
Chapter 17

I opened the door and inhaled the fresh aroma of baking bread.

The atmosphere inside the Café didn't seem to lively, there were only two customers there at this time of morning.

Lena was sitting at the till, she was reading the obituary section of a newspaper.

"Did someone important die?"

"No, I'm just checking for something. What can I get you?" She raised her head and froze.

She stood quickly and rounded the table.


"Who's that?" I looked behind me.

She smiled so brightly and hugged me.

"Oh God, we've been so worried"

She punched my arm.


I rubbed the throbbing spot.

"Where did you go? What happened to you? Do you know the number of times Kelvin called and blamed Dusty for your disappearance?"

"What happened?"

"Kelvin was very furious, he almost hit Dusty. Called him selfish and greedy, that hurt Dusty badly"

"Is Dusty okay?"