

Helena is a 21 year old girl whose main goal is to make money. Her life changes when her mom goes to Switzerland and she is sent to New York city. She meets the Astrovana twins and is soon tangled in a web of lies, heartbreak,deception, love and hatred Follow Helena as she struggles to make money and find love in New York city. The city of Gods. 'I love you Helena. I don't know when or how but I am in love with you.' Helena was stunned. Just yesterday the other brother confessed to her and now this. She looked behind him and saw the city bustling with lights and the fireworks that read I love you Helena. Just as Helena was still processing what was going on, the other twin came. ' Helena is mine!!!'

Jenny_Black_0603 · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Meanwhile on the dance floor,

Aiden looked at the bracelet. He was right. It was his mother's. He had his hand on Helena's waist, Helena has her hand on his shoulder while they interlocked with each others. ' Miss Homerna. I know you have your shortcomings but I never expected you to do this considering the fact that our parents are good friends.' Aiden says with narrowed eyes. ' What are you talking about??' Helena asked confused. ' Don't play dumb with me. The bracelet you are wearing is my mom's.' Aiden says.

Helena was shocked. That was why he was tailing her. He thought she stole his mom's bracelet. Helena broke free from his grip and left angrily.

Adam was standing with Bianca. They both had their eyes on Aiden and Helena. They were shocked that the two who were like oil and water was mixing together perfectly. For a strange reason, he felt angry. However at that moment Helena leaves Aiden and he follows her. Adam attempts to follow when Bianca stops him. ' Let them settle their issues, they should learn to settle their matters.' Bianca says.

Meanwhile, Helena storms into an empty room that was his motive all along. Aiden enters and she turns and slaps him. ' I stole your mother's jewellery??? I might not be as rich as you but I am definitely not Ill mannered. Your mother and my mother are friends. That's why I tolerated all your impudence. Not anymore!! This bracelet, your mom and mine has a similar one because it's a friendship bracelet. My friends and I got a similar one for ourselves.' Helena angrily says and shows him the bracelet. It was made with pure silver. Under the bracelet were four names,

Helena, Orion, Beverley and Jimmy. An uppercase H was in the front. ' Then why do you always hide it??' Aiden asks suspiciously.

' It is custom made. It costs 10 million, what if it gets stolen. I work three jobs, wouldn't my employer think I robbed a home ' Helena replies.

It all made sense now.

' Enough is enough. I have tolerated you long enough. I promise you that when we return after the Gala, I will leave and return to Florida. I will not bother you again.' Helena says.

' Helena. I'm really...' Aiden asks. ' It's enough. You don't have to put up with me anymore' Helena says. Aiden is about to say something when they hear a gunshot. They exchange startled glances.

Few moments earlier,

A group of 20 armed men enter and handcuff all the guests. The hotel was undergoing a terrorist attack . Outside corpses of different bodyguard lay waste. The leader of the men shot in the air a warning to the guests to be careful and cooperative.


Aiden and Helena leaves and peeps, they see that security is tight and there is no way in or out . Helena signals to Aiden to return to the room. They both go inside. Helena calls the police ' Hello. I am Helena Homerna. I am at Hexley hotel and some group of armed people are keeping the guests hostage' Helena says.

' We'll be there in three hours 'The policeman says. ' Three hours??' Helena exclaims.

' Ma'am Hexley hotel is far away from town and it will take a while to get there.' The policeman replies.

' This is why I take law into my hands ' Helena mumbles as she hangs up and dials a number. ' What's up Helena?? How's the Gala??' Beverley asks cheerfully. ' Not good. I suspect we are under terrorist attack. Can you check the CCTV footage of Hexley hotel and tell me what you can find??' Helena says. ' Give me five minutes '

Beverley replies.


' Boss the Astrovanas aren't complete. One of the twins and the lady he came with are nowhere to be seen ' one of the goons says.

' Search everywhere. Return only after you find them' The boss replies

In the room,

' Helena you are in sh*t. There is a 10 feet wide excavation that is 8 feet deep right at the first junction of Hexley hotel. And there are bomb implants around the hotel. The police can't get there at all. You all will have to save yourselves.' Beverley says and hangs up.

' Who was that?? How did she know all that??' Aiden asks. ' She's a friend of mine. Forget that I have a plan. We go to the dining area and grab salomis...' Helena says but Aiden cuts in and says ' This is not time for food ' ' Keep quiet and listen. The salomi will make our hand greasy and it will slide through the handcuff. Then we surrender and join the rest while you keep them distracted I will use my hairpin and unlock the handcuff.' Helena explains.

' Seems crazy enough to work ' Aiden says.

The duo sneak to the dining room. Helena uses her hand to stuff Salomis into her mouth while Aiden uncomfortably rubs his hands around the Salomi. ' Look, I found them ' A voice says. Five men surrounds them. Helena tuts and says ' Five against two. How unfair!!' She says as her gaze turns cold. She gets out a syringe from her bag and dashes towards the men.

She dodged a kick aimed at her stomach and landed a swift strike of the syringe on the person neck. She kicks the second at his groin and he crouches in pain after which she also gives him an injection.

After a while the five men are unconscious.

' What did you do to them??' Aiden asks.

' I injected them with Midazolam. They should be unconscious for about three to four hours' Helena replies.

' Miss Homerna, Why would you carry a dose of Mizo whatever to Gala??' Aiden asks.

' What can I say?? I have insomnia and I was actually planning to stay and rest in this hotel' Helena replies.

The duo tie up the five men and lock them in a room after which they greased their hands.


' I sent eight men where are they??' The boss says impatiently.

' I hope Aiden and Helena are fine.' Bianca whispers to Adam, Jack, Leo, Tiffany and Stella.

' I hope they call for help ' Tiffany says.

They were all handcuffed with their hands at their back. Not only was it painful, it was also uncomfortable.

' What is worse is I am sitting on the floor with my brand new Chanel.' Stella says.

' Talking about dresses, I struggled and finally Helena helped me get a VVIP dress at Fashion Tyrant and now I won't be able to wear it again ' Bianca says.

' How could girls be so inconsiderate. We might lose our lives today but here you are worried about your dress' Leo says.