
Chrysalis: Destiny Foiled

Akari (previously known as Erika) is a skilled cybernetic warrior who has lived many lives. But in her current incarnation, she has lost her memories of her past selves and her loved ones. That is, until one day, after the Sky City's greatest catastrophe, a vivid dream takes her back to the old ruins of Japan, where she remembers her true identity and her mission. She was once a bushi, a samurai warrior, who made a solemn oath to protect her younger brother, Genichiro, with her life. However, during a fierce battle against a rival clan and the inevitable constructs of time itself, She was separated from Genichiro and was taken into the military's custody to be part of the Project Chrysalis. As she awakened from a long dream that her system has prevented her from waking up, she was devastated by her loss, she left what was left of Sky City and became a wandering swordswoman, hoping to find the meaning in her life. As Akari travels through the treacherous landscapes and to the old ruins of feudal Japan, she confronts her own demons and battles her way through numerous obstacles. With her sword skills and her unwavering determination, she fights her way to the ruins to find Genichiro as she soon learns that he is the Ascended Shogun driven with madness that was fueled by his dreams and instincts to eliminate Akari as she became a threat to Genichiro's pure ascension. Driven by her oath and her love for her brother, she sets out on a perilous journey to wake him from his dream, even though it means facing him, and defying destiny herself. "Chrysalis: Destiny Foiled" is a post-apocalyptic tale, enunciating loyalty, love, and the driving power of the human spirit to defy against destiny, set against the backdrop of the ruins of the old Japan.

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8 Chs

Upon The Waking Birch, It Laid Rest

As the the television screen flickered to life, a display of a sleek and high-tech lab was shown. The heavy metal doors of the lab slid open with a hydraulic hiss, the futuristic, high-tech facility comes into view. It is a stark contrast to traditional laboratories, as it is designed to house the creation and modification of cyborgs, beings that are part-human, part-machine. Gradually, the sounds of the robotic arms and advanced machinery intensified.

The camera slowly panned left and right, showing the massive space of the laboratory that is dimly lit with blue and purple neon lights, and the walls are adorned with monitors displaying complex algorithms and codes. It was accompanied with a deep and authoritative voice, that seems to be narrating for an advertisement.

"Welcome to the future of human enhancement. Introducing, Project Chrysalis! Made by the partnership of both the leading providers of advanced cyborg technology for the 120th century and beyond, Dimetrium Incorporation and Millard Robotics!"

The lab was bustling with activity as a team of engineers and scientists worked tirelessly on prototype cyborgs. With bionic limbs, enhanced senses and other advanced features, the cyborgs developed were once thought to be the stuff of science fiction. But now, they were a reality.

"We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Our team is constantly working to develop new technologies and cyborgs that are faster, stronger, and more capable than anything that has come before!"

The camera zoomed in on a cyborg undergoing testing. It stood an imposing figure with Its eyes gleaming with a cold, metallic sheen, betraying the advanced technology that lay beneath the surface. Its bionic limbs hummed with a low, steady vibration, as if ready to spring into action at any moment.

The cyborg's skin was a patchwork of metal and flesh, melded together seamlessly to create a form that was both fearsome and beautiful. Its movements were fluid, precise, as if guided by some unseen force.

It became clear just how advanced these creations truly were. With lightning-fast reflexes and incredible strength, the cyborg moved with a precision and fluidity that was almost otherworldly.

"It was no wonder that individuals and organizations including the military around the world trusted this project to enhance their abilities and overcome physical limitations. The cyborgs we make are more than just machines - they were the future of human enhancement!"

As the camera panned back to the lab, a futuristic logo appeared on screen, displaying the symbol a butterfly. It deemed to represent the cutting-edge technology that the companies in partner had become known for.

The narrator's voice filled the air once more, reminding the viewers that if they wanted to be on the cutting edge of human enhancement, there was no better choice than choosing their company. It ends with a classical song that is slow, and having languid tempo, with each note lingering in the air like a lover's sigh.

As the sound slowly dissipates, muffled explosions can be heard and constant weak vibrations moved the television from its place.

Suddenly, with a soft hiss, the television screen shut off, plunging the room into darkness. As the light faded, the true nature of the space that the clunky television sat to was revealed. It was a small room, cramped and cluttered, with barely enough space to stand. The valves outside made a steady and persistent hissing noise that was accompanied by the constant quaking and was sooner replaced with the echoing of what seems to be footsteps, growing louder with each passing moment. It was clear that whoever was approaching is moving with a sense of urgency that suggested something was very wrong.

As the footsteps drew closer, the door to the room suddenly swung open, revealing a figure sprawled on the floor, crashing into the television set, and made a loud thud. It was a short-haired female cyborg, battered and bruised.

Smoke pouring out of the crevices in her metal exterior. Her body was badly damaged, with pieces of metal and wires scattered all around her. Smoke billowed out from her circuits, making it clear that there had been some kind of short circuit or malfunction. A few seconds passing by, another set of slow and heavy footsteps could be heard.

The metal door swung open once again, revealing another cyborg, this one with a huge stature. Like the first cyborg, its massive frame was covered with dents and scratches, marring his metal exterior. The armor plating on his arms and chest was dented and scratched, but he stood tall like it was nothing to him.

"Eis," her eyes weak and fixed at the massive cyborg.

"My program prevents me to leave one hundred kilometers away." the cyborg's voice-- a mixture of metallic tones and strained static, as if it was struggling to produce sound from its damaged vocal cords.

"You won't survive!" she screams with a sad tone in her voice,

"Arming the 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘺 ETA, two minutes and fifty-nine seconds"

"Coordinates confirmed, redirecting 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘺 to your position in ETA two minutes and fifty-nine seconds."

"Are you even listening to me?!" She struggles to stand up because her legs will not cooperate with her system's commands. She tries to stop him but to no avail.

"Why are you so adamant?" she cries,

"I am incapable of displaying such qualities. It is my directive and duty to keep Aether safe from any forms and possibilities of destruction. "

"Then, let me die along with you!"

Listening to the female cyborg's confession, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

"You can't,"

In all of a sudden, the tiny radio attached on both of their necks crackled to life once again. The voice coming out of it was thick with emotion. As the announcer spoke, his words heavy with a sense of impending doom.

"This is an urgent message from the Zero-One Council. All citizens must evacuate and seek shelter in the surface immediately! Code 𝘔𝘢𝘱𝘭𝘦 initiated, I repeat, Code 𝘔𝘢𝘱𝘭𝘦 initiated. 𝘌𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 will be activated in ETA five minutes."

"𝘔𝘢𝘱𝘭𝘦 is in the control room! I repeat, she is in the control room!"

The sound of hurried footsteps echoing through the hallway outside grew louder and louder, until it was accompanied by the panicked cries of the personnel. They could hear the mechanical doors slamming shut and locks being bolted in a desperate attempt to keep whatever was outside at bay.

"Stay here!" The words he spoke came out in a raspy whisper, that seemed comforting.

She couldn't do anything but listening intently to the sounds of his friend's footsteps as he marched out into the chaos beyond. The door slammed shut, and the world outside erupted into a symphony of gunfire and explosions.

"Eisen!" She screamed calling out the cyborg's name and was interrupted by the muffled cries and grunts of struggle, the sharp pops of gunfire, explosions, and the faint whirring of machines clashing with each other in the distance.

"Live on, Erika" were the words that echoed through her ears from the radio as his friend's final message.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. She felt powerless in the face of such overwhelming circumstances, unable to do anything to save the one she held so dear. She could only sit and watch from behind the door as her friend slipped away, her life slipping through her fingers like sand.

"𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘺 redirection confirmed! Firing the beam in three, two, one..."


A blinding light shone through the walls of the facility, engulfing everything in sight. It was as if a massive beam of energy had pierced through the building and covered everything in a bright white glow.

Akari's eyes were wide open as she comes back to her senses. It took a few moments for her to recognize the bloody situation around her. She stares at the blade in her hand and suddenly felt a sense of calm wash over her.

But then, just as suddenly, her strength starts to wane and her legs give way beneath her. Her vision gets blurry and just as she thought she would fall, a woman dressed in a dark 𝘺𝘶𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘢 with elegant, white, and intricate designs over it caught her. It is an amazing feat that she could still recognize the details of her clothes as if the blurriness of her vision held no effect to her. But what struck her the most and made her breath caught in her throat was the beauty of the woman.

Her face was breathtakingly beautiful, with striking features and piercing eyes. Akari gazed upon the woman, and was struck by her beauty, like she was a goddess herself. She couldn't mutter words that would describe how beautiful the woman was.

The woman held Akari steady and spoke in a soft voice, "You fought well, but you need to rest now." said the woman with a kind smile on her face.

Akari felt a sudden ease in her chest as the woman's words washed over her. She let out a deep breath and allowed herself to relax in the woman's embrace.

They were abruptly disrupted by the sound of creaking doors and shuffling footsteps as the townspeople poured out of their homes after their fears have been dissipated.

At the distance, a familiar sound of hooves and the neighing of horses soon followed. As the sound grew closer, the townsfolk hurriedly tried to make themselves scarce. They closed their doors and windows again, peering out from behind closed curtains to catch a glimpse of the approaching army. The pounding of hooves grew louder, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet.

"The lord's army, we must not stay here for too long!"

She helped Akari up quickly and the woman kept a watchful eye on the army's movements, avoiding their attention. After a few minutes of carefully striding, they reached a small teahouse that the woman claimed she managed.

It just stood quietly in the shadows of the night and in the midst of a lush, verdant garden. Lanterns hung from the eaves, casting a warm light that flickered like fireflies in the night that guided their way to the tea house's entrance.

As Akari steps into the tea house, she is greeted by the sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms and the calming sound of a trickling stream. The sound of the wooden door shutting behind her echoed throughout the space. It felt like a sense of serenity washed over her. The walls are adorned with what seems to be their culture's artworks, and the natural light streaming in from the paper screens creates a peaceful atmosphere.

The mat that seems to be made out of grass and having a smooth surface, cushioned her steps as she walks aimlessly, admiring the beautiful place.


The woman peeks out behind the curtain from a small room decorated with intricate art designs, hanging right next to the entrance, and several sculpted statues of bald men seated on a small wooden patio. Their legs were crossed and hands resting peacefully on their laps. The expression on their faces was one of tranquility and contentment, as if they had achieved a state of enlightenment that transcended worldly worries.

Akari proceeded to the woman and she was directed to the tea house's sitting area, where a low table awaits with a pot of steaming green tea and delicate porcelain cups. She sits down on the mat, crosses her legs, and couldn't help but admire the raveled designs of the room.

She had a feeling that she once had been in this kind of room before but couldn't entirely remember. A vivid memory flashed before her eyes. She saw herself as a child, along with her brother, playing on a similar mat. They laughed and giggled as they played their favorite games, completely immersed in their own little world.

The memory was short-lived when the woman appears out of the concealed room, half the room that they were sitting in, and brought over several cups of tea.

"Have a sip!" the woman beamed a smile at Akari

She takes the cup of hot tea and as she was about to open her mouth, she notices the color of the liquid that is purple. Although the scent is seemingly good to her olfactory senses, her visual judgement told her that something is wrong with the drink.

The woman sat in front of the table, opposite to Akari. She takes a cup of tea and slowly takes a sip. Steam rises gently and swirls around their face, carrying with it the fragrant aroma of the tea. She notices Akari staring at the tea.

"Is something the matter?" she asks,

"N-Nothing..." she mumbled which made her thought clear and obvious to the woman.

"Feel free to put the thing down if you're somehow bothered by it," her words minced with a little bit of a chuckling sound.

"It's okay, I owe you one," She hesitated for a moment.

In a world where cyborgs were commonplace, She was different. She had lost all of her body except for her biological brain, which had been placed inside a robotic shell. She felt more like a machine than a person most of her current and old days, but there were times when she longed for the taste of something other than synthetic nutrients. During her time at the military, she watched as people sipped from delicate cups and savored the flavors of the brews. She wanted to try it too, but her programming told her it was too risky. What if the tea contained something that could harm her delicate circuitry, and on top of that, its color that probably signifies toxcicity?

Nevertheless, she was saved by this woman, and how could she refuse such a courtesy? She took the cup and cautiously sipped the tea. To her surprise, the purple liquid was warm and comforting, and she felt a surge of energy rush through her circuits. She realized that she was feeling more awake and alive than ever before.

"Core energy stabilized," prompted her system.

"It's delicious," She said, amazed.

The woman smiled, "It's a special blend that revitalizes one's soul and mind,"

The woman puts down the tea and faces Akari with her hands clasped under chin.

"There was a tale of a great man who never had once felt tired in his approach to peace and fulfillment. Day and night, he meditated, ignoring the dying world around him, as he thought that only by himself, he could free from the restraints of this world and reach enlightenment. But his mortal body proved to be unfledged for the upbringings,"

The woman plucked a small leaf from a potted plant just beside her.

"He made a sacrifice, and plucked off the veil in his eyes that hindered him along the path of his enlightenment. He plucked, and plucked, until there was nothing left. Eventually, the veil grew into a tree. The tree offered him spiritual vigor that kept him awake, drawing him closer to ascension and enlightenment, and keeping him away from the the world's seductive nightmares,"

She takes a sip of tea.

"Also, mixing it with the healthy waters of Sumire proves it very beneficial too for one's physical health."

"I guess so?" Akari bats a smile and takes another sip.

She couldn't help but to feel grateful for the woman's courtesy but she was also curious. Why had she risked his own safety to help her, a stranger she didn't even know? Her only resolution to that is she only acted out of common courtesy but still, she can't shake off the feeling, that something is more to it than just courtesy alone.

"Fate somehow brought you into this place,"

"How can you say so?"

"There's something in your eyes, that reveals a longing in your soul, as if you're searching for a missing piece of yourself,"

Akari lets out a sigh,

"I am looking for my brother," Akari said truthfully.

"Is that so?" she takes a sip of the tea.

"We were separated for a very very long time,"

"If it's already a very long time, how can you be so sure that he's still here?"

Akari's eyebrow furrowed, her eyes droopy. She finished drinking the cup of tea while bottling up her emotions.

"I don't know..." her words mixed with heavy emotions.

The last time he had seen her brother was when there were still no Aether, and no Zenos. It was just purely a normal life back then. Though her memories proved hard to recollect, the feeling of it is still lingering inside of her. Making her very emotional just by trying to remember it.

"I didn't mean to let you feel discouraged. If your heart and soul are in agreement, then trust in yourself and take the first step. Each step taken with conviction brings you closer to your destiny. However, to truly move forward, one must be willing to let go of the past and all that no longer serves them. Only then can we fully embrace the journey ahead"

"... thou art already that which thou seek," the woman thinks to herself.

"Thank you," replied Akari.

Both of them had been catching up for hours, lost in their conversation and the comfortability of each other's company.

The woman approached Akari with a gentle grace. As she speaks, her voice was like a soothing balm, and she was not just soft-spoken, but wise beyond measure. Her words took on a life of their own, weaving a tapestry of knowledge and understanding, and her understanding of the world was profound. The whole conversation with her is nothing short of extraordinary.

And as their conversation almost reached its end, they both fell into a comfortable silence, sipping their tea and watching the morning twilight set. Akari was lost in her own thoughts, reflecting on the conversation they just had. It wasn't until a sudden shaft of light hit her face from out of the window beside her and realized how much time had passed.

"I apologize, but I can't stay here no longer," she stood up in urgency.

"All is well. I also enjoyed your company, and might as well come by again whenever you feel like it, I am always here in open arms!" the woman chuckled.

"A long journey awaits for me ahead, but I will try! Also, I never got to know your name."

"It's Nagumo,"

"Akari," she replied with a smile. "It has been a pleasure to be in your care, Lady Nagumo"

"The pleasure is mine," Nagumo returns a smile.

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before parting ways, feeling grateful for the unexpected connection they had shared over their tea.

"May you find yourself free from the clutches of nightmare that you are about to dive in, 𝘏𝘪𝘮𝘦-𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘢..."