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Harry, an ordinary young man from a mundane background, stumbles upon a hidden world where individuals possess the extraordinary ability to cultivate immense power. granted a mysterious system, he discovers that he can advance his cultivation by killing beasts. [Congratulations, you have slain the Deathless Dragon.] [Level up.] ... ... [Congratulations, you have slain the Lion King.] [Level up.] ... As he slays more powerful creatures, Harry's strength grows exponentially. [soul body has been granted] [soul contract has Been granted:you can control anyone you want] ... With the system's relentless support, Harry ascends to unparalleled power, emerging as an invincible hero. His ultimate challenge arises as he confronts the menacing foreign race known as the Dakis, threatening the very fabric of his world. Armed with his newfound abilities and unwavering determination, Harry becomes the greatest champion in the epic battle against this formidable foe. ------ Set in a modern cultivation world teeming with diverse abilities, join Harry's riveting journey of growth, power, and heroism. **Daily Updates:** - 1 chapter per day, 7 chapters per week. - Bonus chapter for every 50 power stones. Dive into a saga of relentless ambition and boundless power, where ordinary beginnings ignite the path to extraordinary destinies.

Festival06 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

level up (2).

Harry discerned that he was rewarded for hunting his first beast.

He estimated that he received 200 exp from killing a basic-level beast and required 3200 exp to ascend to the next level. He activated the storage feature to unveil further details.

[Storage: You can store crystals, weapons, etc.]

After perusing the details, he opted to activate it. He observed a white crystal in his system's inventory, but he was perplexed since he hadn't extracted any crystal from the beast.

His attention then shifted to the ongoing conversation.

"I understand it's your first time, so you're nervous but Why didn't you move? You should have at least tried to attack. ," Liam admonished Tyler.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," Tyler stammered, drenched in sweat and trembling in fear.

"It's okay. We are always here for you," Harry reassured him patting his shoulders.

"I think we should hunt more beasts so you can train yourself before confronting intermediate beasts," Liam suggested, shaking his head.

Everyone nodded in agreement and proceeded deeper after extracting crystals. The system stored crystals automatically, meaning every beast they felled could be stored without manual extraction, which was a beneficial feature.

After venturing a bit further, they encountered a pair of tigers. They allowed Tyler to engage one while Liam supported him. Meru and Harry tackled the other one.

This time, They attacked silently. Instead of standing still, Tyler moved swiftly and used the dagger in his right hand to slash the tiger's stomach. Before the tiger could react, he attacked its neck with the dagger in his other hand. The one-horned tiger didn't get any opportunity to retaliate. Both of them were dispatched stealthily.

[Exp: 400/3200.]

They continued progressing, growing faster and more confident with each kill.

After hunting several groups of these creatures, Harry examined his status window.

[Exp: 2400/3200.]

"It's almost evening. Let's head back, and tomorrow we will undertake real hunting," Liam proposed.

They were about to return when they saw a tiger approaching them. This tiger had three horns on its head.

"This is a three-horn intermediate beast. Stay vigilant," Liam commanded.

This time, instead of using his bow, he unsheathed the sword from his back. Harry utilized his inspect skill.

[Intermediate level long sword.

Effects: With every hit, the user's speed will increase by 5%. The user must hit once in 10 seconds, or the effect will reset.]

It was a complex yet advantageous skill.

Liam sprinted towards the three-horned tiger. In response, the tiger swiped with its paws, but Liam used his sword to parry the attack. The force pushed Liam back 2 meters, then he began running towards the beast with a 5% speed boost.

Harry calculated how to deliver the final blow. He noticed Liam's bow lying on the ground and grabbed it.

Harry had a decent grasp of bows. He saw the tiger had a cut inflicted by Liam on its neck, but it wasn't deep enough to be lethal.

Its three horns began to shine with a radiant rainbow light.

Tyler, feeling confident by killing basic-level beasts, believed he could also kill this beast. He grabbed his daggers and flanked the beast, successfully piercing its skin. However, when he tried to retrieve the dagger, it was stuck, so he relinquished it.

Before he could react, he saw the beast's sharp claws descending upon him.

"It's too fast. I can't survive. I think this is the end. I was overconfident," Tyler thought, closing his eyes.

One, two, three seconds passed, but he didn't feel the claws tearing into his body. He slowly opened his eyes to see the beast's body lying before him, an arrow protruding from its neck.

Harry sighed in relief, not knowing why the horns were shining, but grateful they evaded whatever attack was imminent.

"You should have told us that you are proficient with a bow and arrow," Liam remarked to Harry, impressed by his precision.

Harry, engrossed in the notification, ignored Liam's comment.

[Three-horned tiger has been killed. 1000 exp has been received.]

[Name: Harry Smith

Qi cultivation: Foundation Building level 6

Exp: 200/6400.]

He had been skilled with bows since childhood, but had never used battle bows. Whether it was his practice or sheer luck, he didn't know. When the tiger was about to strike Tyler, Harry struggled to keep the bowstring steady but managed to kill the beast.

Harry followed the others. "We have an intermediate crystal and 18 basic crystals after taxes," Liam said.

"What? We killed 36 basic beasts. How can they impose a 50% tax? I almost lost my life!" Tyler exclaimed.

"It's obvious they allocate resources to capture beasts so novices can train here. I'm glad they didn't take our intermediate crystal," Harry said.

Although he could store those crystals in his system's storage, he didn't want to explain their absence. "This was just for today. Tomorrow, we won't have to pay taxes. For now, let's go to the market and sell these crystals," Liam said.


Harry and his group entered a bustling street lined with stalls on both sides. Harry noticed many guards patrolling.

Liam led them to a shop, and Harry learned that basic-level crystals could be sold for 100 star coins each, and intermediate crystals for 500 star coins, a reasonable price given the purchasing power of star coins.

Meru and Tyler were fascinated by the various tools and cultivation serums.

Harry used his inspect skill on one of the cultivation items.

[3-star cultivation serum: Can be used by level 2 or lower Foundation Building level.]

[4-star cultivation serum: Can be used by level 3 or lower.]

Harry couldn't find cultivation serums for higher levels, so he inquired with Liam, "Why are there no serums for higher levels?"

"Because they are scarce resources and not available in local shops. You have to buy them from the Star Association's official shop. Also, they require a substantial amount of star coins," Liam explained.

"Can't everyone level up by fighting monsters?" Harry asked, wanting to confirm if he was the only one who could level up this way.

Since he hadn't seen Tyler or Meru leveling up.


How was it, I introduced many things and in future I will introduce some more things such as elemetal powers and how system will help Harry.

And if you are enjoying the novel don't forget to comment and give a simple review or your opinion.

At last power stones, I want Power stones.

Okay let's do it, if I get 50 power stones this week I will upload another extra chapter as a thankyou.