
cole young: story retold

after an isekai senario, Mar Grant, reborn as Cole Young, carries the memories of the vengeful Scorpion.

TheCrimsonKnight · Movies
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19 Chs

edenian love

A triumphant grin stretched across Cole's face as Scorpion, his spectral form radiating newfound purpose, declared his allegiance. With their combined might, they would return to Earthrealm, a formidable force against the encroaching darkness.But before they could depart Netherrealm, a nagging thought gnawed at Cole. The System, a constant presence in his life, offered a path he hadn't considered. He glanced at the holographic screen, a menu filled with options for spending his hard-earned points."System," he spoke, his voice echoing in the desolate chamber. "Can I use my points to restore a realm?"A beat of silence followed, then the System's booming voice filled the air. "Affirmative. Restoration and upgrade cards are available for purchase. However, complete restoration of a realm is a complex process and requires significant resources."Intrigue sparked in Cole's eyes. He scrolled through the options, his gaze landing on a shimmering card labeled "Edenia Restoration and Upgrade." The description promised a complete revitalization, transforming Edenia into a paradise exceeding its former glory.The cost was astronomical, draining a significant portion of his points. But the potential reward – the gratitude of an entire realm and the favor of its most formidable women – was too tempting to ignore.With a resolute nod, Cole confirmed the purchase. A blinding light engulfed the chamber, and when it faded, the air crackled with a newfound energy. Images flashed before their eyes – lush gardens blooming with exotic flora, magnificent waterfalls cascading down crystalline cliffs, and opulent palaces shimmering under a cerulean sky. Edenia, once a war-torn wasteland, was reborn as a breathtaking paradise.News of Edenia's miraculous restoration spread like wildfire throughout the realms. Queen Sindel, upon witnessing her homeland's transformation, was overwhelmed with emotion. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sent a message of gratitude to Cole, the mysterious warrior who had single-handedly brought Edenia back from the brink.Mileena, the princess with a razor-sharp wit and a taste for blood, was intrigued. This Earthrealm champion, who possessed such power and compassion, was a curiosity she couldn't ignore.Scarlet, the fiery sorceress, saw in Cole a potential ally, someone who understood the power of magic and the importance of maintaining balance between realms.Kitana, the princess known for her unwavering loyalty and fierce fighting spirit, felt a flicker of something new – admiration for the man who had restored her ancestral home.Jade, Kitana's loyal friend and personal bodyguard, found herself drawn to Cole's strength and determination.Even Tanya, the cunning sorceress with a hidden agenda, couldn't help but be impressed by Cole's display of power and benevolence.Invitations poured in from Edenia's royal court. Cole, with Scorpion by his side, found himself amidst a whirlwind of celebrations, a guest of honor in a realm he had only heard about in legends.The women of Edenia, each with their own captivating beauty and distinct personality, showered him with attention. Sindel, the epitome of grace and wisdom, treated him like a son, forever grateful for the restoration of her beloved kingdom.Mileena, ever the playful flirt, delighted in testing Cole's wit and reflexes with playful sparring sessions. Scarlet, sensing his potential for wielding the arcane arts, offered to hone his magical abilities.Kitana, with a hint of shyness, engaged in philosophical discussions about the nature of good and evil. Jade, a woman of few words but unwavering loyalty, stood silently by his side, a constant source of support.Tanya, with an enigmatic smile, offered cryptic advice and veiled warnings, her true intentions shrouded in mystery.As days turned into weeks, Cole found himself drawn to each of these women in unique ways. Sindel, a maternal figure who offered comfort and guidance; Mileena, a playful challenge that kept him on his toes; Scarlet, a mentor who expanded his knowledge; Kitana, a kindred spirit with a noble heart; Jade, a pillar of unwavering support; and Tanya, an enigma that piqued his curiosity.The System, ever-present, offered a solution – a master-harem contract. By accepting the contract, Cole could enter an official polyamorous relationship with all the women of Edenia, each retaining their individuality while sharing a bond with him.Cole, after much deliberation and with the encouragement (and perhaps a hint of amusement) from the women themselves, agreed. A ceremony unlike any other was held, binding Cole to the women of Edenia in a unique partnership fueled by love, respect, and a shared desire for a brighter future.With a harem by his side, a revitalized Edenia as his base, and his skills honed alongside the legendary Scorpion, Cole Young, the unlikely champion from Earthrealm, was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. The fate of realms hung in the balance, and Cole