

shinuzaki2002 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 05

before we move on the last chapter was really devastating because wu tian noticed a 2 young ladies and a kid being slave and wu tian rescued them from those nightmare. At the same time they are looking for a place that they can rest and the girl said that they a place.



While stopping on the front of the house, wu tian was really impressed if what he just saw, like this... when you see a nice things suddenly your eyes sparkle. (on xiaoxiao's and xiao wen's thought) "uh..... is this guy really serious." the elder slave ask. "um... are you all gonna stay here?" she ask and wu tian smile at her and said. "yes, this is the place that you recommend, right?" Wu tian ask her back and she nods with an agreement. "oh yeah, do you have a names?" wu tian ask the elder slave and she said. "no, we don't have, that's where slaves." she looks down and wu tian pat her head." it's okay, I'll give you a name then." he said and the elder slave get excited. "really? thank you, young master." the elder slave hugged Wu tian and suddenly wu tian feels that the atmosphere is weird. (on wu tian's thought) "I'm really dead this time." WI tian collapse out of knowhere because of hungryness. "wu tian! wu tian!" xiaoxiao and xiao wen help wu tian to carry and put him on bed.



wu tian slowly open his eyes and make such an expression. "ugh...! how long did i fall asleep?" WI tian ask xiao wen and she said. " you've been 2 days." xiao wen look at him while explaning what happened to him. (rumble) "ugh... can someone give me some food, I'm freaking hungry so much." wu tian fall from his bed and crawl. (on xiao wen's thought) "ugh...! he's just hungry." xiao wen roll her eyes and stood up. "hello, young master, im glad that your awake." wang liu xing smiled at wu tian and suddenly he remembered something. (on hus thought) "did i forgot to give their names the other day?" wu tian keeps thingking and suddenly. (on his thought again) "yeah, i remember give her a name and her is wang liu xing, the second lady is wang qui xing and the kid is wang liu tian." (calling) "young master?" liu xing keeps calling wu tian master and suddenly he came back to his senses. (yelled) "young.... master....!!" liu xing yelled in front of his master and wu tian look at her and said. "what?" wu tian ask her and she put the food down. "here, young master, please enjoy your food." after liu xing leaving the food, she takes her leave too because she doesn't want to annoy his master. (on wu tian's thought) "did i said it too loud?" wu tian ask him self while staring at his food and suddenly. (grabing) (eating like a monster) "I'm really hungry..., (chewing)" wu tian eat all the food like a monster and wu tian receive a call from his right and left hanf personel.




young master wu tian, did you arrive safely in the cloud kingdom?

yes, this place is really weird, you know that right uncle?

just keep on eye on the surroundings and be cautious, understand?

yes, right uncle, what about left uncle is he doing alright?

yep, and he's doing some training.

ok then i'll call you guys next time.


While sitting on his chair, he suddenly remember that he need to enter the competition this year. (on wu tian's thought) "crap! i totally forgot about the competition." wu tian stood up and dress up himself.



A crowd from arena wu tian could barely her those noise, while xiao wen and xiaoxiao is waiting for him to come. (on xiao wen's thought) "why is he late?" while looking around, wu tian is on his way to enter the arena and suddenly got block by those people who's waiting to get inside of the arena. (on wu tian's thought) "damn it! i have no choice but to call xiao wen."


oh! hello, wu tian, where are you?

in front of the arena, lots of peopla are wanting to get inside.

why don't you use your teleportation then.

oh, yeah.... never think of that before, sorry about that.

im really gonna kill you! you idiot!


Wu tian was looking for a place that he can teleport, luckily he found some place that he can teleport to. (on wu tian's thought) "oh, over there!" (teleport) wu tian teleport on the tunnel entrance of the arena and got relief that someone's not around. "(sigh) im glad." wu tian look down and suddenly. "why are you glad? did something happened? hmm...." it was xiao wen that talk to wu tian and he suddenly got scared that really made him jump out of knowhere. "oh crap! nothing, oh, it's only you." wu tian touched his chest like his heart is about to explode. "follow me, the competition has already began." xiao wen walks far, on the following step while wu tian follow her, wu tian saw the big arena and people. (on wu tian's thought) woah.... this place is massive and there are so many, many people watching the fight." walking around, staring at the stadium (yelling) "woah.... kill that loser!" raising their hands like they're debating. "that's him! the loser! kill him!" people are keep yelling while the guy was knock out and lying on the ground stage. (yelling) "kill him!" "kill him!" "kill him!" those words keep yelling over and over again and for some reason wu tian really easy got annoyed by that.



wu tian disappeared for a second and xiao wen look back. (on xiao wen's thought) "??? where the hell did young master go?" (gasping) "ohhh?" (gossiping) "who's that kid?" some people ask theirselve's who's that kid and for some reason they don't him.

for the next chapter, let's see what will wu tian do to that person, if someone wants the next chapter, please comment down below 👇👇👇👇this is your newly writer
