
Chubby Love

Lumi Mitchell and Ren Kim met at a very young age and became best of friends until a tragedy comes to the Kim household causing them to drift apart. They later relight their flame in high school but once again fate has chosen them to be apart. Will they meet again in college and be able to seal the deal once and for all?

nvreverfindme · Urban
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15 Chs

Lumi’s Crush.

Jade came over the next day so Lumi could tell her all about her first date. Lumi and Jade sat in her bed as they went back and forth.

"So you guys are just friends? But he kissed you on the cheek." Jade said with a bright smile.

"I know I was so nervous when he leaned in. But it was a friendly kiss. I think he's a cool guy but nothing more."

"Darn so there was no romance?" Jade asked.


"How weird is it though that Ren was having dinner with your dad?"

Lumi's eyebrows scrunched at her friend. "I know right."

"I think he has feelings for you or something."

Lumi looked down and thought about what her friend had just said. Surely he didn't or did he?

"It's almost as if he was waiting for you to come back from your date. You said he had been texting you the day of not to go right?"

Lumi looked up at her friend again and frowned. "What is going on?" She moaned, making Jade laugh.

"Aww it's ok. Come here." Jade opened her arms to her friend who fell over into them. Jade hugged Lumi and giggled some more.

"Hey, do you have any leftover desserts?"

Lumi sat up and nodded and ran to the door. Jade followed.

At school the next week Freddy and Lumi grew closer. Freddy met with Lumi and Jade in the halls at school everyday to chat. He even texted her more frequently. They understood now that they were developing a good friendship and there were no romantic feelings involved.

Ren had tried tagging along a few times but was completely ignored by the trio. It was really upsetting to him. He noticed how much Lumi laughed at Freddy's stupid jokes which also angered him. While Lumi and Freddy's friendship began to bloom, Ren's emotions of jealousy and frustration matured into a full blown tree. He did not want Lumi to gain a new best friend with Freddy or any other guy. He was starting to understand his emotions now as he watched them all laugh together. He wanted her to only laugh so happily at his jokes and he wanted her to text him more. He wanted to be noticed everyday by her.

Later that day as Ren walked out of his last class he crossed paths with Jade. She smiled up at him and he began to walk towards the parking lot. Jade followed behind him until she reached his side. She had noticed how Ren had started coming around Lumi more often now and she felt like he wanted to be close with her again but didn't know how. She decided to test her theory.

"Hey, do you have a thing for Lumi by chance?" She asked curiously.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her with one arm holding his backpack over his shoulder. She smiled as she stopped too. Her brown eyes wide trying to pry an answer out from the stoic male. He looked away from her gaze and as his mouth opened she spoke over him.

"If you do, you should do something about it soon. Freddy and Lumi are getting along very well."

Jade pranced away with a smile on her face knowing what she had done. She made him confused and felt the pressure of possibly losing Lumi for good if she developed feelings for Freddy. However Jade knew that Freddy and Lumi were just friends and nothing more. Ren stood there pondering the words Jade left him with.

It was the day before the weekend and Lumi had brought a special treat with her to school to share with her friends. The night before she and her father spent a few hours coming up with a new dessert buns recipe and she wanted to get other's opinions on it. She looked for Jade in the crowded school halls but didn't see her. Instead she ran into Freddy first he of course greeted her with a giant smile.

Standing nearby was Chloe and a few of her cheer friends as well as some soccer players. Chloe smirked as she felt it was the moment she had been waiting for and tapped all her friend's arms to look over at Lumi who was cheerfully approaching Freddy with a dessert box. Chloe was familiar with the box remembering Lumi carrying them back in their middle school days. She used to bring them to school to share with Ren and his friends. Chloe scowled at the memory of his smile towards Lumi everytime he received a dessert from her.

"Hi Freddy!" Lumi said with a bright smile on her face. She welcomed Freddy's presence now that she got the chance to get to know him more.

"Lume!" He called back.

"I made some dessert buns for you and Jade. Want to try one?" She asked, holding the box up in front of him.

"Oh yeah thanks. I can't wait to try them." Freddy said while placing a hand on his stomach.

Chloe's eyes widened when she realized this was not a confession like she thought it would be. Instead she noticed that the two had become friends which really pissed her off. She couldn't believe there was anything likable about Lumi that even won over Freddy. It seemed to Chloe that Freddy was no longer taking part of their initial plans to embarrass Lumi with a public rejection of feelings. So she took matters into her own hands.

"Aww did you make those for Freddy? How cute, she has a crush." Chloe chimed in.

The whole group beside her chuckled. This made others in the hallway stop to listen. Lumi and Freddy looked over at Chloe. Lumi was confused as to what was happening.

"You win Freddy. I didn't think you could make her fall for you so easily. Congrats." Chloe said while clapping.

Everyone laughed more. Lumi turned to look at Freddy and squinted her eyes. What is Chloe going on about? She wanted to ask him.

"It's not like that. I don't like Lumi like that…we're just friends" Freddy tried to de-escalate the situation. Once the words came out though he realized they weren't helping the situation.

The laughter came tumbling in and Lumi was at a loss for words as she lowered her head. She just wanted to run out of there but the crowd around her was so thick. Her face was starting to grow red from the attention.

When Freddy was about to say something to Lumi, Ren slowly pushed through the crowd to stand next to her. Everyone turned their gaze to Ren now as the laughter slowly started to die.

"Lumi, will you go out with me?" He asked.

Lumi slowly turned her head up to meet Ren's dark gaze. Her jaw dropped. Did he just? You could hear the gasps and whispers now flowing in. Chloe nearly screamed. If Lumi wasn't already red before she was completely flushed now.

Thanks for sticking with this story if you've made it this far! I really appreciate it. I hope you continue to enjoy this story.

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