

In the gripping tale of "Close to the enemy" Audrey embarks on a relentless quest to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic demise. Little does she know that the killer is much closer than she could have ever imagined. As Audrey finds herself drawn to a suspect she believes is connected to the murderer, she unexpectedly falls in love. Cyrus becomes the focal point of her suspicion, but unknown to Audrey, he is not involved in her parents' tragic fate. Instead, he is well aware of the dangers lurking in her pursuit for revenge, trying desperately to dissuade her from this perilous path. Cyrus believes that justice is best left to a higher power, urging Audrey to leave the vendetta to fate. Audrey's team, comprised of loyal allies Jonathan, Claudia Wesley, and Chelsea, are united in their shared mission. Trusting each other implicitly, their alliance is unshakeable. However, a hidden treachery lies within their midst. Jonathan, unbeknownst to the group, holds a shocking secret - his own father is the true perpetrator behind the murder of Audrey's parents. Struggling with the conflicting desire to protect his father, Jonathan wrestles with the weight of guilt as he cunningly conceals the truth from Sandra and the team. "Close to the enemy" delves deep into the tangled web of deceit, love, and loyalty. As the suspense builds, Audrey determination for justice clashes with her blossoming feelings for Cyrus. The team's unity is shaken as Jonathan grapples with his dark secret, torn between loyalty to his father and doing what is right. Will Audrey discover the truth about her parents' killer before it's too late? Can she find a balance between avenging their deaths and following her heart? "Close To The Enemy" offers a thrilling journey that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, unraveling the mysteries that lie beneath the surface and revealing that sometimes the most dangerous shadows are the ones closest to us.

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Chapter Two:- The Killer

"Six years ago"

Audrey found herself sitting in the detention office with her hands cuffed while two police officers were sitting in front of her with a recording tape and a laptop in front of them. She looked around, confused as to why she was there and what crime she had committed. 

All she could remember was that she was coming back from work when she came across a building with a woman yelling out louAdly. 

She became tempted to find out if everything was alright but when she got there, she saw a pool of blood with a woman lying unconscious on it. 

Trembling with fear, she looked around and saw a man in a black mask and a hoodie holding a knife in his left hand. Paralyzed with fear, she forced her legs to move but suddenly, something hard hit her from behind and her mind went blank. But here she was in a detention room. 

Oh, wait! 

"Where's the woman? Is she alive?" Audrey innocently asked, ignoring the hateful gazes shot at her by the police. 

The female police laughed sarcastically drawing near to Audrey and the next thing, she pulled Audrey's hair harshly, "Why? Do you want to find out if you successfully killed her?" The officer asked, causing Audrey's eyes to widen.

"Kill her?" She repeated, unsure of who that question was directed to. Audrey looked at the officer confused about what they were accusing her of. 

"I am the killer?" Those words came out of her mouth when she remembered that she was hit by a plank when she was about to run away from the crime scene and it became confusing to her that she was pinned to be the murderer. Why? because they found her there?

Audrey pulled her hair and she bit her lip harshly so that could taste her blood. She knew that if all evidence was pointed at her, there would be no escape from being sentenced for a crime she didn't even commit. 

"Your name is Audrey Baxter and you live in the same neighborhood as the deceased, right?" The officer questioned and Audrey nodded. 

" Yes I do" 

" You were found in the murder scene unconscious... what were you doing there? " 

Audrey heaved a deep breath, trying to calm her pulse, " I heard screams from the apartment on my way back from work so, I decided to check what was going on Incase if help was needed. Unfortunately, I met a man in a black hoodie and a mask with a woman unconscious in the pool of blood" Audrey narrated and the officer tsked. 

"No one would believe what you just said because there's no evidence to prove you innocent, " The police officers said and Audrey smirked. 

" Is there also enough evidence to prove me guilty? Not just because you found me there means I was the one who killed the lady" Audrey protested, causing the two officers to look at each other with no words coming out of their mouths.

Suddenly, a man walked in with a file in his hands. He took a glance at Audrey and then, at the two officers that were interrogating her. "She has nothing to do with the murder," The man said and the officers' brows furrowed.

"What do you mean? Do you have proof?" An officer asked and the man nodded. 

"The CCTV footage captured when the murderer was leaving the apartment. She's innocent" The man said and the officers nodded. 

Without further arguments, the officers immediately removed the cuffs from Audrey's hand and escorted her outside the detention room. 

" Here's your bag" The officer handed over the bag to Audrey. "Sorry for the inconvenience" Audrey bowed and was about to leave when she heard her aunt's voice. 

"Audrey!!" She scowled immediately when she saw Audrey. Audrey could only shiver in fear of what her Aunt might do to her without listening to her story first. 

"Did you kill someone? Huh, tell me! You cursed child!!" Her aunt yelled at her, causing the officers and people at the station to watch their family drama. Audrey felt embarrassed. She wished the ground could open and swallow her up because she wasn't ready for her aunt's maltreatment at that moment.

"Can't you talk? Did you kill her? To revenge your parent's death?" Her aunt asked, walking closer to Audrey to get her answers. 

Audrey's head was initially facing the ground but when she heard her aunt mentioning her parent's death, she was forced to look directly into her aunt's eyes with fury.

"What do you mean by that? My parent's death was an accident! Why would I kill someone to avenge their death?" Audrey swallowed, trying to calm the rage that was growing inside her.

"Accident? They were killed because they didn't mind their business. So, if you don't want to end up like them, live like a ghost and avoid staying in people's path" Her aunt said with deep resentment in her eyes and left the station leaving Audrey behind.

Audrey's knees became weak and she fell to the ground, unable to hold her body anymore. For years, she had lived believing that she lost her parents in an accident but it turned out that they were murdered. But why? What crime did they commit that was punishable by death?

Audrey felt her tears burning her skin as they ran down her cheek. Everything around her became blank and all she could hear was her sobs. Why was the world cruel to her? Why was everyone being so unfair to her? 

Audrey swore to make sure that her parent's killer paid for what they did to her. Audrey also vowed to make her aunt pay for what she did to her while growing up without her parents and for keeping the truth away from her.

'Revenge Squad' was created by Audrey and her friends who were wronged by society and they all vowed to get their revenge even if it would take years. 

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