
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Oh No Rixxa!

Rixxa and Toma met up and searched around for another fight while Gohan and Raza had stumbled upon something else. They had stumbled on the fight between Dr. Rota vs Harmira and Prum, they watched from behind some rocks as a blue beam of energy shot out from the blue and hit the rock Dr. Rota stood on narrowly missing.

"What was that?" Raza said shocked.

"It seems we have a sharp shooter on our hands" Gohan said.

"Indeed but where could he be shooting from?" Raza asked.

"Well let's find out" Gohan said picking up a stone. "I'll throw this and hopefully our sharp shooter blasts it while you watch from where the shot comes from" Gohan instructed.

"Okay I got it" Raza affirmed.

"Well here goes" Gohan said throwing the rock with Raza's eyes darting from the left to the right.

Gohan threw the stone and just as he had hoped, their sharp shooter blasted the stone and Raza got his position.

"I got it" Raza said.

"Where is he?"

"He's straight ahead" Raza said.

"If we are quick enough we should be able to get him. I'll create a distraction and you try and sneak up on him" Gohan said.

"Understood" the blonde replied.

Gohan darted forward catching the attention of the shooter as he prepared to fire the noticed Raza running from the right trying to sneak up on him, he then shot at an orb which deflected a blast to another orb and then to another before coming up on Raza from the right. It was just luck that was on his side that he misplaced his step and stumbled to the ground with the beam just cutting him in his right upper arm tearing his sleeve.

"Shit" Raza yelled getting hit by the beam as it drew blood.

Gohan witnessed this and took cover behind a rock just like Raza.

"What just happened, I thought you said he was straight ahead?" Gohan said.

"I'm sure of it, the beam came from the north" Raza responded.

"So how did a beam come from the side?" Gohan inquired.

"Maybe we're dealing with multiple shooters or-" Raza then spotted on of the orbs floating up ahead.

"What is that?" he said pointing at an orb floating.

"I don't know but I have a feeling its connected to this shooter" said Gohan. "But how are we going to get it? The shooter can clearly see us" he added.

"Don't worry, I think there might be something in my arsenal that can take care of that" Raza said with confidence.

We was going to use Zig Zag Zoom to make his movements unpredictable buying him enough time to snatch the orb and take cover. Raza ran with his eyes set on the orb like a flint, their sharpshooter named Prum saw him and decided to fire, or should I say he was shot by Harmira, he shot at one of his orbs and then his blast got reflected towards Raza's position, the human saw it coming and then initiated his plan moving in a zig zag manner dodging the beam.

"What?" Prum said.

Harmira shot at him again and them he released it to another orb, but Raza dodged it before leaping and doing a front flip as he snatched it out of the air.

"I got it" he said waving the orb to Gohan.

"Get out of there Raza" Gohan said.

Raza nodded and made his way back to Gohan with the last beam landing next to him lifting him off the ground as he landed on his bum next to Gohan.

"Nice work Raza" Gohan complimented him.

"Thanks" he answered being pulled up by his partner.

"From how things look, it seems the path of his beams are being changed or redirected by those orbs" Raza said.

"It seems so" Gohan said. "That means it would be far moving forward or to the side as he has the visual advantage, and we can't tell how far spread these orbs are"

With loud explosions, Goku and Vegeta made their way forward searching for another battle when they were spotted by Prum and once again he signaled for Harmira shoot him and then he directed the beam towards the two Saiyans cutting Vegeta on the cheek and instinctively the two new to drop to the ground for cover. Prum then got shot again and this time he released multiple beams hitting various orbs in different locations and then directed them to the ground as he began to move them in different directions to hit his targets. This certainly caught the eye of Rixxa and Toma who moved to their position with Zetari spotting it as well and moved in after wondering around looking for a match. Goku and Vegeta spotted the origin of the beams and decided to advance towards it charging up for a beam attack with Vegeta going with his Galick Gun and Goku rolling with a Kamehameha. They got close enough and fired at them with the two beams heading towards Prum who jumped off his rack avoiding the blast that would have eliminated him for sure and somehow survived it even though the explosion destroyed some of the surrounding rocks. Prum then landed on the top of another rock with Vegeta and Goku spotting him just as Zetari arrived. Vegeta then used Galick Gun on him again unaware of his abilities as Prum absorbed it and shot it back at Vegeta and Goku, they both Jumped to the side dodging the blast with Zetari moving behind a rock for cover. Harmira then shot at Prum who shot, and it landed right in front of the two as they hopped back to avoid the beam.

"I guess blast attacks won't work on him" Zetari said from behind the two.

Goku and Vegeta turned to him then turned back to their opponent.

"Then I guess we have to try a different approach" Vegeta said.

On the other side Raza and Gohan were still looking for how to combat this foe when Rixxa and Toma arrived.

"Seems you guys have run yourselves into a pickle" Rixxa said.

"Rixxa, Toma what are you guys doing here?" Gohan asked.

"We saw the light show and decided to investigate it. I just knew it had to involve fighters from our universe" Toma said.

"Well, the target man over there has the ability to deflect beams of energy directly at his opponent or change their directions through these orbs" Gohan said pointing to the orb in Raza's possession.

"Then that means there must be someone shooting at him and without that person, he is useless" Rixxa reasoned.

"In theory that is" Raza added.

"Don't worry leave it to me, I got this" Rixxa said.

"What do you have?" Raza asked.

"Well by hardening my skin to the strength of diamond, I should be able to deflect the beams due to their speed or at least reduce the damage incurred by half" Rixxa stated. "I call the move Iron Hand" she said raising her fist.

"That's pretty impressive" Gohan said with Toma nodding in agreement.

"But the only downside is the ki drain so after this I might be out of action for a while, and I cannot use it in tandem with any other transformation or I'll die" she stated.

"What a high risk move" Toma said.

"Are you sure you want to do this? there could be another way" Raza said.

"Don't worry Raza, I've made my decision and you know that it's hard to change my mind once it's made up"

"Okay, be safe little sis" Raza said.

She nodded and sprinted forward, her mission is to take out the shooter, as she ran, she activated her Iron Hand technique sending ki to her skin hardening it as she appeared to have a glow a faint glow around her body with some metallic luster on her skin as she proceeded forward. As she advanced, Harmira fired at her as she took the blast like a tank with no visible damage seen.

"Got him" she said with another shot bouncing off her shoulder.

Vegeta, Goku and Zetari all groaned as their new approach resulted in weightlifting, they carried huge rocks capable of squashing a human in one go and hurled them at Prum one after the other. Prum leaped from place to place avoiding the skull breaking rocks from killing him and that give him the time to link up with Harmira who was busy taking care of Rixxa.

Rixxa made her way forward taking on his blasts as her ki depleted quickly, she got closer and closer spotting his orange hair as he moved behind a rock.

"You're not getting away that easy as she propelled herself through the rock shocking Harmira as he got punched in the face sending him skipping along the ground right to the edge.

She walked up to him deactivating Iron Hand and stood over him with a ki blast in hand, Harmira looked up to her then looked down closing his eyes with a grunt.

"It's over" she said not noticing that he had charged up his wrist cannons.

"How sweet of you" he said shocking her not understanding what that meant until it was too late.

He blasted the ground they stood on with Rixxa wearing a face full of shock as the ground exploded and she fell, Harmira used the blast to launch himself back to the main ring when Rixxa used the rest of her energy to make two long purple whips that wrapped around his legs, and she pulled him down along with her to his dismay as he screamed going down to the abyss. The Zenos clicked on their display pictures as it went dim showing they had been eliminated, Rixxa appeared on their sitting area with Beerus, Whis and the Kai's looking at her as she frowned with discontent.

"At least we still have more than enough fighters to push through to the end" The eldest Kai spoke.

"Even though we are the universe with the least eliminations, it would have been nice to still have all our fighters out there. Next time they would notice when the enemy is charging up for an attack" he said glancing at Rixxa who got frightened by his stare then turned and looked elsewhere and pouted.

"Damn it Rixxa!" Raza yelled full of anger.

"There was nothing we could do; it was her choice to go in alone" Toma said.

"I know but still we could have done something" Raza said calming down.

"Trust me if there was something, I would have done it" Gohan said before an explosion made them turn around as Vegeta blasted Prum and Dr. Rota with his Galick Gun after they pissed him off.

"Well, I guess Vegeta got some revenge for you" Toma said.

"Yeah" Raza said.

"Where are you going from here Zetari?" Goku asked.

"Still looking for a match to be honest" Zetari answered.

"Are you serious? There are a lot of people in the ring you can go for and even score an elimination" Vegeta said angrily. "That would help increase our chances of winning and you are wasting it!" he yelled.

"I'm sorry Vegeta it won't happen again" Zetari apologized.

"Don't apologize, just get out there and find someone to eliminate" He ordered.

"On it sir" Zetari said with a nod and ran to find a fight.

With Majin-Kayo being eliminated with a punch from Jiren, Zetari ran into Borareta who wasn't giving him any breathing space. Zetari moved from side to side avoiding his eye beams coming up with a plan on how to approach him, Borareta kept on saying something that Zetari couldn't understand and him saying it almost every time he attacked was a bit annoying but much more was at stake than paying attention to his nonsense. He hopped to get away when another eye beam was sent his way, he used a beam of his own to cancel out his and landed on the apex of a large rock, his arms were sent flying his way and he hit them away before landing on the apex of a rock. Another eye blast was shot at him, and he jumped down to the base of the rock for cover as he peeped from the side planning his next move then a pink ki ball has hurled his way. He reacted quickly dispelling the attack with a slap from his left arm, he scanned around for his attacker and then he spotted Jimizu who appeared in front of him with two fingers on the middle of his head just like Goku when he was doing Instant Transmission and then Jimizu disappeared again appearing to his side and he quickly turned to face him as he continued to appear and disappear around him toying with him and then it clicked, he was using Instant Transmission just like Goku.