
Chapter 34

The rest of the dinner goes by quickly thanks to Jake who keeps making jokes and tries really hard to ignore the fact that Chris and Louis have been whispering for the entire night.

Our group finally settles on 12am to go to the club, which means we have one hour to get ready.

There’s a weird tension between Zoe and I (or maybe it’s just me), but I don’t say anything about it. If she has a problem with me, she should tell me. And she actually does, ten minutes after I come out of the shower while I’m doing my makeup.

"Do you like, have a problem with me or something?" is the best she can come up with.

"What? Why would you ask me that?"

She cocks her head. "So you don’t deny it."

"No, it’s just that I don’t know where this is coming from."

"Well I get the feeling that you’re annoyed with me."

She actually does seem concerned about it and now I feel a bit bad.

"I’m not, honestly." I say, giving her my fake-but-seems-real smile.