
Chapter 40

I finish my makeup around seven, so it’s time to put my outfit on and go downstairs to start arranging some stuff.

I decided to wear the YSL dress I bought yesterday and the Sophia Webster heels with the golden wings. I put a shirt over my dress so it won’t get messy as I get the house ready.

Jake, Sophia and Chris arrive ten minutes later to help me.

"Who are you kissing at midnight?" Jake asks me as the two of us arrange stuff in the living room.

I shrug. "Zayn? I don’t know."

"Ew." He says, rolling his eyes. "I still don’t know what to think about your relationship with my little brother."

"Jake, you were born five minutes apart. And besides, I could ask you the same question. Are you going to have a three-way kiss?"

He sighs as he fills the bowls on the coffee table with chips. "I don’t know. But I’m ninety percent sure that Chris want to kiss Louis and vice versa."