
Code: Infinity (Rewrite Out)

Ryo was a researcher but due ue to a stupid experiment, he created a black hole that destroyed everything. Ryo survived the explosion by sheer luck and was floating in the void when he found his newly gained power. As he was testing out his power, he found himself in front of an angry God... or a Demon? What will happen to him? Will he survive the harsh world? And how does he gain a system? Read the ff to know more about his future adventure! ========== The system only shows the status and will give mission and rewards... It's a harem ff. The final number of wives he will marry/love is not decided. The story has most of the time related to magic cultivation as power upgrading. Mc will be quite moody but will be truly neutral and he will not be horny to collect wifus. He will be possessive and protective of his wife but will not get in their way of development. But he will start his plans to kill all those who even try to flirt with them. He might even be a little psycho in this matter... He will not hesitate to do evil things for his gain. He will even destroy the plot for his plans and he will be a little prideful and arrogant but will always plan all his future works. (Not on the level of Gilgamesh or Aizen but he will be cautious as well as prideful) ======== Images used for reference are not my own. They belong to their respective owners. Hope you enjoy reading!

SR_2027 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 20- Zombies Apocalypse

Before you read, let me remind you, I have increased the power level of zombies. The MC is indifferent to anyone dying as long as the person is useless to him and he will not try to be a hero. As long as he needs to complete any task or gain power, he will go to the extreme as long as he needs to.

The normal zombies are modified and will have thrice the normal human power and some might even have special abilities like wall-crawling, superhuman stats(10~20X), or have a mutation to have harder body skin, release acids spits or so.


(Ryo's POV)

I woke up groaning slightly because of annoying alarm noise. I quickly stopped the alarm as I opened my eyes and came face to face with a silver head as she was drooling in her sleep and her drool was over my chest. Looking at her cute sleeping face, I felt my lips twitch at her but I moved my hand to caress her back to wake her up. She groaned in annoyance, sat up, and stretched her arms, removing her drowsiness as she moaned sensually.

This made my morning wood worse as I felt a little uncomfortable but had to control myself. Today I have to reach the Academy on time as today is when the canon will begin. I quickly took a bath with Nana as she continued to act seductively. Damn, after that day we had sex almost every night but not at the hardcore level as she might have movement problems if I go too far.

I don't want to hurt her, specially her legs. I am really in love with her soft long thighs and even spend time resting on her thigh several times.

I had to control myself from jumping on her and fuck her senseless as she sensually wears stockings and licks her lips inviting me. I don't know how many times we were absent because I wasn't able to control myself. We quickly dressed, combed our hair, and had breakfast as I gave her the weapons and warned her of all possible things that were going to happen. I quickly went through the missions.


1. Save and gather at least 100 people.

2. Kill all of your other parallels. (0/???)

3. Seduce all the female leads (Denied)

4. Kill at least 100,000 zombies. Repeatable Mission. Completion: (0/100,000)

Reward: Random Gift Box for every mission completion]

{A/N: Same Missions for other parallel Ryos}

A grin made up my face as although I don't know how many months I had to hide my strength and act low-key. After reaching E-Rank and gaining Toxin Immunity, I don't think that the virus will affect me and Nana in any way...

Finally, I can go on a rampage, be free to do whatever I want, and grow stronger faster. I also smirked remembering all the plans I had made up for killing off all my parallel. My body trembled in excitement as we sat on the bike as we reached school.

~~(Time Skip)~~

I was teaching in the class when my phone started to ring. Looking at the caller, 'Ah! Kyoko?. Looks like the zombie apocalypse has begun.' I warned the students and made sure that the class representative and monitor will maintain the class discipline and went to the main gate. And as expected, when I reached the gate, Teshima, one of my fellow physical education teachers was threatening the zombie as it suddenly took a bite on him. 'Yare Yare.'

I reached him and as he was about to bite Kyoko, I punched him on his stomach trying out how much strength was required to destroy his body. I knew that it will not kill him but that was the best part. Zombies will serve as the best punching bags. 'Let's test out 20% of my power.' When my punch connected to his chest, a hole was instantly created on his chest as his body was thrown on the ground. 'Hmmm? He is 3 times stronger than a normal human? Also, I can even sense a faint amount of mana flowing in his body... Looks like it is going a lot more interesting.'

Unconsciously I grinned due to excitement and anticipation. My body was trembling, wanting to kill all those zombies.


The other teachers on the scene screamed in horror as they saw me make a punch through Tashima's body and started to run away from me and started to scream. I was like, 'Oops! I scared them...' I quickly stomped on Tashima's head, successfully killing his body, and took out my machete as I made my way toward the other gate. The other gate would be where the zombie will enter through. I want to save as many students as I can right now to complete the mission and go for the next world.

Soon alarm started to ring throughout the school as the atmosphere became heavy due to all the mess that it brought. A lot of screams and cries were happening all around the school. When I reached the scene as I saw several students turning into zombies as one of them clawed at me. '5% should be enough.' I gave the zombie a jab only for his head to bend at a weird angle and drop itself to the ground.

As the result, I almost laughed out loud. I can now understand why people want to be strong. The feeling that it brings is so fascinating. The feeling that it brings, the power to decide the fate of anyone. Ah! I want to rip and tear them apart.

(3rd POV)

Ryo went on a rampage on the campus and started to kill all the zombies at such a superfast speed that he appeared a blur to normal eyes as he quickly went through the crowd of zombies, destroying their heads and organs as he killed them on his way as the rest of the normal humans watched in awe. As he was killing all the zombies, he ordered the students, "Listen to me students, don't make any loud noise. These things are attracted to sound and you will turn into the same as them if you are bitten or scratched by them. To kill them, you must destroy their head. Dont hesitate or they will kill you off."

As if his words affected the students, they quickly reduced their noise as they followed his lead and some of the brave ones started to kill zombies, This gained appreciation from Ryo as he continued to kill the zombies in the hall.

What they didn't see was as he was killing them, he was placing several lightly illuminating red stones all over the way he was moving through, especially near the walls and structures.


Nana stepped on the dead bodies as she swiped her katanas, cutting off the head of zombies coming in her way in a very fluid motion. If someone saw the situation, they would be scared looking at the lean beautiful girl surrounded by tens of dead corpses. Nana had a neutral expression on her face as if killing these zombies was like crushing off bugs.

With all the training and gaining new skills, she had grown immune to all the blood and gore situations. 'Ryo was right, they are stronger than human beings but they are very slow and can easily be killed as long as I'm not grouped and cornered... Ah! I can't wait to kill all the zombies and make him reward me!' Her thoughts made her blush and felt a little wet.

She soon returned to her neutral expression as she watched a group of students walking toward her. A purple-haired was leading the group of students as she killed off some zombies coming in her way, saving the students. Shizuka was also in the group. This made Nana's face go dark as she thought, 'Tsk another slut. I will kill her if she will try to seduce my Ryo... No wait! isn't she useful for his plans? well whatever, as long as she doesn't get between our relationship, I will let her live'


On the rooftop, Rei was crying in grief as her boyfriend, Hisashi was killed by Takeshi when he turned into a zombie. Ryo sat on the rooftop with clear sadness on her face after she had confronted Takeshi and failed to speak with her father.

She complicatedly glanced to her side, looking at her childhood friend who she had promised to marry. She knew that he had started to love her in the past few years and she honestly thought that if she had not started to like someone else, she would have confessed to him. Just... she felt that it would have been better if he had some boldness and had confessed to her.

Recalling the memories of the disaster that happened to her she feels sadder. Last year, her father was investigating a corrupted politician and because of that, she was held back a year by her teacher. At least the politician was captured but still, this didn't change her situation. She was devasted and tried to find comfort with Takashi but he didn't comfort her in her hard days. 'It's only a year.' Those simple words hurt her like thorns...

She could only feel sad remembering all the previous happy moments of her life. How happy they used to be in their childhood.


[1700 Words!]

Let's see how Ryo will grow through all the outbreaks, coming victorious from all the competitors. Will he be able to gain new powers? Will he be killed? Will there be someone who can prove challenging to him? Continue reading more chapters to find out.

Now, most of the chapter will be in the 3rd POV. We will see how Otsuki's mind works and how he had planned out everything up. His parallel selves are not mindless, they also are smart, just they have not seen Ryo personally or they would have thought of several possibilities.

Also, different Ryo will have different powers and skills. Hope you love future chapters...
