
Classroom of the Elite: illimitable until death edition

short notice: This Fanfiction is not mine. I am just trying to translate this in English to the best of my capabilities, So if any of you have some problem with that massage me and we can talk. The one that I am translating is just a extra story that the original author started after finishing the main story; So there are only 290 something chapters only and I am going to translate those all, if you are interested then check it out. Original novel name is: illimitable until death Peace ✌

Cain_101 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 97 Does She Intend To Get Back At Fang Li?

It appears that the continuously tumultuous violent incidents have come to a successful conclusion.

In the end, C Class's plot failed, and D Class managed to pass through their ordeal unscathed, creating two contrasting atmospheres between the two classes.

Needless to say, C Class was filled with worry after Ryuuen Kakeru's plan failed. The entire class seemed to be on edge, constantly living in fear.

However, to everyone's surprise, Ryuuen Kakeru didn't do anything terrible. He even seemed quite cheerful. Neither Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, nor Kondou Reo suffered any punishment from him. This put C-Class at ease and left them extremely astonished, wondering what could have put Ryuuen Kakeru in such a good mood.

On the other hand, D Class breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Fang Li's victory, D Class avoided any punishment, and their class points remained intact.

Since the class points were maintained, the delayed private points were also credited after the conclusion of the incident.

Although it was only 8,700 points, it came as a timely blessing for the students of D Class who had already depleted their private points. Everyone rejoiced on the day when the private points were distributed.

It is worth mentioning that following the incident, Sudou Ken was officially selected as a regular player by the basketball club and could participate in domestic matches.

For this achievement, Sudou Ken received rewards from the club and obtained a considerable number of private points.

Clearly, Sudou Ken also made efforts to repay the favor bestowed by the students of D Class.

In the end, Sudou Ken gave all the rewards he received to Kushida Kikyou and Hirata Yousuke, allowing them to repay their owed private points.

However, there were still many private points to be repaid, and it would take a while to clear the debt completely.

As long as it remains unpaid, troublemakers like Sudou Ken, who have some pride, will restrain themselves and not cause trouble for D Class, thus confirming Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's previous analysis.

Compared to Sudou Ken, Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki remained unchanged, still chasing after girls all day as before.

It's unknown when these two will become somewhat useful like Sudou Ken. Perhaps it will take some time.

Even Fang Li had doubts.

"Are those two really useful?"

In response to Fang Li's blunt question, the universally acknowledged school angel spoke up.

"I helped Ike-san and Yamauchi-san because they are my friends, not because I considered their usefulness."

Kushida Kikyou responded with a somewhat bitter smile.

Of course, whether this was true or not is debatable.

Fang Li and Kushida Kikyou, engaged in such a conversation, prepared to take the elevator together as they did every day, on their way to school.

Fang Li could only smirk at Kushida Kikyou, who acted as if nothing had happened and still came to find him as usual, as if nothing affected her.

After all, it was because Kushida Kikyou had become a convenient excuse for C Class to frame Fang Li, precisely due to their close relationship.

Now, Kushida Kikyou could still approach Fang Li as usual. Was she truly carefree or just thick-skinned?

Unfortunately, that's what Fang Li thought.

"I just want to be with my friends. I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

Kushida Kikyou said these words, tilting her head and looking at Fang Li with a sweet smile.

"Or perhaps Nanaya-san thinks it's troublesome to be with me?"

She spoke with a tone that seemed like a playful joke.

However, this statement could also be serious.

Kushida Kikyou was probably trying to figure out Fang Li's thoughts, right?

But looking at her with such a sweet smile, anyone would believe that Kushida Kikyou was joking, rather than thinking along those lines.

This made Fang Li have to admire her.

(This woman is indeed good at putting on a facade.)

Since the day Fang Li saw Kushida Kikyou's true face on top of the rooftop, she had never shown that side again. Even when they were alone together, she always maintained her angelic image. As time passed, Fang Li's perception of her true nature became increasingly blurred, to the point where he started to believe that this was the real Kushida Kikyou. What he saw on the rooftop that day was just an illusion.

He didn't know which was real, and which was fake.

This woman, Kushida Kikyou, was indeed a bit frightening.

While Fang Li was pondering these thoughts, the elevator doors opened.

Whether it was a coincidence or not, just like before, Fang Li and Kushida Kikyou encountered familiar face inside the elevator.

"Oh, the two of you still have such a good relationship as before."

The energetic person who greeted them like this was none other than Ichinose Honami.

After exchanging greetings, Ichinose Honami looked at Fang Li and complained.

"I finally get to see you again, Nanaya-san."

That resentful expression almost made Fang Li laugh.

But Fang Li also knew why Ichinose Honami felt dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry for standing you up last time."

On the day of the hearing, Fang Li had promised to go to the office to give the news to Ichinose Honami and Hoshinomiya Chie.

However, after the hearing ended, Fang Li didn't return to the office. Instead, he followed the agreement with Sakura Airi and went back to the classroom directly.

Thanks to that, Fang Li was able to save Sakura Airi in time, which was something worth celebrating.

However, from the perspective of Ichinose Honami and Hoshinomiya Chie, who didn't know about this and were stood up, it was worth complaining about.

"If Chabashira-sensei hadn't come back to the office to tell us the result, we would still be waiting there." Ichinose Honami complained, "I can let it slide, but Hoshinomiya-sensei kept saying things like 'I never thought I would be stood up by a boy' and she seemed determined to get back at you, you know?"

That was really inconsiderate.

If it was Ryuuen Kakeru's revenge, Fang Li wouldn't be afraid at all.

But if it was the revenge of that female teacher, Fang Li felt a little scared.

Who knew what that teacher, who didn't play by the rules, would do?

If some strange rumors were spread, Fang Li would really be at a loss.

It seemed like Ichinose Honami was thinking the same thing.

"Nanaya-san, it would be better if you find a time to apologize to Hoshinomiya-sensei, for your own sake."

The class representative of Class B kindly gave this suggestion.

"...I will consider it."

Fang Li could only sigh.

Beside him, Kushida Kikyou, who had been watching Fang Li and Ichinose Honami interact, finally spoke up.

"I have a feeling that Nanaya-san and Ichinose Honami have become close in a way that I don't know about."

What did she mean by that statement?

Was she trying to make others think she was jealous?

It seemed like Ichinose Honami understood it that way too, and she hurriedly explained, looking embarrassed.

In this situation, Fang Li and Kushida Kikyou entered the elevator together.

Chapter 97 Complete What Do You All Think

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