
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Heaven’s Battle (2)

Angel POV:

It was another ideal day in the Heaven. The sacred light wrapped my body giving me a comfortable peace.

The Golden roads reflected the light when I walk through them, some persons passed by my side and greeted me to which I replied with a smile and a nod.

I was an angel from the lowest rank in the Heaven, a messenger of god whose job consists principally in trying to guide the humans on the right path and sometimes giving inspiration and help the people to get mental clarity in their worst moments.

But even if I am in the lowest hierarchy step in the Heaven, I never had received something like discrimination or abuse because that is something unacceptable in the Heaven.

Now I'm going to visit one of my former god children that achieved to reach the Heaven in his life.

Mortals actually think that all the good people reach the Heaven when they dead, but the truth is that only the truly exceptional reach it, or as the mortals said "Just the ones with a exceptional Positive Karma".

The Karma needs to be almost withe pure to enter in the Heaven but that is not something that the most of the people that didn't reach it can be just thrown into the Hell.

As just the White Pure ones can enter in the Heaven, the ones that have their souls stained black by their sins are thrown into the Hell to burn until their sins are washed away or some other punishment for the whole eternity depending of they are almost black pure.

The ones that who don't meet both criteria, those who are not White pure, but their souls are not stained in black are thrown to the reincarnation river until they reach the necessary level to reach the Heaven, or god forbid it, be thrown into Hell by all the eternity.

Oh, there is no greater pain to a angel who is serving as an guardian angel than seeing how they

The same happens to the ones who were washed in the Hell, but they can find some difficulties in their next life depending on the sin they committed.

Oh, there is no greater pain to a angel who is serving as an guardian angel than seeing how your Godsons destroy themselves no matter what you do, and more for I ,that I really love them and watch them since the moment they born to their last moments, both at their bests and their worst moments.

You really want to do all in your power to protect the happiness of those babies for all their lives and when they finally come with you at Heaven to say them: You did it, I always knew you could did it.

Ahh~ There is not a great happiness than that.

After wandering through my thoughts for a while I finally reached the House of my Godson.

After standing a second in front of the door to check my appearance, I knocked the door of the withe pure house made of something similar to marble.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*


A young man opened the door and when he saw me his face instantly turned into a smile.

"Hello Angelo! How have you been? Come in, Come in"

"My name is not Angelo Richy I already told you". I said while I entered in the house.

"And My name is not Richy, is Richard, stop treating me as a child". He said with a smile while he closed the door.

"But you know you are gonna be always the little Richy~, oh, you were so cute when you was a child and now you the only thing you do is teasing me calling me Angelo". I said with an exaggerated suffering voice.

"Come on, let's talk on the dining room, I prepared some appetizers A-N-G-E-L-O"

A vein has not appeared in my face and I was not irritated in the least while I walked towards the dining room.

I take a sit in the table that adjusted its size to be perfect to two persons.

Then we begin to talk about many things, from his born to his dead and the events in the Heaven before he came. One of my favorites games is to let him guess when I intervened or in what events I was involved.

We pass hours talking about that sort of things that can be trifles for the most of the people, but there are the littlest things the ones who can make you happier and give sense to your life.

"Oh! Do you remember you thought I was an imaginary friend when you was a child? You even call me Mr.Withe but yo you got tired of calling me Mister and then you prefer calling "Withy" , Because I was withe! That was so hilarious! And when you couldn't see me you were screaming everywhere "Withy! Withy! Were are you?", I was dying in laugh when that happened"

His face instantly Blushed when I said that.

"Y-You Damn, you promise me to not mention that anymore" He said with a face red as a tomato.

"Oh! And not make me mention your time of chunnib-"

*Boom!* *tremble* *tremble* *tremble*

I heard an explosion and then the Heaven began to tremble as an earthquake crossing through the Paradise.

Hmm? But this is the Heaven, here are ni earthquakes, and that explosion means…

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

almost like interrupting my thoughts, dark black cracks started to spread over the room. They were everywhere : In the floor, in the walls, in the ceiling, and in the table.

Wait, In the table?

I moved at an incredible speed and raised richy in my arms. Then debris began to fall from the cracking ceiling and the house began to fall on itself.

In a time that may wellbe considered a blink, I opened my wings and I use them to surround us to cover us from the collapsing house.

The House collapsed fell on me but with my wings covering us anyone suffered a real damage.

Richy moved his head towards and see me to my face.

"A-Ah I didn't know that the Heaven had earthquakes, and you?"

"No, Because the Heaven doesn't have earthquakes"

I see him seriously to his eyes and mentalized myself.

"We are under attack, and if they entered on the Heaven that means that they defeated the Guardian". The word betrayal doesn't passed through my mind in any moment while I talked with my friend.

I knew the Guardian, and he is a good person (As all of us) and he never do something to dude of him, he wasn't the most powerful, but he surely was loyal so I believe he do his best.

He nodded to me to show understanding and then I diverted my attention to the situation.

I raised my wing a little bit to let me see the situation outside, the debris lifted a bit and I put my eyes in a little crevice that let me see outside.

The scene I saw was in one word : Unbelievable

uncountable angels fell from the sky like raindrops while they tried to fight against an army of powerful beings that were varied in forms and colors, leading the army was a tanned skin big man wearing a golden armor.

His body exuded a strength out of this world and his aura made it clear to me that it was an incredible strong warrior but I couldn't measure how much it was.

Then my gaze fell on a child, or something with the appearance of a child. white skin so pale it looks sickly, In his face a pair of black eyes that do not reflect any light as all and finally, his hair, as black as his eyes, which fluttered with a nonexistent wind as the gravity and the laws of physics do not affect him.

as if he felt my gaze, the monster with the appearance of a child turned his head into my direction, at the moment in which our eyes met and he smiled me with a smile that I can only describe as drawn from the depths of hell itself, an inconceivable terror ran through my entire existence.

"Hold on tight" I said without an explanation.

maybe because of the emotion of the moment or maybe because the sense of urgency that we have in an emergency, Richy held on to me so tight I could feel his nails digging into me, but I ignored it and I continue.

I braced myself and I squeezed every drop of power inside my body, I was always prepared for an emergency and I have accumulated all the Celestial power that I hadn't used since my birth to be able to use it in case of any situation, but I never imagined that I will use it now in such situation.

in less than a fraction of a second, I felt a great power flooding every little bit of my being, an unknown sensation of power enveloped me and I felt an indescribable pleasure running through my veins.

All my being was shining with a dazzling white light.


A little explosion expelled the debris around me freeing us from the already fallen house.

I quickly regain my composure and I returned most of my power back to my body to avoid being a shining target in the middle of the battle.

once the light returned to my body, pure white flames covered my angelical being flowing like a river into a waterfall, both my halo and my wings and even my eyes expelled white flames as an erupting volcano.

in this moment and only in this moment, my power reached the same level as that of the Great Archangels or maybe even higher.

feeling how the power flood my body I held my richy in my arms and I spread my white burning wings, then, feeling how the power flooded my body…

And the next thing I knew I was high in the sky, floating over the battlefield surrounded by a cream colored sky.

Below me, the battlefield at the height of the battle with the angels losing while trying to suppress the invaders, the formerly neat Heaven now blood stained. The whole plane threatened to break due to large black cracks that exuded a dangerous and abominable aura.

in the center of the cracks was that little monster directing his gaze towards me.


a chill ran down my spine and flapped my wings and I flew in the opposite direction of that aberration of the lord with Richy in my arms.

my instincts screamed at me to flee from that abominable creature and I obeyed. I focused the most of my energy on my wings that caused them to burn with a strongest flare, I made a thin film around us with the rest of my energy to protect us and then I and I accelerated with all my might.

with the flapping of my wings the world around me blurred and I could feel the barriers of the laws being broken.

Right Now, I am the fastest angel in there is.

Both time and space folded around me while I far exceeded the speed of light. the thin film made of Celestial energy covering us from the possible consequences of doing this.

I could feel my wings tearing apart from the immense pressure of breaking the rules of the universe by twisting the laws and more apart carrying another person.

feather-shaped white flames came off my wings with each one of my flaps. where am I going? to the only place that is and will always be safe the "palace of god".

but before reaching my destination I was forced to stop suddenly.


An explosion formed behind me due to such sudden braking. In front of me, the abomination in Child's clothing was blocking my way.

"Where are you going little mousy?". He said me with such a so seemingly harmless smile but to me it seemed the smile of a demon fresh out of hell.

Why!? Why!? Why!? Why is he in front of me!? How he catch me!?

"What have you got there? oh? Is that a human?" He said pointing towards Richy.

"No… it isn't, is pretty different of the Normal humans… Does that human went through the karmic ascension? Hmm? But he is pretty weak for someone who go through the Karmic ascension, no? And it seems pretty different from that though…"

The strange being began to murmur many things that I don't understand and I took advantage to go down back to the ground.

"Hey you! Give me that thing you have in your arms! I want to know what is he and I know someone who can study it for me!"

Back to the ground I placed Richy on the Ground.

" You know that I love you And I would do anything for you, right?" I asked knowing that this is maybe the last time we see us.

"Yes…" He answered me.

"Then please Take my advice one last time, okay?"

"Please be a good person, the most probably is that I will no longer be there to help you now, remember to take care of yourself and… please live a good life"

"W-what are you saying? Everything is gonna be okay, no? As always, w-we can get over it, y-you can get over it, you always find the manner, no?"

I didn't say anything, but a sad smile ran across my lips an the answer.

"I will not abandon you!!! " He screamed with anger and fear in his voice.

"Is not a question" I said.

At the same time a bubble made of celestial energy surrounded him, then it shot in the opposite direction at a great speed moving away from me.

"How cute drama… But is better than you know that I can reach it at any time". Said the the being that dragged me into this situation.

"No if i can help it". I answered while hardened my determination one more time.

"You? You are just one more of the pile that will fall under my hands"

Ignoring the being in front of me, I prepared myself to make one last effort.

The energy boiling in my being, the world around me and the sounds of the battle gradually faded as I emptied my mind.

Then, I said the Prohibited Words.

" [Angelika Volum] "

This was a pretty long chapter but I wish It wasn't too heavy.


The disaster reaches the Heaven and the fight is still in course, what would happen next!?

Please enjoy the reading and wait for the next chapter!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!


Aclaration: The love mentioned is the kind of love between the families and brothers, is not ' that ' kind of love.

Secrets_Guardiancreators' thoughts