

shinuzaki2002 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 04

before we move on wu tian and his master gu are fighting again like children. right hand personel suddenly call wu tian toss to him the bag and said, find about of his mother's story, wu tian and xiaoxiao teleported in a forest.



"where are we?" wu tian ask and xiaoxiao answer it. "were at the old forest, this place is near from cloud kingdom." she look up and wu tian look at the same time. "so... that's young master wu, huh?" (on xiao wen's thought) xiao wen was hiding on a branch of a tree while wu tian and xiaoxiao are taking their leave.



"is young master really gonna be okay?" left hand personel ask and right hand said. "he will be okay, you don't need to worry about him." right hand look at left hand personel and left sigh. "(sigh) well then, i sure leave those things for you."



in their journey to the city of cloud kingdom, they have been fighting along with some other gigantic demons and they almost died unfortunately xiao wen came for help and save young master wu. (wu tian's thought) "and... who's that?" wu tian stare at that girl and xiaoxiao smack his head. "why would you do that for?" wu tian touched his head while looking at xiaoxiao and she said. "you should stop staring at her, idiot! hmmp!" xiaoxiao look away while acting like a kid. "um...well, may i ask, who you are?" wu ask her and suddenly. "young master wu, it's nice to see you, i am xiao wen." xiao wen kneel her right leg and wu tian widened his eyes. "huh?! young master...!?" xiaoxiao yell and wu tian look at her. "young master? what do you mean?" wu tian ask xiao wen and she said. "so... right hand personel didn't tell you, huh?" xiao wen stood up and stare at wu tian. "you know uncle right hand personel?" wu tian ask her and she said. "yes, i know him, infact your mother was my teacher before but unfortunately... she died." xiao wen look down and wu tian close his eyes, suddenly wu tian cast a spell. "#%•¥{...~&%\..._`¥, go!"

A few seconds they teleported in the front gate of cloud kingdom. (swoosh) "woah!" xiao wen suddenly collapse because she did experience this teleportation before. (burp) "ugh.....! (puke)" xiao wen run closer to the tree and puke on the side of the tree. (on wu tian's thought) "is it just me or she haven't experience." wu tian stare at xiao wen like a smug and suddenly. "we should get going now, wu tian." xiaoxiao called the name of wu tian and he look at her. "ok, but... how about her?" wu tian ask xiaoxiao and she said. "let's leave her there in a minute well be back." xiaoxiao grab wu tian's wrist and she runs off.

At the corner or every corner of those stalls, wu tian was impressed of what he just saw and take a look every stalls and suddenly he saw a slave and they are selling them. (yelling) (pushing) there are three slave and wu tian has caught an eye with some of those girls and a little kid, he take his move and he spoke. (yelling) "2 gold coins! for those 2 girls and that little kid." wu tian yelled at the seller and the old seller look at him. "yes, you can have them." the old seller smile at him and wu tian pay. (gasping) (gossiping) A old man suddenly appear and said. "hey! om the first one who wants to buy those slave, who do you think you are?!" the old nobility man ask wu tian and he said. "is there something wrong with that? i've already paid so... we need to take our leave." wu tian grab the lady with the kid and suddenly. (lower voice) "step back." (calling) "wu tian! where are you?" xiaoxiao keep yelling suddenly she noticed that she know that power who belongs to. (on her thought) "i know that" she ran closer and make her excuse the people. (fighting) "not bad young man, may i know you're name?" the old nobility man ask wu tian and he said. "i am wu tian, from old forest." wu tian now his head and suddenly xiao wen appear. (gasping) (looking at each other) (gossiping) "what a show, what's happening here?" xiao wen made her entrance and wu tian widened his eyes. (on wu tian's thought) "xiao wen? what she doing here?" (glaring) "what are you doing to my disciple?" she said, wu tian others surprise, xiaoxiao are even more surprise. (on xiaoxiao's thoughts) "what the hell she's saying? im gonna fucking kill her!" (on wu tian's thought) "huh? when did i become her disciple?" (gasping) "master xiao wen i didn't know that you have such a student that i don't know." the old nobility man said while smiling at her and xiao wen said. "is it really important that for you?" xiao wen ask and old nobility man glare. (old man's thought) "this young man is really something, i should better take my leave." (back to senses) "well... i should take my leave then, if that's all." the old nobility man take his leave and wu tian sigh with a reliefness look on his face.

suddenly. "where thankful that you save us, young master." the two girls kowtow and wu tian said. "please, get up, theirs no need for doing that." wu tian help the two young ladies to get up and suddenly he feels that there's something wrong with the atmosphere. (on wu tian's thoughts) "did i just over think it? or maybe not." (looking around) "we need to find some nice place to stay for 3 nights." xiao wen said, wu tian and xiaoxiao nod with agreement. (raising hand) "um... we know a place that you can stay." the girl said and xiao wen ask. "where?" xiao wen suddenly grab both hands of the girl and stare at her. "um...well, please follow me."

let's see what kind of place they're gonna staying for 3 days and leave some comment down below 👇👇👇this is your newly writer
