
Classroom of the Elite: illimitable until death edition

short notice: This Fanfiction is not mine. I am just trying to translate this in English to the best of my capabilities, So if any of you have some problem with that massage me and we can talk. The one that I am translating is just a extra story that the original author started after finishing the main story; So there are only 290 something chapters only and I am going to translate those all, if you are interested then check it out. Original novel name is: illimitable until death Peace ✌

Cain_101 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 96 The Qualification To Be Regarded With Admiration By Me

As she gazed at the faint smile before her, Sakura Airi found herself somewhat mesmerized.

Although Fang Li smiled occasionally, it was fundamentally different from the smile in front of her.

Fang Li's usual smile always carried an air of calm and composure, more of a habitual expression than a genuine reflection of inner happiness. It seemed like a routine, a part of his everyday actions, rather than a heartfelt emotion.

But the smile on Fang Li's face now was different.

Perhaps, even Fang Li himself hadn't noticed that he was smiling at this moment?

And indeed, that was the case.

Fang Li hadn't realized he was smiling.

He just felt that way.

"You don't need to apologize for this, do you?"

Fang Li spoke up.

"People apologize when they have done something wrong, not when they haven't done something good, right?"

If Horikita Suzune and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka were here, they would surely agree with Fang Li's words.

Just like when they first entered school, offering a seat on the bus was considered a kind gesture, but it wasn't an obligatory action.

So, even if one didn't do it, it would be unreasonable to condemn them.

People only have the right to condemn others when they have done something wrong, not when they haven't done something good. Otherwise, it would be moral coercion.

The same applied to Sakura Airi.

"Whether you choose to come forward as a witness, as someone who witnessed the incident, or not, it's your freedom. There's no reason for anyone to force you."

Fang Li made this statement.

"You can come forward to uphold your sense of justice or to help the victims. It's all up to you, and it's only natural. Choosing not to come forward is also a choice."

Therefore, Fang Li's message was simple.

"You haven't done anything wrong."

Fang Li looked directly at Sakura Airi, articulating each word.

"There's no need to apologize for it."

That was the treatment Sakura Airi truly deserved.

Perhaps in society, if someone has the ability to help others but did not act and as a result, the victims suffer, that person would be condemned for their lack of compassion and morality.

However, Fang Li really wanted to say that such behavior was the true injustice.

Whether or not to help others is a personal choice.

Just because someone has the ability but chooses not to act, and if they are condemned for it, then there would be many people in this world who deserve condemnation.

Although some may argue that greater ability brings greater responsibility, one's abilities ultimately belong to oneself. Whether they are used for personal gain or for the benefit of others is the individual's freedom.

If someone lacks the ability to do something and expects others to do it for them, and if they condemn others for not doing it, then isn't the problem with that person?

Unfortunately, there are many people like that in this world.

But from Fang Li's perspective, these people are just shifting blame, and they are worse than those who fail to do what they can.

At least, Fang Li is definitely not that kind of person.

"Even if I ask for your help, you have every right to refuse. And since I haven't even asked yet, there's no reason for you to apologize for not helping me. It makes no sense."

Fang Li said, while silently adding in his mind.

(Of course, reasons are not the only factors that determine personal actions.)

Just like Sakura Airi, theoretically speaking, she hadn't done anything wrong, so there was no need for her to apologize.

However, what shapes this world isn't just rationality but also emotions.

Kind-hearted people always feel guilty.

Kind-hearted individuals always believe that not being able to help those in need is a mistake.

Sakura Airi's guilt and remorse for not having the courage to speak up about the incident only highlight her compassionate nature, doesn't it?

That's the reason Fang Li has a smile on his face.


(That's something I don't have.)

After all, even within the Nanaya Clan, it is considered something completely unnecessary.

Fang Li possesses various knowledge and skills passed down through generations in the Nanaya Clan, except for the teachings of truth, goodness, and beauty.

Sakura Airi, on the other hand, possesses these qualities that Fang Li lacks.

Given this, Fang Li truly believes this.

"Don't lower your head in front of me. You have the right to hold your head up high and let me look up to you."

This is Fang Li's genuine thought.

Similar to the pure-hearted Ichinose Honami, Sakura Airi is also someone worthy of Fang Li's friendship.

Sakura Airi, who was lost in her thoughts, could only stare blankly at Fang Li, who had a faint smile on his face.


Whispering that name, Sakura Airi's eyes, no longer concealed by glasses, grew moist once again.

But this time, it was due to being moved.

In front of Sakura Airi, Fang Li reached into the nearby cabinet and took out something.

That something was, of course, Sakura Airi's digital camera.

"I had intended to return it to you after it was repaired, but since I know that it contains important photos for you, I can't keep holding onto it."

Fang Li placed the digital camera on the table and pushed it towards Sakura Airi.

"Although it's not perfect, I can finally return it to you."

Saying this, Fang Li's lips still carried a faint smile.

Sakura Airi's face blushed slightly as she reached out and took the digital camera in front of her.

"That's wonderful..."

Holding the digital camera as if it were a precious treasure, a smile blossomed on Sakura Airi's face as well.

That smile was both beautiful and radiant.


Sakura Airi lifted her gaze, for the first time looking directly at Fang Li, not avoiding his gaze, and smiled.

"Thank you."

It was not an apology but a show of gratitude.

That was what Sakura Airi should do.

From then on, the two of them didn't mention the previous violent incident or the clerk. Instead, they chatted like friends, talking about various topics.

Sakura Airi no longer felt nervous or shy around Fang Li. They conversed until late into the night, discussing camera maintenance issues and various past stories from Sakura Airi's time as an idol.

Fang Li, as always, played the role of a good listener, quietly listening to Sakura Airi's stories and naturally adding his own remarks.

The two of them continued chatting until the late hours.

In the end, they exchanged each other's phone numbers.

This became the first contact in Fang Li's phone, as well as the first friend in Sakura Airi's phone.

For the two individuals who had been alone throughout their time at the Advanced Nurturing High School, they finally formed a friendship on that day.

Chapter 96 complete what do you all think

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