
Code: Infinity (Rewrite Out)

Ryo was a researcher but due ue to a stupid experiment, he created a black hole that destroyed everything. Ryo survived the explosion by sheer luck and was floating in the void when he found his newly gained power. As he was testing out his power, he found himself in front of an angry God... or a Demon? What will happen to him? Will he survive the harsh world? And how does he gain a system? Read the ff to know more about his future adventure! ========== The system only shows the status and will give mission and rewards... It's a harem ff. The final number of wives he will marry/love is not decided. The story has most of the time related to magic cultivation as power upgrading. Mc will be quite moody but will be truly neutral and he will not be horny to collect wifus. He will be possessive and protective of his wife but will not get in their way of development. But he will start his plans to kill all those who even try to flirt with them. He might even be a little psycho in this matter... He will not hesitate to do evil things for his gain. He will even destroy the plot for his plans and he will be a little prideful and arrogant but will always plan all his future works. (Not on the level of Gilgamesh or Aizen but he will be cautious as well as prideful) ======== Images used for reference are not my own. They belong to their respective owners. Hope you enjoy reading!

SR_2027 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 21- Rescue and killing spree...

Lol! had to read a ff for reference. Sorry if it looks a little odd but it's been a year since I last watched it. But don't worry, it's only this chapter, I will make it a lot unique after they escape the school.

Was planning to release it tomorrow after checking it once but whatever, It's my birthday! so have a chapter.


(3rd POV)

Somewhere in the school corridor, Saeko stared at the silver head in her path. She didn't let her guard down as the girl stood along several tens of dead bodies around her. The picture looked scarier as her clothes were clean but her weapon was dripping with blood. Then she also saw how her face turned to that of disgust and coldness when she saw her, making her feel a little fearful of her.

Saeko remembers her name. The girl in front of her was Otsuki Nana, cousin of one of the teachers whom she takes several tips. From the first time when she saw her teacher, Otsuki Ryo, she felt her heart beat faster and for the first time, she felt attracted to someone. She made several excuses like taking tips, asking questions, etc to talk to Ryo. She was successful and felt happy when he told her several tips and even gave her advice for exercises.

She was very happy but suddenly she started to feel goosebumps and cold when she talked to Ryo. She looked in the direction where her instincts told her and saw Nana looking coldly at her from the window. The cold look and disgust she saw in her eyes made her shiver in fear. It was as if she was in front of her natural predator. Saeko still couldn't forget the fear that she felt on that day and she rarely came in Ryo's contact from that point on.

She knew that something was going on between Nana and her teacher but she kept quiet, not wanting to enter into any kind of trouble. Saeko's thought broke when Shizuku quickly reached Nana and as usual, as an air-head, she said, "Nana~, finally I found you. Do you know how worried I was? Do you know where Ryo is?"

Nana's face twisted and she said, "You should worry about yourself, and let me tell you clearly, I will kill you without hesitation if you had any thought about my Ryo. Do you understand? Get in the group and follow me to get out of this place. Also, did you have the keys for the school bus?" Without waiting for any reply, she started to search for other survivors on the way.

Shizuku cutely tilted her head in confusion and tapped her fingers on her chin a few times; and as if realization came to her she followed closely to Nana as she said, "Mouuu, Nana, it's not very cute of you to threaten your seniors. I have the keys and also, I will not get in between both of you. Im just his friend.. bla bla bla" This made Nana's face a little softer. She then proceeded to tell the group about how zombies acts and what are their weakness as she continued to kill any zombie coming in her way.

Saeko was dumbfounded by Shizuka's fearless action but she still followed Nana and tried to save and protect any other students who were not bitten and infected. This went on for a few minutes that Saeko finally noticed that Nana was not even sweating after killing hundreds of zombies and that too in a single slice every time. She thought, 'Will I be able to survive her offense if she decided to attack me? She is better in every aspect compared to me. Speed, strength, endurance, she is better to me in every way...' Just the thought made her shudder as the scary memories passed her mind.


Ryo quickly cleared the floor and reached the locker area. He was about to go and kill them but he remembered that the students were following him, the area was narrow and he can protect them from only one direction. So if he decided to go to the locker area, he would leave the students in the rear defenseless. Just as he was about to use one of my prepared plan, he heard several footsteps coming from the stairs.

He looked over the place and saw Takeshi group along with Nana, Shizuka, and Saeko coming down the stairs. There were probably 40 students. So, in the total after the new group will merge with the people he saved, the final count would be 60. Then his eyes fell on a character with a shift gun. He was Kohta, but unlike his previous fat version, he was more toward a moderate body after all the special training that he had made Kohta go through.

Ryo proceeded to ask them with a low voice, "Did you get the keys for the bus?" Nana nodded as most of them look at Shizuka who awkwardly searched for the keys. They looked at her with deadpan as she finally found the keys. She cutely said, "Tee hee, sorry, here's the key." Ryo started to plan as he instructed, "With these keys, you all guys go for the bus and reach there, I will be there soon."

The group started to murmur among them. This made Saya as she rudely snapped at them telling the findings and weaknesses of the zombies to everyone. Then as they went toward the bus, Nana and Shizuka stayed with Ryo and followed him. This made Takeshi ask in desperation, "Hey, are you guys really going to leave Sensei here? What if he got surrounded -" He was about to go on but Saeko cut him off and said, "Dont worry about sensei, after looking Nana in action, do you really think that Ryo-sensei will be weak?"

Saya also supported Saeko, "Don't you see all those dead things that were lying on the floors? I don't think that any normal student has the gut to go and kill them. Even if there were some, they will never be able to kill so many within such less time. So we should worry more about our situation." This made Takashi swallow his words as he gritted his teeth in frustration as he made his way toward the bus along with other students as they killed any zombie in their way or save any other student that was not infected.

Takeshi in the end said, "You guys go on, I will stay here and help sensei." Rei and Saya also agreed to stay with him. Other students looked at them as if they were stupid as they went on. Saeko also wanted to stay and help, but thinking that the strength group of students will become very weak, she decided to help the students reach the safe area.


Ryo quickly crushed the head of a zombie with his bare hand as he swiped his melee weapons, beheading zombies on his way. His grabbing power was enough to crush muscles and destroy bones. He had a mixed feeling as he was bored as well as feeling excited. He was bored because killing normal zombies was very easy and excited because he now had become addicted to gaining power, the power to decide the fate of anyone.

He had a small grin as he ripped and tore the zombies in his way with great movements. He was only using his body or weapons because his plan requires his plan to hide his strength and mana currently. {To save mana} But even with his body only, he appeared as a blur to normal eyes because of how fast his body was. He feel like he was finally able to explode, using every part of his body at its maximum potential as he made body parts of zombies explode.

This scene made Nana excide as she was daydreaming of Ryo plowing her wildly and roughly. Just the thought made her breathe heavily and close her legs. This didn't stop her as she also helped him kill the zombies. Since both of them were system bonded, the kills she made will also help Ryo complete his Zombie killing Quest. Takashi, Rei and Shizuka followed them. It was unknown to them why Shizuka decided to follow them instead of going for the bus.

{From what I had seen and read, she is clumsy and is the one to follows order. Also she tends to stay with people who she have good experience with. So yeah, although she's useless weight currently, she will definitely follow Ryo...}

Her presence made Nana click her tongue as she asked, "Why are you here, you old hag? You are only getting in our way." She said as she slashed the neck of a zombie and dodge a hand swipe and kill another zombie. Shizuka made a thinking pose and replied, "Umm... what should I say? I was worried about both of you."

Nana gave her a disgusting look but continued to kill along with Takeshi and the group.

After a few minutes, the whole building was cleared off of zombies. Takeshi, Rei, Saya, and Shizuka were sweating while Ryo and Nana were perfectly fine.

This situation made Saya complain, "Haaa... haaa... Sensei, what were you here for? and are you guys superman or something? How can you not get tired after all this?" Ryo just chuckled and replied, "I was here only to kill all the zombies. As for your second question, it happened just a few days ago when I suddenly gained superhuman strength. My guess is that it was because of mutation from the virus which is the reason for the pandemic."

The answer made Takashi furious as he said, "So you are saying that you were here only to kill 'them'? Those other students would still be chased by zombies outside! What if something happened to them?" Ryo looked at him and replied disdainfully, "Who told you to follow us? Hmup, now let's quickly reach the bus. They would have reached and started the engine." Ryo activated his Pride perk and made them feel a little heavy. They could only nod reluctantly and make their way to the bus.

{A/N: He was there to place the red glowing crystals all around the structure and joints.}

When they were midway, they encountered Shidō's group who were running and making a lot of noise as they were running toward the bus.

Shidō trembled as he was running. Unlike the anime, as Ryo and Nana had killed most of the zombies, there were a lot of students who were not infected. After the addition of Shido and his group, the final count will reach an astonishing 80 people. But the current situation made Ryo frown as unlike normal zombies with complete black pupils and slow movement, the zombie chasing Shido's group was able to run. The evolution was going a lot faster than he thought. He thought that it might take a few hours more for the evolution but it's a lot faster.

During the time period before the canon, he had taken over a gang and had set up a lab. When he was searching for the reason for the possible reason for the outbreak, he found a dormant virus which was present in the edible items. With more research, he found that this virus is different from the anime version. It not only makes people undead but also have a little chance of mutation.

He had set up a lot of projects and had even successful created several different variants of virus. Sadly these variants were not infectious to anyone above F-Rank 7th stage. With the natural immunity and body upgrade, the magic core also strengthen ups the nervous system. Then the amount of test subjects were also very less. He can't just kidnap anyone on the road and experiment on them, gaining a lot of attention to him. From what he had saw in the anime, the government would not hesitate to send a missile over to him as long as they could capture Ryo and experiment on his body.

He was laying low-key just 2 week before. After getting <Ultimate Hope>, he had already hacked into millitary bases and had planned out everything. He could act arrogant but he prefer to stay hidden. Who knows when one of his parallel have better skills and talents. Ryo didn't wanted to take any chance.

Ryo signaled Nana to not kill them because of Shido's previous actions as he quickly dashed to that special zombie and beheaded it quickly in a swift slash. The group did not have any will to look back because of their previous nightmarish experience.

Ryo didn't mind it they all reached the bus and entered it.

After entering the crowded bus, Ryo noticed Kyoko and a few other teachers present there. Because of Ryo interfering the plot, he had saved most of the teachers and multiple times more students than anime.

Shidō quickly calculated several different plans and instead of creating infighting between students, he decided to stay silent. Ryo gave him a quick glance and clapped his hands and said, "Listen up! From now I will be your leader. You will have to follow my order and be useful for the group. If you do not agree, you can leave right now. And if you have any problem with me being a leader, you can man up and say it to me..."

As he said, he activated a small amount of mana and used his Pride perk to make them feel suffocating and start to fear him. The whole bus went silent as no one wanted to leave the bus. They have seen Ryo and Nana in action so they will be stupid to let go of their future safety. Examining the bus and not finding any objection, he nodded and instructed the students to hold tightly onto something as the journey will be bumpy...

He quickly sat on the driving seat, started the engine, and pushed the accelerator as the bus produced a loud noise.


[2500 Words!]



Sadly I can't celebrate it due to COVID situation.


Ryo and Nana will not show their power in front of the students because of Ryo's plan. He isn't someone who will go on and tell his powers to everyone. Other RYOs will soon enter the picture next chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

That was a hell of a chapter. The next chapter will 'Probably' be the confrontation between Ryos. Stay tuned as I might release the next chapter soon...

Don't forget to comment or drop the stone.

Have a good day. Stay safe and wear a mask. Recently a lot of people in my area got COVID. So please wear a mask whenever you go out or someone comes to your house for the better of yourself and your family. Follow safety guidance!

Thank you~
