
Code: Infinity [Reboot]

Waking up in the world of Franxx and being forced into a game of 'Gods' with multiple penalties imposed on him was not a cup of tea for Ryo. With a loud explosion from a stupid experiment he was performing, Ryo finds himself floating in the void as suddenly a Bizarre Flamboyantly Homosexual Time Stopping Blonde Vampire pops up in front of him. With that, he was forcefully reincarnated into a different world. It was as if he was sent into a Game of so-called 'Gods' without any sort of information or backing. But... there was but one particular 'thing' that had made Ryo very 'special'. He tends to get off his way to achieve the 'win', no matter what he needs to sacrifice or get his hands into. Now with a system that can help him achieve his dreams, how surely can he keep his desire to win the games of so-called 'God' in control, even with multiple penalties that were imposed on him? How will Ryo win against literal 'Gods' who are almost omnipotent? How will he bend the rules of the game he's going to play against the 'Gods' themselves? Is there any chance for him to win at all? If he wins, will he get a 'Happy' Ending? Or will he stay merely as a pawn to the 'Gods' in their grand plans within the cosmos? Read to know more about his future adventure! First World: Darling in the FranXX. Second World: Akame Ga Kill. Third World: ??? ========== 1. Hardcore system. Semi-Sentient. 2. Small Harem. (Or not?) 3. Neutral Evil MC. (Will do his best to gain the highest gains, but won't do pointless evil. Borderline evil.) 4. Very Long Chapters (Around 5k words each.) 5. Dark Plot ======== Note: Shared Multiverse with "Kono DIO Da" fanfic. Sequel to the fanfic. Note-2: Having some basic knowledge about the worlds that he goes in, would be best.

SR_2027 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 6 - There can never be a true 'Happy' Happy Ending [Rewrite]

Don't forget to give me a comment, reply, or power stone! They give me motivation!


~(-- 2 Years Later --)~

"Ryo! Ryo!"

Ryo slowly woke up from the sudden shaking he was feeling. Opening up his eyes, he looked up to Zero Two who had her face just a few inches away from his own.

'*Sigh~* Not again... I have been teaching her but she didn't learn anything. It is getting hard to control her, but I can let it slide for now. Well, I think today also marks the 5th Year of my being born in this world. I am now 5 years old today...'

"Good Morening!"

"Good Morning, Zero Two. It's not 'Good Morening'. See..."

Shaking his face mentally, Ryo grumbled and slowly pushed Zero two away gently and stood up from the floor. The only problem was that they were still chained. 'This is getting annoying.'

Due to the instinctive responses, Zero Two once got a bite of a normal 'Adult' on one occasion, and here they were now, chained to the wall of their 'Kinder House'.

This happened because of the carelessness of a worker. Due to underestimating the agility of Zero Two, he tried to take Zero Two for the experiments, only to get hopped on and get his throat bitten off by Zero Two. 

'Quite a good instinct. Going directly for the throat. This could have been deadly even for these fake immortals but they were wearing strengthened clothes.' Ryo clearly remembered the incident that happened.

Stretching up and tiding his hair, Ryo smiled as he looked toward Zero Two who was standing by him and mimicking him. 'Quite a fast learner', with that thought, he called out, "Zero Two."

Slightly tilting her head to her side, Zero Two replied, "Who happened Ryo?"

With a small false chuckle, Ryo responded, "It's not 'Who happened Ryo'. It's 'What happened Ryo?' Repeat it."

Yes, he has been training Zero to talk in a unique language that he had once learned in his previous life. Although it was very hard to learn for first-timers, Ryo was sure that it would take at least several years to decode the language he was talking about.

Even with the current equipment, he was sure that it would at least take one year if their technological level was much higher than his initial thoughts. The language he was teaching Zero Two was just that complex.

With a lot of characters and differing meanings behind some words, it used to be one of the hardest languages there during the years of his previous years. The main advantage that they both had was that they were able to 'instinctively' understand what each other is 

While they might be trying to decode the language, he too was on the verge of breaking the language used by the 'Adults' living in this world. He just needs a few more months to decode the language and learn how to speak, write, and understand it.

"Huff! Huff! Bad Ryo! Hate! Hate Learn!"

Fanning her hands, Zero two puffed her face and made unsatisfactory sounds, showing her dissatisfaction with Ryo.

'Cute, but this won't work for me.'

Looking back at Zero Two, with a huffing sound, Ryo responded, "If Zero Two won't follow, I won't talk to her.", threatening her with the only thing that was keeping her sane, Ryo started to think about other ways that he can use to make Zero Two follow his command and do whatever he wants in future.

It was necessary for Zero Two to follow all the arrangements he had made up for his future. It would otherwise go haywire. 'I can't let her have her own independent thoughts and feelings.'

With teary eyes, Zero Two shouted, "Na!", and hugged Ryo tightly. She hugged Ryo strongly and attached her whole body to his retaliation. To her actions, he signed and patted Zero Two on her head as she sulked, trying to calm her down.

'What a mess... I am not so good at handling children. Well, it doesn't matter how she grows up as long as I can control her. I don't know how long we will have to wait... I revealed the smallest fraction of my abilities.'

'Franxx should have been able to see through it. Well, a part of my plan. If Franxx is the same kind of person he is, he won't interfere with us any time soon. This is getting tricky, I can't show my true capabilities or the higher-ups will be alerted... Just a small fraction until suddenly make a big boom!'

With that, Ryo gently separated Zero Two from himself and started to teach her about stuff.


~(-- Franxx Side --)~


Looking at the two Klaxosaur Queen clones, Franxx felt excited looking at their language. For the last few months, he noticed that Code 003 was ordering Code 002 and teaching her something.

At first, he dismissed the actions as something random, but after a few months, it became a routine, which suddenly sparked a wild thought. 'This is so great! An unknown language! Probably the language used by Klaxosaurs to communicate!'

'If I can learn this language, I think I might be able to communicate with Klaxosaurs. but then, I don't think that this will work. But from what I have seen, I don't think Klaxosaurs even speak. That too was but my assumption and the data we got... BUT what if...'

'Yes... I must find a way to decode this language!'

With that in mind, Franxx closed the holograph and started to type things in Dropbox, trying to help the AI present in the device help decode the language. But no matter how long he tried to work over the language, the AI was not able to truly decode the majority of the words spoken let alone the language.

Knowing full well it would require much more data, he placed the newly arriving data in a restricted part of the system, and walked out of the room. While his mind was still thinking about the incidents, he had already taken the elevator to reach the basement floor.


The door opened as cold air flowed inside the elevator. But unlike the usual room temperature, the floor he was on was a few degrees lower than the room temperature.

Walking through a short hall that was closely guarded by a lot of soldiers, Franxx reached a room that was completely white.

Inside the room, there were 8 small babies, who were taken care of by a lot of doctors and scientists. If one looked carefully at them, one might see a small pair of horns.

The only thing that was different in them compared to their progenies, Code 002 and Code 003, was that their horns were very small while their body was more humanoid compared to the progenitors, who had different skin and hair color. 

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Warner Franxx entered the room and carefully walked to one of the cradles in the room. As he walked over the place, the nurses and doctors taking care of the children bowed to Franxx, which he dismissed with a wave of his hand.

With that, as he was left alone in the room, Franxx walked up to one of the cradles which contained a baby with special features and stared at it. The baby had pale white skin, honey-blond hair, and green eyes. The same features of someone who Franxx loved in the past.

"Nine Alpha."

Saying the baby's name, Franxx remembered a certain someone from his past. With the same honey-blonde hair and green eyes, she used to work alongside Franxx and had played a major role in the creation of FRANXX itself.

Feeling a pang of pain in his heart, he felt a few complex emotions.

On one side is a being of peak evolution, Code 003, and on the other side is a creation he created because of his feelings. 'It will be a huge battle but I hope you come out victorious...', With an expressionless face, Franxx considered his choices.

After all, he wants someone named Alpha to actually be the 'Alpha' of his kind. He wants him to defeat the perfect experiment he had created. But at the same time, he knew he couldn't let his emotions cloud his mind. 

Tapping the button on his watch and pulling out the announcement comm, he messaged, "I will send a schedule for the Special Codes. Start the schedules when they reach their age. No... Scratch that. Start the process after a month's time..." 

After saying that, Franxx left the room, going back to his room to work out on FRANXXs, trying to improve them for use for future Special Codes.


--(-- 1 Month later --)--

Waking up, Ryo mentally noted his past achievements. He had mastered his instincts, making them under his control, and also improved his muscle control. His body was now completely in his control externally. 

'I do have to admit it. Zero Two is a natural-born genius. Although not at a high level, her intelligence can still reach the level of a peak Rank-1 mental stimulant mutant from my previous life... After all, she was able to learn this much information within such a short time...'

While all the time had passed, Ryo had found out that because of his bloodline, his body had superhuman status. If compared, he, who was right now 5 years old, can beat 2-3 humans if they are not ready. And this was at 5 years old... By the time he will be 15 years old...'

With that in mind, Ryo mentally said, 'Status'

[ Infinity System

Name: Code 003 / Ryo Otsuki

Age: 5 

Gender: Male


Titles: ---

Bloodlines: Fake Klaxosaur Hybrid

Core (?): Infinity (Unawakened): Able to manipulate the concept of [Infinity] 



[1. Chunnibyo Effect: The host sees everything in an animated style. Triple the talent to learn supernatural stuff. This perk will decrease the ability to perceive distances for the Host.]

[2. Brave: Will stay brave and calm in dangerous situations. Increase stats by 15% when in fights or deadly situations. But decrease stats by 15% when not in fight or deadly situations. This perk will take 3 sec to take effect every time.]

[3. Cockroach: Have a 75% chance of getting no damage in one-shot killing attacks. No Drawback.]


HP: 100%

MP: ---


Body: F

Mind: F (Cursed by Chaos & Order)

Astral Body (Currently Unusable): F -

~Overall Ranking~: F


Unique Points: 800

[Show Skills] [Show Inventory] ]

His UPs should have been 500 but after making Zero Two dependent on him, he got around [100 UPs] and later he received [200 UPs] more a year ago, which he speculated to be given due to altering the lives of his and Zero Two's clones, the 9's. 

That was the most probable answer. He can't say for sure if that was the reason, but that was the most logical answer. 

With that, he looked at his surroundings. The same room that was new 3 years ago was now a bit worn out. Stuffed animal toys were shredded to pieces by Zero Two whenever she became scared after the experiments.


Just as regularly, the door to his room opened at noted time, as an old lady entered it with a tray of food containing bread and stuff.

With the improvement and development of their body, they require more nutrients. Thankfully, the food quality had improved during the time but it was still the same old bland taste that he had to taste.

At times, Ryo felt that his taste buds were now already adjusted to the bland taste, making him homesick remembering all the spicy food that he used to eat in his previous life.

But as soon as the lady entered the room, Ryo noticed that her eyes were red and she was carrying a book of some sort.

'Looks like her time's up. Well, she did give me 50 UPs the first time we met but that was all. She is otherwise useless.'

He knew that it was time for her to leave her job as their caretaker. He knew, that at some point in time, Stella, his caretaker would be leaving him, just as it was mentioned in the anime. 'Well. I don't have any use to her. I won't be emotional for something like this.'


As soon as Stella entered the room, she walked slowly to both Zero Two and Ryo placed the breakfast in front of them, and looked at both of them caringly with her teary eyes as they came for the usual breakfast.

Unlike the usual liquid-ish breakfast they were now given multi-grain bread loaves for breakfasts. And just like usual, she saw how eagerly the children ate the non-so-tasty food as her heart ached.

Due to the new plans, Dr. Franxx has started to speed up the process of Code 002 & 003's experimentations and has even planned for their education. 

For that, special new caretakers will be taking care of the children as she will be positioned to take care of new more 'human' children.

Taking her mind off, she then looked at 02's & 03's vibrant white hair as her mind became firm. She steadily held out her hand and started to rub both 02's & 03's hairs as they both ate their fill, not minding her.

It had been so long that, from her perspective, they had let their guard down toward her. Knowing full well that Stella was carrying no harmful intentions, 02 downright ignored her, and the same went for 03, but he was thinking of how she could be useful anytime soon before she left.

Since he was now alongside 02, he will be indirectly changing the book they will be receiving from Stella. That will in turn give him UP, and Ryo knows it since his presence itself has indirectly affected many...

'I hope she is that good enough. Be useful for the last time.', But then shaking his mind, Ryo started to think about what would be up for them next. 'Since she is leaving... Who will be next? And what will their task be?'

With the daily consumption of nutrition, he had already noticed that his body was growing stronger, endurable, and faster at a visible pace. It was as if his body was evolving to counter the effect of 'experiments' done on them.

There was also another thing to note, his increasing memory capacity, making it harder for him to forget stuff.

Although the changes are not as outrageous as Doomsday of DC in terms of physical capabilities, he is evolving at much much faster rate than it should be possible. It was a miracle from his perspective. 

His 'Adaption' was the main reason for his changes in the last 2 years for sure, and even if he doesn't do anything like exercise and does not bring any tension to his body, his body will still naturally get as strong as 10 times that of a normal human being by the time he is 15 years old.

The thing that bugged him on the other hand that he was not the only one with such strength. The soldiers, who guarded the area were actually 3 to 5 times more stronger, faster, and endurable than the ones he had seen in the past.

The only reason he could think of for this information was that this was probably because of the mutation surgery that Franxx had made them go through, their body also had their stats boosted, ranging from a few times to an astonishing 10 times according to him from what he had heard them talking.

But still, Ryo didn't understand why Franxx didn't continue to strengthen other humans biologically or find other methods to help humans strengthen their biology.

In his world, normal humans were easily able to become a 1st-Rank offensive mutant if they had enough money to actually build themself a cyborg hybrid body for themselves if done properly.

This would have solved a lot of problems as the new beings created could be much more versatile and flexible if they used the technology they had in hand. But they haven't.

'Is it because of the 'Seven Sages'? But that was not a logical response from their side. They could have used the technology if they really wanted to reduce the 'Klaxosaur' number...'

Then came his assumption of World Wills. What if there was a Plot Armor and the tendency of this world to keep the destiny of the main characters in the same way? A crazy thought, he had noted.

This made him remember that there can be instances where he will be downright killed if he is not careful enough.

At that moment, he realized that it wasn't just him using the system, the system was also using him. One single moment and the 'System' will devour him, leaving behind nothing. 

The reason for his getting UP will be the residual energy that the system gets when he changes the Destiny of the main characters of the world in which he will be residing. While the World Will is trying to keep the 'World' run on the normal trajectory.

'It is more like he was merely a pawn to be struggling between the fight for power of two completely opposite 'Systems'.'

Going back to the main topic, Ryo thought, 'So, in the end, I have very little advantage to trying rebel against both the System or the 'World Will'. It's better to take a side with System as I am gaining a larger, much more delicious chunk of the 'pie'.'

'Well, I already have figured out a way out of this situation. Let's just resolve this situation right now and gather as many UPs as I can for now.'

"Zero Two, Zero Three."

Softly speaking, Stella called out to both Ryo and 02, gaining their attention. Although she knew that they wouldn't understand her, which she assumed, she softly continued, "This might be the last time I might be with you." 

Caressed their head again as she continued, "I know that you are not able to understand me, but know that I have loved you as if you were my children."

She then retracted her hand and brought a book forward, toward them, and placed them on the ground.

"This will be my last gift to you. A storybook. A book of love, telling how two love birds fight for their love and against all the odds and enemies that they face and come victorious in the very end proving their love and bond."

She continued as she opened the book, showing colorful pictures, telling a story of two birds falling in love in a fantasy world. These two birds were actually caged when they met. They were the pets of a magician who was one of the strongest magicians out in the world.

As they fell in love and longed for a free life, they pled to the magician, who after some thought, agreed to free them if they were able to pass the situations that they would face in the magician's illusion and still be in love, he would free them.

The birds agreed to the magician, and as agreed, the magician made them go through three situations that tested their bonds and love. The birds went through a lot of ups and downs but in the end, they both passed with flying colors.

This made the magician look at their bond in awe. He congratulated them and set them free.

But that was not the end, in the end, he even transformed the two love birds into humans so they wouldn't be captured again. This concluded the 'happy ending' as the human-turned-birds happily lived ever after.

Looking at the storybook, he thought, 'The writer had a good imagination. The only thing he forgot, was that there can never truly be a completely 'Happy' Happy ending...'


[Congratulations! For bringing a significant change in the course of history, you gained 100 UP!]

[UP: 800 -> 900]

The sweet sweet sound of the system ringing made him realize how much UP he gained, making Ryo think, 'Good. I still feel a bit grumpy about it. This book was actually an important artifact of the bond between both 02 and Hiro of this world... I should have got around 1k points...'

'System, since I can use UP to buy anything, how about you show me an ability that I can buy called Eidetic Memories? Also, show me the cheapest one that I can buy.'

[Loading... Search Results found... removing unnecessary ones... Calculating UPs of Host]

[Ability 'Eidetic Memory' found but the host cannot buy it. Current price: 7,500.]

'That's a shit ton more UPs than I expected... Thought it would have been 3000 or something... Well, looks like I will be saving UPs. Anyway, let's look back and not gain attention from others.'

'Anyway, since the prices of the items turned out to be more than I expected, System, can you check for items that can help me travel to another world? Find the cheapest item or ability.'

[Collecting data...]

[There are three ways for the host to travel to another world. As the host has inquired for the cheapest available options, here are they.]

[The first option is the 'Specific World Travel Ticket' that costs 100,000 UP to travel to any world that the host desires to visit.]

[The second option is the 'Progressive World Travel Ticket' that costs 50,000 UP. It will take the host directly to another world which will have the perfect condition for the host's best development with only moderate difficulty.]

[The last option is the 'Random World Travel Ticket' that costs 25,000 UP and will take the Host directly to any random world.]

[For the 'Specific World Travel Ticket' and the 'Progressive World Ticket', the host can choose the travel method which is Reincarnation, Transmigration, or being Reborn after the world is selected.]

[As for the 'Random World Travel Ticket', it is a gamble for lucky power-up or instant death. The method of travel is Random as well.]

'I see. The Progressive World Ticket is indeed the best for me. Although there are chances that it might take me to a world that I might have not seen or heard about, I can still manage it.'

'On another note, System, how much UP will it take for a person to take alongside me? Is there a way for me to take anyone alongside me with spending as little as possible?'

[Calculating... The host does not need to pay any UP for that. The Host can just choose the desired person to be kept in 'Inventory', as it allows anything to be contained without any effect of Time and Space on them.]

[Still, the host will be required to have to purchase the life contract from the System with a 1,000 UP.]

'Hmm. What's a Life Contract? You never mentioned much about the Inventory, so tell me more about it as well again.'

[By normal conditions, anyone without a strong body will be destroyed because of the high influence of Time and Space.]

[While the Inventory allows up to 5 things to be stored without any cost, storing a living body will require the System to form a protective body around them to not die accidently due to the high influence of Time and Space, which is rare by not impossible.]

[Waiting for approval from the Core for permission to reveal necessary information Request approved...]

[Request approved.]

[It should be noted that every single Laws of Reality are 'living' entities in some sort of way. They do not allow others to violate their rules without any consequences.]

[Without the power to control the time or space of the person going into the Inventory, the person can be attacked by the lesser servants of Time or Space or both.]

[The system is only obligated to protect the host. For anyone other than the Host, the System will not exert any strength.]

'I see that you love me too much.', With a sarcastic thought, he continued, 'System, are you alive? What is the core you were asking permission from?'

[Host does not have enough authority and power to have answers to those questions.]

'As expected, anyway, since every Law of Reality has an avatar and can affect the reality itself. So System, does Infinity, the Law, does it also have an avatar or is it an entity? Can it affect me as I have the core of 'Infinity' itself?'

[Host does not have enough authority and power to have answers to those questions.]

'... Thought so. With how the system is acting, I think I have almost figured out how the System works, what kind of High Dimensional Entity I will be facing, and how much I can affect the reality itself.' 

Coming out of his mental thoughts, he looked up to Stella, who picked up the place that I was licking absentmindedly, and stool slowly, ready to leave, making me look in her direction while Zero Two was still deep into the color-filled book.

Just before she left, Stella looked back into the room one last time to get one final good at the two lovely children. In the end, she shed a tear as she stared at them for a good while, and left the room. 


The room closed into the heavy silence. Leaving Ryo thinking about his future plans and Zero Two admiring the storybook.



Phew. Sorry for the info dump. Hope you don't mind it.

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