
Code: White 000

White 000, or Collin Scotts, is a student at Silver Meadow Academy, a school for gifted children. He is a not-so-average student who is the secret bodyguard of the crown prince, against his will. But as much as Collin would like to complain about his life, he is satisfied with it. Kind of. Soon Collin's past and future begin to catch up to him faster than he'd like them to, but he knows that he has to face them one day.

Nerdy_apprentice · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

It took Nathan a week to prepare everything for their date. He asked Collin for advice nicely, which creeped him out a lot. It was finally the day of the date. Nathan forced Collin to help him pick out an outfit he would wear for the date before he went to Fiona's house.

Once he steps into Fiona's house, Fiona pulls him by the arm to her room. Jake, who was in the living room, saw all this and was confused.

An hour and a half later...

Collin came out of Fiona's room exhausted. "What is going on?" Jake asked when he saw Collin's exhausted figure walking to the living room.

"Big sister is going on a date," Collin replies.

"I told you not to call her big sister!" Jake shouted, then he processed the remaining information. "Wait, Fiona is going on a date tomorrow?" he said in disbelief before shouting.

Fiona had heard Jake shouting, but she ignored it. He's probably scolding Collin for doing something reckless again.

"Yeah, I'm devastated too," Collin said. "Three and a half hours were wasted choosing clothes for both people."

"You know who her date is?"

Normally Collin would tease Jake about why he wants to know, but at this point, he's too exhausted. "My roommate, Nathan," he said.

The crown prince? His older sister is going on a date with the crown prince. The crown prince has come over to visit a few times. The first time he visited, his mother almost fainted from the shock of seeing the empire's crown prince sitting on her couch, in her living room, and now his sweet older sister is going to be dating.

He didn't know why, though—he just felt upset.

Collin then had an idea. "Hey Jake, do you want to stalk them?" he asked.


The next day...

Jake wore a simple white T-shirt with jeans, a jacket, and a face cap. Collin told him the day before to wait for him at the town's square, where he would meet him. It's been ten minutes, and Collin still isn't here.

He felt someone tap his shoulder, and when he turns around, he sees a beautiful girl with black hair and golden eyes. She was also wearing a light blue top with a skirt and some thigh-highs with a pair of heeled boots and a lock choker, which he has seen before but doesn't seem to remember where. "Do you need something?" he asked.

But then what came next surprised him. "Wow, Jake I'm surprised you don't recognize me."

It was Collin's voice. Collin is wearing a dress, a wig, contact lenses, and makeup. With his naturally frail and petite stature, it's easy for him to disguise himself as a girl. No wonder he recognizes that lock choker; Collin always wears it.

Jake felt reality was cruel as he and Collin walked together in the amusement park. Anyone looking at him and Collin right now would think they were in love. A handsome young boy is going on a date with a cute girl. Unfortunately, the reality was so cruel to him.

They've both been following Nathan and Fiona, and they would either be taking the same route as them or Collin would be watching them from a corner with a binocular.

They stopped for food, and Jake could finally sigh in relief.

Collin ordered a crepe, while Jake ordered a cheese steak sandwich. They sat on a lover's bench to enjoy their meal. Jake sighs in relief as he eats his meal. He didn't have the opportunity to eat before he left home because, after Fiona left, he also left. By the time he finishes his sandwich, he turns to look at Collin.

Collin really looks pretty; he seemed to be used to wearing female clothing, though, which makes Jake wonder how many times he has dressed as a girl.

Collin was on the phone the entire time he ate, so Jake couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing on your phone?"

"I planted a tracker on Fiona when we crossed paths with them," he said, then he frowned a bit when he saw a familiar dot moving closer to their location. "They are coming," Collin said in a panic. Fiona and Nathan may not recognize him since he's dressed like a female. However, Jake, on the other hand, would easily be recognized since his only disguise is a cap.

"Really?" Jake turned around to see Nathan and Fiona walking their way.

Collin pulled Jake towards himself, "What are you doing?" Jake asked angrily.

Collin rolls his eyes and removes his cap, using it to cover their faces. Their faces were so close together that it almost seemed like they were kissing.

Their breaths hit each other's faces. Collin looks to the side to see that Nathan and Fiona have already left their area, probably because the love bench was occupied.

Seeing that they'd left, Collin stood up and walked in the direction he believed they had left. Jake stood up and followed Collin.

That night...

Everyone knows that at the end of every amusement park date, the couple must ride the Ferris Wheel. Fiona and Nathan were already aboard. Collin decided that they should enjoy this time alone without him stalking them.

"Let's go home," he said to Jake.

Jake complied. They both left the amusement park tired. They were both tired, and Collin's legs were aching because of the heeled boots.

They took a cab to their respective homes, and neither of them talked while in the cab. Collin soon fell asleep on Jake's shoulder. He must've been really tired.

The cab driver looks at Collin sleeping on Jake's shoulder. "Lucky guy, you have such a beautiful date," the cab driver said, smiling at them. "It's always nice to see a young couple in love."

Jake didn't respond. He was already numb to it because everyone was telling him what a lovely couple he and Collin were; one lady, who was with her family, even wished them a happy couple life, hoping they'd marry and have children. This statement even left Collin, who wasn't listening to most other people, stunned.

They both entered Collin's apartment, and Jake carried Collin on his shoulder, marveling at how light he was despite his size. Collin normally isn't a deep sleeper; he learned that the easy way when he wanted to play a prank on Collin while he was asleep.

Either he is really tired or he trusts him.

He drops Collin off on the couch and looks at his face. He actually looks like a girl. He stood up and was about to leave. Collin stood up. His face looked a bit serious. "Where are we now?" he asks. His voice was cold as well.

"In your apartment," Jake couldn't help but answer.

Collin just had a vision: the amusement park is going to be attacked by two people. "How well do you fight?"


Nathan and Fiona were on the Ferris Wheel for their last ride of the day. Fiona leans on Nathan's shoulder. "Today was the best date ever," she said.

"Yeah," Nathan said in reply.

Then Fiona said, "I don't know why though, but I felt like we were being watched all day."

Nathan looks at her. "Did you notice that as well?" he asked, and she nodded uncomfortably. Then she remembered something from this morning when she had told her brother that she was going on a date, and he seemed surprisingly calm and was even chatting with Collin on the phone.

"Do you think..." she asked, pausing for a moment. "Do you think Collin and Jake were following us?" she asked.

Nathan was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Before you left, didn't you notice something strange about Collin before?" she asked.

"Well, Collin didn't get up from bed for breakfast this morning, and he always does this every morning, no matter how busy he is, even if it's a bowl of cereal," Nathan replied.

Fiona thought for a while, then she remembered something, "Did you notice that cute couple that always seemed to be everywhere we went? You've seen the beautiful girl with black hair and blue eyes and the boy with the low-cut face cap. They were such a cute couple; we also saw them on the lovers' bench..." she was rambling.

"Sorry, but what were you talking about?" Nathan said, interrupting her.

"Did you notice that the boy looked kind of like Jake?" Nathan paused for a moment as she spoke. The boy did look like Jake. "I almost forgot about the girl. Collin inadvertently revealed that he enjoys dressing up as a girl, which would make sense for him to dress like a girl and make Jake come with him to stalk us on our date to make sure nothing goes wrong on our date," she explained.

Surprise is an understatement for how Nathan felt. Collin dresses up as a girl as a hobby; how come he never knew about this? They've been roommates for a few months.

"Also, if you don't believe me, you can't ignore the fact that Collin has a bit of a girlish face, with just a bit of makeup, and you wouldn't be able to recognize him."

Just as Nathan was going to imagine what Collin would look like in makeup and a dress, an explosion was heard. The Ferris wheel began to tilt forward. Fiona thought quickly and grabbed Nathan, breaking the glass of their compartment and jumping out. Vine sprouted from the ground to catch them, then Fiona stretched out her hands, and several thick vines sprouted from the ground to stop the Ferris wheel from falling.

"Quickly jump, I'll catch you!" she shouted to the passengers.

The passengers were afraid, but they complied; one by one, each of them jumped, and a giant lily pad appeared in front of them.

"Wow," Nathan said in amazement. He never knew Fiona had an ability. "I guess it's my turn to show off."

"Bae, create a giant lily pad," he said.

Fiona blushed at the nickname, "O-Okay," she said, and immediately a giant lily pad was formed under the Ferris wheel.

Nathan snaps his fingers and the Ferris Wheel turned to golden glitter, the people scream in fright, as each of them falls on the lily pad like a bird without wings.

Nathan inherited the ability of his grandmother, the former empress, and one of the few people that have beaten Collin.

"Nathan that was reckless!" Fiona scolded.

"But they got down faster," he shrugged, making Fiona glare at him.

She sighs helplessly and shakes her head.

Collin appears in front of Nathan and Fiona, alongside Jake. Collin was not dressed as he had been previously; he was dressed in black, loose t-shirt and trousers. There was also a button-like device on his neck, as well as on Jake's shoulder, who is wearing the same outfit as earlier, minus the cap.

He throws two of these devices at Nathan and Fiona, saying, "Put them on any part of your body."

Nathan looks at them and raises an eyebrow at Collin. "They are shock absorbers, absorbing attacks from those with S-class ability and strength," he explained.

Throughout the time Collin was speaking, his tone was cold. "You and Jake need to evacuate everyone out of the amusement park."

Nathan and Jake's bodies moved unconsciously as they obediently complied with Collin's wish.

"I hate doing that," he murmured, then he turned to Fiona. "The organization is about to attack," he said, and Fiona's eyes widened.

"I thought the organization ended two years ago because of the breakdown phenomenon,"

"Well, they are back, and they are after both of us; that's why I manipulated them into leaving; also, I knew they'd be back; they are like cockroaches. It was only a matter of time."
