
City: My Past Life was Exposed and The Whole Network Burst Into Tears!

Ye Xuan accidentally crossed the Azure Planet.   There is Tiandao technology here, which can capture past life memories.   Ye Xuan suddenly discovered that his first previous life was Iron Man!   Doctor Strange, Iron Suit, Infinite Stone's Mystery, shocked the world!   When Ye Xuanhan was not afraid of death, he held up the nuclear bomb, rushed into Qitarui, and the whole network burst into tears!   The broken body fell, and countless people cried and choked!   "Ye Xuan alone saved the world!"   "Flesh and blood, comparable to gods!"   "No Ye Xuan! No Azure Planet!"   However, when Ye Xuan knelt on the ruins of the planet, stretched out his right hand, and snapped his fingers forcibly.   To shatter oneself and restore the life of the universe.   The world mourns, hiss and weeps! Heaven weeps!   Ye Xuan is not the hero of Azure Planet, but the entire universe!   With the exposure of his memory of the ninth generation, the truth of the fault in the earth age is revealed!   Multiverse, Golden Super Man, Transformers and many other shocking fields...

Geek_Lantern · Movies
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60 Chs

Chapter 8 Jarvis VS. Atlas!


All the experts exploded directly on the spot.

Just had this response.

It sounded in everyone's mind.

It's all the same word:

AI artificial intelligence!

And it's a completed form!

Not that simple, low-level learning software system!

"Jarvis" in the memory of the past life.

Obviously has an emotional tone.

This kind of thing cannot be learned by a low-level system!

"I'm a little dizzy now!"

"Bluestar's current artificial intelligence progress has only reached the intermediate level of artificial intelligence, and this is the result of hundreds of years of development!"

"The most advanced artificial intelligence at present is the super artificial intelligence Atlas developed last year."

"Atlas breaks through our previous research in the field of creation, and can even create songs and poems by himself, and has the magical ability to capture inspiration."

"This Jarvis, I seriously doubt, the level of artificial intelligence has reached a level that we can't imagine!"

"Tony can actually develop artificial intelligence?! One person, this is a monster genius!"

"How was it developed?"

"The key is that I can't see now, whether everyone has artificial intelligence or only his own side has it."

"The three major characteristics of artificial intelligence, huge database and computing power support, environmental perception and human interaction, adaptive learning and update iteration, each of which wants to make progress is as difficult as the sky!"

"It's not just artificial intelligence. The technology of the whole system of images just now is also very powerful."

"It's amazing! There are so many high-tech products in a small studio!"

"Tony, a genius!"

The director really couldn't sit still this time.

In the history of Blue Star, this level of artificial intelligence has already appeared.

The level of technology at that time can be imagined.

"If this level of artificial intelligence, walks into..."

The director was startled suddenly, his face suddenly hard to look at.

An unstoppable thought suddenly surged in his heart!

I wanted to drink water to suppress the horror in my heart, but found that my hands were shaking.

In the end, it was still an unsteady one.

The cup smashed to the ground.

The assistant hurried over.

"Director, what's wrong with you?"

The director waved his hand and said in an extremely hoarse voice, "No, it's fine, you can go out."

He stared out the window with horror.

"Could it be, Blue Star..."



The emergence of artificial intelligence.

And so many sci-fi stuff in workstations.

The entire live broadcast room was deeply shocked by the number of 100,000 people.

You discriminate against those fellow men.

Everyone has a sci-fi dream.

All equipment is expected to be seen.

Especially the kind of multi-screen linkage and three-dimensional holographic display.

On the forum, someone created a technology post.

It's full of things from the Best Samsara capture screen.

The multi-screen linkage was directly rushed to the first number of likes.

"I really like it."

"Artificial intelligence, that's artificial intelligence! It's not something like classmate Xiao Ai."

"Good guy! Go to the Federal Mall! There is already a multi-screen interaction with the same model! Gan!"

"...Too fast, this speed."

"I just want to say, Tony is so rich! This workstation, it's worth at least a few million to decorate it?"

"Millions? We don't know about the previous monetary system. There may be tens of millions!"

"High-tech content!"

"What is he going to do?"

"Mark 2? Looking at the graphics, it's a mech?"



"Continue to improve the mecha, not too optimistic."

"Indeed, there is no need to put it on the mecha. With so many high-tech equipment, those weapons should be directly studied."

"Artificial intelligence technology, if the reincarnation of the world can awaken the ability, it will be more significant than before."

"Forget the mecha, even if the research is successful, the increase is not high."

"This thing is too expensive."

"That apartment reactor is pretty good."

"My team has started research and development, and I will tell everyone when there is good news."

in the team of experts.

Those military industry bosses are not optimistic about Tony's self-developed mecha.

For now.

Isn't the increase of mecha's combat power too obvious?

The strongest single combat mech right now.

Most of the time, it's more like a target.

Really want to attack.

Don't be too simple.

The only thing everyone can see.

It's the reactor that provides the energy.

And the two-legged jet propulsion structure that burst out of the explosion not long ago.

Huang Lao squinted his eyes, looked at the live broadcast screen and said slightly puzzled: "I really want to know what time period this is."


[Tony surrounds the three-dimensional drawing on the device and says, "Save it on my personal server first, unless I ask you to modify it."]

[Jarvis says, "So it's a secret project, isn't it, sir?"]

[Tony did not speak, stretched out his hands, manipulated the three-dimensional graphics out of thin air, opened the visor, and put some of the discarded parts into the virtual trash can. ]

["I don't want them to know, maybe I can do something good in my hands."]

[The original clumsy Mark 1 has become slimmer after several adjustments and deletions by Tony. ]

The audience in the live broadcast room floated over the envious content.

"Yes! It's definitely artificial intelligence."

"Jarvis, it can actually deduce the meaning of the words based on Tony's words. This is the power of thinking, and ordinary intelligent systems cannot do it."

"This display and operation device is simply too cool!"

"This is the fat steel bump from the beginning? He's making adjustments and improvements."

"Good guy, which historical period is this? Why is there a fault in this historical period?"

"I don't know, I always feel that it's normal now?"

"The giant whale at the beginning is fake, right? Otherwise, there are still none?"

"It's still Aldice's stimulation!"

"Hey! It's scary! You go to the forum, there is just a post, it's going to explode!"

"Damn it, I saw it, so he's so cool!"
