
Code: Infinity (Rewrite Out)

Ryo was a researcher but due ue to a stupid experiment, he created a black hole that destroyed everything. Ryo survived the explosion by sheer luck and was floating in the void when he found his newly gained power. As he was testing out his power, he found himself in front of an angry God... or a Demon? What will happen to him? Will he survive the harsh world? And how does he gain a system? Read the ff to know more about his future adventure! ========== The system only shows the status and will give mission and rewards... It's a harem ff. The final number of wives he will marry/love is not decided. The story has most of the time related to magic cultivation as power upgrading. Mc will be quite moody but will be truly neutral and he will not be horny to collect wifus. He will be possessive and protective of his wife but will not get in their way of development. But he will start his plans to kill all those who even try to flirt with them. He might even be a little psycho in this matter... He will not hesitate to do evil things for his gain. He will even destroy the plot for his plans and he will be a little prideful and arrogant but will always plan all his future works. (Not on the level of Gilgamesh or Aizen but he will be cautious as well as prideful) ======== Images used for reference are not my own. They belong to their respective owners. Hope you enjoy reading!

SR_2027 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 22- Search for supplies and #'s POV

It's a New Year! Enjoy~

BTW, Happy New Year! Gimme that stone for today's 3 in 1 chapter and all the hard work that I had done.

Also please comment and give suggestions for anything that is needed to be improved or added to the plot.




Taking the keys, Ryo quickly started the engine and pressed the accelerator as the bus produced a loud noise and sped up. With lots of students, the speed of the bus was slow but the momentum was a lot greater, this was enough for crushing any zombies coming in their way. With Ryo's professional driving and racing skills, it was a piece of cake to drive the bus out of the school.

The bus crushed, trampled, and smacked several zombies and killed as they came in the way, but this also slowed the bus down. Somehow Ryo had a weird feeling since he last saw the running zombie. The evolution was a lot faster. Just now he had already killed two or three mutants. This made him frown as he quickly calculated and asked out in the bus, "Do any of you guys know how to drive?"

Shizuka replied, "Me! Me! I know how to drive a bus. Although the control might be different from my car, I will manage to drive it! But Ryo-kun, why are you asking this?" Ryo nodded as he said, "The bus is very slow and overcrowded, so we will have to clear the way for it to move or we will soon be surrounded by a group of these things." He then parked the bus at a safer place as he stood up from his seat. "I and Nana are going to clear the way. Also, those people who can fight will also take turn clearing the way."

This caused the students to cower in fear as they talked and complained loudly. Ryo frowned and release his mana as he said, "Hmuf! If you pussies are so weak and useless, I would rather make you leave the bus" This made them silent. Saya suddenly pointed out, "But where do we go first."

Ryo instantly took out a mobile phone from his pocket as he pointed out, "With how many survivors we have, our first priority should be supplies and daily necessities. The fastest and quickest way to get supplies is a mall."

"What about our families!?"

"Sensei, please go to my house! I want to see my parents!"

"No! go to my house-"

They went silent as Ryo pulled a student by his collar and ordered, "One more word and I will throw you outside. I won't care if you will be eaten alive. If you want to stay with us, follow my orders. Understand!?" The guy nodded so quickly that it looked like his neck might break. Handing his phone to Shizuka, he instructed, "The mall is ten minutes away from here. With how fast we are traveling, it would take 20 minutes almost."

Ryo then handed one of his katanas to confused Saeko. "These weapons will help you kill them in an easier way", Ryo said expressionlessly as he left the bus along with Nana and started to kill all the zombies in the way. Saeko stared at the short katana given to her with a smile and held its scabbard more tightly. Then she also left the bus along with Takashi, Kohta, and several other students, helping them clear the zombies.


Everywhere, in the entire world, people yelled, pleaded, and cried for help, pleading for someone to come and save them. What did it earn them? Faster death. No one wanted to fight against the overwhelming horde of zombies. Only a few bothered to save and protect their loved ones.


The creatures from ancient myths, known to bring extreme destruction and massacre wherever they go. Just a bloody scratch is enough to infect a normal person into undead like them.

{A/N: Fun fact, Zombie folklore has been around for centuries in Haiti, possibly originating in the 17th century when West African slaves were brought in to work on Haiti's sugar cane plantations. It was also found out that ancient Egyptians used the concept of Undead in their myths. They used Mummy to personify the process of rebirth. They are said to be the first civilization that lead to the creation and birth of the idea of The Undead or people coming back from the 'realm or state of death.'}

{Zombies and Undead are different but are 'almost' the same.}

These creatures were causing a lot of destruction whenever they go, roaring, scratching, biting, and chewing on any moving human meat. But zombies were not the only ones bringing destruction. Humans are also very weak, dirty, and selfish creatures. Finding that there was no way that they will be able to survive, they started to loot, kill, ra*pe, and abuse their power to have as much fun as they could possible before their death.


Looking outside from the window of the bus, Takashi clenches his fist and feels sad. Wherever his eyes go, he can only see death and destruction. He had been killing zombies for approximately 5 minutes. As he had been swinging his metal weapon they found in their way, he was very tired and his hands were sore because this was the first time that he had done so many heavy attacks.

During their journey, they have saved several other civilians and had to use another vehicle for transportation. Although a few had already died, with Ryo and Nana's help, there was very few people dying, or else most of the people in the bus would have die. The final count of the people was 130.

They had saved several well-trained and fit individuals who were able to kill zombies, this helped the group a lot.

As he was resting, his eyes examined the people on the bus. After Ryo had ordered that the people of the group will take around killing zombies and making way for zombies, several of the students in the group were frowning. His eyes were just then attracted to Shidō somehow and saw him making several hand signs and was murmuring with a group of students. This made him frown as he was feeling slight discomfort.

As he was resting, Saya entered the bus as she was also tired. Another student took her place with slight fearful emotions. Saya saw Takashi staring at Shidō and his group and she also felt that something was going on there and they were planning something. She calculated several possibilities and she knew that they were planning something bad.

When Shidō saw that Takashi and Saya were looking at him, he stopped making signs and signaled the group to not communicate with him. Saya just sat beside Takashi as she instructed Takashi something in his ears as Takashi nodded.


Ryo slashed his machete and shot his suppressed handgun that he 'found' with coincidence in an ammunation shop. He was serious as he had killed several zombies were more powerful than the regular ones. These mutant variations are more powerful and faster than the regular ones. Heck, he even encountered several zombie who had a very hard shell within these 5 minutes. The mutation process was going a lot faster than he had thought.

He didn't want to use his mana and save it as it was necessary for his plans. He didn't wanted to waste his mana in case one of his parallel found him. 'Looks like I will have to alter my plans a bit.' He thought as he switched his position with Nana as he killed another fast moving hard skin mutant. Just when he killed the zombies, his instincts kicked as he used his full speed to jump back and carry Nana with him. Because of his sudden increase in power, small cracks formed in the road.

In the previous place where Ryo was standing, a large blob of acidic substance splashed down. Some drops of the acidic substance reflected on the leg of a nearby person. The guy started to scream loudly as he covered his legs. If someone looks closely, they can literally see his muscles melt. The mutant zombie which was responsible for this had a bloated body. It had an ugly fat body as it walked, or specifically limped as it tried to reach the survivors.

Ryo didn't change his expression, he just shot the mutant directly in the middle of its head. The mutant zombie stumbled and died as its body fell on the ground. Then suddenly its body started to bloat a little and a small explosion took place. A lot of acids splashed on the nearby zombies as their bodies started to melt. This scene made several survivors feel nauseous.

Ryo had already researched the reason for the mutation so he was not astonished. It was due to the clean up of Earth itself that the species present over it started to genetically mutate at a higher level. The reason for this might be because of the Earth itself unconsciously removing away all the parasites, i.e Humans, which were causing harm to it.

The Earth itself has created a special form of Virus which directly manipulate the entire DNA itself of any of the living being. This Virus is at its first stage so the change will be more violent. Then he also found that he can effectively use this virus to help him power up faster.

Although this evolution will remove almost all of the humans from the surface of the earth. Since Ryo and Nana had better bodies and immunity to this Virus, they were not affected. This virus can only take effect on F-Rank 7th stage at most. Ryo even had taken several samples of blood of various people which have a very high chance of real evolution of humans, giving them superhuman strength with pain resistance like zombies but they will not be as mindless as zombies. He had started to research a way to assimilate this blood and make a serum out of it to help them grow faster.

He had researched over it and had already created prototypes of several different virus. He just have to wait for it to evolve further and have enough potential to work on them. And even if he can't use this virus for his body upgrade, he have several different plans for it. He just didn't had time, equipment, people and resources for his projects. He can't handle all these experiments alone. Although he had started to teach Nana many stuffs, it will still take a lot of time for her to reach his level.

But the main problem is that after taking that serum, his body will have its DNA messed up, that mean the chances of him having a child will decrease, but he was not worried about it. With his King of Lust skill, he can change the pregnancy chance and persentage to 100% even after taking the serum. He has already created a sample that might work on him but hadn't taken since he wasn't 100% sure that it will give him power instead of turning him into a zombie. He is just waiting for his plan to work out and have the final victory. If his experiments will get successful, he might create a special serum for himself and Nana which power up their body, mess up their DNA, thus removing the possibility of getting cloned, and making them immune to pain.

Since this world was technologically backward, he was very uncomfortable working on the virus, this was also the reason he was not able to create a perfect serum, or else he would have already created a special serum which could have increased his powers by a few times.

Just as they had killed the mutant, a huge explosion started everyone. They looked in the direction of the explosion and shivered in fear looking at a small cloud of black smoke rising. That was not all, the explosion was exactly around the same place where the Fujimi Academy was. Ryo had a small smile as he watched the small explosion.

Then without wasting any time, he started to use more muscles to kill all the zombies on the way. His plans were already in motion as the second series of explosions took place.


(2 minutes ago)

{Fujimi Academy}

Hanma Ryo had almost reached the Fujimi Academy. He was late because his hired team was a little late. He had to wait for them and this ruined his mood. Although he was last, he was not so worried because he knew that main cast will be able to survive at least in the start. But his plans were messed because of how he saw many mutants wandering around. He knew that if he didn't reach the place where canon started, he will fail his mission and he will be weakened.

Hanma Ryo quickly blasted off the head of a zombie coming in his way. He had a crazy smile as he was going wild, killing every single zombie coming in his way. He was smashing, slicing, punching, kicking, and sliding as he was killing all the zombies. His companions were shuddering when they saw the scary sight but they continued to kill the zombies in their way.

The group of 50 people was hired by Hanma to help him clear the zombies more effectively. With well equipped, his group quickly cleared all the zombies easily. When they reached the academy, Hanma Ryo quickly leaped over the wall to search and save the Main Characters. But the sight made him stop. Everywhere his eyes goes, he saw a lot of dead bodies as other zombies were chewing on the dead bodies.

When the Hanma Ryo landed on the other side, he caused a lot of noise, causing a lot of zombies to turn their attention on him. With a little fear, Hanma quickly rushed inside the main hall, killing every zombie in his way.

When he reached the hall, his expression hardened as he saw a mutant zombie. This mutant was sticking on the ceiling and was not moving, as if it was dead. Without hesitation, Hamna formed a sword and leaped toward it. The mutant, as if perceiving danger, leaped back and barely saved itself. He then hissed at Hanma and leaped on him, opening his mouth with several rows of sharp teeth. Hanma just covered his hand in mana gauntlet and caught the head of the zombie and crushed it in anger.

The mutant's body went limp. Hanma just flicked the dead body of the zombie with huge pressure in anger, creating small cracks to form on the floor. But what he didn't know was that when he threw the body, the body landed on the range of a red illuminating stone. The stone started to flicker and caused a loud explosion. That was not the end, the explosion created a huge chain all over the school.







Hanma's instincts screamed and he covered and protected his body while creating a mana sphere to protect himself from all the directions. The whole Building was instantly demolished. A lot of smoke was generated as it attracted the attention of a lot of beings, living or undead, they either rushed toward it or spied on the situation.

The group of people hired by Hanma was astonished. Their body formed goosebumps as they saw the situation. They quickly tried to escape from that place, from their experience, they had already figured out that zombies were attracted to the sound. With how loud the explosion was, they knew that if they didn't escape at that time, they will definitely be surrounded and killed off. Just as they were escaping, a plasma blast evaporated the upper half body of a guy, directly evaporating his body. The lower half of the body fell to the ground as a huge fountain of blood flew out of the body. This made the group of merchandise cry internally. 'Why are we surrounded by psychos and monsters!? If I had a chance, I would have not taken this task.'

The blast originated from a jeep-like vehicle. The jeep was covered in thick armor while a plasma gun was mounted over the back of the vehicle. It was a mixture of M12 Warthog and M808 Scorpion from the Halo series but the only difference was that the gun mounted on it was semi-manual and the driver itself can control it.

The plasma gun started to blast over the group as they quickly hide. Ten or so people were not lucky as they were killed in the crossfire. The Jeep-like vehicle was actually a reward for Arata Ryo for completing his missions. When the zombie apocalypse began, he quickly summoned his reward and directly reached to save the main characters and complete his missions.

When he was on his way, he found out that the normal zombies were just as shown in anime but there were several mutant zombies that he found on his way. This made his face harden as he accelerated to the Main cast, fearing that they might be killed by some mutants. Although he believes that they will be safe due to some plot armor, he didn't want to take any risk. But when he reached the place, he heard a huge explosion and saw a group of people rushing out from the academy gate.

He got very angry and thought that they were the reason for the explosion, and would have killed the main cast. He quickly started to blast his plasma weapon, killing several of them. Just as he was about to kill more of them, a loud noise attracted his attention. The cause of this was Hanma Ryo, he went into Mana Overdrive to blast off all the destroyed remains of the academy over him, sending them flying in air as he freed himself.

What he saw next made him angrier. Most of all his hired people were injured and that's not all, it came crashing to his mind that the person who was controlling the vehicle, could be the reason for this explosion. With a crazy expression, he leaped to reach for the person responsible for all the things, Arata Ryo.

{Ryo: Huh? I only made a trap for Arata boy but looks like I hit a jackpot, killing two birds with one shot...

Readers: Sasuga Ainz*Ahem* Ryo-sama!}

{Ryo had set up traps and bombs all over the buildings such that any type of movement will trigger the explosions. He had set them such that the mana bombs will go into action after 5 minutes after the apocalypse, giving Ryo and the group enough time to escape. It was intended for Arata Ryo as he knew that he will come to the school to save the main cast. Unlike anime, Ryo and Nana accelerated the killing sphere and made it so quickly that they all escaped several minutes earlier than the anime plot.}

Arata quickly positioned his weapon to lock on Hanma but failed because Hanma, in his overdrive, had already reached the vehicle.

Creating a huge gauntlet, Hanma Ryo directly smashed his fist on the side of the vehicle, creating a huge bump on it. With an even crazier expression, he formed a claw-like mana structure as he clawed quickly on the armored vehicle. Although it took a little effort, he was able to tear off the armor of the vehicle.

From the gap, he saw a blonde guy with green eyes, cowering in fear, feeling his death come near. "P-Please spare me! I-I-I didn't me-!?" Hanma quickly reached to him and held his neck and lifted him. "You were not a part of anime. Which means that you are a reincarnated person. Since you tried to kill me, only death is the only option." With a crazy expression, he directly crushed his neck within a second, killing off Arata without giving him any chance to reply and talk.

Just as he killed off Arata Ryo, a system window opened as he read the things written on it.

[Conguratulation! You have killed off a reincarnated person like yourself. Copying two items, skills or abilities from the reincarnated person you had killed...

Congratulation, you gained the ability [Quick learner(Passive): A-Rank = You can learn anything you focus on learning 10X faster] and [Techno Inventor (Passive): A-Rank = You can invent, discover or learn anything related to technology 100X faster. You have 10,000% (100X) more affinity with electricity element]. ]

Although Hanma was angry for getting into the trap of someone, he soon calmed himself down and felt a little happy getting the rewards. With that, he will be invincible in both body and technology sectors. He wanted to laugh but suddenly he saw something that made his body get goosebumps.

He was totally surrounded by hundreds of thousands of zombies, several of them were mutants with different abilities while some were having super bulkier bodies, reaching an astonishing 4 meters. He knew that if he want to escape, he will have to use Mana Overdrive for a lot of time period and will have a lot of internal body damage. He knew that his body will be weakened by at least several times to survive.

Without any hesitation, he activated his Mana Overdrive and escaped from the horde, dodging and killing every zombie in his way. Just when he was trying to escape, another huge explosion was set up all around the place. The zombie hordes were sent flying in the air as their body parts rained down. Otsuki Ryo had set up another bomb with sensors that will go off just after a minute or so of the time the previous explosion takes place.

These bombs were placed two weeks before the zombie outbreak and had covered around 500 m (0.3 miles) of the academic perimeter. With this, he will get more zombie kills and will also attract more zombies to kill Arata Ryo in case he might survive the previous explosion.

{Ryo: Keikaku Intensified}

Otsuki Ryo had already planned out several different plans incase one of his plans fails off. He had even planned out for one of his parallel self arriving at the academy before he escaped. Thankfully the missions of saving 100 people slowed down both of his parallel self, giving Otsuki Ryo to escape before they arrive.


[ 3810 Words!]

How was the chap?

Also, it would be better if you guys comment or drop stones. Thank you~
