
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

You Are Not Saiyans

"It's been three weeks of tracking Bagar, and we still haven't found our target" Zuki protested piloting their ship.

"It's not like I'm sitting down here doing nothing. Calibrating a device to pick up the energy signature of a legendary Saiyan is a pretty daunting task and even harder because we don't know where he or she lives" Bagar explained sitting down on a desk screwing a nut into a device in his hand.

"Spare me the lecture and get it working. I've been itching for years to rule this universe" Zuki said not interested in his explanation.

"But there is another way we can find him" Bagar suggested.

"What other way?"

"We could change the scanners target from the energy signature of a legendary Saiyan, to that of a regular Saiyan and hope that he is with any we find"

"Decent plan. It's worth a try" Zuki said.

"Just give me a minute" Bagar said.

He pulled out some wires throwing them to the ground, he brought out a holographic keyboard and monitor from his desk and connected the scanner to the desk. After tapping and reconfiguring the device for five minutes, it was finally ready.

"Alright Zuki. It's ready"

"Well, what are you waiting for, fire it up"

Bagar switched his device with the push of a button and the scanner came online with a steady beeping sound.

"It works"

Red dots began to appear on the scanners screen in three clusters with all of them being quite a distance from one another.

"Just like we predicted, the Saiyans have been scattered across the universe and reduced to nothing, but galactic refugees" Bagar stated.

"Not surprised that one of your predictions came true" Bagar said.

"If only they weren't so brash and aggressive. They could've ruled this universe and one might have even become a destroyer" Zuki said.

"Now let's see where they are hiding" Bagar said placing his scanner on his desk and pressing another button.

By pushing that button, the display of the scanner increased spanning ten feet wide with detail representation of the planets around them and beyond. Each cluster showed their distance and how many were present.

"It seems we only have fourteen regular Saiyans left in this half of our universe" Bagar said.


"Yes, in this half. The scanner is limited to only half of our universe but if we scan the other half, there might be more" Bagar explained.

"Oh, I see"

"So, where do we go?" Bagar asked.

Zuki turned around and looked at the map seeing the cluster of two the closest to them being just twenty solar systems away.

"Let's go meet those two" Zuki suggested.

"If you wish. Set course for planet Verm"

On Planet Vermin, Raza and Rixxa stood in a market with open stalls as Rixxa tried to buy new clothes. Unlike the Saiyans that didn't change one bit, Raza and Rixxa had grown and changed physically. They were bigger and more muscular than two years ago.

"I told you, i want a red jacket, not a blue one" Rixxa said arguing with the stall owner. The owner was female.

The Vermians were humanoid but with reddish skin and brown markings on their body.

"I told you; we could just swing by Earth and get better clothes; these guys are useless to us" Raza whispered into her ear.

"And you know Earth is so far away that's why I chose on buying new clothes here" Rixxa answered arguing with the Vermian.

"This is going to take forever" Raza lamented shaking his head.

As the two argued, Raza saw a ship coming. He noticed that it looked like a Freiza fighter that they had grown accustomed to seeing over the past two years. He tugged Rixxa's shirt.

"What is it now big bro?" she said getting annoyed at him.

"Frieza fighter, nine o' clock" Raza said.

Rixxa immediately glanced to her left and saw the ship about to touch down on the desert terrain of the planet.

"Let's hope they came in peace" Raza said.

"I highly doubt that"

Rixxa and Raza watched the hatch of the ship closely to see who comes out. They were expecting Frieza fighters but what they saw was something out of their minds. Bagar and Zuki stepped out shocking the two siblings.


"Saiyans" Rixxa said.

Zuki was of stubby stature with very detailed muscles thanks to years of building and homing his skills. He wore leather looking clothes with a red diamond crest on his chest and red strokes on top of his chest near the collar bone. Three red strokes on each side defined his torso muscles and his top was held to his pants by red cloth wrapped around his waist. We bore black bottoms and black boots to match; his shirt went down to the back of his calf splitting into two but not the front. The bottom was outlined in red, and the inside of the shirt was colored red. His hair was spiky and straight up with long wild bangs with five smaller bangs dangling around his forehead.

Bagar was bigger than him with larger muscles, he wore grey gloves with gold outlining the edges, the gloves stretched out close to his elbows. He had long hair that reached down to his bum and two bangs dangling in front of him, one big one and the other was little. He wore a black T-shirt underneath as it was covered by a grey Gi, the front of it had a red line embroidery with two red buttons close to it. He had red cloth wrapped around his waist just like Zuki and had the front of the Gi drip down to his knees marked with the embroidery down the edge with gold outlining the bottom. Gold also outlined the bottom of the shirt which rested on his grey pants, His boots were majorly grey with a golden design above his ankles and shin, a red front and bandages wrapping his ankles.

"They look like business" Rixxa remarked.

"Serious business" Raza said.

Bagar looked down on his scanner and saw the two red dots not far from their position.

"Come Zuki, the two we seek are not far from us" Bagar said.

"Alright sis, they're not dressed like Frieza fighters so let's hope they're not looking for us. Just go back to having your argument with the stand owner"

"Got it bro, act natural"

Rixxa went back to her argument as Raza watched the two following the scanner.

"Death com one" Raza said as the two neared.

"Oh shit, here they come" Rixxa said seeing them get closer.

"Act normal sis" Raza said as the two stood behind them.

Zuki stretched out his arm and tapped Raza, Raza gulped as he and Rixxa turned around slowly.

"Are you sure this is them?" Zuki questioned.

"Affirmative" Bagar answered.

"Well, they don't look like Saiyans to me"

"But they do have Saiyan energy readings"

"Tell me are you some type of Saiyan hybrid with some other alien?" Zuki asked.

"No, we are a bit more complicated than that" Raza said.

"Please, enlighten us" Bagar said.

"Let's just say we borrowed a few parts from your buddies" Rixxa said.

Raza face palmed himself at the words of his sister.

"What have you done Rixxa" Raza said.

"You told me to act natural" she said.

"I said natural not stupid" Raza said with annoyance.

"What....did...you do....to our kind?" Zuki said breathing heavily.

"Nothing actually" Raza said.

"Then how did you get Saiyan blood running through your veins?!" Bagar demanded.

"Well, you see there was this idiot called Frieza who experimented on us using Saiyan parts and-"

Whack! Zuki backhanded Raza sending him through fifteen stalls.

"You LIE! You killed our brothers and harnessed their power. You two shall die!" he declared.

"We're serious, if you ask our-"

Rixxa was then kicked in the stomach, the pain made her drop her bags on the floor as she went through twenty stalls this time around.

"Zuki, you do realize their story might be helpful to us" Bagar reasoned.

"I do not want to hear another word from those imposters. They must die!" he grunted.

"As you wish" Bagar said giving up on trying to talk him out of a fight.

Raza and Rixxa stood up from their positions on the ground still feeling the pain inflicted on them.

"My body hurts so bad" Rixxa whined.

"I don't think any of our Saiyan pals have ever hit us this hard" Raza said groaning as he tried to get up.

"Then these guys must be on a whole other level"

The two managed to get up already bruised, as people ran for their lives, Zuki walked through the crowd of moving people slapping a Vermian man that ran to close to him snapping his neck and removing his head.

"Oh God" Raza remarked. "Base forms wouldn't cut it. Let's step it up"

"You read my mind big bro"

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.............................!!!!!!!!!!!!" The two cried lifting up their arms and raising their heads to the sky.

"Oh? What is this?" Zuki said.

"Have they mastered how to harness Saiyan power?" Bagar asked himself.

They were covered in a golden aura as their eyes went emerald and their respective hairstyles in that of Super Saiyan.

"You look the same, but I feel the power of a Super Saiyan. How truly fascinating" Bagar said.

"They just make better punching bags" Zuki added.

"Now the real fight starts" Rixxa said.

"Bring it" Zuki taunted with a wild smile.

The two flew at Zuki as they prepared to engage in combat.