
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasy
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20 Chs


The lights covered the world like a spectacle, but people was less than fascinated by those lights. Because those lights remember them that the true changes were just beginning. Fortunately, the lights superseded the dangerous feelings, causing a surprisingly order even in they situation.

In a mountain in a separated space, Mathew was watching all the world like a spectator.

"Hmph, obviously I will make the lights with a calming effect, I'm trying to save the most people possible, because it will be best by that way, obviously I wouldn't permit that people begin to kill each other even before the metamorphosis start" He was thinking while he was in a a lotus position.

Around he, multiple light of a myriad of colors danced frenetically. Some of themes suddenly got fired apparently random.

" Guh, It's difficult, but I need to hold this a little more, the world needs to be in his prime to be perfect for my plans, I need to hold it a little more" He said while talking with himself.

"Right now I need to prepare to the beginning of the metamorphosis for bring the best use to all my preparations, but for that reason I need to do this the greatest metamorphosis on the history of the multiverse" He think.

Yes, even if we talk about world metamorphosis, this world is pretty unusual an I know it.

In a Multiversal scale, something like world or even universes metamorphosis are not so rare, at least they are uncommon. They are the process of a 'World' to became greater and better, In resume It's like an evolution to a superior form.

But the key word here is "Evolution", Yes , even if we called it an "metamorphosis" is more similar to an evolution in the sense that Is GRADUALLY.

Is a process of a universe going to a higher state and bringing superior energies to his worlds, but just some worlds with a great capacity or potential can receive it.

In the past, when the Akashics still were living on the multiverse and taking cares of it, the Akashics were the responsible of guarantee the greatest growing process for that universes, during the metamorphosis process they nurture them with higher energies that were the most compatible with the universe in question, helping even more while refining and adjusting the laws of the universes to be more compatible with their new energies.

All of this guarantees that the universe in question can reach his greatest potential.

Usually this process takes time and even with the Akashics helping, the universes can go through this process by their own. So energy usually leaks during the process causing that a little part of the planets or the people who live in there gain the control of this energy. But is a very little part so is considered irrelevant.

Now that the Akashics doesn't take care of the universes they need to do all by their own. If you want to compare it… The Akashics used high technology and the better medicines and doctors to guarantee a process like an advanced hospital, and the universes by their own need to believe in themselves and make it by the traditional way.

Is like compare an higher technology hospital of a galactic empire responsible of the treatment of the most important people with an rural hospital of the actual world.

Yes, the rural hospital may do the Job. But the other one can even go beyond and improve the patients live and bring it a longer life, the patient will surely be better than when he arrived.

But that is another history.

The "Thing" that is so irregular is that even when the universe has the capacity of evolution and the stronger origin and base you would ever seen, you will not find any higher energy here.

So… if there is no higher energies here, How it can be the moment before a metamorphosis?

Many existences can have this question. The answer?

Easy. I have been nurturing these universe until I learned how to do it, Is something like a innate ability for us so is almost since I born or even before.

I learned how to do it since I born by the memories of my ancestors, but I perfected it through one of the most important artifacts of my Clan.

The Akashic Records : A compilation of all the knowledge of the multiverse in just an artifact. It compiles all the knowledge of what happened, what is happening and even what could happen in a almost omniscient scale. The Akashic records are the unique ones with knowledge of all that happened from the beginning of the universe and even before.

In the Multiverse there is a myth about them that tells that the Akashic records can answer all the questions. And it isn't so far of the reality.

The processing power of the Akashic records by their own is enough to do a simulation of a whole universe ,from the most tiny particle you can think of to the biggest galaxy in existence, all from the beginning to the end so easy that makes it look as a child's play.

At its peak, the Akashic Clan use it to simulate the whole multiverse to seek for the better way to guide it.

And I used the simulation function, that was one of his powerful functions, to simulate the universe and discover the best way to nurture it and unlock all its potential. Obviously after studying the knowledgethat my race left in there.

and I discovered that the universes evolve by nurturing their core and in consequence, their origins.

The Core of a universe, the play where the Origin of The Laws is grouped together in a place. There the most of the almost unlimited energy of a universe is generated, and the base of every great universe.

The Core of a Universe is the place that determine the rank of a universe and is so complicated that we never end Its description if we talk just about it.

But the important think is what I do to the core of my universe.

I developed a method to make that my universe and my principal world go beyond the normal limits in preparation to fight through the other principal universes.

I nurture it while I sealed it, I sealed it to contain all the energies that a universe normally will release and I used them as a method to refine the universe core with his own energies, obviously I nurture if with my own energies and refine The laws to be more perfects as the master I am.

this results in a universe core so strong that even a even the leaders of the other universes will have envy and fear of it.

But even with that I maintain my seal in the universe, denying myself and the universe to release the energies contained there, these was the same I did to the core and origin of the earth, to avoid the spontaneous evolutions in there.

Then I continued with the same routine to refine the universe core in a higher state.

My objective? To refine the True Origin of the universe. As the origin of a being the universes have an origin. A Place more important than the soul.

If the soul Is the fundament of life that support every living being, the origin is the fundament of a soul and the place where the soul borns. Is the origin of the soul and the origin of your own existence. If someone erase or destroy your origin you will not survive definitely, even if you are immortal or your soul is at eternal eternal.

You will die, and in the worst cases all your existence will be erased in a manner that you have never existed.

So, do something like trying to elevate the state of the origin of a main universe is so dangerous as making juggle with hydrogen bombs without an emergency insurance on a unicycle on a tightrope on the top of an active volcano.

So… the most of the beings in the universe will never think about that idea, BUT because I'm the Best and a True genius, I will do it.

So, actually I'm doing the last effort of containing the Core to take it to a peak point until I release the seal. This will cause a chain reaction that will refine the origin of the universe into a higher state and make all the universe evolve to a higher state two.

The earth, as the main world will also be released of its seal and evolve with the universe into a higher state. And even more important, will make that I can "Instale" all the preparations I make because the universe will be almost new.

Yes! This seal will cause a second big-bang on the universe that will release the higher energies and make it evolve.

This will be like the second born of the universe! this will make that I can do some necessary changes on it and on the world. Like the installation of the continent where I am from a separate dimension to the world and some other surprises.

The unique problem is that I Need to support the seal right now because they are the last moments, but when the universe reach its peak soon I need to release it instantly or the core will break.

So… I need to contain personally the core energies and is difficult even for me. Is like trying to contain the water to flow or the stars to shine. In fact this is just possible because I am an Akashic an a special one in fact.


The Hours passed and I am really exhausted, but the moon finally reached the the top in my artificial sky.


that was the sound of the universe reaching the peak and instantly without a millionth of a second of difference release the seal.


A death silence involve the world and the universe.

even the cosmic microwave background and other cosmic sounds transformed into silence. None insect or voice can be heard.

Then the time seemed to be frozen and even the light stopped his moving. All the scene was frozen as a picture in a frame.

Then A light covered the universe crossing it an Instant, The light was faster than the light and it just can be sawed because it stayed for a while. On the light in the most white you can find any color


The people heard an explosion, but unexpectedly it stayed as just a sound. Without an expansive wave or something else.

The time passed and the sense of time disappeared, it can be an instant or a millennium. But the sun rising showed on the horizon showing that all this happened in a night.

A light rain then covered the world. A rainbow in the sky gradually fading away making the rain looks like mystical rainbow rain.

Then, for a mysterious and unknown reason, all the people begin to shed tears from their eyes. The whole humanity felt like they were a hole in their heart, as they were completely alone for the first time.

I was the same. I was shading tears from my eyes but I maintain my composure.

[ *Ding* Welcome to the system, Host]<b></b>

[ You have been recognized as the supreme ruler and the master of this universe]

[Greetings of being the master of the Ninth Main Universe ]

" Yes, I already know this show, I don't need an explanation of the system and the main universes" I said to the system.

"More important, I convoque the 57º article of the System rules"

[ 57º Article: Universe passing through a inevitable transforming processes can ask for safe time to the system, during the safe time the invasions of any type are prohibited until the universe ended his process or until the system considere it]

[ Analyzing petition… ]

[Analyzing universe…]

[ Petition approved]

[How many time do the host will need?]

"Hmm, 120 local years can be perfect " this was the time I need to recover from my continuous 'Donations' to the universe and the time that my preparations need to be installed. Also is enough time for the humanity to adapt.

[Analyzing… ]

[Petition approved, the Host's universe will receive 120 years of safe time]

"Thanks…" I said, now that the important thing have ended I finally can sleep and recover.

*Yawn* I'm gonna take a nap until the time has almost ended to recover and rest. The preparations are prepared to be installed by themselves so I don't need to supervise them.

Then my conscience gradually faded and my actual body faded two. Please don't wake me up until the preparations have ended.

Good night.