speaking, The bearded man shook his head and did not continue.

" Anyway, Remember the proper way to get stronger, what i just said was most basic things as there are still quite a few things in Origin Intent Plane which you will know later. For now, You all are considered Outer Students. "

The bearded man looked at his left side while nodding before turning back and said, " Time is up, The next batch of students are coming. Standstill as the Teleportation to the Outer Academy will commence in 3 seconds. "


After 3 seconds, The Millions of students that stood upon the Dark Silver plaza disappeared and appeared at a grand natural place.

There were Rivers, Mountains, and Huge trees everywhere but not a single building in sight.

Athan noticed that only around 1000 students were currently here and they were all spread apart in this huge ground.

He and Tiana found each other easily as they were only a few tens of meters apart from each other and met up.

Their left side were bodies of water and waterfalls, behind them were mountains from which the water was freely falling and in front of them and the right side had greenery like various trees and other plants.

Everyone was confused as to where was the Outer Academy but just then A projectile Lit up in the sky which revealed a woman's face who looked to be in her twenties.

She had blond wavy hair and looked very pretty, With a sweet smile, She said, " Don't be surprised, This is your Outer Academy. You have to build your own house and live wherever you want in this vast land. Millions of kilometers around this place are no buildings and only various natural habitats like mountains, Jungles, Rivers, Lakes, etc.

Hearing this, A small commotion occurred as exclaimed sounds could be heard from the students due to things spoke by The blond girl.

Athan and Tiana were also dumbfounded as Athan then commented with a laugh, " Hahaha, Just as its name says. The outer Academy is literally Outer. "

Tiana also chuckled hearing that as The blond girl on the projection once again spoke, She smiled even more seeing people's faces, and continued, " Keep quiet and listen to everything first. "

Everyone calmed down as they paid attention to the beautiful sister up in the sky as she continued, " Your Digiband is now connected to the Real virtual World that for now is restricted to our Myriad Star Acedmy's sector only, You will unlock more functions and facilities inside virtual world in the future but it depends on your rate of progress and performances. "

" After I am finish talking, You can check your Digiband once again and you will see quite a few new things in it along with an option to enter the virtual world, You can buy whatever you want after entering there with your credits but.."

Pausing here, She grinned before continuing, " But you all have to make your living here, Find a good place, Build a house, and practice. The density of origin energy here is enough so that you won't need Origin Elemental Stones to absorb any type of energy. "

" So all you have to do is to comprehend Intents, complete missions that will be given to you regularly to earn Credits points, and also pass the main tests in time. "

Her face then turned serious as she spoke, " But never attacked your fellow students with the intention to kill, If you have a problem with each other then you can challenge each other or fight Life & death match after getting consent from the Academy. "

" The penalty of murder is harder than receiving death so be careful on that. All right I'm done so you can enjoy your new life. "

The projection then disappeared as silence descended. But After a few seconds, A new commotion started.

Athan and Tiana checked their Digibands as several things indeed appeared.


- Credits: 29

[ Missions ]: None currently. ( in 24 hours. )

[ Main tests ]: None currently. ( in 24 hours. )

<Virtual World>

- Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.

Chapter 75 - Battling After A Long Time.

Looking at the information on Digiband, Athan said to Tiana after thinking for a second, " Looks like the missions and Tests will be revealed after 24 hours, and I guess we have to find a place and build a house before that. "

Tiana nodded in agreement before saying with a smile, " Athan, Let's find a place that is high up in the sky. The trees here are so huge and I think there should be even bigger trees like those we saw in Lair of the Lost Eagle dungeon. "

" Oh, Treehouse is it? It's a good idea, If we can really find a suitable tree then we can make it. "

" Yep, Let's start finding--Aaa. "

He then grabbed Tiana's waist suddenly and unfolded <Lightning Arial Wings> before flying in the sky.

Tiana was startled but nestled herself as they both flew away.

Athan moved upward first before turning back towards the mountain and started flying.

After flying for 30 minutes straight and crossing the mountains, A new scenery unfolded in front of them.

Countless ponds with small islands around them could be seen everywhere, There were big and small fish monsters inside them, Athan caught quite a bunch and put them inside his Digiband's storage.

After flying for an hour, They passed this island-ponds area.

Athan's other crystal stopped spinning but his Lightning and Air crystal were spinning and absorbing Lightning and Air energy due to his <Lightning Arial Wings> consuming the two energies.

The new area was filled with geysers and small volcanos and there were all kinds of Magical beasts, Athan even sensed the magical beasts which made him feel threatened.

They continued to fly and after flying for 3 more hours, They finally encountered an Area filled with Giant Trees.

But these trees were different than what they saw in Lair of the Lost eagle dungeon.

These trees were not as tall as those trees but the thickness and wideness of these trees were just unbelievable.

Athan went towards one of the trees before stopping on one of its branches that were at least 100 square meters wide.

" Holy crap, A single tree can house a small village easily. " Athan exclaimed seeing how big the tree appeared.


Just then a loud screech could be heard as a giant bird the size of around 2 meters tall and 3 meters long with black and green stripes on its body appeared in front of them, more like it came out from its nest that was filled with leaves which they neglected.

They didn't sense its presence at all so they were startled.

The bird's wings were folded and it didn't attack directly.


The bird seemed to be saying something as it unfolded its left wind and pointed at the left side which was the way they came from.

Athan and Tiana were dumbfounded.

Tiana hesitatingly said, " It seems to be telling us to leave. "

Athan nodded with raised eyebrows and thought, ' This magical beast is definitely not in Energy Plan.

Just then several more screechings could be heard as more magical beasts with the same appearance appeared, But they appeared a bit different than the magical beast in front of Athan and Tiana.

They had small spots of green while the majority of their body was filled with black colored feathers.

The Tree was Very Giant and had branches around 100 square meters so they didn't see everything yet but now it seems that this tree was home to these birds.

Tiana smiled wryly and said, " Since they are politely telling us to leave then we should find another tree, There are more besides this one. "

Athan nodded with a smile before taking out a large fish from its Digiband and gave it to the first bird.

" Here take it.."

The bird let out a sound before opening its mouth and eating the fish, It broke the fish in half as it ate one half and took another half to its nest.

" Let's go..." Athan said to Tiana as they both turned around to leave but just then they heard its sound once more.


Turning back, They saw A fruit floating towards them from the direction of the bird whom Athan gave the fish.

Seeing the fruit, Other birds started to let out their usual sound like they went crazy but none of them went forward.

The fruit was shaped like mango but had green and black stripes on it just like the magical bird.


The bird with Black and green stripes on it unfolded one of its wings while pointing at the fruit and then at them.

The fruits arrived in front of Athan which he grabbed before smiling and saying, " Thanks. "

*Cawww..* The bird moved its head like it was nodding.

Athan and Tiana then left while still feeling a bit surreal.

As they left the tree, Tiana spoke, " That magical beast seemed to as Intelligent as The little kitten you got. "

Athan nodded with a smile before passing the fruit to Tiana and said, " Eat this and it might help you comprehend wood and Dark intent, and don't reject because it's useless to me. It's not that effective on me as I have comprehended the Intermediate level of Dark and Wood intent and from what I sensed, This fruit will at most give you some insights on Dark and Wood Elements. To comprehend them, You have to rely on yourself. "

Tiana accepted after hearing about what Athan said.

They then went towards another giant tree and started building the house with Wood and Earth energy.

After an hour, A simple yet sturdy house was ready.

There were 3 rooms, A Kitchen, A Big bathtub and A bedroom without a bed.

" We'll find some soft material like Cotton later and create a bed with it later, But for now...Let's take a good and long bath. "

Tiana blushed hearing that as both of them went into the bathroom.

Athan used fire energy and water energy to create some hot water on the big bathtub.

After removing their clothes, They got inside the bathtub as surprisingly Tiana made the first move by going behind Athan's back as she started washing his back with her big soft breast.

Athan felt good with the soft melons washing his back and spoke with a smile, " Haha I haven't really experienced this before, It indeed feels good. "

" Of course "

Tiana's voice was filled with pride as she said.

After a few minutes, Athan turned around before grabbing her soft melons and started caressing them.

While fondling them with his hand, He moved his mouth toward Tiana as she also came forward before they started a passionate kiss which they haven't felt for more than a month.

Tiana's hands went towards Athan's big meat rod which was already standing and throbbing as if waiting for a good reward.

She grabbed it and started doing a handjob slowly.

Athan's inner fire ignite after getting touched like that and Tiana also suddenly sent her tongue into his mouth which startled Athan but he tasted a different type of pleasure with it as he also sent his tongue forward.

After a while, They felt out of breath as they separated their mouths with saliva dripping down.

Tiana was feeling itch down there as she said with a voice that was involuntarily filled with seduction, " Put it in~~...."

Athan's heavenly rod throbbed like crazy as he stood up while also pulling Tiana up and entered into her wet pink cave.

" Aaaahhhhh....." Tiana moaned loudly as tasted the heavenly feeling once again after not tasting it for over a month.

Athan moved his hips while grabbing her soft ass and started sucking her breast which had pink erect nipples with his mouth.

" Ahhhh...Ahhh..."

After a while, He put Tiana down before he took one of her legs upward and increased his speed.

Tiana's felt rapture with sudden speedy thrust as she lost herself in pleasure.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.....I-im coming....Aaaaahhhh. "

Tiana couldn't hold back as a liquid sprayed out after Athan pulled his meat rod out.

" Hey, we've just started..."

Tiana smiled sweetly before she used her Mystic energy to elevate them before waving her hand to freeze the water.

She then Laid on it and spoke with a grin, " Come on, I'm ready. "

Athan laughed loudly before he also laid on top of her and injected his meat road which went smoothly in her wet pink cave.

" Get ready for a long battle as I have not even started. "

Tiana wrapped her hands around his neck before kissing him and said with a provoking tone filled with seduction as her smile grew wider, " Start moving already. "

Athan lost it as he violently started to move with speed even faster than before while putting his tongue in her mouth for a long kiss.

After a while, Tiana once again moaned loudly, But this time due to Athan releasing his hot white liquid inside her.

He then laid down while putting Tiana on top of him as he caressed his breast and started another round of battle as Tiana also moved, matching her hip movement with Athan's as they achieved perfect harmony in their passionate battle which sent jolts pleasure into her being.


Loud moans filled with pleasure reverberated out from the house, Filling the peaceful environment with a passionate atmosphere.

Chapter 76 - Virtual World, Academy Area.

Athan and Tiana were sitting crossed-legged next to each other for meditation.

" Athan, You also have that white-gold energy inside you right? Do you know its uses? "

" Nope. It's something that is produced from my body when we have intercourses so.." Athan adopted a thought full expression and said, " It seems like we are dual cultivating something and that something is the white-gold energy but I still don't know anything besides what it did to you."

Tiana was also thinking about it and nodded when she heard Athan, " Yeah, It's safe to assume that at least the white-gold energy has healing properties that are beyond the scope of just physical wounds as it restored my Energy Sea along with the injuries I suffered after eating those petals. "

Athan nodded and said, " Let it stay inside you, It might help in dangerous moments. "

Suddenly, Lucky the little kitten who was sleeping inside Athan's Mystic Realm woke up and appeared outside.


Athan was not startled as he felt its movement but Tiana was startled for a second before she smiled and said, " So you finally woke, Why were you sleeping for so long? "


Lucky seems to be using mystic energy as it floated itself before sitting on Athan's shoulder.

Athan gently scratched the area under its head and neck as he felt the soft fur.


After purring twice, It meowed once towards Athan while indicating something with its paw before disappearing.

Athan looked inside his Mystic Realm and saw that lucky was pointing at the white-gold energy that was floating beside the black whirlpool.


" You want that energy? "

Hearing the question, Lucky nodded its cute head. *meoww*

Although Athan was surprised, He didn't reject it and brought all the white-gold energy which was enough to fill up a normal-sized cup to the little kitten.

Seeing what Athan did, Lucky jumped up in joy before starting to eat the energy.

After two minutes, It finished eating the white-gold energy and once again fell asleep.

Athan was very curious as to why Lucky requested to eat the white-gold energy and how would it help it.

' Guess I'll get answers when it wakes up next time. ' Thinking about it, he left Mystic Realm and said to Tiana after looking at his Digiband.

" The missions and main tests will be revealed after an hour, Until then let's visit the Virtual World. "

Tiana nodded and put up two layers of Outbursts nodes barrier around them with the gap between them so they both won't explode and then Athan conjured three golems outside the barriers to stand as guards.

" Let's enter. "



Both of them arrived at a huge plaza as lots of people were appearing and disappearing.

A lot of roads were connected to the plaza with big signboards floating on top of them. For instance, Guild Area, Public Market, Academy Stores, Transportation Center, etc.

There were many such signboards but Athan and Tiana first decided to visit Public Market.

After walking on the road towards Public Market, lots of big and small stalls appeared, They were run by the students who seemed to be selling various kinds of things.

Suddenly, Someone approached Athan and Tiana. He looked to be around 20 years old with a Yellow hairstyle and a slim build.

" Hello, My name is Yegan. You both are new students, right? "

Athan answered with a nod which prompted a clap from Yegan as he spoke with a laugh, " Haha great, I am sure you two must need a lot of things for your training, I was just going to open my stall so I might as well open here and start with you two. "

He then touched his Digiband and after a few seconds, A 3 square metre stall appeared behind him which already had quite a few items laying on it.

Athan and Tiana were surprised upon seeing what just happened.

Yegen then walked behind his stall and said with a smile, " Come and take a look. If you find anything of your liking then you can buy it with credit points. "

Athan and Tiana went forward and looked at the items on the stall.

At this time, Yegan spoke, " What planes are you two in? Origin Intent Plane or Genesis conceptual Plane? or ...?

" Origin Intent Plane. "

After hearing the answer from Athan, Yegan thought for a moment and said with a smile, " I see, Then I guess you might need things like body refining manuals, Affinity pills, and Relaxing Incense.

" Relaxing Incense ?"

Yegan nodded and said, " Yep Relaxing Incense, It can help you get into deep meditation and clear your mind so you can focus on comprehending the intent. " Saying this, He picked out a few scrolls and square boxes before showing them to Athan and Tiana.

" You can take a look at these items. In my Stash, Only these items are useful for Origin Intent Plane students like you. "

Athan was surprised hearing him and asked, " What Plane are you in? "

Yegan smiled and said, " I am in Genesis Conceptual Plane. " after answering, He advised them, " Also, be sure to follow the proper way to progress in Origin Intent Plane. "

Both of them nodded and started looking through the items given to them by Yegan.

There were body refining manuals, Flowing Spells, Flowing Methods and inside the Boxes were colourful fruits.

Pointing at the fruits, Athan asked, " What are the uses of these fruits? "

Yegan looked at them and said, " These fruits are like Intent Plates and Slates which I'm sure you've already seen, If you eat them then you might be able to comprehend intent but in the end, it all depends on your efforts as there are countless cases where people can't progress for many years in their intents. You might have comprehended an Intent after eating fruit but you will need to rely on your comprehending ability to progress after that. "

Taking a breath, He wryly smiled and said, " If you can't reach Master level in Intents then it's all useless and reaching master level is hard, At least that was hard for me, But despite reaching Master Level in 4 Elemental Intents and 2 Mystic Intents by following a preceder's build, I failed to fuse my Intents and realize the concept that I was aiming for in time, so I had to settle for a less powerful one. "

Athan and Tiana were confused about hearing some new terms but He caught a crucial point and asked, " Why did you say you fail in time? Is there a time limit? "

Yegan was confused at first but then he realized and said with a smile, " Looks like you haven't received your Main tests yet. The Main tests are about your progression, They will give you some years of time limit for you to Master your intents and ready to breakthrough to Genesis Conceptual Plane and if you fail then you will have to leave This Academy and transferred to some organization under this academy. "

" You two also, Don't aim too high because if you fail to pass the main test then you won't be able to enjoy countless benefits this academy gives you which you will find out gradually. Anyway, After I passed the main test, I got stay here and now I can continue to Aim high because of this Academy but if you fail then you will have to leave which will severally reduce the rate of your progression."

" I see..." Athan nodded with a thoughtful expression before he smiled towards Yegan and said, " Thanks a lot for this information. "

Waving his hand, Yegan spoke, " Don't worry about it. Anyway, have you decided what do you want to buy? "

" Yeah, The only useful thing for us here is this Ice refining Body manual. How much credit points is that? "

Hearing Athan's words, Yegan said, " That cost 8 Credit points. "

Athan nodded and paid 8 credits as the manual was transferred to the storage of his Digiwatch.

The items in this Virtual World were obviously digital copies but You can transfer things from a Digiband to another Digiband using the Transfer function which shows after Athan looked into the Credit Points option.

After the deal was done, Athan asked, " By the way, Do you know any type of animal that can enter one's Mystic Realm and eat mystic energy? "

Yegan was surprised and instead of answering, He asked, " Don't tell me you got such animal during your Examination? "

Seeing Athan nodding his head, Yegan exclaimed and said with envy, " Damn, Every 100 years there are a few lucky ones who receive Mystic Beast and it seems that you were one of the lucky ones this time. "

Calming himself down, Yegan said to them, " Mystic Beasts are creatures that are only born in Superior Sectors. If you want to buy one from Academy Stores, then do you know how much credit points you need? "

' Obviously, I don't know ' Thinking this, Athan and Tiana shook their heads.

" The Price of Mystic Beasts starts from 5000 credit points and you got one such beast already sigh...." Shaking his head, He continued with a wry smile, " You will know it's usefulness later, Be sure to feed it Mystic Energy as you have to mature them first. "

Afterward, Athan and Tiana started to stroll the Public Market.


After some time of strolling, A beep sound came from both Athan's and Tiana's Digiband as they heard a voice inside their head.

[ Your First Mission and First Test are available, please take a look. ]

Chapter 77 - Missions And Main Tests

Athan and Tiana left the virtual world before activating their Digiband, Athan first transferred The Ice Body refining manual to Tiana while Tiana gave him 8 credits.

The Information they were seeing was directly projected into their Mystic Realm in form of a display.

[ Missions ]: 1. Defeat Origin core Beasts( Time Limite: 1 month )

( choose 1 option from below. )

--> Defeat Six 1st Stage Origin core beasts = 10 Credits

--> Defeat Four 2nd Stage Origin Core Beasts = 15 credits.

--> Defeat Two 3rd Stage Origin Core Beasts = 25 Credits.

Athan chose 3rd option without hesitating as the display changed.

[ Mission Accepted: Defeat two 3rd Stage Origin Core Beasts ]

- Reward: 25 Credits.

Afterward came the Main tests.

[ Main Tests ]: Road to Realization.

1st) Comprehend at least two Intermediate Level Intent. ( Time Limit: 1 year ) ( Completed )

-Reward: 20 Credits.

[ 30 credits received. ( 50% Extra Credits for completing the test in less than 50% of the given time. ]

?? Next Test ??

2nd) Comprehended at least 1 Mystic Intent at Elementry Level ( Time Limit: 1 year. )

-Reward: 20 Credits.

Afterward, The display changed again.

< Athan >

- 29 Credits

[ Missions ]: Defeat two 3rd stage Origin Core Beasts---> Reward: 25 Credits. [ Start ]

[ Main Tests]: Comprehend at least 1 Mystic Intent---> Reward: 20 Credits.

< Virtual World >

Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.

After seeing this, He said to Tiana, " Let's finish the mission right now. I think we can start it as long as we use that [ Start ] option. "

" Yep, we made the right decision of entering the virtual world before the arrival of mission and main tests. "

Hearing her, Athan nodded with a smile and said, " Yeah, Thanks to that, We found out information about the stages of beasts in the Public Market. 3rd Stage Origin Core beasts can be defeated as long as we have comprehended two intermediate Level intent and have a proper set of spells and flowing method of them. You will also be able to defeat the beasts with your Intermediate Lightning Inferno Intent combined with The Dark Intent you just comprehended. "

Tiana nodded with a smile, " Yep, The Dark spell I am using can decrease the defense of the beasts but even without it, My Lightning Inferno energy combined with my Flowing Method will be sufficient to finish the mission. "

Afterward, They both started their missions right away as they heard a countdown in their mind.

[ Mission Starts. ]





Just as it hit 0, A pulling force descended from out of nowhere and both of them disappeared.

Athan arrived at a place where strong wind currents were howling which didn't affect him at all.


He heard two strange screams above him and saw that two magical beasts flying in the sky with their milky white wings.

They looked like magpie birds but with 50 meters of wingspan and 18 meters of length with only white feathers all over their body.

" Easy...." Athan muttered with a smile seeing them.

After Achieving Origin Intent Plane, His Energies were fundamentally changed and became Origin Energies.

One of the unique things about this energy was co-existence, He could now practice two flowing methods at the same time in the same area and the Active energies wouldn't clash but the requirement of the body multiplies if one wants to practice two flowing methods in the same area at the same time.

For instance, A person had mastered the Beginner stage of the ( A ) Flowing method and its requirements were 20 Strength and 20 Constitution for the beginner stage. This flowing energy's path covers his chest and both arms, Now this person wants to practice another ( B ) Flowing method and its path covers the chest and back area, The requirement of this flowing method is 15 strength and 25 constitution.

Now, Since he is at the origin Intent Plane, His energy will not clash with each other but the strain on the body will severally be increased due to the Two Flowing methods' Active energy running at the same time, in the same area.

So if he wants to Practice these two methods then his body stats must be multiple of the respective Flowing method's highest requirement state.

For Example: (A) Flowing method-> ?? Str, 20 Const. (B) Flowing method-> 15 Str, ?? Const

THEN His body stat must be ??x2 Str and ??x2 Const, Meaning He needs 40 Strength and 50 constitutions to practice the beginner stage of these two methods, AND When he practices the Advanced stages of these methods then his body stats need to be increased again before he can successfully use their's spells.

Athan's Space Ripples Spell's requirement was 15 Strength and 15 Constitution at beginner stage while Broken Impact Flowing Method's requirement was 15 strength and 20 Constitution, But He had reached Advanced level of Broken Impact flowing method and it now requires 25 Strength and 35 Constitution.

So basically he needs 50 Strength states and 70 Constitution to Use Space Ripples while using Spells of the Broken Impact Flowing Method.

And he met the requirement easily because right after he broke through to Origin Intent State, His Strength and Consitution both reached 100 while his Mind reached 20.

Generally, Common breakthrough to Origin intent plane will bring STR, CONST, and MIND stats to 20 each but Athan's Strength and Consitution were sealed due to no baptism by the origin.

And now that he broke through, His STR and CONST directly reached 100.


Back to the present scene, The two white magical beasts opened their mouths seeing Athan who was standing below on the ground and actually shoot a white laser beam towards him.

Seeing the beams coming at him, <Lightning Arial Wings> materialized behind his back as he also activated Combusting Burst steps at the same time to dodge the beam before shooting two <Impact Shot> towards both birds.

The different thing about these two Impact shots was that the space around them was rippling as if cutting the space around it which severally increased the speed and actually blended in space, One needs extremely sharp senses to notice them which those magical beasts felt but failed to dodge due to the fast speed of the attack as the two impact shot hit them in the head without missing.

[ Mission Completed ]

- Reward: 38 credits Receved. ( 50% extra credits for completing the mission in less than 50% of the given time. )

Athan then felt pulling force once again as he appeared at their treehouse.

He noticed that the general atmosphere was not changed at all between this place and the place where he completed his mission.

" Looks like I was simply teleported to somewhere else on this planet. "

He then looked at his status on Digiband.

< Athan >

- Credits: 97

[ Missions ]: None right now ( In 24 hours. )

[ Main Tests ]: Comprehend Elementry Level Mystic Intent---> Reward: 20 Credits ( Time Limit: 1 year )



After that, He made some small goals.

' My first task is to comprehend a Mystic Intent and 2nd task is to find Origin Blood Stones so My black whirlpool can absorb whatever it wants from it and give me blood affinity while also strengthing my body. '

' After that, I will only focus on reaching Master Level on my Intents. '

He then took out Repel Intent Slate he received from the normal box and started comprehending it.

Athan sent his consciousness into the deepest part of the black whirlpool while also taking the Repel Intent Slate with him there.

When he was at this place, He could easily go in deep meditation with a clear mind so he didn't need the so-called Relax Incense.

' It would be good if Tiana could also send her consciousness here but it's too bad that our consciousness can't leave our body. '

After clearing his thoughts, He entered deep meditation and started comprehending Repel Intent.

While Athan was lost in meditation, Tiana also finished her mission and appeared at the Treehouse.

But Her situation was not good as right after arriving, A mouthful of blood left her mouth but she hurridly controlled it with her Mystic energy and then threw it away.

The blood she puked was not only red but was mixed with Dark yellow poison.

After throwing her blood far away, She flew away from here and went towards another tree while throwing out another mouthful of poisoned blood.

On her back, below the right shoulder was a 5-centimeter thick hole and the skin around it was turned into a Dark yellow color. The dark yellow poison inside the hole was sipping into her body slowly.

Her eyes were filled with pain but she endured it and flew away before landing on another tree.

Gritting her teeth, She didn't let out any sound from her mouth but closed her eyes and entered her mystic Realm before bringing out a few drops of the white-gold energy and directly applied those drops to the wound.

Her wound started to close down and whenever the white-gold energy went, The Dark Yellow poison at that place started to evaporate.

A muffled sound escaped her mouth before she threw out another mouthful of dark yellow blood and fainted.

After she fainted, The remaining White-gold energy inside her Mystic Realm actually started moving on its own as it left her Mystic Realm before traveling inside her body and started to eliminate all the poison inside her.

The amount of White-gold energy she had was a bit less than what Athan had because some of it was used when her Energy Realm was restored.

After the white gold energy repaired her body to a completely new state, It was reduced to a small amount equivalent of one tablespoon.

After a few minutes, She opened her eyes and was surprised to find that her body felt even more energetic than before.

But she saw that the white-gold energy from her Mystic Realm was more consumed than what she initially brought out.

" Looks like it automatically worked just like when my Energy Realm was destroyed. " Her face was filled with confusion as she thought, ' Just what type of energy is it? '

Shaking her head, She put aside that thought and changed her clothes before flying towards their Treehouse.

Seeing that Athan was still meditating, Tiana also sat beside him and started to comprehend Dark intent to reach Intermediate Level in it to finish her First Test.


After who knows how long, Both of them heard a voice.

[ The first official Class will start in 10 minutes. ]

Chapter 78 - Tiana's Status & Info


-> Intermediate Stage of Origin Intent Plane.


Strength: 22

Constitution: 24

Mind: 20 ( Mystic Force )


<~Energy Realm~>: Origin Energy- [ Lightning Inferno, Water, Ice, Blood, Dark ]


<~Elemental Intent~>

-Elementary Level----->[ Dark Intent ]

-Intermediate Level---->[ Lightning Inferno Intent ]


<~Mystic Realm~>

- Mystic Force, White-gold Energy


<~Mystic Intent~>

-Elementary Level-[ None yet ]


<~Active Energy Flowing Methods~>

- Flaming Snake's Lightning Rend Method ( Beginner Stage )

---->[ Spells: Exploding Snake, Boa, Winged Serpent, Serpent Robe ]

- Bloody Threads Flowing Method ( Just started practicing )

---->[ Spells: ( Haven't learned yet ) ]


<~ Sole Flowing Spells~>

- Outburst Nodes ( Beginner Stage )


[ Spell runes ]

- Firebolt, Chaining Firebolt, Inferno Dome, Lightning inferno Wave, Lightning Inferno Energy ball.


Digiband Status

< Tiana >

- Credits: 56

[ Missions ]: None currently. ( In 18 hours. )

[ Main Tests ]: Comprehend Two Intents to Intermediate Level--->Reward: 20 Credits. ( Time limit: 1 year )

< Virtual World >

Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.

Chapter 79 - Class & A New Function.

[ The First Offical Class will start in 10 minutes. ]

Athan and Tiana opened their eyes hearing it.

" Oh, you arrived? How did it go? " Athan noticed Tiana and asked.

" I completed it, But I was injured a little bit, due to a sneak attack from behind. Anyway, That injury was easily healed by The white-gold energy, and it was nothing major. "

Athan sighed relief and said, " Be careful next time, and we should make more of that white-gold energy as It seems that it will prove to be useful in dire situations. "

Tiana blushed a bit and nodded, " Yep we should. Anyway, I wonder how the class will be conducted? "


10 minutes pass and both Athan and Tiana felt a pulling force before they disappeared.

Athan felt that the pulling force has something to do with Digiband, It shows their coordinates, and by knowing coordinates, The Academy uses some kind of method to teleport them.


Athan and Tiana arrived at a grass ground where a lot of students standing. The scenery around them was natural and filled with greenery.

Students were at least 2-meter distances from each other, while pairs like Athan and Tiana were together.

There were approx ten thousand students.

After a few seconds, A huge projection lit up in the sky which displayed a man who seemed to be in his thirties. He had short brown hair and a small brown mustache.

He had a plain face and his expression was that of indifference.

Opening his mouth, He spoke, " My name is Grenier Lom and You will call me Professor Lom until you breakthrough to Genesis Conceptual Plane. I am also a student like you at this Academy but I am at Soul Altar Plane, and the real teachers can't be bothered to teach Origin Intent Plane and Genesis Conceptual Plane students. But of course, If you can catch the eyes of real Teachers and become their personal Students then it will be the best fortune of your life. "

" And to impress those teachers, You have to perform best in Competitions that will occur often. You will be notified when they occur and it's your choice whether you want to participate in them or not, Of course, I definitely recommend you all to participate as you can get a lot of rewards and the best reward would be to catch the eyes of those teachers as They would only pay attention to those competitions. "

Professor Lom then cleared his throat and said, " Now let's talk about Origin Intent Plane. As you all must have already found out, Your energy has changed and can no longer obstruct each other when you use flowing methods, but your body must be strengthened to practice more Flowing Methods and spells..."


The professor talked about things Athan and Tiana already knew for some time and after an hour, They finally heard something new.

" What are Elemental Intents and Mystic Intents? They are existing thoughts. They are thoughts of this vast universe and countless worlds. By comprehending those thoughts, you gain access to their power. "

" Once you reach Master level in any Intent, You will feel a barrier that binds your existence. This barrier is known as the Barrier of thoughts. "

Many students were surprised while many others were not.

Athan and Tiana were surprised as it was their first time hearing such things.

Professor Lom swept his gaze across all the students as he continued to speak, " To break this barrier of thoughts is to breakthrough to Genesis Conceptual Plane. "

" And to do that, You have to fuse at least two Elementry Intents and one Mystic Intent together and realize a concept. "

" Many of you must have gained Fusion Intents by chance, Those Intents are a mix of two or more elements and some other mystical properties. Those Fusion Intents can be entirely realized into a concept If you can comprehend the Mystic Intent related to the mystical properties in those intents. "

Professor Lom then said, " The first concept I realized was known as Concept of Icy Darkness. This concept was a fusion of Ice Intent, Dark Intent, Shadow Intent, Frostbite Intent, and Slow Intent. "

" Among them, Frostbite Intent and Slow intents are Mystic Intent and Ice Intent, Dark Intent, and Shadow Intent are Elemental Intent. I reached the Master level in these 5 Intents and then fused them to create the concept. "

" Any element intents and Mystic Intents can be fused as long as you know what you are doing and have a clear structure of the concept in your mind and as for the use of concepts, It's too soon for you all to know that. "

Professor Lom's voice turned into a sharp one as he continued.

" You all have two ways to create a concept. First, You comprehend Intents that are easily understood by you and reach master level in them before looking through the recorded concept builds, OR first look through the recorded concept build and then comprehend the intents according to them. "

" If you want access to the concept builds then Visit the [ Concept Building ] Store to register yourself and get a new function on your Digiband. "

He then concluded the class.

" The next class will be a few months later, No exact time confirmed yet. And in the next class, You can tell me your doubts and I will solve them. "

The Projection disappeared and students felt the pulling force once again before they returned to their self-build homes.


After returning to their Treehouse, Athan spoke, " Tiana, use your Normal spell with Lightning inferno Energy on me, I want to check something.

He then flew out from the house and floated in the air using Mystic Force.

Tiana complied and also floated before releasing Lightning Inferno Wave towards Athan.

Athan let himself wash over by the Lightning Inferno Wave as closed his eyes.

This attack couldn't injure him because it was just a normal attack and his body stats were also high.

He used his mystic force and indeed it was somehow being consumed faster even though he was not using it that much to float.

Seeing Athan opening his eyes, Tiana spoke of what she knew about her Intent, " When I just received this power, There was some blue lightning but now it's turned into red entirely. I have comprehended this Intent to Intermediate Level now and also according to information when I received this, Lightning Inferno has burning and numbing effects and it can also burn the opponents Psychic Energy & Mystic Energy but don't know if it also burns Mystic Force which is an upgraded version of Mystic Energy. "

Athan grinned and answered, " It actually burned my Mystic Force when I used it against it so it's safe to assume that It is the mystical property of your Intent. As for burning and numbing, They are the normal property of Fire elements and Lightning Elements. "

" I think so too, But I don't know what this Mystic Intent is called and I haven't come close to comprehend it at Elementry Level, I think we should go to the Academy Store area which Professor Lom talked about and check about the various builds of Concepts. "

Athan nodded in agreement before both of them went inside the Virtual world after taking defensive measures around them just like before.

They arrived at the same plaza and this time they took another road, which led to the Academy Store area.

This Area had Big stores on sides of the roads, The 2nd building they saw had a board with the name [ Concept Builds ]

Seeing this, Both of them entered the store.

The store only had a single table in the middle and students were lined up in front of the table.

When they looked at the table, The student who stood there suddenly disappear and the line moved forward but after 2 seconds, the student who walked to the table also disappeared.

The table was small and no one was behind the table except a small hologram that was lit up on top of it.

" Let's just stand in line, We will know what's going on soon. "

It didn't take long for Athan and Tiana's turn to come, They didn't stand behind each other but beside each other as there were a few pairs who were also standing that way.

When they reached the table, A small line of words appeared on the hologram.

[ Put your hand into the hologram, If you are two or more people then put your hand one by one. ]

Both Atha and Tiana stretched the hand which had Digiband on it and put them inside the hologram one by one.

[ Scan completed, ID registered. Have a good day. ]

Afterward, Both of them also disappeared and appeared at the familiar plaza.

Just as they were confused, A voice sounded inside their head.

[ Concept Building Database has been added into your Digiband. ]

Athan looked at the Digiband but instead of checking it here, He spoke, " Let's return to the real world first. "

Tian nodded in agreement as they left the Virtual World and appeared on their Treehouse which was covered by two barriers of Outburst Nodes and Three golems.

After arriving, They checked the new function.


Digiband Status

< Athan >

- Credits: 97

< Virtual World >

Current Access: Myriad Stars Academy.

[ Missions ]: None currently. ( In 16 hours. )

[ Main Tests ]: Comprehend a Mystic Intent at Elementry Level--->Reward: 20 Credits. ( Time limit: 1 year )

{-Concept Builds-}


Seeing the new option, Athan pressed on it, and a page appeared.

Athan could see names of concepts on the page which were in big letters and below each name had the list of what Elemental Intents and Mystic Intents were required to create the concept.

[ Concept of Steamy Shredder Aqua ]- D Rank

- Elemental Intent: Water Intent, Mist Intent

- Mystic Intent: Heat Intent, Shred Intent


[ Concept of Stormy Sword ]- C Rank

- Elemental Intent: Lightning Intent, Air Intent, Water Intent

- Mystic Intent: Sword Intent, Speed Intent.


He saw a Filter option on the top right corner and pressed it which showed a few blank slots.

[ Select your Elemental Intents to narrow the search. ]