
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasy
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20 Chs


I say goodbye to that pair.

Then I stand straight and look into the sky. In the unlimited sky in my head the sun begin to hide gradually.

When the night descend to the world, I close my eyes and when I opened another time. The whole area where I am is reflected in my eyes.

I watch how the soldiers escort the last refugees into the bases down the mountains. The bases are pretty big and they are prepared to shelter that big quantities of people.

There are Ten bases, Each one prepared to give shelter to 10 million persons, but because we just can save 70 million persons the people is gonna be divided into the ten bases and the leftover areas are gonna be used as an extra storage or rooms for special persons.

That is perfect, because even if something happens to one of the bases, The others will not be affected.

Then I move my vision and effectively the persons already begin to evacuate to the "safe places" that we already named. I know that not every country is gonna suffer the same, but the most of them are gonna be completely destroyed.

Then I close my eyes and my vision returns to normally.

*Sigh* My sigh resonated in the zone where I am, I am really nervous about what is gonna begin, but even with that I'm very excited about it.

Yes, I have serious problems with my emotional stability, I know it. But I can't be more than excited about what is gonna begin.

I clarify my mind and raise my hands onto the sky, from my hands, something similar as northern lights came and faster covered the world.

The function of the lights is special, but it can resumes in one word an "announcement".

An announcement about the coming disaster.

An announcement about a big change.

An announcement about a new era.

And even more important, an announcement of the end of the beginning.

While I was thinking about the things I need to do, I suddenly get lost in my thoughts.


I am special.

This is no my egocentrism talking, I am really special. In the whole universe and beyond, you hardly will found anything as I.

I still remember the time when I was born. Yes, when I was born.

When I was born, I was very confused. The reason was because I born with self-awareness.

Imagine this: you were peacefully sleeping since ever, the unique thing that you know are you and your dreams. You are conscious about you are something "alive" but you don't know nothing but you.

Then you suddenly wake up from that beautiful dream.

Someones think that shocking things are the ones that are more forcefully impressed in our minds and I personally approve that theory and I think that is the reason because I remember clearly the scenery when I was born.

I wake up from my dream in a white pure space that seems to be make of light, It desprended a very calming and sacred feeling.

The place where I was born was the Heaven, more specifically I was born in the same place that the angels were born, the Palace of god.

But even with that calming feeling and pure sacred feelings trying to calm me. I was drowning in a desperate feeling as no other. That feeling is still carved deep into my soul.

That feeling was the loneliness, a drowning loneliness of knowing that you are alone in the world, no alone even beyond that. A desperate feeling of knowing that you are alone and you will be alone forever, the kind of feeling that you know you will never found anyone as you never.

You would think that those kind of feelings are too complicated for a baby, but not for me.

The reason? Easy

For better or worse, my race, and I specifically have an incredible perception. This perception manifest in different manners and is like some kind of feeling, a hunch or even a dream depending the occasion.

And In that time a feeling knife stabbing in my heart and twisting overwhelmed my mind, then an loneliness, a despairing feeling as no other tormented my soul and my whole existence tremble with me.

Then a wave of strangers memories assaulted my mind, these was the inherited memories of my ancestors, they contained a variety of useful knowledge of many things, then more uncountable memories assaulted my mind without mercy, there were many and variated and they didn't feel as the inherited ones.

But all of them had something in common, all the people who leave me those memories have died, All my race, that I only met by that memories was already inexistent and I was the only survivor, more than that, I was carrying with the hope and pain of a whole race from the moment I born and without no one to teach me or guide me.

In that moment, I took all my feelings and the hope of the members of my race that was the most similar to a potential family I had in that moment and I…

Cried, yes I cried. As a common baby or even some adults in desperate situations I Cried. And I cried In a way that my whole existence tremble and was crying with me. All my body and my soul and even the core and origin of my existence cried with me.

my cry shook all the heavenly realm and beyond. All seemed to be resonating with my feelings and crying with me, maybe to show compassion or maybe to show comprehension.

After all, what kind of baby? No, What kind of person or even what kind of being will not feel the same in such situation?

Perhaps some people think that I need to stop crying and take a resolution to make them sacrifices were not in vain. But what kind of person can do that in real? Maybe someone crazy or with some mental diseases, but for real what kind of mindless person can do that such of thing?

And EVEN if they were someone like that in the infinite multiverse, What were you waiting from a newborn?

Yes, obviously I, as a baby, will be such angry that I will instantaneously comprehending and organizing my memories and declaring the war to the one who did me that even before I born.

Really someone was waiting for something like that? Just REALLY?

But leaving that aside.

When I was nearly to fall into craziness, she came to me.

She was God, many people think that god is a man but that is not exactly the truth. Think about it, the word "God" is genderless, because for a being of the level of God, is irrelevant such thing as the gender.

Even for me, I am a man not just because I born like that, no, I am a man because I feel identified with the gender, so I decided to be one.

So, then she do something unexpectedly for me in that time. She hugged me.

She hugged me in silence, transmitting her feelings to me and trying to calm me, Then she said me "All is gonna be okay", She didn't said nothing trascendental, No, She was just trying to calm me. Just like a mother with her baby,

It passed a moment or maybe more until I calmed down, and then I felt as I had some kind of connection with her. I don't know what it was and when I realized, My voice unconsciously escaped from me. " Are you my mother?"

Maybe surprised or maybe no because my first words she said me " Yes, I am Your mother"

I remember when I How I felt, It was a immeasurable relief that recover my body. And then I fall asleep.

After that my life continue pretty normal. I was raised in the Heaven by my mother and the other angels.

We prepared for the inevitable and continue with a pretty comfortable lifestyle until today.

Today everything will change and I know It, but I also know that I'm gonna be the final winner.