
Cloud Age

In the edge of the world within the skies a cloud was born. He met a reincarnator and lived his memories. The cloud first desire to make one big clan began to spur.Clan of every kind, clan of family and clan of freedom. This decision unknown to the cloud has changed the fate of many. Join the cloud in making a sky kingdom full of dreams.

Star_Link · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch.13 Wolf

After seeing the aftermath of the destruction. All of them returned to the tower. On the way, each of them had theyr own thoughts running through their minds.


Returning back to the tower. Aurora went to check on the bees . Moon and Raiz flew on the roof. Moon looked ahead and saw something moving with his hawk eyes.


There seemed to be a wolf being chased by some orcs. There was least 6 orcs while one lone wolf runned for his life and to make it worse the wolf seemed to be injured. Raiz also saw something but not as clearly as Moon.


" Have you recovered from yesterday's battle?"


" Yeap. Had to wait for few hour to recover. Am on full health now"


" There's chase happening . Let's go see the situation " Moon said to Raiz and started flying forward to it.


As the two of them flew closer to the fight. The wolf that was being chased around , got hit again where he was injured by one of the clubs the orcs had. Now the wolf was clearly lot more slower, this immediately made the orc smile. Theyr pray was now secured.


The wolf grinned through his pain and rushed with all its might. As if fate was playing with the wolf, a cliff came right after passing through the pushes. The wolf put a brake on his hinges but the orc were already right behind him.


Since it has come to this, the wolf decided to fight for its life and take as many a possible with him. Showing its all teeth ready to pounce to the closes one. The wolf menacily looked at the incoming orcs.


The approaching orc closed on the wolf from every direction. Now it was either jump from the cliff or fight to death. The wolf didn't hesitate, as he chose to fight with the big orcs. Right after it jumped to the closest orc and bit its flesh. The got hit by another club on its stomach.


The wolf flew towards the cliff as it tried to brake its speed by digging its wolf claws to the ground. The wolf had almost stopped and as it was still trying,another club came flying on its away. The wolf nimbly dodged by jumping even more to the back.


The wolf reacted instinctly by jumped towards to the cliff. As Orcs saw that he fell from the cliff, they were going to look how his body dropped to the ground but the next second wolf's body rose slowly.


First came the head then its body. Not only the orcs were confused even the wolf himself was confused by this development. Since when could wolf's fly?


As the wolf's whole body was visible, there was a a bee carrying the wolf. This bee was none other than Raiz. Moon and him saw the situation when theyr arrived. When the wolf fell, Raiz sped up and barely made it to save the wolf.


He put the wolf back in the cliff again and went towards the orc. Before the wolf even noticed,there was a cloud standing or to be precise floating next to him saying.


" You are safe now" Then the cloud looked at the fight that was about to errupt between the bee and the orcs.


Unlike the wolf. Raiz didn't have the same disadvantage against fighting groub of a orcs but unlike before , he didn't fly in to the sky and slowly attack them one by one. Raiz dashed straight to the first orc stabbing clean with his pincer.


He didn't wait for the orcs body to drop to the ground and went to the next closest orc and did that same. Before the wolf's eyes there was now 6 dead orc laying on the ground motionless.


" Done. Now what shall we do with you" Raiz slowly descended down with his half body covered with blood as he looked at the wolf


The wolfs color was full crimson red, including his eyes. The eyes that looked nervously at the new arrivals. He knew that they saved him but he also knew they could also end his life if they so wanted to.


Seeing the alert wolf, Moon said again that it was safe now but he wasn't sure if the wolf understood. Before he could think anything else to say, a words came out of the crimson wolf.


" Thank you for saving me. My name is Nero " In somewhat hoarse. This wolf obviously hasn't spoked for a long time but it didn't matter to Moon. Since he didn't e expect that the wolf could talk, at all.


" Am Moon. The one who saved you and next to me is Raiz" Moon introduced himself and Raiz and continued by saying.


"We are going back to our temporary home. Do you want to come with us"


Before the wolf could answer , Raiz again caught on his fast reaction and asked. " Temporary home?"


" You are quick on the notice as usually. Yes, I've been observing and came to a conclusion that we will be needing bigger home for our clan " Cloud made gesture.


As Raiz nodded to Moon. The wolf looked at Raiz and for the first time,there seemed to be a hope of light flickering in his eyes as he said" Can anyone join this clan"


" Lucky for you. The leader is right next to me. He makes all the decisions " Without hesitation Raiz gave it to Moon to deal with this.


" There's no limit at the moment. Anyone can join us but there is one rule,I just made. No inner fights without my permission. This is an absolute rule that must be followed."


Hearing what the cloud said. The wolf was very excited. He was abandoned since he could remember, always had to survive in the most struggle fights. There were even times he thought he would die just like today.


He didn't know what the clan was yet but wolf's always stayed with the pack, pack made them stronger. This was engraved to the wolfs bones. A lone wolf would die alone but now Nero had chance to get himself a pack.


When Moon looked at the Neros shining Crimson eyes. He couldn't help but chuckle.


" It seems we have gotten another family member . Let's return home and since Nero can't fly. We run on the ground " Even when he said they would run , Cloud was still floating but just closer to the ground.