
Chuunibyou SAGA

Rikka Takanashi is an 18 year old 3rd year in highschool but unlike other students, Rikka, used to have chunibyo. 6 months ago Rikka gave up her chunibyo for a stonger relationship with Yuuta, but when Rikka is suddenly transported to a new world she must figure out if staying out of chunibyo is a smart option or will becoming Wicked Lord Shingan once again bring her back home? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After returning from Remnant, Rikka & Yuuta, decide to finally take a break from any type of powers, real or fake. When a strange girl with chunibyo shows up at Rikka's door she has to decide whether to help this girl return home or just let her delusions consume her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Rikka now stuck in another world she must find her way home with the help of Aqua, Darkness, team RWBY and an unexpected surprise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rikka and Yuuta have been living a peaceful life with thier newborn daughter, but peace doesn't last forever. When Ruby is almost killed Rikka tries to find her assassin only to be found by a group of spies who are ready to spyce up her life. Rikka Takanashi, Momochi Minamoto, and the rest of Tsukikage are out to find Ruby's assassin, and put an end to the bloodshed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rikka and Yuuta have been putting there lives on the line for the past 7 years, but now it's finally time to get back to what they planned. Getting married. Join Rikka Takanashi and Yuuta Togashi on their long journey of planning a wedding.

KisuraKasuda · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


What the hell? They need my help? Do they think I'm some kind of hero or something?

"Listen you have the wrong person." Maybe I can get them to leave me alone.

"Oh so the must be another Rikka Takanashi who used her once fake powers and saved the multiverse from destruction."

"That's enough Fu." Momochi looked at me, "Look I know it's a tall order to ask you to risk your life again, but we need a powerful ally like you or we may as well be digging our own graves."

It's not like I don't want to help it's that I'm scared that if I get attached one of them might get hurt or even die, and my powers are starting to fade.

"We know who tried to kill your friend."

"Goe we can't have her join for vengeance it's not what Tsukikage stands for." Momochi tried to explain. They know who tried to kill Ruby? No Rikka you can't join for your personal reasons. I look at Momochi.

"What kind of threat are we talking about?"

I open the door slowly trying to not make any noise. I feel dirty sneaking in like this, but I don't want Yuuta to worry about me. Yuuta flips on the lights in the kitchen.

"Rikka why are you sneaking in?" Crap.

"Heeeeeey Yuuta." Really Rikka?

"Where were you?" I need to say something.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord detected something in the-"

"I know you gave up your chunibyo Rikka, please just tell me what's going on." I let out a deep sigh.

"Ruby was almost killed."

"What!?" Yuuta's shock was expected.

"A week ago Ruby was shot in the head, but I brought her back to life and tried my best to find out who did it. I ran into some people who might be able to help."

"Are you sure you still wanna be part of this? You went through so much and if I lost you I don't know what I'd do." I smiled gently and kissed Yuuta.

"I have to."

"Then I'm coming with you."

"No, you have to watch over Ruby." Yuuta looked at me and nodded.

"Do you have to leave to night?"

"No why?"

Yuuta walked closer to me wrapping his arms around my back. I kissed Yuuta softly feeling the passion that has kept our love blooming for 7 years now. That night was filled with love and romance.

With the sun barely starting to rise I grab my clothes off the floor and throw them in the basket. Time to prepare for one of the single most important missions of my life. Yuuta looks at me kissing me one last time before I finish getting ready. After I finish getting ready I hear a knock on the door. Momochi's voice kind of muffled asked if I was there. The only thing I could think is, that's not really spy like.

"Come in." Momochi walks in closing the door behind her.

"So this is where you live huh?" Momochi looks around.

"Did you want any tea?" Yuuta politely asks.

"No thank you, Rikka and I will be leaving very soon."

"Speaking of which where exactly are we going?" This question has been going through my mind since yesterday.

"I am not aloud to discuss this in our current location." Right spies. At least something she says makes her sound like she's an actual spy.

"We should probably head out then huh?" I look over at my eye patch.

"Yes we should." I kiss Yuuta one last time before I don't see him for I don't even know how long.

"I love you Yuuta"

"I love you too Rikka" At that point we say our goodbyes and I take my leave with Momochi. Momochi looks at me after we get in the car.

"Thank you for doing this." She seems so sincere.

"You don't have to thank me I'm here to help anyone in need." Momochi smiles.

"Now onto our trip." Momochi pulls out a gun and shoots me in the shoulder.

"What the fu....." My vision starts to get blurry.

"I'm sorry to do this, but I have to with new people." The world around me goes dark as I fall into a deep sleep. Little did I know that when I woke up I would be in the base of Tsukikage.