
chapter 20

John was only in school until the fifth then he had to quit school so that he could work in the fields after his father had died. That was all the education that the two parents had between the two of them. Betty was never allowed to go to school. John would teach his children all that he knew since no one else would or could do it.

All three had struggled to read and write over the last couple years but they were encouraged by John and Betty anyway. John and Betty would not let his children give up on learning to read and write.


Months fly by and the children practice their reading nearly everyday.

John spoke,"Children let's try reading our favorite reading book. You three try alternating lines: first Susie, then Billy, and finally Bill.

The children spoke,"Yes dad!"

Susie spoke,"Dick and Jane decide to go on another boring adventure."

Billy spoke,"Jane wants to count grass on top of the nearby hill."

Bill spoke,"Dick wants to watch dung beetles after lunch."

John begins to cry extravagantly and it cause the three children stop reading. The children run over to their dad and begin to pray over him. John does not stop from doing so for several minutes. Betty comes with a basket of clean clothes when she sees the four praying. Betty drops the basket and rushes over to the four.

Betty asked,"What is wrong?"

John finally speaks,"Nothing is wrong! Our children can finally read after so many years of trying! I was just touched by what the Lord has done for our children!"

Betty begins to cry as well but they were tears of bliss. The couple had been praying for years that they would be able to teach their children to read and the Lord had finally delivered as promised.


Bob and Pete were siting at a swing set talking with each other, as they knew each other their entire lives. The boys were talking about their lives before they were sent here. They were just in a major fight not too long ago and they were trying to ease the tension that had just occurred.

Pete speaks," I do not want to down grade what you went through but at least it was not as viscous as my jump into the orphanage.


Pete had fought for his life against two evil women that were operators within the poorly run orphanage. He had killed one himself after his horrible beating. Pete was utterly worn out after the battle and his back was hurting him abundantly. He was leaning forward on his knees grabbing the short railing overlooking the sight of the broken body of his attacker. The young lad was doing all he could to breath after the beating. Every breath hurt him when he inhaled and he was doing all he could so that he would not lose his breath. His back had been cut open by the assault from the first evil woman.

The dead woman was laying on her broken head upside down with her but up in the air. A pool of blood was forming under the dead body. Pete's back was drenched in his own blood after the whipping that he had received.

Kids could be seen rushing out of several doors and unto the walkway near the railing.

The kids gasped at the sight of the fallen orphanage worker since they would never thought that within a million years that one of the orphanage workers would die. Yet, alone this evil worker and her sister.

Then the children stopped their gazing upon the woman and shift it over to Pete.

They all gasped out of shock when they saw him. No one went against the orphanage

workers and lived to tell the tale. The kids all then put two and two together and they were taken back by Pete's mere presence.


In a sudden fury, several adults come rushing through a series of several doors on the first floor and they were all horrified at what they all saw.

It was their coworker and her neck was clearly broken from the fall from the second floor.

Pete could hear the adults say all sorts of cuss words and some that he had never heard of before in his short life.#

The kids grow afraid of the angry adults and rush back into their rooms. The children gently shut the doors behind them as they jump into their beds as they never left. Some of the children fake snore so they would put on a presence of sleeping.

Pete was not so lucky since he could not move due to his wounds and his lack of energy.

As if in unison the workers all look up at the bloodied Pete and stares holes through the boy. If looks could have killed, then he would had died right then and there. They hated the boy for the simple fact that he dared to try to survive. Pete had killed the first woman but it was in self defense and nothing more.

Pete knew right then and there that these people were not to be trusted with even a single Rindat

coin(Urano money)

One of the workers spoke,"We will have to get rid of this brat or the others might feel that they can rebel as well!"

Another worker second the motion.

Loud foot steps could be heard coming from the nearby room and all the workers stop cussing. Pete could had heard a pin dropped if he had not been breathing so hard.

A door flies open almost off it's hinges.

It was a large man that was at least six foot four and over four hundred and five pounds.

Pete looked at the large man and saw the huge muscles of the large man. The boy looked

at the man's face and he was horrified.

"The man's face was that of a demon!",thought Pete.

On top of the large man's head were two horns and red flames.

Pete could not believe what he was seeing and did a double take.

His eyes did not lie to him and saw the true nature of the large man.

This man was one of the great shadow's many workers that much Pete figured out. The lad had heard of such people but never believed them to be true.

At least until this very day that is.

The large man looked at the boy and pointed at him. The man eyes pierced right the very core of


Pete wished that he had the ability to turn invisible, so that he could escape this repulsion.

Pete was so startled by the man that he had fainted and let go the wooden railing.

The large man spoke,"Clean up this mess and send the boy to the hospital ward. I want him to return back to good health!"

But one of the workers interjected," But Mr. Damion, he killed one of our own! We must not allow to cause a rebellion among the children!"

Damion's face turn bright red out of anger.

The man spoke,"Those two infernal Salina twins were too gung ho and killed too many of our products already. I can not cover up any more deaths this quarter. The brat has done us all a favor. Grab him and get him back well or I will start killing you all! Do not question me again or else you want to face the consequences!"

The rest of the adults said,"Yes, Mr. Damion!"

The workers all rushed up to Pete and rushed him to the hospital ward of the orphanage.


Bob spoke," That was freaky, Pete! You are much tougher than I had first believed!"

Pete smirked at the boy's comment.

Bob decided to leave the issue at where Pete had left since he did not have the desire to reopen the emotional wounds of his new found friend.

Bob spoke,"I would like to share my story too."

Pete looked over to Bob and said,"Well, shoot Bob, I am listening."

Bob begins to tell his story to Pete.


Bob walked across the retched institution and the children begun to snicker around as if they were telling each other an inside joke.

Some time later one of the kids speech to him,"What is your name, Porky?

Bob said,"My name is..."

Then Bob comprehended that he was being insulted. He then remained silent as he walked away from the rude boy.

As Bob walked away the boy begun to squeal like a pig while other people chanted,"Piggy! Piggy! Squeal Piggy!"

The boy paid the children no heed since he could not change the fact that he was fat. He had always had a slow metabolism.

The orphanage workers went out of their way to create dissension among the children so they would not unite against the workers. The workers enjoyed creating conflict among the children as one enjoyed playing a fun video game.


The hazing goes on for several days and Bob had somehow been able to keep his cool. He was taught by his parents that he should not let others make him mad and thus make

his foes glad. Bob would not given them the satisfaction of giving them what they had wanted.


A couple days later, Bob is walking outside he is blasted with mud balls. He was hit in the face by the clumps of mud, sticks, and rocks.

The blow hurts and Bob falls unto his butt.