
New Guy

Astrid's POV

I didn't know what to do the next day. I just sat beside him. It was a bit awkward. I started the conversation.

"Noah, explain yourself"

"Why should I" he said looking down.

He doesn't usually looks down. I've seen it from the first day.

Wait. It's been only two days.

Still. I've seen it. Whenever he talks, he looks straight in my eyes. This time, he was looking at his book, or no, at the ground.

"Because.. Because it affects me" I tried to make a reason.

"Why should I care whether it affects you or not?"

I was dumbstruck. He literally wants me to hate him. Then fine. I have hated boys for a long time, and I realise he is no different. Or he doensnt wants to be...

"Fine then" I said and looked back at my book.

After complete two days, I studied. Yes, I have to study.

I don't want to depend on him again. Never again. Even if he didn't do it on purpose, I've never relied on boys. It has been quite a history for me. I've always stood up high for us. For girls. I will do the same here and for that I've to make sure I don't rely on him at all.

I studied with full concentration. I even started to respond to some of the questions put up by the teachers.

I was doing quite well.

The bell rang and it was the lunch period. I went out with Ava when a boy called me. We were enjoying ourselves and then we looked towards him.

It was an unknown boy. I don't know him, but he knows my name. Maybe because of what happened yesterday. I went towards him.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Can you.. Can you lend me your textbook? I need to do some of the work which mam did today.. And you were the one who did everything correct, so.."

For a second, I was struck. Not by his words, but by his beauty. He was so handsome.

I was staring him like a crazy fangirl. He didn't react to my stare, but after a minute, Ava shook my hand. I came in my senses. I was embarrassed, and then I remembered what he said.

"Oh.. Oh yes, of course..." And I gave him the textbook in my hand. He said thanks and then I left.

After a while, he called me again. I sensed something different in his voice. I loved it.

"Yes?" I said, turning around.

"um.. You gave me wrong textbook"

Oh shit. Why does it always happens with me. I was so lost in him that I didn't see what I was doing. I gave him wrong book. He'll take me as a blind person! And a deaf too.. Wait if I don't speak will he take me as a dumb one too? Let's speak before that happens!!

"Oh sorry! I'll give you the right one, here" I gave him other one and took the other back.

"Thank you Astrid" he said with a smile.

Oh that smile! So cute. I don't know, but this unexpected feeling is something very warm.

I didn't say anything then and went.

"Ohho, do you know that guy?"


"But he knows you, right?"

"Yea maybe because of yesterday"

"yea maybe...but he's handsome"

"You think too?"

"Ya of course!"

"Hm he's quiet handsome"

I said a little shyly. We talked a little about him. She didn't know him either, she came a few days back only. But we admired his beauty.

We didn't know when the bell rang and the lunch period was over. After complete five minutes, we came to know that and then we ran towards the class.


We stood at the gate. Ms. Sophie was again there. Why?? This was another teacher's period yaar! But we couldn't do anything.

"Astrid! Ava! Where were you!?"

"Mam..actually.." I couldn't speak a word.

"Mam actually we couldn't complete the lunch that's why..." Ava was making a stupid reason.

"Why? You had the entire period!"

We didn't speak anything. What can we possibly say now? But someone in the class said. It was him, the boy who took my textbook.

"Excuse me, mam. Mam, actually they helped me in studies during the lunch period. If you don't believe me, I have her textbook!" He showed the textbook.

She believed him. I think he has quite a reputation in here.

"Lucas, if you say so, then fine" she said to him and then turned towards me.

"I'm leaving you this time because he's saying you helped him. If anything like this happens, inform your teacher first, or have your lunch first" she said and let us enter.

I sat beside Noah and was lost in his thoughts.

Lucas. That's his name. Cute. I have to thank him for saving me. His nature is so good. He's not a nerd, I think. But he's better than the one sitting next to me.

I waited for the college to disperse. It was finally dispersal and I was searching for Lucas. There! I saw him. But he's talking with Noah. Are they friends? A little while later they parted. I went to Lucas.

"Hey, Lucas!"

"Hi Astrid"

"Thank you very much for today"

"It was nothing, thank you" he gave me my textbook back.

"Hm" I smiled

"Actually.. I wanted to ask.. If you're free.. Then can you come to the cafe today?"

"um.. Why?" I asked him.

"Actually I have some queries and you're the best student I know.. And you know Ms. Sophie.. Who'll ask her.."

"Me? Best student? What about Noah? Isn't he your friend?"

"What? He, my friend? Never"

"But just now you were talking to him"

"Yes I was but we're not at all friends"

"Okay.. Then I'll come at..?"

"Whatever time suits you"

"At 4?"

"Yup fine with me"

Then I went back with Ava. Ava teased me for talking to him, but I told her that I was just thanking him. I also told Ava that he asked me to meet him and help him in his studies. She was quite shocked. But I wasn't. It's totally fine.

My day went well. But somewhere I feel that something's wrong with Noah. And also.. Between Noah and Lucas. But for now, that's not my business. So it's fine.