
Chapter 35

We leave the club around half past three, because we have to wake up in five hours to go on the slopes. I stay silent all the way home and don’t say anything to Zoe even as we remove our makeup and go to sleep.

The next day the both of us wake up way too late so we rush to dress up and go downstairs for breakfast.

There’s a shuttle bus that takes us to the slopes and I pair up with Zayn and Jake, who also have snowboards.

"Am I like…the third wheel right now?" Jake jokes when we get to the giant hut at the bottom of the slopes to get some hot chocolate.

"No." Zayn and I say at once before we burst out laughing.

"So yes." Jake concludes and rolls his eyes.

We sit outside smoking and drinking hot chocolate because the sun is out and it’s warm.

Everything turns to shit though when Niall and Zoe join us a few minutes later.