
Clove and Cato, The Tributes of District Two

This book is a spin off of the Hunger Games but if the district two players won instead of Katniss and Peeta.

Chloe_McLaughlin_7468 · Movies
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Chapter 2

The next day was the reaping. I was supposed to volunteer and maybe die, it was the fate of all the district 2 children. If we even went our entire lives not going we would be shunned because we did not try hard enough to bring glory. I needed to stay in the district because of my little sister Tina, I honestly did not care if the whole district hated me. I had to be strong for her. She is only eight and our bigger brother died last year. It was already hard for Tina to cope with it. She was so young. He only volunteered for Sarah his lover but then the flood happened and wiped all the careers but Sarah out. We gave her a Triton to make sure his sacrifice was not in vain and she slaughtered every last tribute. Nearly died because of district five's boy and his stealth. That district was very smart and when the careers didn't win they did. I was scared, what if I got called, what would happen to the people that I love. What if I was strong and I did win. How could I kill all those innocent children for the sake of entertaining other people.

"Honey come downstairs to get ready and I need to talk to you about something" I heard my mother yell from the bottom of the stairs.

My mom was a control freak when it came to anything and our dad was gone because of a bomb that happened and that was the reason we left district 12. We were wealthy in district 12 which was very rare but after our father died trying to save other people my mother petitioned to be able to move districts, no one would know who we were. She always kept that part deep inside her but he is gone nothing can stop her from controlling the little part of life I had left. Today was a big day as always. We were on an 11-year strike on winning. This year would not be anything different. The boy or girl would win and we would add one more year to our strike.

"Coming mom" I yelled

"Okay so today is a really big day and I had a secret to tell you about yourself. Okay, I am not your real mom you were adopted by us and born in the hunger games literally. Your parents were from different districts. They fell in love with the hunger games and lasted a year together. People got bored and stopped watching so they won and got married. They were my friends and that is why we moved to have a better start for the family after my husband lost his life. I am so sorry for your loss and from keeping the secret from you for 15 years. They died when you were one" my mother explained.

It was so much to take in I almost broke down. Everything I knew was a lie. But I knew they did this for a reason so I would not be judged or hate my life. I was happy that I was not living in a lie and that they looked out for me because I was the only thing they remember about my family and I was a keepsake. Now I know why they asked Cato to look after me. We never talked but always looked out for each other. I still wanted to know why he hurt Damen. We had to leave now or we will be late and if we are late they will put my name in one more time. I wanted to volunteer till now because I had learned my family secret. But who would be the boy?

We got there on time and I joined the 16-year-old girls. We all gave each other welcome glance and chatted amongst ourselves while we were waiting for the reaping to start. The lights turned on and we watched a video of what the world would be if the capital had not saved us, but we all knew that it was so we could think that the capital is awesome and so we would let it guide the way to our future if we had one. Effie walks to the front and says her famous line-may the odds be ever in your favor. She says that every year. When she can't hear us we mock her by saying that line in funny voices.

"Ladies first," Effie says while she picks a name out of the girl's bowl and pauses for effect Clove Fuhrman"

Effie's voice booms in my ears. This can't be happening. I fake a smile remembering what Cato said fake it till you make it that was exactly how I was going to do this. I could show no fear I was going to win like my parents, my real parents. They were going to be my hope and faith even if there wasn't any. It was the boys turn now. I hoped it wasn't Cato or Damen because I couldn't beat either of them, they were my best friends even if they didn't think so. I couldn't hear her say the boy's name but as I feared Cato came up yelling*I volunteer. I couldn't beat him if he wasn't trying, believe me, I had tried so many times. How was I going to win and come home to my family when I knew I couldn't even beat Cato. We were rushed into the Justice building into separate rooms where we waited for people to come and say goodbye.