
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Unique and special (1)

-1 Day later, Special Class

I arrived to the classroom and satisfied with the presence of all the students I started to talk.

" Welcome students, the theme of today is titled 'What does make us unique and specials?' And before anyone ask it, no , it isn't a emotional class." I clarified

the students nodded with their heads in comprehension and I started the class.

" Does anyone knows why I selected you to be part of this class? " I asked, and they started to see each other and then Lain answered.

" Because we are talented, Or you seem some talent in us probably" He said, in a sure voice that didn't agreed with his past hesitation, it seems like he is showing his true colors now that he understood that he has no escape.

" Not exactly " I answered. " The talent is a factor, yes, but talent can be falsified and can be earned with some help." I said and the face of some students changed when I reveled the possibility of get talent from the nothing.

But I don't care of what they feel until they can grow good, even if their goal were kill me I will help them to get a power to do it, because if they have the power to try to kill me, they maybe have the power to crush some bastards of the other universes.

But returning to the theme…

" Have anyone heard of the "Unique Abilities?" I asked with an intriguing voice.


Lain Pov :

After I got captured by the monster that call himself a teacher, I got stuck in this class full with strange people that come to psychopaths to recognized genius in the whole country.

So when he asked, Why he selected us I answered that it probably was the talent.

Because, what else can be?

And then he surprised me another time asking.

" Have anyone heard about the unique abilities?"

"Yes, obviously, because I have one of them." Is wha I thought in my mind and I opened my status .

[ Lain Park ]

[ Race: Human ] [ Rank : A+]

[ MP : 9758 ]

[ STR : B+ ] [ END : C+ ] [ AGI : S ] [ INT : A ] [ WIS : S ]

[ Titles ]

[ Hero: ] [ A title awarded to some selected and talented people the effects include an increase of the potential and an easiest growth of the status, as well as ??? ]

[ Skills ]

[ Occultation ] [Lv.Max ]

[ Analysis ] [ Lv.Max ]

[ Herbalist] [ Lv. 4 ]

[ Elemental Magic ] [ Lv.6 ]

[ Spear arts ] [ Lv.7 ]

[ Shield arts ] [ Lv.8 ]

[ Support Magic ] [ Lv.3 ]

[ Close Combat ] [ Lv.5 ]

[ Innate Skill : True Sight ] [ An unique skill possessed from birth, this skill allows much more than the average person, and it's power increase proportionally with the users power ]

I was born in a rural zona out of the principal cities and refugees, so even if the most of the monsters were blocked outside the country, some of them occasionally appear in the rural zones as mine causing chaos and destruction.

So at the beginning I think it was a trash because it just allowed me to see better than my friends, seeing really far or with more detail, it was useless for battle.

But one day, a moribund goblin king appeared near to my village, I saw him and I putted him a trap, now that I remember it, I don't know what kind of suicidal intentions were in my mind that I decided to put a trap to a goblin King, even if it was moribund.

But i succeeded, the goblin king died and the experience that I earned from that was enough to increase my status and then I saw it.

A whole new world in my eyes, the colors become brighter and I could tell you how much hairs does the leg of an ant has.

But the most important change was not that, it was that I started to see the "mana " of the world, tiny colorful particles that danced wherever you can see, and the beauty was nothing compared with how useful it is.

It not just can help you to train, but to get easy money with some magic plants and selling them as "miracles of the nature".

My life plan was to graduate from the Academy to get stronger and then get a lot of money from my abilities and begin an empress or something like that.

Well now I'm trapped here with that strong monster, really.

Then I turned my sight to the teacher.

The mana fluttered around him as a an apocalyptic storm with all the colors of the existence, but even the mana got way from that dangerous eyes that seemed to hide the secrets of the cosmos.

the first time that I used the true sight on him, I thought I was in front of a supermassive black hole, a force that is so stronger that makes a lump in your throat and freeze you in your place, because you know is in front of you, but there is no escape in front of him.

But even with that, I don't feel any danger of him, so I will learn of him and if I can make some problems.

One day, I will have enough strength not just to see him to his eyes, to defy his strength and show that I'm not just an ant in front of a giant.

No, I will become a giant as big as him, and slap his face for ruin my easy life plans!

that is my new goal.

Hello readers! Sorry for take a break but I was at vacations and started a new project, is named "Rules of being a Ruler" and I like if you go and take a peek of it.

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