
Clueless? What Happens Next?

ALTERNATIVE TITLE: THE SYSTEM'S CHOSEN ONE. This novel begins with a man who lost all his senses. The man could not remember anything about his past life. The man is not the main character of this novel. The man will come in contact with a boy named Miller. Miller would gain supernatural powers through a system by accident in Chapter 44. The man who is James/Edmund Theodore would later find out that he is destined to be a guide of the long awaited Saviour which is Miller. Miller is the system's chosen or the long awaited saviour as some would refer him to. The fact that Miller was the long awaited saviour was not known to Many. Miller is destined to fight a great evil force that will come at the end of days and James is to be his tutor on how to fight this force. Will Miller grow powerful enough to defeat his ultimate villain or will the villain defeat Miller at the end?

AbalandeFK · Realistic
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81 Chs

Getting Ready for a Contest



Ivo'Zen and the others had finally arrived at the city of Lela'Naru, they were seriously INJURED and Immediately went for medical attentions for their health sake.

The reason why they arrived at the capital of the Amargans; Lela'Naru the next day was because after killing that Targoshrax, they were really tired and exhausted. They had to rest, so they slept in the cave and used the body of the gigantic Targoshrax as a shield to block them from any incoming predators.

Ivo'Zen had personally delivered the CRYSTALS to the council and now he was TOLD to come back within four hours to take his weapon.

The council gave the crystals to the best forger alive; Gra'Den.


The contest was soon going to start as black space ships could be seen hovering all over the skies of the planet Citarada.

Ivo'Zen had finally arrived at the council hall and was waiting for Gra'Den to come and hand over the crafted weapon to him. The real reason why Ivo'Zen was happy was the fact that the crystal that was used to make the weapon came from the most powerful beast known to The Amargans; The Targoshrax.

All the council leaders were sitting and then finally the sound of the two doors opening could be heard. And in came no other than Gra'Den.

"You have finally arrived" One of them said exhausting.

Honestly speaking, some of them were even scared that something might have happened to Gra'Den. If something bad happened to Gra'Den, it would be a bad thing for the upcoming Contest.

"I had to make it perfect" Gra'Den said as he brought out the weapon that was covered with a brown coloured material.

Immediately the brown coloured material was removed, a bright red light came from the room. The light had come from the sword, seeing this Ivo'Zen knew the sword was created from the Crystal. He remembered how the crystal had shone when they were at the cave.

"I call this weapon a Shir'Rasil" Gra'Den said with a smile. Shir in the Amargans language meant Crystal while Rasil meant destruction. So literally, the words meant Crystal of Destruction.


(Certainly! Let's dive deeper into the explanation of the terms and provide more context for the Crystal Blade of Annihilation).

(The Crystal Blade of Annihilation is a weapon of extraordinary power and significance within this story. Its origins can be traced back to the crystal found within the heart of the Targoshrax, a legendary and fearsome creature).

(The Targoshrax is a colossal beast, known for its immense strength and supernatural abilities. It possesses a heart encased in a crystalline structure, which is believed to be a source of tremendous energy and arcane power).

(The crystal within the Targoshrax's heart is exceptionally rare and possesses unique properties that set it apart from any other known crystal. It is infused with raw elemental energy, granting it unparalleled potency and potential).

(In a pivotal event within this story, the crystal is carefully extracted from the heart of the Targoshrax. Its sheer size and intensity make the extraction process dangerous and demanding, requiring skilled individuals to handle and manipulate it).

(Once the crystal is obtained, it is carefully refined and shaped by master craftsmen who possess the knowledge and expertise to work with such a volatile material. They channel their skills and the mystic properties of the crystal, painstakingly crafting it into the awe-inspiring weapon known as the Crystal Blade of Annihilation).

(The process of forging the blade involves intricate rituals, ancient techniques, and the infusion of additional enchantments to harness the true potential of the crystal. These enhancements further amplify the blade's already devastating power, ensuring that it becomes an instrument of absolute destruction).

(The Crystal Blade of Annihilation, forged from the crystal within the Targoshrax heart, inherits the essence of the creature's otherworldly might. It becomes a conduit for the elemental energy contained within the crystal, allowing its wielder to harness and channel this energy in battle).

(When wielded, the blade crackles with energy, emanating an intense glow and unleashing destructive forces with each swing. Its strikes are infused with the raw power of the crystal, capable of rending through armor, obliterating defenses, and decimating foes with devastating efficiency).

(As a result of its origins and the infusion of the Targoshrax's essence, the Crystal Blade of Annihilation becomes an object of both reverence and fear by the Amargans).



Even the Humans were present, although Humans were not allowed to fight for a planet, Because they were not natural inhabitants and BECAUSE of what the universal code said.

One of the black ships had landed, it was the biggest black ship. It was the same black ship that had landed earlier out of all of them present.

As the door of the alien black ship opened, A thick white fog came out Making it hard for an average PERSON to be able to see who was coming out from the ship and finally the white fog settled and they looked at the two persons coming out of the ship.

One of them was Kalzifrax (the one who instituted the contest) and the other was a female Xorlarians.


A female Xorlarian of Getrax's race possesses a formidable and imposing presence. Standing at an impressive height of 304.8 centimeters (10 feet), she is a towering figure that commands attention. Her body is robust and muscular, exuding strength and power in every movement.

Her skin has a distinctive orange hue, reflecting her alien heritage. It is textured with a rugged, slightly rough surface, giving her an imposing and formidable appearance. Across her body, intricate patterns and markings in vibrant colors highlight her muscular physique and signify her status within the Xorlarian society.

She has a strong, angular facial structure, with pronounced cheekbones and a determined jawline. Her eyes are piercing and intense, glowing with a fierce determination and intelligence. Small, sharp black horns protrude from her chin, adding an extra touch of ferocity to her already imposing visage.

Flowing locks of hair, typically in shades of fiery red or deep orange, cascade down her back, adding to her majestic presence. Her hair is thick and voluminous, often braided or styled in intricate patterns that signify her status or achievements within Xorlarian culture.

When it comes to attire, she adorns herself in ceremonial armor that is both practical and ornate. The armor is made from durable, alien alloys, providing excellent protection while allowing freedom of movement. Adorned with intricate engravings and symbols representing her lineage and achievements, the armor serves as a symbol of her status and prowess.

Despite her imposing physicality, a female Xorlarian retains a sense of grace and wisdom. She possesses a strong sense of honor, loyalty, and a deep connection to her roots. Known for her strategic thinking and unwavering determination, she is a respected warrior and leader within the Xorlarian society.

In summary, a female Xorlarian of Getrax's race is a towering figure with a robust and muscular physique, adorned with ceremonial armor that reflects her status and achievements. Her fiery hair and intense gaze add to her commanding presence, while her strength and wisdom make her an esteemed member of the Xorlarian community.

"This is Aylaraen, she would be the one to battle with your leader for the contest" Kalzifrax said as he pointed his index finger at her.
