

In the gripping tale of "Close to the enemy" Audrey embarks on a relentless quest to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic demise. Little does she know that the killer is much closer than she could have ever imagined. As Audrey finds herself drawn to a suspect she believes is connected to the murderer, she unexpectedly falls in love. Cyrus becomes the focal point of her suspicion, but unknown to Audrey, he is not involved in her parents' tragic fate. Instead, he is well aware of the dangers lurking in her pursuit for revenge, trying desperately to dissuade her from this perilous path. Cyrus believes that justice is best left to a higher power, urging Audrey to leave the vendetta to fate. Audrey's team, comprised of loyal allies Jonathan, Claudia Wesley, and Chelsea, are united in their shared mission. Trusting each other implicitly, their alliance is unshakeable. However, a hidden treachery lies within their midst. Jonathan, unbeknownst to the group, holds a shocking secret - his own father is the true perpetrator behind the murder of Audrey's parents. Struggling with the conflicting desire to protect his father, Jonathan wrestles with the weight of guilt as he cunningly conceals the truth from Sandra and the team. "Close to the enemy" delves deep into the tangled web of deceit, love, and loyalty. As the suspense builds, Audrey determination for justice clashes with her blossoming feelings for Cyrus. The team's unity is shaken as Jonathan grapples with his dark secret, torn between loyalty to his father and doing what is right. Will Audrey discover the truth about her parents' killer before it's too late? Can she find a balance between avenging their deaths and following her heart? "Close To The Enemy" offers a thrilling journey that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, unraveling the mysteries that lie beneath the surface and revealing that sometimes the most dangerous shadows are the ones closest to us.

Purplyn_ · Urban
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Chapter One:- Serial Killer

All tenants of the Peace Plaza were forced to come out with drooling eyes when they heard the wailing of ambulances and police cars at the territory.

With a confused mind as to why the police and ambulance were here at the plaza, everyone was told to leave their apartment and come down to the first floor for their safety.

"What's going on?" People kept questioning each other but no one knew the answer yet because everyone there was clueless about what was going on. 

Soon, the police started taping the building with yellow taps indicating that no one is allowed to enter the crime scene without permission from the police. 

"What happened?" Audrey rubbed her sleepy eyes while trying to bring out her phone from her pocket with her second hand. 

When her phone was within her reach, she dialed Chelsea's number to confirm what was going on in her compound. 

"Hey, Chelsea! The ambulance and police are here at my compound, do you have an idea of what's going on?" Audrey inquired, watching the other tenants as they grumbled in anger. 

"Someone was murdered at your place. I tried hacking into the CCTV camera but there's no connection. I think the CCTV was tempered when the crime took place" Chelsea informed from the other end. 

Audrey's expression changed when she heard it was a murder. Her eyes showed danger lights as her gaze flew to where the police forbid people from entering. How long will innocent people keep dying because of a serial killer that the police are afraid of? 

This wasn't the first time that cases like this had been happening. It's been happening countless times but the police were inadequate, no, they were afraid of the serial killer and they dug no further for evidence or reason for death. 

"Check the cars that passed through the express before midnight and confirm their plate number. If you find anything suspicious, report it to me immediately" Audrey ordered.

"Yes, Dolphin!" Chelsea whined from the other end before the phone call ended. 

Audrey immediately made her way to the Police to find out who was murdered. She didn't want to get involved with the work of the police, but she had to since her neighbor had been involved in the dirty game. 

What is the main purpose of killing? Does the killer have a grudge against the deceased? Audrey couldn't fathom the reason for murder but whatever it was, she was ready to find out and put an end to the killing of innocent civil servants.

"Good Morning Officer" She greeted a female officer who was just about leaving the crime scene. 

"How can I help you?" The officer asked, looking at her from head to toe.

"Can I ask for the victim's name?" She asked straightforwardly, baffling the female officer. 

The woman looked around if she wasn't the one Audrey was referring to but when she realized that she was the only person, she smirked and then, looked seriously into Audrey's brown eyes...

"Do you have a death wish?" The female officer stridently asked causing Audrey to roll her eyes in disdain. 

"I hate curses, ma'am. Just answer my questions" Her voice sounded like an order which only angered the female officer. 

The female officer removed her cap and walked closer to Audrey, "Do you have an idea of who you are speaking to? I could charge you for wanting personal information about the deceased which is not even your job to know in the first place. I urge you to leave while I am still acting nice" The woman warned and Audrey sighed still staring at the woman's face confidently.

She didn't want to start a fight because it wouldn't be in her favor. She was vividly aware of the penalty of fighting an officer and the thought of it made her shiver.

These police officers were cowards and just like any other murder case, it will be closed down because of lack of sufficient evidence but this, Audrey wanted the case to be different. This time she wanted to dig out the information of the killer and make sure he rots in jail for killing an innocent soul.

First, she wanted information about the victim, her last movement before the crime took place, and her relationship with the killer. 

"Sorry ma'am," She said casually to the officer and left the crime scene.

First, she needed to seek this out and gather information about the crime with her team. She immediately pulled out her phone from her pocket and called Chelsea.

Immediately the call was answered, Audrey asked " Where are you?" 

"The hideout" Chelsea hiccupped which was evident that she was lying.

"Don't you dare lie to me. Where are you this instant?" Audrey yelled and Chelsea gulped hard, not knowing if this situation would do her any good. 

"My ex's place" She muttered and Audrey clenched her fist, ready to roar. 

Due to the crowded place, Audrey suppressed her anger, trying to sound cool and unaffected by what she had just said. 

"That scumbag that left you for another girl?" She inquired with clenched teeth.

" I love him. What can I do when he asks for forgiveness? " Chelsea sounded offended from the other end. 

Audrey breathed out knowing what kind of naive girl she was in relationships but still, she found it stupid because that same guy had been dumping her over and over again. 

"Get to the hideout now with the other teams and find out everything you can about the murder case. I will be there after I've freshened up in a sauna." Audrey said and Chelsea hummed.

" Have you checked the CCTV footage I asked you to? " Audrey asked.

" Yes I have but I found nothing suspicious about it. I'll explain more when you arrive " Chelsea said and Audrey ended the call.

Nothing suspicious? Did the murderer use a licensed car under his name? Isn't he being risky?

Audrey bit her lip hard because nothing was going right perhaps that's why most persecutors and police officers kept giving up on the murder case. 

Audrey decided to see how the victim was killed. Perhaps, it wasn't just one serial killer. The way the recent victim was killed will be used to confirm how other victims were killed. 

Because of the commotion, Audrey knew it would be impossible to find out now so she decided to leave and come back for inspection when the police had left.

Audrey took a bath at the sunna which was far from where she lived but closer to where the hideout was. What everyone talked about there was the murder of a middle-aged aged which got Audrey interested in the topic but what shocked her was that it was another murder case different from the one that happened where she lived. 

"What's this? is the end coming now?" Audrey could feel the hair on her skin standing up as she thought of the death of people around her, including herself.

It was fearful because she had a lot to accomplish especially when the people who wronged her were still living happily somewhere in the world. Audrey immediately paid for the service and went to the hideout which was in the middle of an unknown area. 

"You are here" Claudia waved at Audrey and Audrey returned the wave. 

"Where's Wesley and Jonathan?" Audrey asked and the both of them popped out from nowhere.

"I'm here, Dolph." Wesley winked at Audrey while Jonathan waved at her. 

"Okay, you all are here. Chelsea, have you found anything?" Audrey sat on a chair that was close to Chelsea.

Chelsea brought out the image of the recent crime scene and the image of the crime scene that happened years ago and they both had identical slitting marks.

"What's that?" Audrey asked, confused by both picture that was appearing on the screen of the computer.

"The killer is the same person that murdered your parents years ago"