
Cloud Age

In the edge of the world within the skies a cloud was born. He met a reincarnator and lived his memories. The cloud first desire to make one big clan began to spur.Clan of every kind, clan of family and clan of freedom. This decision unknown to the cloud has changed the fate of many. Join the cloud in making a sky kingdom full of dreams.

Star_Link · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch.32 Spoiled

The woman had four brothers, two older than her and two younger. As she was growing, her older brother gained their companions and in another year even her younger brothers got a companion beast. She couldn't understand why this livestock could choose whether they wanted her or not. This was an insult to her as an intelligent lady.

" Everyone says that I don't have a talent for a beast tamer. I am not gonna suck up to those hideous beasts. I will have one, whether it wants to or not" She tightened her hand as she made her mind up.

She gathered small guards for her trip. She herself was a normal human but she trained since young in order to be with a companion but after she was 12 and realised she didn't talent needed for the talent needed for a beast tamer. She started tormenting the beast that rejected her.

Since nobody stopped her because of her father, she started to treat them like livestock. Since she wanted to subdue them and so she trained harder. Training did pay off as she seemed more talented in that than in the beast taming. This gave her reassurance that she was indeed on the right path.

She packed her things and was ready to head to the forest. She wanted to go without anybody noticing her, especially her father. He would stop her, worrying if something could happen to her. She decided to leave early in the morning before anybody woke up.

They had a huge mansion and as she was leaving in the morning, her brother who knew her plan looked at his sister's back. He snapped his fingers. A man in his forties appeared out of thin air. " What is it, young master"

"Go follow her and keep her safe," He said simply. The man looked out of the window and knew who he was falling about. He couldn't help but ask" She thinks she is strongest in the family because she didn't spar with anybody in the family and doesn't know all the life-death fights young masters have had. Even you, still have injuries or you would have followed her yourself." The man called Protector due to his job being exposed without hiding the truth

" Enough! She is after all our only sister. Let her do what she wants. Protect her from the shadow, don't come forward unless her life is in danger " The young master said calmly.

The man disappear into thin air as he said " As you wish young master" The young master said in his mind."I hope you find what you are looking for and if possible, change your terrible view of the beast"

She travelled by horse and in every city, she slept in an inn. On those days she couldn't sleep in a nice inn, she would blame the beasts. If it were not for them. She wouldn't have to come this far, making a lady like her sleep in the wildness.

The guards that accompanied her didn't have it easy. They were just normal guards. If they really upset her, they could be fired without any reason behind it. She may be spoiled rotten in their minds but they will never say anything about her. They needed to hang in there for their families sake.

She entered with her guards to the forest. The guards heard all kinds of rumours about this infamous forest. Seeing the look of fear in the guard's eyes, she scoffed at their cowardly behaviours" You are my family guards and you are still afraid of little animals living in the forest. If they were really such scary and dangerous beasts. Why couldn't they take control of any city? Even the village next to the forest is peaceful"

After carefully listening, it was a weird feeling since she actually made sense for the first time. Indeed if this forest was unimaginably dangerous. Why were the villagers living happily just outside the forest? They travelled in outer of the forest and didn't see any animals except rabbits. Finally, the guards started to relax. After all, no danger was visible.

Without any interference, they headed straight to the middle. Just as entered the entrance of the middle, she saw a giant white tiger strolling in the forest. She and her guards, finally put their guards up after seeing a such gigantic tiger. The white tiger unknowingly led them into its cave.

Even she, a young miss didn't know how to handle the tiger. She felt she couldn't win alone and by the reaction of the guards, they weren't its match. To begin with, she believed she was stronger in her family, if she couldn't win, nobody else could.

Since she couldn't use force to subdue it, she decided to trick the white tiger and when it followed her home, she could force him by using all of her family's force. Then she would have the strongest beast at command. Just imagining, made her grin from ear to ear.

She and her guards went to look for something tempting for the white tiger. As they were walking, under a cliff there was a giant egg. She let the guards pick up the egg as they headed back to the cave. The white tiger was just going out for a hunt when he came across the guards.

Seeing the giant tiger, she came forward and said" Aren't you hungry, you can eat this delicious egg if you just come with me" For some reason the white tiger didn't like this woman. Her scent was disgusting and he wanted to get away from her.

"Where are you going? Take this egg and follow me. You are just an animal but still, dare to ignore me. How dare you, a mere livestock" The young woman, spoiled to rotten was easily angered when she got ignored by a "livestock".

The white tiger who understood what she said was ready to rip her neck off even when she smelled awful. The tiger would let nobody talk to him this way, especially in his territory.

At this moment, a screech was heard from the sky. A huge eagle was seen descending and when its eyes landed on the egg that was under the white tiger, it immediately attacked the white tiger. The tiger nimbly dodged the attack of the eagle.

Their fight continued until the present. Now she was looking at the injured white tiger and sinisterly smiled as she looked at the miserable white tiger. " I give again a chance. Follow me and obey my every command or else die here"

For the white tiger, it would rather die than ever spend time being close to this stinky human. Now she even wanted him to submit and obey all her orders. Death was better than being humiliated by humans.

The woman's looked at the white tiger and said" Since you want to die so badly, This lady will send you off" She took a spear from the guards. Since the white tiger's body was too big. She aimed at the neck. one spear wasn't enough but she used three of them. The white tiger screamed in pain.

Moon who saw this felt something inside him burn. He could understand before as the Eagle and the white tiger fought for survival. This was the survival of the fittest but when he saw the white tiger being killed because he didn't want to be her slave. Even worse came especially when the white tiger was at its weakest and all this started because the tiger was playing with him.

For the first time, he was truly angry. As if the skies could feel the Moons emotions. The blue sky suddenly turned cloud-dark. Thunders raging in the cloud. Moon who was white turned back into his original purple cloud. Moon looked at the woman as he absorbed the ki around him.

Feeling the danger, the man who was secretly protecting the young was always keeping eye on the cloud and one eye on the eagle who was still a threat. The cloud was the only odd one he couldn't figure out and while he was watching the cloud, he didn't see the moment when the young miss was killing the white tiger.

Killing a beast like this, especially in a family that was called beast tamers was taboo. The protector couldn't help but frown. His attention immediately back to the cloud that was gathering such strong energy. Realising the cloud was angry at the young miss and was in danger, he acted.

Moons mana was only 25% compared to before he gave it all to Claustar. All this time, it only recovered to 25%, that's how huge the energy pool Moon had. Moon made a lightning spear, he choose the spear because she killed the white tiger with a spear.

He fired the spear. the spear was cracking with lighting and just as it was about to poke into the woman's head. A sword came and deflected the spear. The old man stood before her while commanding the guards to take her away.