
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Four: Sartann Mines

Almost a year had passed since Dayn had come to live his life as a temple acolyte, he had now undertaken full duties and frequently assisted Father Archibald with daily service, whether it was lighting candles or handling the incense. His small plot of farmland had been doing well, he had discovered they used manure for farming but only farms owned by nobles had access to a lot of it, peasant farms used old animal feces mixed with old stable straw. He had spent a lot of time wandering the hills and woods in his free time, during one of these outings he discovered a few herbs that grow wild and transplanted them into his garden.

"I had assumed you wanted the farmland to start earning some of your own coin" Sister Eve remarked "Yet you have not yet tried to sell anything," "I thought the Fields family might take offense if I started selling in the village so I had a different idea" Dayn replied.

The sister pressed Dayn further to ensure it wouldn't cause problems with the church. Dayn explained he intended to cook food for the folk that worked the mines and charge them a fair price for whatever he chose to serve.

"You know you'll just be wasting your time if no one buys it from you" she said skeptically, "The first day will be free" Dayn replied, "If I can make it well enough that they'll want to pay for it there shouldn't be a problem."

Most of the Fall produce from the previous year had gone to experimentation, Dayn had acquired an old pot he was told to throw in the midden from the church kitchens and he had been practicing making stock over a campfire. After that every time he was sent out with kitchen waste instead of tossing it in the midden he used it in various attempts at a basic stock, he finally managed to perfect a basic potato soup. He had planted the ingredients necessary for that soup at the beginning of spring and they were now ready for harvest, "Talk to Agni first" Sister Eve said with a sigh "If you can convince the dwarf you can do as you please."

After his chores the next day Dayn headed to Agni's Ironworks, the old dwarf was in charge of the mine and also took care of all the smithing work needed in town which mostly consisted of repairs to cookware and farming tools.

"What're ye doing about ere lad, this is no place fer a child" Agni said when Dayn walked into his shop, "I want your permission to sell food to your miners" Dayn asked as politely as he knew how. "Ave ye run this by that church of yers?" Agni asked "Sister Eve said it would be allowed as long as I had your permission, everything I'm using is my own so the church is uninvolved" Dayn replied.

The old dwarf stroked his beard as he thought it over, "If the lads are about it I have no objections" he said, "But ye'll have to go down into the mines yerself to get it to them" he said thinking it might sway Dayn. "Agreed" Dayn said holding out his small hand the old dwarf raised an eyebrow at the gesture before grasping his hand "Ye're a curious lad" he said approvingly. Agni pulled an old short sword and frayed leather belt from an overhead rack, "There're beasties in the mines, ye can ave this free of charge fer protection" he said handing Dayn the old weapon.

"Wait for a second Dayn" Sister Eve said seeing him return to the temple, "Father Archibald wanted to speak with you," the sister led Dayn to the priests office, "Ah Dayn, I've heard you've been busy today" he said pleasantly. "Why did you wish to see me father?" Dayn asked sheepishly "Don't worry, I'm not going to admonish you, our work is a blessing regardless of what we choose for ourselves, such is the teachings of Lord Terran." "We were blessed with your presence here exactly one year ago today, it was decided today would be your birthday in the eyes of our god."

He handed Dayn a child sized silver amulet. The amulet was emblazoned with the picture of an hourglass over a set of scales, "That is the holy symbol of our god, he is the father of time and lord of balance." "He's worshipped by few as he believes both good and evil is needed in the world for it to continue turning, I'm sure you can imagine that most priests would scoff at the idea that evil is a necessity." "As you grow older you may decide religion is not your path, should that be the case I only ask you continue to cherish this gift as a reminder of the day you came to us and were given his blessings."

Dayn thanked the father for such a precious gift, he needn't worry, Dayn would never forget Terran, the god who gave him new life when his thread was about to be cut, it was indeed harsh but so was his last existence.

Agni had given Dayn very specific instructions, you enter the mine take the path straight cross the great stone bridge in the large cavern and take a left to get to the mines, Dayn was able to follow the directions till he crossed the stone bridge. He heard someone crying, it sounded like a young girl, was it possible someone got lost on the path? he walked to the edge looking down there was a large space with some broken stalagmites. Beyond the stalagmites was a dark opening against a solid wall, the only path down to it was a narrow stone walkway, he looked down the well lit tunnel to the mines and looked back at the dark ominous entrance. Another sudden fit of crying made his mind up for him and he took the path down.

He set down the pot of potato soup he brought and headed down the path after grabbing a torch from the wall, the torchlight provided minimal illumination as he progressed into the untamed subterranean wilds. He followed the faint cries down the tunnel through the cave entrance, they led him to another cavern, the cries became muffled when he entered, he nearly stepped into an underground lake as he continued moving forward. The torch illuminated several large objects ahead of him on closer inspection they were a form of giant fungus, some manner of mushroom tree. He shined the torch around this first mushroom and found a small form hugging her knees and covering her mouth while shaking with silent sobs.

"He..Hello" he said softly, the girl looked up at him her eyes rimmed with tears. She was relieved to see Dayn "Hi" she replied meekly, "D..Do you know the way out?" she asked hopefully, Dayn had to think for a minute, he couldn't see much on the way here but he believed he could retrace his steps.

"Yes" he said confidently showing the girl a comforting smile, "Can I ask your name" he said cheerfully, "I'm Siari" she said shyly, "Well Siari, follow me I'll get you home" Dayn promised. Siari grabbed Dayn's hand as he led her back the way he came trying to act as bravely as he could manage given the situation.

He stopped suddenly, the torchlight illuminated a small form blocking the exit. It was a small lizard like creature which stood on two legs it held a cruel looking blade in one hand while its tail flicked excitedly at the thought of fresh prey.

Dayn nervously drew the small sword he had been given guiding Siari behind him as he did, he shook visibly, the creature smiled wickedly at the pathetic display of bravery, as it approached Dayn lunged at it. The monster knocked Dayn's sword from his grasp with little effort, it spoke something in a language Dayn had never heard before, he gripped the symbol given to him by Father Archibald tightly, was this it.

In his hour of need he implored Terran for help, he prayed for it, as the beasts blade was coming down he raised his free hand to shield himself from the blow. From his fingertips a bright radiant fire erupted engulfing the creature, the colour reminded him of starlight it reminded him of the colour of Terran's eyes when they first met, the creature screeched in terror as the flames tore at its flesh.

Dayn looked on in amazement as the creature continue to bat away at its body before dropping to the floor and rolling, nothing seemed to extinguish the light. Siari peeked from behind Dayn and her eyes lit up in amazement, when the flames finally died out all that was left of the beast was a scorched, blackened corpse, the smell was unbearable.

The light of torches quickly approaching broke Dayn out of his stupor, the men from the mines had heard the screeches of the dying kobold, they burst into the cavern to see Dayn still clutching his symbol Siari well protected behind him. Dayn's torch lay by his feet still lit his sword across the cavern and the corpse lay a few feet from him, the adults tried to question him but Dayn didn't know what to tell them. Dayn himself didn't know what happened, had Terran answered his prayer and sent a holy fire to burn the monster or did he do that himself?, did it come from his fingertips or did he imagine that? The miners assumed he must be in shock and they took him and the girl back to the temple.