
chap 2 part 1 : the twin guns holder

At that moment, a gunshot rang out. The bullet instantly pierced Kura's heart and Freya's forehead.

"..?" Belial saw Kura's body fall to the cold, frozen ground, and her mind fell into a daze.

She can't control her emotions. Kura's death awakened the beast that had been sleeping within her.

A dark red energy rose into the air. The gust of wind that came out was strong enough to sweep away all the surrounding dust . Her s

Wild gaze, hoping for justice, momentarily turned to the person who appeared to be the culprit.

On the other side of the aisle stood a thin young man wearing a school uniform. His cold, murderous gaze contrasted with the lowered veil of the moon. his short, thick black hair fell in thin strands over his face.

Belial's boiling emotions exploded. She saw the murder weapon held tightly in his hand.

Two dual pistols as dark as night. Despite its gloomy appearance , its bordering outline gave it some identification due to the almost symbolic nature of its gold color.

the author of this slaughter was a mere human being.

Her sour expression deepened. She had only one wish.

" To kill "

A huge cloud of smoke rose into the air due to her powerful steps. The distance between the two became closer in an instant.


on a fiery cracking sound The second gunshot rang out again, and Belial, who could not react, was pushed away and hit a shield.

Three bullets were promoted, and each course was given the natural attributes. Their trajectories were unremarkable and unpredictable, following their targets like guided missiles. Belial had difficulty avoiding them or anticipating the target hitting zone .

infrastructure collapsed one after another, causing enormous disturbance and lifeloss.

Belial jumped into the air, his arms took the form of a wrenched slaughtering scythe covered in dark energy.

'Dark Blade' a crescent-shaped energy wave exuding darkness rushes towards the moving bullets. As the clouds cleared from the sky, powerfully explosions echoed through the air.

"You… you bastard" Belial once again poured her dark blade waves at the assassin who had not bugled from his spot. '

"Destructive cannon." The man pointed the tip of his weapon in the direction of the Slayer blade . Light particles concentrated near the gun exit tips .

The strong assembling energy explodes with vertical momentum creating a significant explosion. The waves were so powerful that Belial crashed into a nearbywall.

"Kuh!.." He was powerful. She was sure of it. But one thing was certain: "the person in front of her is no ordinary human "

The negativity that comes from him is akin to madness. but… This too.

. " Who are you ?" The man seemed surprised by Belial's change in attitude. She chose verbal rather than physical communication.

"Seth.. Seth Grayard.." Honestly, I don't care about her at all. He said to himself. I'm only interested in Azure.

"Now if you are aware of the level that separates us. "Don't block my way"

"Ha?.." Did he think I was all in? I don't want to hurt that person. Her face is pretty... no wait...

"Why did you kill Kura?" She didn't think about it at first, but he was the second one who was able to recognize their presence.

"… "Your friend was in the way... my target was the kid in the back."

"Freya? .." She happened to hear her name from the shadow assassins.

What do you have with her? not only kura but the shadows whose ambushed them earlier were after her . She was intrigued. She suddenly remembered Kura's words before the shadow killers interruption.

Things like that happen, too...? Something were on her mind .

"you… "Belial frowned.

"That's right… " He was ecstatic, confident that Belial understood his intentions.

"You are a pervert." Her conclusion was different from the expectations of the young man who couldn't erase his stunned expression.

is she an idiot? He thought.

"Not at all... you're wrong... forget it. Considering your intelligence, I wasn't expect anything from you." Seth countered desperately.

"…What did you just say? Dickhead" Belial frowned greatly. Seth's words took a toll on her.

"Overall, you annoy me so I'm going to get rid of you." Seth aimed one of his cannons at Belial. But Belial was not afraid.

A smile appeared on her face. She turned backwards from the gun tips .

Did she relax?

. Belial's anger was strangely subdued, and she liked to make fun of Freya's lifeless body rather than confront seth.

. "..." Seth was irritated by the misbehavior she was pulling off.

He hated being ignored.


"I'll be careful if I were you ." When the pressure invaded the atmosphere, she alerted Seth who panicked as he tried to decipher the meaning of the message.

Behind Seth stood a shadow surrounded by darkness. The contrast of the moon combined with Seth's perception made him look like a monster of the abyss with blood-red eyes.

Seth was so surprised that he performed the escape skill [step—Back ] whose allowed him to instantly dodge based on body instinct .

"How did he..?»

He was confused and had difficulty explaining the situation before his eyes.

He should have died! Then why is that person alive? Did I miss his heart? No, we've reached it. Then how..? Seth deployed his two twin weapons one again and fired different bullets with different natural properties (water wind earth fire ice and light) but each was easily dodged by kura evasive skill.

"Tsk…" The fight was hardly lost. He knew it well. His cannon was aimed at Belial, who was standing near Freya's body.

A bullet came out and rushed towards Freya at full speed.


The bullet did not reach the target. Belial stopped it halfway with her bare hands.

"She stopped a ten's time enhanced bullet ? ..was she held on until now? "You are all nuisances. I will erase your existence.

He then aimed his revolvers at the extremities of his body and pointed each gun at one of his enemies.

"These bullets will be like no other. "I advise you to escape."

Seth declared before pulling the trigger, creating a series of ten sounds in the air.

About ten bullets fired from each cannon, and were rushing at full speed.

Despite the foggy crescent-shaped waves of destructive ram energy , the enhanced bullets annihilated the "blade of darkness" created by belial .

"...Black Shield"

Belial summoned the darkest shield around her and freya's lifeless body .

but Seth's bullet immediately nullified it . the shield of the mighty bloodlust thanatos who could evade any physical damages shattered in an instant.


All these attempts ended in failure. It 's too late . Belial narrowed her eyes to take as much of the blow as she could when her body suddenly transformed into a scythe.


She didn't expect that.

Kura transformed her into a weapon form without consent.

The darkest Scythe spun on its own at extremely high speeds, creating powerful gusts of wind and shock waves which noticeably slowed down the enhanced bullets.

Seth couldn't help but smile.

"I told you…it's not an ordinary bullets ." Suddenly, they gained momentum. They doubled their speed and bounced off Belial's metal surfaces as best they could across Belial's defenses.

Despite the continued power buff, the impact was reduced due to the influence of the wind. One bullet managed is way through Belial waves protection

"azur.." The bullet turned into Seth. It was a spell that changed his location to another with one object as a substitute.

[spatial movement]

"..Zero." His hand pushed Freya's empty body aside, leaving only the glyph cube on the ground.

The structure was strange. It had one eye that seemed to be watching the world and rough lines of smiling teeth.

Seth wanted to take it, but Kura stopped him.

"Get out of my way." Seth shouted bitterly.

"This artifact is dangerous . He will consume your life." Kura countered.

"Shut up! What do you know about it? And even if it came at the cost of my wish... my soul is fine."

Seth was desperate. Looking into his eyes, Kura couldn't understand what he was feeling. It was difficult for him to feel this oppressive emptiness because he never lost anyone.

But still, it was impossible for him to let Seth sacrifice himself.

"His name is Ars Goetia. It is an ancient beast that seeks to break his chain by devouring the souls of others..." Kura had a very sad expression, and what he realized while he was away from the physical world was the truth about the azure beast.

"Giving your soul will surely lead to the doom of the world. Do you think your friend will want to come back like this?"

His hanger was further emphasized when he heard Kura mention his dead "friend" by name.

"Takamiya Kura, shut up!" Seth was about to reach a breaking point and let his emotions run free.

As Belial observed tirelessly from afar, she did not see him as a real treat because she knew that his heart had good intentions .

His loneliness drove him to craziness because of pure love.

Belial looked down slightly with a despondent expression. She had a hell of a gap in her too, but that gap was filled by Kura présence .

She's no longer felt lonely.

"No one has the right to be damned alone." She muttered to herself.

"Seth... I'll be honest with you." Kura continued.

He was able to use his clone as bait to take out the guided missiles bullet launched earlier.

"...What makes you think I'll listen to you? I can always kill you and take off the artifact." Seth answered dryly, his mood dwindling slightly when he saw Belial's sad expression and the sigh she let out.

"That's right. I don't understand how you feel. I have never felt the sorrow of losing a loved one."

I came into the home of a welcoming family and lived well until I committed suicide for reasons unknown to me.

Distant memories constantly disturbed my mind. It's stealing my sleep at night.

Scenes of war, tears, and victory.

I felt each of these emotions. All the pain an individual experienced was passed on to me as if I was the one experiencing it myself.

"...Suicide?" Seth was slightly surprised by Kura's words. And yet he claimed to be living a good life?

"Why are you saying this to me?"

Why am I saying this to him? Kura asked himself. He only knew him for a few hours . He tried to kill him and that girl . So why? .

Seth was good and kind . his intelligent and open head. But none of that is .. the main raison kura told that to him was because..

—he wanted to befriend him .

"Lend me your strength. Together we can open the door to the fallen world and free the souls trapped by Lucifer." Kura countered. Deluding his personal purpose.

"Fallen world? Liberation of the soul..? "What are you talking about?" Seth asked.

The world of the fallen is the kingdom of Lucifer, the king of fallen angels.

Every soul that leaves the human world must cross the river of good and evil named the" sanzu river "to end up being judged for its greed . However, there are times when Lucifer skips the judgment step and uses the souls for his own personal pleasures.

"Lucifer is an evil being who played with the souls of my master and probably your friend." Belial answered.

" anna.." muted Seth wen his gaze crossed belial spot

"...Ah...what the hell are you doing?" Seth shocking performance rising Kura's reaction, as he leaned leftside to get a better view of the situation.



Belial unbuttoned Freya's bloody blouse and played with her breasts. They were far from average. Her G cups were bigger than hers, enough to annoy her .

"sluuty pervert," accused Seth.

"Shut up!" answered Belial.

"So, kid, will you join us? You may not be able to bring your friend back to life, but you will be able to witness and know what they thinks." she was dead serious but the way she fondled freya breast made her look as she was joking around .

"Who are you calling kid you damn woman ? Belial was nervous. Her fist tightly clenched on Freya's precious chest balls . The pressure was so great that it do feel like it would burst at any moment.

"..Physical abuse, you psycho."

"You were the one who shot her at the base... the assassin."

It was an unusual argument, but Belial seemed to be having fun.

He was happy to have met with him .

It was almost like the Wheel of fate.