
???-Class God Hunter

Aaron was always stingy, he knew the value of his life. Nevertheless, he did not want to kneel before death, so he destroyed it with him. Seeing the truth of the past and the future and getting a new chance will be enough for him to turn the world upside down. With one last chance in his hand and the support of the goddess behind him, he will take the world by storm and become the best of the best. He just needs to keep moving forward.

Oleanderr0 · Fantasy
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231 Chs

Volume 2 - Chapter 36: Planning and Thinking

"Master Aaron, the king is summoning you. He strongly wishes for your immediate presence," Nirmon's voice suddenly came from outside the room. Aaron, who had just woken up, had already taken a shower and was getting ready. After hearing the voice, he opened the door and said:

"Good morning, Nirmon. How are you?" 

"I'm quite well, young master, except for a slight neck ache, unfortunately," Nirmon replied, holding his neck with one hand.

"In that case, take this and drink it; you'll notice the pain disappearing," Aaron said and took a low-level potion from his inventory, handing it to Nirmon.

After drinking the potion, Nirmon's painful expression seemed to instantly improve, creating a shocking effect as Aaron's remedy took immediate hold.

"Thank you, young master," Nirmon said with joy. Apparently, this neck pain had been bothering him for a while.