

"Christ, I hate passing out so much." I said shaking my head to wake myself up.

Picking up my phone, I checked the time only to see that not a single second had passed since the test began.

"God, I really hope to get a time dilation ability one day. My productivity would shoot up through the roof. Or I can be as lazy as I want." I said imagining the possibilities of such an ability.

"Anyways, I'm glad I passed the test. Though the fact that I'll constantly be tested by the ax is a little concerning." I said picking up the ax and giving it a twirl.

'Don't worry, you have a strong will. As long as you don't falter, it'll be next to impossible for the ax to do anything to you.' said the wolf out of nowhere in my mind.

"Whoa. You can talk in my mind? That's a little weird." I said a little freaked out at the abruptness of the voice.

"I can also manifest myself now that you have been accepted." it said before appearing before me. The wolf that appeared before me looked like a wolf straight out of fantasy. Black-purple fur with a piece of armor covering its upper body and surrounded by an aura the same color as the ax head. The wolf being so close to me, I could feel its bloodthirst.

"Hey, can you do something about that bloodthirst? It's a little uncomfortable to be around all the time." I told it before the aura disappeared.

"Much better. Wait, I haven't even asked what your name is?"

"I have no name. Or if I did, I have long forgotten it."

"Well, that's a little sad. Wait, are you a boy or a girl?"

"I am male."

"Okay, so boy names for a wolf. We could go with Fenrir, but I think that's too cliche." I said thinking out loud.

"Fenrir? Is that a common name in your world?" he asked.

"For wolves and dogs, yeah. It's a wolf born from a god and a giant that is said to devour the world eventually." I explained to him.

"Tch, I won't take up the name of a god. I've slaughtered too many gods for me to end up taking the name of one of them." he said with clear disdain for the gods.

"Okay, how about Smoke? You do look kind of smoky, and you can disappear whenever you want." I asked before noticing his tail was wagging, clearly happy with the name.

"Fine, if you wish to call me Smokey, I will accept it." he said looking away from me, unaware his tail was giving away his true thoughts.

"I said Smoke, not Smokey. Haha. Aren't you a cutie?" I said going up to pet his head.

"Tch, whatever." he said before disappearing into smoke.

"Tsundere wolf spirit, nice. Anyways, now that the ax has been taken care of, it's time to move on to the other item. 49% shares of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, I wonder how the DGC will make it legit." I said before I went to my inventory and inspected the documents.

[Shinomiya Zaibatsu Shares - 49%]

- 49% shares of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu. Includes all iron-clad legal documentation and an explanation for members' ownership of shares.

"Interesting. So, it seems like it's similar to the Background Creation, but on a much smaller scale. Well, let's see how it makes this legit." I said before accepting the shares which was followed by a stream of memories.

The memories consisted of the current head of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu abruptly falling gravely ill. In need of doctors, the Zaibatsu scoured the globe for world-renowned doctors that might be able to treat him. Even by offering ungodly amounts of money, unfortunately, all the doctors failed in their task. When the Zaibatsu was about to give up, they heard of a genius young doctor that had just received his board certification in Diagnostics at the age of 18.

So, they invited me out to try to treat the Shinomiya head. After getting a detailed history of his past few years, and running a battery of tests, I was able to figure out what was wrong with the man. It was Lupus. If he had the butterfly-shaped rash on his cheek, any doctor worth his salt would have figured it out. Thankfully, for me anyways, he didn't and thus no one was able to figure it out because Lupus symptoms can present themselves in hundreds of different ways. And it's never Lupus.

The head of the Zaibatsu, Gan'an Shinomiya, was so grateful to me for being able to diagnose him, that he offered his daughter's hand in marriage to me when she became of age. To which I quickly refused. Disappointed I would not accept his arranged marriage, he offered me shares in the company which amounted to 5%.

With that 5% in the Zaibatsu, I was able to use both savory and slightly unsavory methods, to quickly make the shares become 49%. Thus making me, one of the richest men in the world. Of course, no one but Gan'an and I knew about the ownership of the shares. And he was more than happy to let me gobble up the shares as long as I didn't try to bring the company down. Not to mention, he was getting tired of the old men who were in control of the shares I took over and hoped I would be able to bring the Zaibatsu to new heights.

"So, that's how the DGC is explaining me owning the shares. All in all, it's a pretty good explanation if a little unrealistic. I mean what kind of businessman gives up 5% of a massive company to a doctor that saved his life? Truly anime logic." I said a little in disbelief at the explanation.

"But what's even more surprising is that the company has made most if not all of its money in Japan. It hasn't even expanded overseas in any way that matters. It seems this is because the Japanese government didn't force the Zaibatsu to splinter back in the day, which allowed for the wealth to continue to be kept amongst them.

This is good, this is very good. I now have sufficient backing and startup capital to create my own company. I still need competent people to help me run things, so I'll put it on the back burner for now. Not to mention, being a doctor is my main focus right now and everything else is secondary. Anyways, I still have an ability to roll. I wonder what I'll get?" I said before going to use the Ability Token.

[Would admin like to use Random Ability/Skill/Talent Token?]



Let me know what you think about the explanation I gave. I know it's a little farfetched but I thought it was a good explanation with a little anime logic. Also a little shout out to my favorite tv doctor with that diagnosis.

Also, let me know if I show up on the monthly ranking for anyone. I checked today and I wasn't showing up in any category.

Thirty-fifth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts