
Ciaran's love Hansel

When Hansel and Gretal find a witch while running to fight it, the dark witch casts one last spell sending them into a different world. They land in Boston outside the Dal. When they walk in, they see Ciaran singing and they start asking questions and soon find out they are not home.

GhostWriter1996 · Movies
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Second Night at Castel

Ciaran soon got back with them. Gretel hugged him. "Thanks for a great day," she said. Ciaran hugs before. "Anytime," he said. Hansel hugs and kisses him deeply, sliding his tongue into his mouth. Ciaran moans feeling it, and they kiss until his father comes out. Slytrax smiles. "Son, welcome home," he said. Hansel lowered Ciaran. He bowed. "Father," he said. Hansel turned and went inside. "Your mother tells me that you only have a few more months to find love," he said. Ciaran sighed, "Dad, I am not ready to rule. She doesn't understand," he said. Slytrax signs. "Son, I took over at your age," he said. "but your parents didn't push marriage," he said. Slytrax nods. "No, they didn't," he said. Ciaran saw his mom. "I am working on it," he said and rushed off to his room and locked the door, and slid down the door. "I have picked out his wife," Kenzi said. "Sweetie, he has to pick," Slytrax said. "He took too long, so I picked," she said. Ciaran swallows. He was shaking. There was a knock. "It's Hansel," he said. Ciaran opens the door. Hansel slides in and locks it behind him. "Your mom found you a wife," he said. "I don't want to marry a woman," he said. Hansel held him. "Let's get married," he said. "It saves you from her, and we can keep having amazing sex," he said. "It was good, wasn't it," he said. Hansel kisses him shoving his tongue in his mouth, and grabs his ass. Ciaran moans feeling it. "Okay, let's get married," he said. Hansel picks him up and lays him on the bed, kissing his neck. Hansel undoes Ciaran's pants, and he licks his lower stomach. Cirana swallows, watching him. "You deserve to be happy, Ciaran," Hansel said, lifting his legs and licking around his entrance. Cirana moans loudly. Hansel smirks. "It's still red a little from before," he said, pushing in two fingers. Ciaran moans gripping the sheets. "Fuck" he moans. Hansel smirks. "And you're super sensitive," he said, seeing precum already. Ciaran swallows breathing. There was a knock "Ciaran, your mom and I need to speak with you," Slytrax said. "Dad, please give me like an hour," he said. Hansel adds another finger. He moans loudly, not caring, and comes all over his chest. "Fuck" he said. Hansel pulls his fingers out and gets him a towel, and Ciaran cleans himself up and goes with his dad.