
Clouded moon

Just so you know... This novel is paused for the time being. Matured content... R18 ******** Kalz drove in and saw Zeh and Banni sitting together on the seat in the field there, he went closer to see what was happening, Banni was still leaning on Zeh without even noticing Kalz, probably, Zeh saw Kalz coming but he wasn't bothered about him. Kalz ran to him, dragged him up and gave him a punch in his face, Zeh almost fell to the ground but he got back his stand as soon as possible, but he didn't retaliate. "What are you doing out here with Banni? Don't you have some shame left in you, Zeh? She's my wife to be for goodness sake, why is it so difficult to accept that and move on?" Kalz asked. "What's wrong with us sitting out here?" Banni asked. "You had better shut your mouth Miss." Kalz shouted. "Are you scared of loosing her like you lost Zarah? Maybe you're never able to satisfy your women that's why they keep wanting men outside." Zeh said and immediately Kalz gave him another punch and he started bleeding. "I know the truth hurts, but don't worry, Banni is sure different, I know that, but you don't deserve her, you deserve exactly someone like Zarah, I think she's the perfect one for you, just like you always cheat on her, she cheats back on you and it's a win win, isn't that great?" Zeh said laughing out loudly. Kalz became very furious and hit him again and they both started to fight. Banni ran inside to call Mr. Peters, only him could stop them. ************* Yeah, read to find out what happens in Banni's life after she moved into the Luna Mansion to live with the two brothers.

SuZzanne · Urban
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35 Chs

The DNA test result

The next day Zarah got ready to go to the hospital, Mr. Peters, Banni and Zeh escorted her. When they got to the clinic, Mr. Peters and Zarah went in to see the doctor. She was happy the entire family came with her. After the test, the doctor requested the come back later to get the test result. Zeh suggested Zarah stayed back home to rest while he runs the errand. Kalz wasn't around so the test was only done with Mr. Peters.

"The test result read negative" Zeh announced to Zarah, Me. Peters and Banni.

"Wow, that's good news" Mr. Peters said.

"Yes." Banni nodded.

"Does it mean Kalz is the father?" Zeh asked.

Zarah was just so cold, her facial expression didn't indicate Happy or sad. What was she really thinking. Maybe she was scared for a moment, because if it isn't Mr. Peters then it should be Kalz, but regarding what Kalz said when her parents brought up the pregnancy issue, Kalz said it's been over a month since she made love to her. At this point she didn't seem to be happy or relieved that yes, Mr. Peters wasn't the father because she got confused and stressed. But who else could possibly be the father right now if not Kalz. Well she hoped it was him, all she had to do right now is to until he is back so they could go for the test together.

"Zarah are you alright?" Zeh asked as he closely watched her every move.

"What? Ye...eesss" she replied.

"Something seemed off" Zeh thought, but what could he do.

Mr. Peters was happy with the result, it seemed like every thing was almost settled so they quietly left for the different bedrooms.

"Kalz, I think you should come back sooner." Zeh said as he spoke to Kalz on the phone.

"Why?" He asked.

"Zarah's pregnancy result showed negative." Zeh said.

"What do you mean?"

"I meant, Zarah got a DNA test done with Dad, it showed Dad isn't the father." Zeh explained.

"Oh, I thought you meant her pregnancy result was false and negative, well do I care, she can continue sleeping with Father." Kalz said.

"You and I know you also cheat on Zarah at times, but she always let it slide, if you ask me, you started this mess, cheating has never done anything good other than breaking relationships." Zeh said.

"Are you lecturing me?" Kalz asked.

"I'm sorry about that, I just called to suggest you come back earlier so you could also get a DNA test done." Zeh replied gently.

"That's not possible." Kalz said.

"Why not?" Zeh asked.

"How is that my child when I haven't even touched her in a while now." Kalz said.

"What ever, you're her only partner so come home quickly so we can get this done." Replied Zeh.

"Alright alright" Kalz replied and then hung up.


The next day, Banni planned to go see her new place after work, so after her working hours, she packed up her bag and left the office. When she came out of her work place, Zeh was already there waiting for her.

"Where is she off to?" He asked.

Banni was startled. She turned around to see Zeh behind her.

"What are you doing here again?" She asked.

"Nothing" he replied.

"Then get going, I'm headed somewhere." She replied coldly then turned to leave.

"No no, I didn't mean nothing, I meant I was just waiting for you." Zeh blurted out. Banni halted and came back to meet him where he was standing.

"Why, I didn't plan to have dinner with you." She replied.

"It's fine, where are you going?" Zeh asked.

"To see my agent, he said I should come see the new apartment." She replied.

"This evening? It's late already, can't you go tomorrow when you can see the place properly, I'll take you there." He said trying to make a suggestion.

"I already told him that, but he said he will be busy tomorrow and that today is the only day he could be chanced." Banni replied.

"Alright then, please permit me to come with you." He said. "Please, I would also love to see your new place." He pleaded. Banni was a bit hesitant but with the way he pleaded she couldn't say no.