
Chronicles of Tarak

Suddenly the entire population of Earth is sent to a different plane of existence and has to survive in horrendous conditions. Will the citizens give into despair and fall? Will they rise and create magnificent empires? Although that has nothing to do with Diedrich, transported into this unfamiliar place his only goal is finding his siblings. Follow along the journey as Diedrich tries to find his family and the secrets of this new reality, all the while building a place to live safely. (Who knows maybe it will turn out to become an empire :)

TikiMasala · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Euterpe Precatoria

Diedrich walked to the edge of his village, followed by his little entourage of villagers wondering what he was going to do.

at the edge of the village on the opposite side of the lake, Diedrich knelt down and put his hand onto the ground as he activated the skill sapling of life.

Immediately 10 EP was taken away from him along with the feeling, similar to when he made his treants as if something important had been taken away from him and went into the sapling making him feel a connection with it.

The villagers were confused as they could see nothing of this happening and only saw Diedrich bending over to the ground staring intently at the earth.

Diedrich however knew there was something there and a few seconds later the earth began to shift as if it was being pushed up by something eventually leading to a tiny sapling growing out of it with one leaf on its stem.

The plant sprout was about 5 cm tall.

Inspecting it a description popped up.


Race: [Juvenile] Sapling of life (✩✩✩✩)

Tier: 1 (Lv:1)

Stats: Intelligence: 2, EP: 50, Constitution: 10

Affinity: Beast

Area: 0.5 square kilometer

Affect: 5% increase to all stats of Diedrich and his Plant based creations. Increases growing time of plants and Beasts [2% plants/ 1% Beasts]. Increases the amount of Beast element in the surroundings.


Diedrich was a bit confused as the skill stated that he would get a 30% increase in all stats, and plants and beasts would have a greater growing time than stated in the description, but when Diedrich noticed it said juvenile next to sapling of life it made sense.

"So it first has to grow until it becomes a fully mature sapling of life".

Through the effects of the tree Diedrich could feel himself getting slightly stronger although it was so minuscule he almost felt nothing when he looked at his status he saw that he had a [+1] next to all his stats except constitution.

His treant had not gotten any extra stats which showed that with low stats a 5% increase mattered little.

His villagers had also not gotten any extra stats as the sapling of life did not affect them, when he explained to them what the tree did they were however shocked.

The entire village was encompassed by the tree, including a large section of the jungle who also gained the benefits brought by the Sapling, it was good that there weren't any beasts around otherwise he would be automatically making them stronger which did not bode well for Diedrich or his village.

Getting rid of those distracting thoughts Diedrich focused on the future and led his villagers into the creation station to where the warrior stele was.

"Listen up, I will leave for a bit to make some weapons in preparation for this stele here that will grant you a class, even though it is meant for warriors most of the rank 1 and above people should be able to get the class, even if you are rank 0 I would still advise you to try and see if you could get the class".

As Diedrich left he could see the excitement on the villager's faces as they thought about getting skills similar to Diedrich, especially Jacob who immediately ran to put his hand on the stele.

Walking out of the village Diedrich brought his treant along so that it could carry the weapons he was going to make.

In the jungle Diedrich was first planning on finding big branches and trying to make spears out of them using his wood manipulation, however finding that the quality would be lacking he decided to cut down a tree.

Looking at the trees around them they were all very pretty thick and would take ages to cut down, however after walking for a few minutes Diedrich spotted a tree that was perfect.

The tree looked strangely like a birch tree as it was silverish in color and skinny having only a circumference of about 40 cm, the only thing that set it apart was that it was 17 meters tall and the top looked like a palm tree.

Having already created an axe out of wood along the way Diedrich walked up to the tree and swung with all his power, when the axe connected Diedrich could swear he impacted metal as Diedrich felt himself vibrate from the impact, looking at the damage he had done he found only a centimeter of the axe cut into the wood.

Surprised that even with his increase in strength he only did so little damage, he realised that this tree must be special and began hacking away at it.

After thirty minutes the tree had fallen while Diedrich was also laying on the ground heaving for air while sweating profusely, his treant also stood next to him monotonously swinging an axe into the open air, it had taken Diedrich the help of his treant and two more axes as they other ones became blunt to cut down this tree.

Cancelling the new basic command Diedrich had given the treant Diedrich walked to the fallen tree and touched it to see its description. Previously Diedrich could not see its description, so hopefully now that it had been cut down he could.

And unsurprisingly the description popped up.


Item: Euterpe Precatoria

Grade: Uncommon

Description: A tree that grows in the jungle.


"Well, that didn't tell me much", although Diedrich said that, this was his first time seeing an uncommon item and thinking of the powerful weapons he could make from the wood made him excited.

Now the only issue was how to transport it back to the village, lifting up the end of the tree Diedrich found it surprisingly light, although he still could not lift the entire tree this would make things easier.

So Diedrich again began cutting the tree, this time it didn't take as long as Diedrich did not cut at the base which was the toughest part of the tree, making it only take thirty minutes to cut the tree into 3 pieces of 4-meter wood and one that was about 5-meters.

Diedrich grabbed one of the 4 meter big pieces of wood lifted it with moderate ease and ran towards the village with the treant close behind, 5 minutes later he arrived dropped the log and repeated the process.

After 40 minutes all the pieces of wood were in the village, while the villagers having nothing to do were looking curiously inspecting the wood.

Bringing the last piece of wood to which the palm leaves were attached and seeing them all stand around in a group Diedrich asked "So how many of you got the class Nature's Spear infantry?".

It appeared the three rank 1's, got the class and Ilsa the rank 2 surprisingly did not, meaning her profession was not a warrior.

Curious about something Diedrich asked her "What was your job before the trial and all?".

To which Ilsa responded with a bit of pride " I didn't have a job, but was studying fashion design in university".

Definitely an artisan Diedrich thought.

Diedrich then asked Jacob one of the three who had gotten the new class what skills they had gotten.

Apparently, they had only gotten 2 skills named [basic spearmanship] and [nature's spear manipulation], one of them gave them basic information about how to handle a spear, although they still had to practice to execute the moves accurately.

The other skill lets them manipulate their plant based spear making it longer at the cost of their EP with a max range of 1 meter.

In Diedrich's opinion the class was quite bad especially compared to his skills, although it was better than nothing, the others also seemed to agree with his opinion.

Diedrich then gave the warriors 3 axes and told them that if they wanted a spear they would have to cut one of the 4 meter pieces of wood into three equal parts of about 130 centimeters, as that was the maximum range of his wood manipulation, he also let the treant help them by cutting one part of the wood.

even though the treant was not stronger then any of them it had the advantage of not getting tired at least from what Diedrich could tell.

Diedrich then focused on Ilsa which he assumed to be an artisan and asked her if she could make any clothes out of the palm leaves in case any of their clothes became ripped, she said it could be possible but needed some kind of thread, Diedrich then sent two of the rank zero's to accompany her, one male and one female and gave them both his goblin knives so they could cut some of the vines of the tree's that were not even 20 meters outside of the village.

For the final task he asked the last two rank zero's to help him carry water from the lake to the village the reason Diedrich accompanied them was that the lake was two kilometers away from the village and he wanted them to be safe, first however he created a few huge buckets from fallen branches.

After two hours of work it was starting to get dark however everything had been completed, one log of wood had been cut and the three warriors had gotten their spears which they were using to try out their skills.

There was water in the village even the sapling of life had been watered.

Diedrich had also created a few extra supplies such as wooden bowls, cups, cutlery, and plates.

They came in handy as Ilsa found that under the palm leaves were a bunch of berries that Diedrich had apparently missed.

The berries were round and black reminding him of acacia berries, checking their description they were named Euterpe berries and were classified as a normal item and only giving a small boost to stamina, which happily surprised Diedrich as he didn't think they would have any effects.

The berries tasted sweet and were able fill them all up while giving them some relief from the day's exhaustion, and exempting Diedrich from having to hunt.

The berries also had seeds in the middle of them which could use to plant and farm those tree's if they cleared out a large enough space in the jungle.

However that was for another day as they all went to bed knowing tomorrow would be an even busier day.