
Cocktails and Cauldrons: A Magical Mayhem

The novel commences with the tragic demise of Adèle Rousseau, a 35-year-old bartender whose life takes a shocking turn on one fateful night. Adèle, burdened by unfulfilled dreams and aspirations, finds solace in her nightly routines at Le Nuit Mystique, a dimly lit bar where she works tirelessly. The story unfolds in a bustling city filled with dreams, regrets, and the elusive promise of redemption. Adèle's life takes an unexpected twist after the unforeseen accident, propelling her into a mystical world of enchanting wonders. In a moment of fate-altering events, Adèle awakens as the 10-year-old daughter of a wealthy French pure-blood family, now known as Victoire Lefèvre. She must navigate the intricate and enchanting world of magic, while simultaneously weaving together the memories and experiences of Adèle and Victoire. This unique perspective offers insights into destiny, rebirth, and the indomitable resilience of the human spirit. As Victoire, she grapples with her newfound magical abilities and adjusts to the opulent yet demanding life of a pure-blood family. The tale unfolds as she embraces this unexpected second chance and strives to shape her destiny, determined to make the most of the magical world she now inhabits. ****************************************

EchoingDusk · Movies
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44 Chs

System Explanations (Full)


1) Novice Witch(001-010):

Children who have experienced a magical event but have not yet received formal magical training. This stage is characterized by accidental magic and the first glimpses of a young wizard or witch's abilities.

2) Apprentice Wizard/Apprentice Witch(010-020):

Freshly admitted students in their first and second years at a magical school, such as Hogwarts. During this stage, students learn the basics of magic, including wand usage, potions, and introductory spells. They are in the early stages of their magical education.

3) Student Wizard/Student Witch(020-030):

Students in their third, fourth, and fifth years at a magical school, are typically, preparing for their Ordinary Wizarding Level (OWL) examinations. They broaden their magical knowledge and specialize in chosen subjects, setting the foundation for their magical careers.

4) Graduate Wizard/Graduate Witch(030-040):

Students in their sixth and seventh years at a magical school, preparing for their Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests (NEWTs). These individuals have completed their primary magical education and are refining their skills for their chosen career paths.

5) Wizard/Witch(040-050):

Recent graduates who have completed their magical education, are entering the wizarding world, and seeking employment. They possess a solid understanding of magic and are prepared to begin their careers in various fields, whether as professionals, Ministry workers, or other roles.

6) Expert Wizard/Expert Witch(050-065):

Exceptionally trained wizards and witches with advanced magical skills, often specializing in specific areas such as dueling, healing, or magical law enforcement. This stage includes roles like Aurors, Death Eaters, and Hit Wizards, who are highly skilled and experienced in combat and specialized magical tasks.

7) Grand Wizard/Grand Witch(065-080):

Experts in multiple magical fields or grandmasters in a specific area of magic. This category encompasses highly experienced professionals and influential figures, such as Hogwarts professors, experienced Aurors, and elite Death Eaters, who have made significant contributions to the wizarding world.

8) Legendary Wizard/Legendary Witch(080-100):

Grandmasters in several magical fields and are widely recognized for their exceptional magical abilities and influence. They have left an indelible mark on magical history. Notable figures like Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Gellert Grindelwald, and Nicolas Flamel fall into this prestigious category due to their significant impact and extraordinary mastery of magic.

9) Transcendent Wizard/Witches (100-?)



1)Embryonic Stage:

-At this early stage, the magical essence within a wizard is in its most basic and undeveloped form. It is like a faint flicker, barely discernible, akin to a vague promise of magical potential. Novice wizards often possess only the embryonic stage of innate magic.

2)Nebulous Stage:

-During the apprentice phase, the magical essence begins to take a more defined form. It's like a nebulous cloud, a little more noticeable but still lacking a clear shape or structure. Apprentice wizards have a somewhat visible but nebulous innate source of magic.

3)Veiled Stage:

-As students advance in their magical education, the innate magic becomes more defined and takes on a foggy form, like a veiled mist within their bodies. It's beginning to coalesce and become more cohesive, representing a deeper understanding and control over magic.

4)Gossamer Stage:

-As wizards progress through their education and approach graduation, the innate magic condenses further. It becomes like a gossamer mist, denser and more noticeable, indicating a substantial increase in magical strength and proficiency. Graduates possess this denser, foggy innate source.

5)Ethereal Stage:

-Wizards who have entered the professional magical world have a source of innate magic that's akin to an ethereal liquid but with a majority of it being fog. It's more fluid and responsive, symbolizing a deeper connection and mastery of magic.

6)Luminescent Stage:

-In this stage, the magical essence within a wizard becomes more radiant and vibrant, akin to a luminescent liquid. It represents a heightened mastery and an ability to manipulate magic with grace and precision.

7)Resplendent Stage:

-Wizards who have attained a level of expertise and mastery reach this stage. The innate magic is akin to a resplendent blend of liquid and solid state, shimmering with intense magical power and brilliance. It signifies a profound understanding and control over magic.

8)Pinnacle Stage:

-At the pinnacle stage, the innate magical source within a wizard is at its peak. It's like a stone, a vibrant core of pure magic, exuding immense power and brilliance. Wizards at this stage are legendary, embodying the epitome of magical mastery and expertise.

9)Mana-Body Stage:

{PS: Note that Mana Cores act as a catalyst. The higher the stage of Mana Core, the Better the result. For example, A level 6 Lumos cast by Embryonic Stage will glow bright enough to light up a football field but then the core would be drained and stressed whereas, if cast by a Pinnacle Stage Core, the spell cast at full power will blind all those who stare at it and most probably burn the wand and the wizard too. 



1)Wandmakers: Craftsmen who create and repair magical wands. Notable examples include Ollivander and Gregorovitch.

2)Potion-Masters (or Potioneers): Wizards skilled in the art of brewing potions and elixirs with magical properties. Severus Snape is a well-known potion master.

3)Alchemists: Practitioners of alchemy, a magical discipline involving the transformation of substances. Nicolas Flamel is a notable alchemist in the series.

4)Herbalists: Experts in magical and mundane plants and their uses. Professor Pomona Sprout, the Head of Hufflepuff House and Professor of Herbology at Hogwarts, is an example.

5)Magizoologists: Individuals who study magical creatures and their behaviors. Newt Scamander, the author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," is a prominent magizoologist.

6)Curse-Breakers: Wizards specialized in breaking curses, particularly in dangerous and cursed places like ancient tombs. The prominent employer of this sub-class is the Gringotts Bank.

7)Aurors: Highly trained wizards who work for the Ministry of Magic to combat dark magic and enforce magical law.

8)Healers: Magical healthcare professionals who work at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, providing treatment for magical ailments and injuries.

9)Quidditch Players and Teams: Wizards who play the popular magical sport of Quidditch professionally.

10)Unspeakables: Members of the Department of Mysteries who conduct secretive magical research and experiments on mysteries of the wizarding world.

11)Magical Historians: Wizards who study and document the magical history and heritage of the wizarding world.

12)Obliviators: Wizards from the Ministry of Magic who are responsible for erasing or modifying memories to maintain the secrecy of the magical world.

13)Dragon Keepers: Wizards or witches responsible for the care and management of dragons.

14)Seers: Individuals with the ability to foresee the future. Sybill Trelawney is a known seer and the Divination professor at Hogwarts.

15)Magical Creatures Experts: Wizards with expertise in various magical creatures, a sub-class of the sub-class Magizoologists.

16)Arithmancers: Individuals who study magical properties of numbers and their relation to magic.

17)Elementalists: Wizards who specialize in controlling and utilizing the elemental forces of nature, like fire, water, air, and earth.

18)Caretakers of Magical Places: Wizards responsible for the maintenance and protection of magical locations like the Forbidden Forest, the Black Lake, and the Lefevre Veela Reservoir. Another sub-class of the sub-class is Magizoologist.

19)Inventors: Wizards who create magical objects and devices.

20)Dark Arts Specialists/Hit-Wizards: Wizards who study and combat dark magic, curses, and hexes. They may also specialize in counter-curses and protective spells.

21)Beast Tamers: Wizards skilled in taming and training magical beasts for various purposes. Another Sub-Class of the Sub-Class Magizoologist.

22)Enchanters: Wizards who specialize in enchanting objects with magical properties, such as creating Portkeys or cursed objects. A sub-class of the sub-class Inventor. 

23)Heraldic Artists: Wizards who design and create magical coats of arms and crests. A combined sub-class of the sub-classes Inventors and Healers.

24)Legal Experts in Magical Law: Wizards specializing in magical law and its applications in society, including roles as lawyers or judges in the magical courts.

25)Magical Artisans: Craftsmen skilled in creating intricate magical art, sculptures, and artifacts.


{PS: Other sub-classes are yet to be stated in this list.} 




-At this initial stage, the spellcaster learns the fundamental theories, incantations, and wand movements associated with the spell. They understand the basics of what the spell does and how to cast it, although the execution may be inconsistent and lack finesse. The spell caster needs proper incantation, wand movement, concentration, and a wand.


-During the apprentice stage, the spellcaster gains a better grasp of the spell's intricacies. They can consistently cast the spell with more accuracy and achieve the intended effects. The spell caster needs proper incantation, wand movement, and a wand. 


-As the spellcaster progresses to the adept stage, their understanding of the spell deepens. They can cast the spell with a high degree of precision, achieving the desired outcome reliably and efficiently. They can adapt the spell to different situations, adjusting its power or focus. The spell caster needs proper wand movement, and a wand to perform the spell.


-At the expert stage, the spellcaster has mastered the spell, showing exceptional skill and finesse in its execution. They can cast the spell with minimal effort, using less magical energy while achieving powerful effects. The spell caster only needs a wand to perform the spell.


-The master stage represents the pinnacle of spell mastery for a particular spell. The spellcaster can cast the spell effortlessly, almost reflexively, achieving exceptional results each time. They have a deep understanding of the spell's principles, enabling them to innovate and refine the spell further, creating unique variations. Wandless, chantless, and almost instinctual use of this spell.


-The grandmaster stage is a level achieved by very few spellcasters. At this stage, the individual has not only mastered the spell but has also contributed significantly to its advancement and understanding. They may have developed entirely new variations or ways to cast the spell, pushing the boundaries of its potential.]

{PS: There are still higher levels of mastery but they deviate largely from the original spell. For example, a level six Incendio is so hot that it can melt most of the ores found on the planet whereas a level 7 or 8 is equally hot to a dragon's roar capable of melting everything if in sufficient quantity. 



1)Standard Quality:

-Standard quality items meet the basic requirements for safety and efficacy. They are generally effective for common purposes but may lack potency or have a shorter duration of effect.

2)Good Quality:

-Good-quality items are above the standard grade and provide a more effective and reliable outcome. They have a balanced potency and duration of effect, making them suitable for a variety of magical applications.

3)High Quality:

-High-quality are superior in potency and effectiveness compared to standard and good-quality items. They deliver strong and consistent results, often achieving their intended purpose rapidly and with a longer-lasting effect. 

4)Exceptional Quality:

-Exceptional quality is at the pinnacle of quality. They are meticulously crafted, utilizing the finest raw materials and expertise. These items may offer powerful and highly effective results with minimal side effects, setting them apart in terms of potency, duration, and reliability. 

5)Masterwork Quality:

-Masterwork quality represents the highest achievable level of quality. They are rare, highly sought after, and crafted by the most skilled and experienced witches and wizards. Masterworks are the epitome of potency, effectiveness, and safety. They may deliver exceptional, long-lasting effects with utmost precision, making them invaluable for the most critical magical needs, complex healing, or profound magical enhancements.]


If there are any other points to be explored, please let me know in the comment.