
Clueless? What Happens Next?

ALTERNATIVE TITLE: THE SYSTEM'S CHOSEN ONE. This novel begins with a man who lost all his senses. The man could not remember anything about his past life. The man is not the main character of this novel. The man will come in contact with a boy named Miller. Miller would gain supernatural powers through a system by accident in Chapter 44. The man who is James/Edmund Theodore would later find out that he is destined to be a guide of the long awaited Saviour which is Miller. Miller is the system's chosen or the long awaited saviour as some would refer him to. The fact that Miller was the long awaited saviour was not known to Many. Miller is destined to fight a great evil force that will come at the end of days and James is to be his tutor on how to fight this force. Will Miller grow powerful enough to defeat his ultimate villain or will the villain defeat Miller at the end?

AbalandeFK · Realistic
Not enough ratings
81 Chs


The Targoshrax, a creature of mythical proportions, stands as the epitome of terror and awe-inspiring might. Its colossal form dominates the landscape, casting a foreboding shadow that sends shivers down the spines of all who behold it. Every aspect of this behemoth is a testament to its unmatched power and ferocity.

At a towering height of over fifty feet feet, the Targoshrax commands attention with its sheer size alone. Its hulking body is covered in thick, dark scales that shimmer with an otherworldly iridescence, reflecting hues of midnight blue and deep violet. These impenetrable plates provide a formidable defense against any would-be assailants, their hardness rivaling the toughest of armors.

The Targoshrax's head is a nightmarish visage, a fusion of primal ferocity and ancient wisdom. Two gleaming crimson eyes, burning with an intense malevolence, peer out from beneath a bony crest that arcs menacingly above its brow. Razor-sharp horns, curving backward like a wicked crown, jut from its skull, adding to the creature's menacing aura. Rows of jagged, dagger-like teeth line its cavernous maw, ready to rend and tear with unyielding force.

Massive wings stretch outward from its broad shoulders, their leathery membrane taut and riddled with veins. These expansive appendages, spanning nearly forty feet in length, are a stark contrast to the creature's dark scales, their underside adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of constellations scattered across the night sky. When unfurled, these wings create an imposing silhouette, capable of casting darkness over vast expanses.

The Targoshrax's limbs are pillars of raw strength, each muscle corded and defined beneath the surface. Its forelimbs end in massive, clawed hands, capable of cleaving through solid rock with ease. These fearsome appendages are not only instruments of destruction but also tools for the Targoshrax's formidable climbing abilities, allowing it to scale sheer cliffs and dominate even the most treacherous of terrains.

But perhaps the most awe-inspiring feature of the Targoshrax is its tail, an appendage that seems more akin to a living weapon than a mere extension of its body. This spiked appendage, lined with rows of serrated bone protrusions, serves as a lethal instrument of devastation. Each swing of the tail can decimate everything in its path, leaving destruction and chaos in its wake.

As the Targoshrax moves, the very ground quakes beneath its colossal weight, reverberating with the threat it poses. Its thunderous footsteps echo through the air, a chilling prelude to the havoc that is about to be unleashed. The creatures of the land tremble in its presence, their instincts recognizing the primal dominance of this apex predator.

To witness the Targoshrax in all its terrifying glory is to behold the embodiment of untamed power and unrelenting fury. It is a creature that inspires both dread and fascination, a force of nature that leaves an indelible mark on the annals of legend and instills a deep respect for the delicate balance between mortal beings and the unfathomable wonders of the world.


Inside the heart of darkness, where the very air seemed to thicken with tension, the three valiant Amargan warriors, Ivo'Zen, N'chokat, and Rael'Dor, stood united against the formidable Targoshrax. The creature's monstrous form loomed before them, its towering presence casting a suffocating shadow over the battlefield. With bated breath and hearts pounding in their chests, the Amargans braced themselves for the battle that would test their mettle like never before.

As the Targoshrax unleashed a guttural roar that rattled the very earth, its crimson eyes blazed with an otherworldly fire, a harbinger of the destruction it would soon unleash. Without warning, a blast of searing blue flames erupted from its cavernous maw, streaking towards the Amargans with blistering speed. The intense heat washed over them, singeing their scales and forcing them to dive and roll for cover, narrowly avoiding the deadly inferno.

Rael'Dor, his emerald scales smoldering from the flames, rolled to his feet with agility and determination. In his hands, his deadly flail glinted ominously, a weapon poised to strike. With a battle cry that reverberated through the air, he lunged forward, his lithe form a blur of motion. The spiked metal ball of his flail whirled through the air, seeking a weak point in the Targoshrax's formidable defenses.

But the creature's immense strength and agility were not to be underestimated. With a swift movement, the Targoshrax evaded Rael'Dor's attack, its colossal wings beating with thunderous force, creating gusts of wind that threatened to knock the Amargan warrior off balance. In a retaliatory strike, the Targoshrax lashed out with its tail, its bone spikes slashing through the air. Rael'Dor barely managed to evade the lethal assault, his instincts and quick reflexes saving him from certain doom.

Meanwhile, Ivo'Zen, his massive frame a testament to his indomitable strength, charged forward with unwavering determination. His eyes burned with an intense focus as he brandished his colossal sword, its gleaming blades reflecting the azure fire that danced across the battlefield. With each step, the ground quaked beneath him, his presence exuding an aura of raw power.

As Ivo'Zen closed in on the Targoshrax, his battlecry thundered through the air, his muscles coiling with anticipation. He swung his sword with an unyielding force, its lethal blades cleaving through the air. But the Targoshrax, nimble and quick, dodged and weaved, evading the majority of Ivo'Zen's strikes. It retaliated with a series of lightning-fast claws and tail swipes, leaving deep gashes across Ivo'Zen's scales.

N'chokat, his resolve unwavering, joined the fray, his towering presence casting a formidable silhouette beside his companions. With his colossal battle-axe gripped firmly in his hands, he charged at the Targoshrax, determination etched upon his face. His muscles strained with each swing of his weapon, his attacks fueled by a primal fury that burned within him.

But the Targoshrax, a relentless force of destruction, met N'chokat's onslaught head-on. With a ferocious roar, it countered the Amargan warrior's attacks, its massive claws deflecting each strike with ease. The impact of their collisions sent shockwaves through the battlefield, creating small craters in the ground. N'chokat, undeterred, pressed on, his scales glistening with determination as he refused to yield to the overpowering might of the Targoshrax.

The battle raged on, each clash of titans threatening to reshape the very fabric of reality. The Amargans fought with a tenacity born of desperation, their bodies marked by wounds inflicted by the Targoshrax's relentless assault. But even as their strength waned, their spirits remained unbroken.

In a moment of sheer will and unyielding determination, Ivo'Zen, his vision blurred by pain and fatigue, spotted a glimmer of vulnerability amidst the Targoshrax's defenses. Seizing the opportunity, he gathered every ounce of his remaining strength and surged forward. With a resounding battle cry, he drove his battleaxe deep into the creature's chest, piercing its impenetrable scales.

A deafening roar erupted from the Targoshrax as Ivo'Zen's strike found its mark, its pain echoing through the battlefield. With a surge of power, Ivo'Zen wrenched his sword free, unleashing a cascade of glowing crystals that spilled forth from the creature's wounded chest. The crystals shimmered with a pulsating light, casting an ethereal glow upon the battle-scarred warriors.

The Targoshrax, weakened but far from defeated, reared back, its enraged eyes fixed upon Ivo'Zen. With a final, desperate lunge, it unleashed a barrage of attacks, aiming to crush the Amargan warrior beneath its mighty claws. But Ivo'Zen, his spirit fueled by the revelation of the Targoshrax's vulnerability, summoned every ounce of his strength and evaded the onslaught.

With a final, triumphant strike, Ivo'Zen plunged his sword into the creature's heart, the glowing crystals held aloft in his other hand. A blinding surge of energy enveloped the battlefield, illuminating the darkness and banishing the malevolent presence of the Targoshrax. As the creature let out a final, anguished roar, it crumbled to the ground, its formidable reign of terror brought to a decisive end.

Exhausted and wounded, the three Amargans stood amidst the wreckage of their battle, their bodies battered but their spirits victorious. The threat of the Targoshrax had been vanquished, their indomitable will and unwavering unity prevailing against all odds. They had faced the embodiment of chaos and emerged as champions, their names etched forever in the annals of Amargan legend.

"We finally have the crystal of the Targoshrax" Ivo'Zen said exhausted: "Let's take it to the council so that they can craft a powerful weapon for me to use in the tournament."
