
The Test

Astrid's POV

The test started in no time. I was a little scared when the sheets were distributed. But I have to trust him, I don't have other options anyway. I hope this promise is fulfilled.

He started to tell me some of the answers which I had no idea of. I was quite impressed. He's so talented in studies. And here I'm.. On the verge of failure. I don't know what will happen if I fail. Oh god, I'm ashamed of myself.

I was thinking all this, and I didn't listen to the answer that he already repeated the third time. I think he lost his temper and shouted.

"Can't you hear!?"

I came in my senses and so did everyone. Miss Sophie was staring us blood eyed. Not us, really, but him.

"Stand up!" shouted Ms. Sophie.

I was trembling with fear. We both stood up. She came near us.

"Noah!! You are the topper of this class. How can you be so irresponsible? What caused you to cheat?"

He just lowered his head.

Why isn't he telling the truth? I can't bear someone else being punished because of me.

I started speaking. But my breath stopped seeing her face. I took a deep breath.

" Mam..actually.. I was the one who was cheating.. Not him" I said this and I could sense that he was staring at me like he saw a live ghost. I could sense it, but I looked at Ms. Sophie.

"You are the new student, Astrid, right?? Don't ruin Noah. He has been the topper for a long time now"

"I'm sorry mam" I said in a low voice.

"I won't forgive you. Come to the principal with me!"

I looked at her and then at him. He was looking down. Soon I heard a whisper. He was saying something.

"Calm down, be quiet. Whatever the principal says, just hear and at last say sorry. Don't interrupt in between when he speaks. He'll not punish you if you keep quiet" he said.

I didn't have time to react to all this. I just looked at him one last time and then Ms. Sophie dragged me to the principal's office.

The principal shouted at me for a while, and as he said, I didn't speak a word. He even put up allegations like I am ruining a good student, etc but I didn't speak a word. At last, I just said sorry. The matter ended when he told me to go back and not to repeat it.

After reaching the class, we sat down. As expected, he got full marks. About me.. Actually mam wanted to give me zero, but he became my saviour.

"I'll give you zero, Astrid" Shouted the teacher as I entered after coming from the principal's office.

"Mam, can I have a talk with you" Said Noah.

Then the teacher went to his seat and he said something slowly. The teacher then gave me passing marks without any hesitation.

I didn't have an idea of what he said. What could possibly make her give me marks? I wanted to ask him, but I waited till lunch.

It's lunch. I always roam around with Ava and at lunch, it's like he dissappears. But this time, I told him to stop in the class for a minute. In a fraction of seconds, the class got empty and only we were there, alone.

I asked him.

"What did you told Ms. Sophie?"

"It's a secret" he said with a smirk.

"You better not smirk and tell me"



"Ok the thing is that she doesn't wants to lose face in front of the principal. She already promised the principal that I'll top this class and if I don't, she'll lose face. That's how we torture people"

"Ooh wow. You are smart"


Then we went out because it would've been way too awkward if someone saw us alone in the class.

I went to Ava. She was waiting for me and also she asked me what happened at that time. I explained her everything.

"Ohhhooo I smell something fishy"

"Shut up!"

But still, anyone would say that. He helped me so much. And still he didn't blame me. After lunch, we went back. We didn't speak anything.


She thinks that I'm very nice. I can't let her think that. She has to take me as a nerd, who never helps anyone. Although, I helped her, but it's nothing special. That has been so usual now. But she doesn't know that.


I sat silently. He was lost in thoughts. The day ended and it was dispersal. He suddenly called my name.


I looked back.

"Well, I did everything on purpose" he said and literally kinda ran away. I didn't know what to say or do.

He did it on purpose?? Really? But I was not listening. How can it be on purpose? He even took the blame. He has low temper, anyways. But why would he lie... But he's definitely lying. Its fine Noah, if you want me to call you nerd, then wait for tomorrow.

I went home with Ava. We had so much fun at the ride back. She's a funny girl. I'm waiting for tomorrow. I'll call him a nerd and let's see his reaction. I'll have to think a lot over what he said.

I didn't do anything after I reached home. We have each other's number, but we don't text. I wanted to ask him about what he said and why. But it was useless. If he wants to lie, he'll lie. What can I do? I can only see that tomorrow, I'll read his face expressions. I'm an observer, right!?


Name : Xander Smith

Age : 18 years

Father : Robert Smith

Mother : Lily Smith

***He's the one and only best friend of Noah, he's not in the story yet, or I should say he is, but not seen by our Astrid. They usually meet in Lunch, when according to Astrid, Noah disappears ***