
CIRCUS CODE — soul dive

kirishima2 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

chap 1: encounter

[presidential palace]

"So how's the investigation going? Did you find my daughter?" asked a man in a dictatorial voice, recalling powerful politicians or great business leaders.

"No, Mr. President, our agents are still patrolling the city ." Another, seemingly firmer voice replied

"A group of incompetent people. She stole our forty years of research results and tried every means to escape . do whatever it takes to find her otherwise you could cut your throat immediately.

The angry president suddenly hung up the phone

"What a bunch of incompetent, disgusting guys... *Shadow Killers*" The president's personal bodyguard.

According to world data's each of them has the power needed to overthrow an entire country. No target escapes their grasp. Stealthful and discreet, they are the most talented assassins in the knowing world.

"Bring me the Azure Zero..."

*What will we do once your daughter...Freya Wallenstein falls into our hands*? a shadow killer asked

"Kill her. The act of betrayal is punishable by death. As plain the family rule ." The president replied firmly, without a trace of remorse , he looked at the picture of freya wallenstein . His very own "daughter" with a gaze full of hatred.

The Shadow Killers disappear from the darkest room without making a sound, proving theirs evasion skills .

"Celeste...has sacrificed so much to obtain it, and I will not let anyone take it over to me, not even the devil himself.

He was a greedy man who somehow ascended to head of the country . Being the rightful owner of the box that contained the azure zero data " Galar—ad wallenstein was prepared to obtain it by any means. Even if killing is needed.

[ somewhere ! Far away from the palace castle . In a neighboring country . Two beings were walking under the sun massive heat . ]

"Hot! so hot! damn, can you tell me what we're doing here, Kura"? Belial was drowning on the drenched ground . She was sweating a lot . On the verge of being killed by the boasting Sun rays .

Kura was also walking alongside her . But he was not covered in sweat . The sun's stronghold Heather was not a threat to him .

" Well the first fragments lie somewhere in this town . We"ll have to find if we want to open the gate . "

"...Why not just open one of the dimensional portals like the one you used to leave the Abyss?—

she s was suffering a lot from heatstroke ,. even as an disembodied one the sun ray could still cleanly affect her .

— It's not that simple." answered kura .

" Unlike the other worlds such as the abyss or the spirit world which are all bound together as a spider thread—lines The underworld seems not to be partake on the structure.

"That's enough..." Belial howled, you can continue if you want, but ain't going anywhere without refreshing myself . She pointed a refreshing goodlooking shop with the tip of her finger

——"the store over there could surely have icy drinks and maybe potable water " without waiting for kura mind ,she barge on without any care — she had supposedly hit her limit or the sun melted her brain . That's what kura thought at first .

*Sigh…" Belial was very annoying. Kura felt depressed for her . Normal humans can't sense us . Did she forget about that fact ?

« how will you do that ? You don't have money and you're a spirit. »

"Oh... damn." Belial was shocked. She didn't know a clue about this world currency.

"If you want refreshments, I always have water..." —Kura reached into what seemed to be the void, a glowing circle formed in the empty space . Still yet no humans around do perceive the change in space or the crack hole on it that leads to an empty frozen space .

"Here..." Kura gently threw a bottle of water at Belial who catched it effortlessly .

"Dammit ..I'm tired of this shitty looking water. Where did you get it in the first place ? .

Belial was struggling to open the bottle tips . The plastic bottles résistance was getting on her nerves . She was being gazed off by kura. Witnessing her struggling to crack bottle tips was his revenge for her harsh words.

" Are you ignoring me ? Belial asked while still trying to open the bottle tips .

" Why is it that strong? Did you strengthen it on purpose? " the bottle kura gave her was not normal .

As if locked by a magical enchant . In a long struggling scene she didn't notice the shadow covering her face, and before she could even see what it was about , she was pushed backwards to the ground, her legs open widely showing her dressed undies to whoever wanted to see.

She was also wet . The white looking spurgly water which had ruined her clothes fell on the ground. If kura hadn't been there to witness the event itself he would have thought that belial did peeing herself or attained heaven while doing naughty stuff.

The body whose belial collided with was actually a girl. She didn't stop by to properly apologize but was still running as if she was being chased .

Belial didn't like that cunny attitude .but the running girl let out a shout from far away

"...next time I'll pay you for the clothes. Sorry .

" ah? Don't think you'll be off like that you bitch. Belial started to chase after her, leaving Kura behind without care in the world.

"Stop running, " she yelled.

" You stop chasing after me ." the girl answered . Despite the first long range reach within them . Belial was actually close to it. Thanks to her body in particular .

at that time kura who were following them from far away . The running scene was not balanced . For him . It was like a solitary hungry wolf deadly chasing a defenseless rabbit.

It's a dead end .

The girl takes the wrong path and finds herself in trouble. She doesn't want to show her superpower in fear of being isolated from society.

" No way, " she said, stunned . It's was a trap .

« you're quite fast with that fledgling body of yours miss.» Belial was already behind her. She took a step forward while the trapped girl stepped backwards. She was looking for an opening . Behind her was a cold dark wall around 7 meters up .

"Now let's get to it. How about and apologize for soaking me off? "? Belial asked sarcastically .

What she was really seeking was not an apology or new clothes but she was hoping that a girl who was able to see her spirit form could help her buy some refreshments. That was what she's thinking . Thought kura to himself.

"I don't have any money, but I will find a way to repay you..." The 15-year-old girl answered with her back cornered to the dark wall.

"Huh? No. I'm not letting you off that easily. " Belial is the type of girl who doesn't want to acknowledge things as they are . If she wants something she wouldn't ask it straight but with a crafting scheme .

" I don't have time, they are chasing me, they will get closer and if they put their hands on it, the world might be doomed ...* The girl shouted desperately. At that very moment Belial knew that she was serious . Her gaze was proof. But she chose to act brazenly.

"I have nothing to do with it ..." As soon as Belial almost finished her line, she was interrupted by Kura, who had just used the "transfer skill" to move .

"Wait a little Belial..."

Kura was a little skeptical at first, but now it was certain . this young girl.. her soul is being consumed by something .

"Being able to see and interact with Belial and me..."

" that box she's holding .." Kura was stunned . Her soul was being eaten away by that box she's holding tightly.

"Can you..."

"Found you"

Kura was interrupted by a group dressed in all black and fancy outfits up to theirs legs . Only their faces were exposed for visual cause .

"Shh... shadow... killer" the girl seemed terrified . Belial noticed that her confidence from earlier shattered as soon as theirs appared.

Belial narrowed her eyelids upward . She was in fact measuring the strength level of each of them.

"..." Kura was silent. The crowd around him wasn't much of a threat . Belial alone could best them easily.

"Freya Wallenstein, give us Zero azure! and accept your punishment." said the leader of the Shadow Killer organization.

"Azure Zero?...

"No, this is a power too powerful for humans and I would never give it to you, especially my father." Freya replied, tightening her grip on what looked like The body of a red glyphics cube.

"Who are you?" Belial asked

"No need for you to know. Since you're dead anyway." the leader replied confidently.

"Belia showed a playful smile."

Shadow killers instantly disappeared from sight .

They did not evaporate or become invisible. That was their stealth . a skill beyond invisibility that changes the surrounding perception . They can effortlessly hide their scent , heartbeat and their killing intent .

Belial was surprisingly calm. Despite their alarming speed broking the sound wall , she did not shed a drop of sweat. Her pupils kept looking in all directions , as if observing the movements of bugs jumping around .

She smiled... With a fierce and powerful step she cracked the ground and caught a shadow killer in his race.

« too slow » belial threw the shadow killer she caught so violently that he didn't have time to guard and pierced a hole through a wall.

He was unable to stand anymore. Belial blow was too strong for him .

"Hey...is this all you can do? Running around like bugs?" It was a cunny bait . She wanted more fun.

They felt for it…

"Son of..." Shadow killer's formation has been broken.

"Shadow wrapping". Kura recreated the stealth technique after witnessing it once . It was a well done replica.

The shadow killer's group captain was in awe. Their skills can't be mimicked; it's a unique skill passed through generations .

So how did he? . Without getting an answer, Kura blasted the head of the shadow killer's capitan on a nearby wall. The impact was so powerful that he instantly died on the spot .

"Team leader is down . What should we do?" say one of the remaining shadow killers .

" They are too strong for us . Let's at least retrieve azure field and escape with a transfer sheath" the two shadows aimed for freya life but was caught by belial who sent them crushing over the wall .

« ..and you call yourself a warrior? What a shame» said belial while cleaning her hand in a way that saying " I'm done whooping theirs ass" .

..The Shadow Killer was defeated. Freya was surprised. This was the first time that her father's secret bodyguard failed in an assassination mission.

She fell to her knees when she saw the color of Kura's soul. An androgens soul fused with half light half darkness .

« Who are you ..?» she asked kura when the bruises of the dejected weapon rose in the air.

Kura instinctively froze the world to stop the bullet aiming at him . But the bullet pierced through Kura's frozen world barrier along with his heart .

Freya was unlucky within the frozen world range area. She could not move . her sense of time had dulled. She could helplessly watch the bullet that pierced through Kura Heart creating a hole on her forehead before sticking on the wall behind .

The frozen world shattered and blood spurted out. Belial who was not affected by the frozen world, witnessed Kura's dead body lying on the ground .

Hi guys ! is me kirishima . Sorry for the sudden change of main script — I've decided to change circus code whole writing plot , cuz of my previous not sharp hand writing. so here we go , I'll do my best even if no one will even read this but I'm so hyped UWU.

kirishima2creators' thoughts