

I've always wondered why I'm born miserable. Being torn apart with the severe struggle of life. I was abandoned by my Mum at the age of eight, as she left to search for greener pastures to feed her daughter and herself. Loneliness has always been my watchword, not until I met Joanna, an orphan, who is very optimistic about life. She's my best friend, but we act like sisters. I always wish we were born as family. Working together at the same restaurant, living together in my apartment, having each others back and our love not dying away, gave me something to live for, Joanna and Mum. After being told my father has departed from the world and trying to battle with this loss, seven years later, I encounter what I consider as a life changing moment, a man considered as the dead,stood right in front of my doorstep. Rep Me Up High is a school for the rich, prestigious and popular. What happens when a poor girl like Hildagard Salome attends such a school. Binded by the presence of discrimination,hatred and loneliness, she encounters life changing circumstances that turns her life around. Crashing into the most handsome,richest, smart, brilliant and proud Brixan Pertel, things go around for the worst, something she never anticipated, but what if she finds love in the way, find out in CIRCUMSTANCES I FIND MYSELF

Daoist9SoFvi · Teen
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19 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Day 3 with the Pertels Part 2

I watched as he acted all nice with the girls. They were obviously flirting with him. His eyes were fixed on me. Noticing his diverted attention, they looked at his direction, trying to find his object of attention. I quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact with them.

" Jason, let's show me around. It should be considered as your personal tour from your one and only beautiful goddess, Shia" she twirled her hair.

They all walked out of the class. I wondered why they were all around him like he's a star.

I took my books from my locker and overheard some girls talking about him.

" Emm...who is he by the way?" I asked and they burst into laughter

" How won't you know Jason Ambridge?" one of them scoffed.

" Oh! We forgot. She's poor and unsocial" the other said.

" By the way, we'll tell you " she said" The first two person you should know when you arrive at Rep Me Up High is Brixan and Jason. They're hot as hell and not just that, their famous with the girls. Jason isn't new. He went to Washington DC to represent the school football team. Brixan was the one supposed to go but he fell sick. Next in command was Jason" she said

" You should have seen him before he left. He's more handsome than he was. Gosh, they strike terror to all girls heart " the other girl said.

" Oh!" I said

" By the way, Brixan and Jason are best of friends. They act like brothers" she said.

Just as they were talking, Jason walked in the hallway.

" Jason, man" Brixan said with his click behind him.

" Bro" Jason said with all excitement vivid. They hugged like real bros. I admired their friendship. It reminded me about Joanna and I. I smiled as I watched them.

" Come on. I'm supposed to be the first person to see you, not me searching for you, bro" Brixan said, very happy. I hadn't seen Brixan like this before.

" Come on, bro. You know how the girls are" he said and they burst into laughter.

" I missed our bro some" Jason said and Brixan smiled. His breath taking smile.

" Come on. I'll treat you to a good pizza" Brixan said and turned Jason around towards my direction. Among all the girls in the hallway, as soon as they set their eyes on me, they halted and stared intently at me. The girls looked confused when I turned around. They both weren't ready to take their eyes off me and I felt it was a burden on my side. What did I do to deserve this attention?

I walked with haste out of the hallway. They both turned around to look at me, leave. I was speechless.

I started my walk to my the Pertels mansion. I greeted the security guard and left to make my presence known to the Pertels.


I had finished washing the dishes when Brixan arrived home from school.

" Hey, Brixan" his elder brother said.

" Hey, bro" Brixan hugged him

" She attends your school and arrives home early. My brother doesn't get home early" he said

" You aren't my Mom, you know " he said" By the way, she's our maid. She needs to be home early before Mum slaps her again " he said. He took a glass of fruit juice and faced his brother.

" Jason came back today" he said

" Cool" his brother said with excitement.

I walked away, ignoring their conversation. I headed for my room when Nissa called me. " Hey, come over" she said. I walked towards her and she held my wrist and dragged me as we ran upstairs. Brixan and his brother watched us.

She walked into her room and I did so since she was holding me too. She locked the door behind us.

" Clean my room" she yelled and I looked at her, a bit surprised. She smiled at me and led me to her bed. " I did that to try and deceive them" she whispered and I smiled.

" So, tell me everything about you " she said

" Huh?" I said

" As from now on, we're going to be best friends " she clapped excited.