
Code: White 000

White 000, or Collin Scotts, is a student at Silver Meadow Academy, a school for gifted children. He is a not-so-average student who is the secret bodyguard of the crown prince, against his will. But as much as Collin would like to complain about his life, he is satisfied with it. Kind of. Soon Collin's past and future begin to catch up to him faster than he'd like them to, but he knows that he has to face them one day.

Nerdy_apprentice · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Later that evening...

Fiona decided it was time for her to go home. Collin decided to follow her. He's not sure why, but he had a strange feeling that something wrong was going to happen.

They were both walking down the street toward Fiona's home when they were ambushed by Fiona's ex-boyfriend and his gang. Collin was stabbed with a sword close to the heart and left to bleed to death while Fiona was captured.

Fiona was unconscious when she was captured, and by the time she woke up, she found herself tied to a chair, blindfolded. "When I learned of your past, I was expecting you to be more difficult to capture," Fiona heard her ex-boyfriend say.

"Oliver, have you lost your mind?" She screamed at him, but she was slapped across the face.

"Shut up!" Oliver said. "Emerald 003, one of the most wanted criminals in the Empire. Wanted for killing over 100 people."

Fiona trembled in anger. "How do you know all of this?" she asked.

"Jamie told me," he replies, "long before we started dating."

Jamie—that's the name of her best friend, the one she had caught in bed with Oliver. She knew for how long. Is that why she desperately wanted to be friends? So their friendship was based on a lie. She felt heartbroken.

"And that boy beside you, he barely put up a fight; he should be dead by now," he said. "It's a pity an innocent person had to die protecting a criminal like you."

"Collin?" she said in surprise, then she began to laugh maniacally. "Did you think you could kill Collin?" She kept laughing, which scared Oliver a little. "Even I couldn't kill him two years ago; what makes you think you can?"

She was hit across the face again, making her mouth bleed.

A knock was heard outside the warehouse. The knocking sound became louder with each knock until the door finally broke down.

"Good evening," an overly friendly voice said, and Collin stepped inside the warehouse with the sword still in him and his clothes bloody, with blood still dripping on the floor. He removes the sword from his chest, allowing more blood to flow out of his wound. The sword in his hand then disappeared, then Oliver felt a sharp pain on his side. "Your weapon is A-class. A bit weak if you ask me" he said.

"Collin!" Fiona exclaimed underneath her blindfold. Collin notices the bruises on her cheeks, his squinted a bit. Not that bad. There must be a reason for Fiona not being able to use her ability. Fiona's blindfold was suddenly untied, and she was set free, floating to Collin's side.

Collin looked at her a bit. As he thought, she was injected with ability-canceling drugs as well as sedatives to cancel out her strength. She's as useless as a normal person with a blunt knife.

The men next to Oliver moved fast. But were held down by sudden pressure and stopped, standing still. Their eyes were also in a dream-like state.

Never seen that before. Fiona thought thinking of the time of the Breakdown Disaster. "H-How are you still alive?" Oliver stammered in fear.

Collin ignored him, his eyes widen as he remembers something and snaps his fingers. "That's right, I almost forgot; I brought you a present."

Jamie, who was severally injured and barely conscious, came floating beside him, and he dropped her. Oliver caught her before she could reach the goal. "I found her on the way here, so I decided she could join in the fun," he said before turning to Fiona. "They wronged you, so you get to decide their fate."

Fiona thought for a while that she should be feeling vengeful, but she isn't. "Nothing," she said.

Collin wasn't surprised by Fiona's answer, so he snapped his finger, and Oliver went unconscious too. "God, you're so boring," he said, "Well then since you have no revenge to take on them, you can go your way, I have a score to settle with them,"

The Next Day...

When Fiona awoke in the morning, her parents informed her of the news about her best friend and ex-boyfriend. They were found dead, with a few other men. It was shown that one of the men had killed everyone their faces were distorted beyond recognition before shooting himself in the head. The reasons were still unknown.

Fiona's reaction was neutral. Collin did take it over the top.

Her parents then told her she had a guest waiting for her in the living room and were talking to her brother. The person was described as a boy, around her height, with silver hair tied in a messy bun and black obsidian eyes.

She immediately ran downstairs and heard her brother shouting.

"No, Fiona cannot be your older sister!" Her little brother, Jake, shouted.

"Too bad, she already gave me permission to call her older sister." Collin teased Jake.

Jake was about to beat up Collin when he noticed Fiona. "Fiona, good morning," he said.

Collin already knew that she was here, but he still got up to greet her. "Big sister," he said as he ran up to her and hugged her.

Fiona was surprised at this approach, but she relaxed a little and patted Collin on the head. "Good morning, Collin," she said with a smile.

Jake immediately became jealous. "Leave my big sister alone!"


By the time Collin was about to leave Fiona was asked to escort him.

When they were outside the house, she couldn't help but ask. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Collin asked.

Fiona gave the eye. You know what you did.

Collin rolled his eyes. "You told me you didn't want any revenge, so I took my revenge. I met Oliver and Jamie way before you two met, and a few times after that. I had a feather to tickle them with," he said.


A month later...

Fiona and Collin became close enough to be considered siblings, with both visiting each other every weekend; in fact, Fiona's parents warmed up to Collin and started to treat him like a family member, making Collin cry once. But if there's one thing Collin enjoys most whenever he visits the family, it's teasing Jake every chance he gets, as long as he's in the same room as him.

Fiona told him about her past and how she ended up staying with the organization.

She had a loving family, but they ran into debt, and she was taken away by the loan sharks and sold to the organization at a high price when she was ten. Collin never spoke of his time before he was in the organization, nor did he speak about what happened to him after the Breakdown Disaster.

Collin always changed the subject when she asked, and she figured he didn't enjoy remembering his childhood because of the depressing aura around him when she asked. So she stopped.

Nathan and Fiona, too, became closer. Nathan sometimes joins Collin when he goes to see Fiona and her family. He suspects something is going on between the two of them, and he was right.

Fiona was coming for a sleepover, and Collin went to buy some snacks for the night; he made sure to buy extra because he was sure Nathan would want to join them again, uninvited. Such an annoying asshole.

Fiona should be around by now, so he hurries to the house. Immediately after opening the door, in the living room, on the couch, Fiona and Nathan were making out, not noticing Collin was back.

"Ehem," he coughed loudly, interrupting their session. He smiles. "Glad to see you had a good time while I was away," he remarked sarcastically.

Later that evening, he sat them down. He was smiling strangely at them as they sat down and turned to Fiona. "Fiona, I'm glad your tastes in men have worsened," he said. Fiona shrank back; her ears were red with embarrassment. Oh no, she's in trouble now. Collin usually refers to her as "big sister," but he's calling her by her given name this time.

"How long?" he asks.

"A week," Fiona replies, and Collin goes into deep thought. How could he not have noticed? A week? They managed to do this unnoticed as well.

Collin looked at Nathan with dark, cold eyes. "I regard Fiona as an older sister; hurt her, and I will personally castrate you; I don't care if you are a prince or not," he threatened.

Fiona was about to say something, but Nathan stopped her, shaking his head. "I won't hurt Fiona; I give you my word; if I should ever hurt Fiona, you can do whatever you want to me."

Fiona was touched, and she immediately kissed Nathan, making him blush. Collin suddenly felt a bit ill. He feels jealous all of a sudden. When he was in a relationship, he wished he could have what they had, but unfortunately, it was too late for that.

Later that night...

Fiona and Nathan went out on a date, leaving him all alone in the apartment. Of course, he isn't going to leave them alone without spying on them. He has a drone following them. They look so happy.

Soon he heard his phone ringing. He looks at the screen to see the caller. The reason for my suffering. He doesn't want to pick up the call. But he has to. "Hello," he said, and immediately heard an overly cheerful voice.

"How is my favorite employee doing?"

"Good evening, your majesty, what can I do for you today?" Collin said in a monotonic voice.

"Aw, why do you sound so glum?" Emperor Augustus said.

"What is the reason for the call to your majesty?" Collin replied, wanting to get straight to the point so he can go back to spying on his favorite people.

"You are always eager to get to the point." The emperor said.


There is a tournament coming up. Anyone can participate, no matter what their age is. This competition happens every year in different parts of the world. It's essentially an extreme paintball game, except this time it's filled with incredibly powerful people who have abilities and weapons. Although the people partaking in this game are not allowed to kill each other. The punishment was immediate disqualification and life imprisonment with no possibility of parole.

The competition takes place over the course of a month, lasts a week, and requires a team of five. The young prince is going to be partaking in this competition, and he only has one member on his team, and that is his best friend. He plans on asking Collin to join the team and then finding the rest of his teammates himself.

The next day, when Collin walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he saw Nathan already there without Fiona, making some toast. Nathan saw that Collin was already in the kitchen, and he smiled at him. "Good morning," he said.

Collin rubs his eyes twice. "I must still be asleep," he says, turning around to leave the kitchen, but Nathan rushes over to stop him from leaving. He held Collin's hand.

Collin reacted fast and twisted Nathan's hand behind his back. "Who are you, and what did you do to my friend?" he asks dangerously.

Nathan groans in pain as he tries to get out of Collin's grip. Right, he almost forgot that Collin is stronger than he looks. He activates his ability. Collin felt like he was unable to control his body, Blood Manipulation. "OK, ok, I get that you're Nathan." Only the royal family has this ability.

Nathan released him and sighed, then he felt like something was in his head. "Don't show signs of mind control either," Collin murmured before Nathan felt that thing leave his head.

"Were you inside my head just now?" Nathan said, then Collin shrugged. "I thought you had only one ability," he said.

Collin rolled his eyes. "When did I say I didn't have only one?" he asked. "I was just making sure that you weren't mind-controlled by somebody."

"Why do you have to do that?" Nathan couldn't help but ask.

"You never smile and say good morning to me, even if you're up to something." Collin replied, "Also, try to erase your dirty thoughts about big sister; it's disgusting."

Nathan blushed in embarrassment. "Fulfill any of those fantasies, and I will skin you like the disgusting pig you are."

Nathan laughed nervously. He has a feeling Collin would do a lot worse.

Collin walks to the fridge and brings out a bottle of orange juice. "Also, I accept your request."

"What?" Nathan asked, confused.

"You were going to ask me to join your team, right? And I said I accept," he said. "For your fourth member, you can ask big sister."

"No, I'm not asking Fiona; I can't allow her to get hurt."

"Don't worry about her; she's stronger than she looks, and don't you think she'll be angry if you don't?" Collin laughs, then he remembers something. "Also, taking her on a date to a fancy restaurant wouldn't do you any good; take her to an amusement park, where she can be free and have fun," he suggested.

Normally, Collin would not suggest a date for Nathan, but Fiona is now his big sister, and he knows a lot about her, such as how she dislikes being the center of attention and dislikes not being herself, so going to a fancy restaurant would be inappropriate.

Nathan's eyes widened; he never thought Collin would willingly do something nice for him. "Thank you," he said.

Hearing this, Collin gagged a bit. "Stop being nice; it's weird coming from you." he said walking out of the kitchen.

Nathan laughs at Collin, when he walks out of the kitchen. He has a date to prepare for.
